Punk_I_Love_New_YorkOur legal correspondent, Zimmerle, is on the ball again. He's kind of like Dr Sanjay Gupta, the way he juggles his fast-paced professional life with his new status as The Blogspot reporter.
Anyways, he has dropped a large hint that Harvard Law Graduate and star of 'I Love New York 2', Punk may have been fired from 'Sidley Austin LLP'

It appears an email has been circulated among staff which states inter alia (didn't think I knew legalese, did you?), that he has left to pursue 'other opportunities'.

Our legal mind, who's more than familiar with such language, put it in layman's terms for us...
I'll put it bluntly - they fired him for being on the damned show. Now, as I read their website, I can see why their "broad range of services to meet the needs of large businesses, small businesses, governments and individuals across a multitude of industry groups" doesn't need a Vh1 reality TV star to "provide integrated services along the following broad practice areas," but it couldn't hurt, could it?
Readers, what do you think?
Credit: Zimmer


  1. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 11:30 AM  

    It took me ten times to try and read this post... my eyes kept sweeping towards Punks' picture... Oh and FIRST!

  2. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 11:31 AM  

    ANYWAYZ, I've been hearing some crazy things too. Is Khicago REALLY going to write for the blogspot? Because if HE'S in, I am Oh so out.

  3. FOL // 17/10/07 11:35 AM  

    send your resignation email to steupz@gmail.com

    Do you even know Khicago?

  4. PaleBlackSheep // 17/10/07 11:48 AM  

    IRRE!!!! I missed you! How is everything going?

  5. The Q © 2010 // 17/10/07 12:20 PM  

    ***waves to IRRE***

    Where the heck is Jane?

  6. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 12:22 PM  

    But didn’t Pumpkin loose her temporary teaching job for appearing on FOL1?

    Punk should have weighed the pros and cons. Putting the firm in disrepute is not a good thing. LOL

  7. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 12:35 PM  

    I don't have to send you a G D thing. Anywayz, yes, I unfortunately DO know Khicago. Me and him had a little "rendezvous" (and by rendezvous I mean I shut his bitch ass down) a while back. He is, in essence, a not so fabulous not so cute and not so entertaining ME. And I don't think the blogspot or the internet as a whole can handle two of me. So scrap his cheap ass. He's like the human equivalent of knock~off Chanel. And nobody likes that....

    WAIT Steups are you saying i'm FIRED? (LMAO as IF)

  8. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 12:35 PM  

    And is he a part of the staff or NOT?

  9. The Q © 2010 // 17/10/07 12:36 PM  

    Steups you have e-mail.

  10. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 12:41 PM  

    LOL @ Irre you are so modest!!!!

  11. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 12:42 PM  

    Hey Q and Irre (waves)

  12. The Q © 2010 // 17/10/07 12:44 PM  

    Hello E.

    Where's Jane?

    Where's Revenge? (IRRE not 1 word! Not 1, please!!!)

  13. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 12:53 PM  

    Well Q you know that I am never in the 'know' about anything so I cant help you there. LOL

    I miss TX and Dana : (

  14. FOL // 17/10/07 12:56 PM  

    I know y'all may have seen this, but those dummies at MediaTakeOut have an article suggesting New York is addicted to cocaine

  15. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 1:01 PM  

    Nope as usual I never see anything. Someone told me that I live in a bubble and I am begining to believe. Whatever......

  16. Anonymous // 17/10/07 1:02 PM  

    I talked to punk and he said that he is opening his own private practice so I don't think he's really dwelling on being fired.

  17. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 1:05 PM  

    Private practice is the best way to go

  18. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 1:06 PM  

    If I did not have all my responsibilities and did not have a parrot on a stick I would have taken the risk and temporary suffering and go private

  19. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 1:12 PM  

    Not one word? Quanda what does that mean? LOL I'm so confused...

  20. Anonymous // 17/10/07 1:15 PM  

    I think it would be cute to have Irre and khicago to work together on the blog. It would be like Steup and Q on the radio show where as Irre and Khicago will be in the box with the daily drama to keep everyone coming back for the blog soap opera.

