Mediatakeout sinks to a new low with an article based on the suggestion by an "insider" that New York is possibly addicted to cocaine (total nonsense) has full pictorial coverage of Neyo's birthday party. Among the invited guests were Deelishis (Flavor of Love 2) and Shay Johnson (FOL2, Charm School)

Dr.Hottie has Bonez (ILNY 1) weekly recap of 'I Love New York 2'


  1. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 1:21 PM  


  2. FOL // 17/10/07 1:24 PM  

    Nooooo, not the spilt! Lmsao

  3. The Q © 2010 // 17/10/07 1:25 PM  

    *smh @ E.

  4. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 1:34 PM  

    So what's wrong with my splits guys?

  5. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 1:36 PM  

    You know how long I have not been first in something? Huh!!!

    Although I was first at pissing off my so called friend of 20yrs because I caught him lieing and he was the first to cuss me out for exposing him, LOL and then I was the first to THANK GOD that farse of a friendship is finally over!!!!

  6. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 1:41 PM  

    Where is Irre? I need to ask him a big favour.

  7. FOL // 17/10/07 2:02 PM  

    you were the first person to make me...never mind.

  8. Anonymous // 17/10/07 2:05 PM  

    Brina, can you read this?

    i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
    uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
    phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,
    aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
    Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht
    oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny
    iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat
    ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can
    be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it
    whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the
    huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter
    by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
    Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas
    tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if
    you can raed tihs forwrad it.

    I BET NOT!!!!


  9. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 2:07 PM  

    LOL @ Steups.

    Steups, I am starting to have evil thoughts, I know I should not but.... I am fed up of people thinking they can say what they want to me because I am trying to be a 'good girl'

  10. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 2:08 PM  

    Then again..... I should know better...right?

  11. Anonymous // 17/10/07 2:25 PM  

    What's going, no more Irre!!! You know your the only one here us anon's like!

  12. Anonymous // 17/10/07 2:27 PM  

    thats not true, i like everyone :).. steups what do u look like?

  13. queenbrina233 // 17/10/07 2:37 PM  

    q knows that she does not want to battle wit me

  14. Anonymous // 17/10/07 2:41 PM  

    I'm still in awe of Episode 2

    Its only the second episode and things are already getting out of hand,

    I'm almost scared to watch the rest of the season

  15. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 2:46 PM  

    To Electra:

    Oh my GOODNESS girl I'm glad you left his psychopathic, pathetic, lonely ass no friend having cheap cologne wearing ciggarette scented azz alone hungover pushover ass alone! He is SUCH a lame, but I've dealt with his kind before. You don't have to hack or emasculate him @ all. Just "ig" his ass, and that will hurt him more than anything you could ever do out of revenge. Because if it appears to him that you don't care (even if you really do) then it will drive him absolutely banannas. But once you lash out, he will know that he gets to you and that he has a hold on your emotions. Call him and tell him that you forgive him of all that he's done, and that you're free of him. And then hang up. He'll immediately call you right back. Don't answer. Never answer again. As he has no friends, he'll be left alone with his thoughts, and he'll just.... ROT for the rest of his life. (LOL)

  16. Anonymous // 17/10/07 2:47 PM  

    Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo @Brina.

    Brina wants Q.

  17. Webmaster // 17/10/07 2:48 PM  

    I love the sarcasm about NY steups, that was sarcasm right?

  18. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 2:51 PM  

    LOL @ Irre thanks I will : )

  19. PaleBlackSheep // 17/10/07 2:55 PM  

    Hello everyone...

    It is evident that Bonez has not read a recap here at the blogspot, if he did, he would not have called that what he wrote a recap at all! LOL

  20. PaleBlackSheep // 17/10/07 2:55 PM  

    Hello everyone...

    It is evident that Bonez has not read a recap here at the blogspot, if he did, he would not have called that what he wrote a recap at all! LOL

  21. Electra (trinidad) // 17/10/07 3:00 PM  

    Bye Guys I got to run!!!!

  22. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 17/10/07 3:03 PM  

    Dayum Irre. The "I forgive you" and then hanging up is real ill.
    Your post is 100% right.

    On that note, I have a very short phone call to make...

  23. Anonymous // 17/10/07 3:03 PM  

    Good Day All!!!

    That Bonez "recap" was WACK! It was more of an editorial review then a recap, but I digress.

    Hows everyone today?

  24. Anonymous // 17/10/07 3:11 PM  

    You guys are missing out on something. How did Taylormade know where to get the flower deliver too ?

  25. Anonymous // 17/10/07 3:13 PM  

    I dont know what I can and cant say so Ill just answer the question by saying this, Anon: It is very possible to have things delivered to the house when it is pertaining to the show. If punk ass Tailor Made wanted to deliver flowers, all he had to do was clear it with production.

  26. ~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ // 17/10/07 3:16 PM  


  27. Anonymous // 17/10/07 5:53 PM  

    Buckey looks Great! Shay looks like she lost weight and now her heads too big, kinds like the look Trina's sporting, what happened to her body, bye bye! Deelishus, what can I say, hot mess, she looks like someone's mama, that do ages her, and what's up with her legs, they look extremely outta shape like she has no business showing them, unless it was the lighting???

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