I_Love_New_York's_It_godmother_Anna_Maria_Horsford Many of you have seen Episode 2 of 'I Love New York 2'. Last night's episode was crazy bananas. I haven't laughed that hard since I talked on the phone with IT. From the rejected-regifted Dolce & Gabbana jacket to discovering Tailor Made is married; 'Flowers from Fisburne' was a great episode. I won't rehash last night's episode because Groovy delivered another one of her awesome recaps. I know those who are overseas or victims of dial up, appreciate the recaps to keep you in the know.


Well I've been sitting on this information for awhile. I think now is the perfect time to share it with y'all. Lawrence Fisburne's name came up in last night's episode. (Lawd I need to stop laughing!!!) Allegedly he found out the 'secret' location of the 'I Love New York 2' mansion to send roses to New York for his son. *falls out of chair

2 minutes later....

Internationally acclaimed actors must gravitate to IT a.k.a. Kwame. I am not sure if it's truly due to blood relations. However, it seems he has a famous Godmother. I first became a fan of her's thanks to the series 'Amen'. Thelma was funny as all heck. Fast forward... I've also seen her in 'Dear God', 'Grey's Anatomy' & one of my all-time favorite movies 'Friday'. (Ice Cube is so sexy.) Yes folks, Anna Maria Horsford is allegedly IT's Godmother.


To read IT's five top songs to get nasty to CLICK HERE, if you dare. 18 years old or up ...THANKS.
A fairy Godmother Qmoment!


  1. Anonymous // 16/10/07 7:41 PM  

    YES! FIRST SNITCHES!!!!!!!!!

    Hilarious! *Flashing back to convo with IT the other night*


    DAMMIT! Now I have to go change my Depends!

  2. Anonymous // 16/10/07 7:54 PM  

    Oh, okay. I know she comes here a lot.

    sorry for da dis respect.

  3. Anonymous // 16/10/07 7:56 PM  

    wow, comments appear to just be disappearing into thin air

  4. FOL // 16/10/07 8:04 PM  

    what comments?

  5. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 16/10/07 9:26 PM  

    damn howd yall find dat out hop yall dont find out who my famous dad is lol oops~~~mr.new york

  6. lareigna // 16/10/07 9:42 PM  

    I must have missed that shit. Is it me or was "IT" high or something? Dude could barely put a sentence together.

  7. Wumpus // 16/10/07 9:51 PM  

    she must be so proud. Q, please explain the smart in his own way comment. You seem to know someting, so let on. Is this an act by It? Can he really be articulate when he want sto be? I always say there is not much difference between acting stupid and being stupid.

    If he keeps playing NY, he may be my favorite of all time...except whoever smacks Chance...and Midget Mac's ignorant ass. He wil killl for NY you know.

  8. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 16/10/07 9:52 PM  

    steups imma whoop yo ass why i go to the falculty list and go to mr.new york and it say new york-the male version lmao lololol~~~mr.new york

  9. FOL // 16/10/07 10:10 PM  

    DEADDDDDD, I forgot I wrote that...

  10. Webmaster // 16/10/07 10:30 PM  

    i hate IT and I hate tailor made

  11. The Q © 2010 // 16/10/07 10:45 PM  

    Wow Aurelius!

  12. Beebs // 17/10/07 7:39 AM  

    "It" is the shit!!!! Of course it's an act kinda like the dumb blonde thing. Jim Carey gets paid very well to act dumb and he's not half as attractive or appealing as "it"

  13. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 8:33 AM  

    Morning all. Ok I hate to admit this but....... It was actually cutish when he was younger (yuck) there I've said it, smh

  14. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 8:37 AM  

    Is it just here or is yahoo mail giving trouble? I cant get on at all

  15. FOL // 17/10/07 10:49 AM  

    what is Yahoo mail? tumbleweed blows by as the wind howls

  16. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 17/10/07 11:02 AM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  17. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 17/10/07 11:03 AM  

    Everyone is cute prior to thick stinking layers of mucus taking up permanent residence on their tongue. It is vile.

  18. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 11:04 AM  

    OMG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! My babii! Oh I love this kid, with his crazy ass.

  19. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 17/10/07 11:10 AM  

    Irre! Hey!

    Please don't tell me you "love" him in that way. Please, God, no.
    There are far better (and cleaner) men on that show to like...

    PS-Did you get on that bus?

  20. FOL // 17/10/07 11:15 AM  

    New post and don't forget to vote in the poll, you have multiple votes

  21. Wumpus // 17/10/07 7:57 PM  

    so he likes the perv and the perves late victim.

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