  21. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 1:31 PM  

    Au Contrare, anon. I'm not quite so naive as I once was. If I'm gonna be creating drama (that I won't directly benefit from) I sure as hell be getting paid for it. So nix that idea. Besides it would'nt be so much a seap opera as a tragedy for the poor khicago kid. I mean it's like this. Boy meets Irre. Iree hates boy. Boy hates iree so boy says something foul to irre. Irre slays boy and hurts his feelings. It would get hella dull after a while, I assure you...

  22. Anonymous // 17/10/07 1:33 PM  

    It sound like love. Maybe you and Khicago can hook up. There's no point in hating each other. Love and share the love.

  23. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 1:43 PM  

    How can I love who I do not KNOW? (And who cannot afford Versace?) If I'm gonna have a boyfriend, I'm gonna require a lot from said boyfriend. Hell, though love is a simple four letter word, so is CASH and GOLD. So I'm gonna need plenty of all three. Hell, my theory is, Why settle for anything when you can have EVERYTHING??

  24. The Q © 2010 // 17/10/07 1:51 PM  

    Nevermind IRRE...LMAO!

    Steups I need your help. I want to punch my monitor.

    *smh @ Media Take Out

  25. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 1:54 PM  

    Hey Irre I really need you to do something for me (PLEEEEEEEEEASE)

  26. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 1:55 PM  

    Oh are you covering the media takeout story? Dammit all to hell. I was SO on it. But you'll do it more justice, Quanda.

  27. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 1:55 PM  

    Sure E, anything for you? What's up?

  28. The Q © 2010 // 17/10/07 1:58 PM  

    No IRRE I am not covering that B.S. story.

    Not I!!!

  29. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 2:03 PM  

    I am thinking about dissing someone and I know you have the gift of gap so can you help me out?

    I want to emasculate him!!!!!

  30. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 2:06 PM  

    Yeah its that bad he brought out the worst in me and before I ... hmmmmmmm

  31. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 2:09 PM  

    Then again I should know better....ent?

  32. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 2:11 PM  

    Emasculating is what I do BEST darling. Give me dirt on him and I'll tell you what to say. Oh and b/t/w, I checked out Dlisted and there is NOTHING about NY on there...

  33. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 2:20 PM  

    I'm on it!!! Expect mail in about 5mins

  34. Anonymous // 17/10/07 3:09 PM  


    Missed you, My Gay!

    Just FYI People: Punk DID NOT get fired. He was planning on taking a leave WELL before the show began airing. We spoke about it prior to the show even airing. Its been addressd for those who cared... Smooches

  35. Anonymous // 17/10/07 5:32 PM  

    This dude looks fucking weird... I would do more than fire him, I would do something to that god awful hair, work on his fashion, and then take him off muscle boosters... Lol... For real though, Punk is just plain UGLY!!!

  36. Wumpus // 17/10/07 7:55 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  37. Wumpus // 17/10/07 7:55 PM  

    I would have fired his ass too for going on his show. Assuming he is a lawyer that would interact with powerful/wealthy clientele...or even go in front of a judge; who wants some reality TV goof representing them...he can always get a job in nYC and do personal injury cases.

  38. Anonymous // 25/10/07 12:47 AM  

    From what I have heard, Sidley Austin systematically fired the young, black, male attorneys at their firm because they only knew that someone from their firm was to be on the show. If you look into it, you will see that more than one black attorney has left recently...and I'm sure they offered a package that hinged on their receipt of an email from these individuals claiming to be leaving the firm on their own will...

  39. Anonymous // 30/10/07 11:57 PM  

    Whoever is claiming to speak for Punk by saying that he's not "dwelling on being fired" b/c he's opening his own firm needs to get a clue. NOBODY leaves a firm like Sidley to go solo. For those of you non-lawyers out there, let me make it plain. They pay their 1st year attorneys $160,000.00 Yes, that's right 160K!!! And then there's the $35K standard bonus. So to say he's going to leave that to do what - hang a shingle next to the Court - is naive at best.

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