(let me take you back)
Trends, a contestant on 'I love New York' had a contest on his MySpace a while back to reward a lady of his choosing with a date.
Regardless of your opinions on that scenario, many women responded (I gather) and we have a winner.
Her name is Katie Norris and she won because, "she knew all the lyrics to most of my songs and recited them on her submission tape. I also like her music..."
You can "like her music" too if you go to her music page.
She has beautiful eyes but I'd have used eye-shadow to make them more distinct.
Is that gay? (whateva)
Here's a picture of Trends I like for some reason*

*some reason = kissing the breasts of a woman with another girl looking on
Steups. Get some HELP!!! ASAP!!!
Yay for Electra.
Steups I was going to grab those but his page hurts my eyes.
Tx, I got some coffee and B12 pills for caffeine and engery.
Steups: Correction: That appears to be a lick lol
Hey that lick probably turn Steups on. LOL.
Shawn I think its Disgusting!!! Really I do.
E: It is....I'm thinking...'I may have won the contest, but WHY is he licking on me as if I"M the freaking prize'?
Do i LOOK like a lollipop to you?
I need to arrange a date this weekend.
If anyone loves comedy"wild Hogs" is good.
The movie 300 made the number 1 movies this weekend.
Its disrespectful too. I dont understand women sometimes. I just dont.
what's disrespectful?
And y'all weren't supposed to be able to comment but I forgot...
I still have two articles I think, maybe one...and Shawn has one more too...
Off for a bit
OK I'm not really sure what's disgusting? Is it the pic or the comment I just made about steups?
TX she does not even look like the winner of the contest. Some people have no respect for boundaries.
Nah Shawn it has nothing to do with your comment. Its the pic. At least for me its disgusting. I know everyone has their own views on things.
Shawn: Isn't that the movie with Martin Lawrence, John Travolta, and two more white guys whose names I can't remember at this moment? lol
E: Just b/c you were on ILNY for like 3 episodes {or less, can't remember}, I"m gonna let you lick my BOOB?! LOL
Go for it till nap time. Right looking for the robinson family. Now she want a dinosaur. Yeah right.
She's not the winner, Shawty.
Unless she put on a few pounds since the first picture
Trendz seems cool {i've talked to him b4}, but I ain't feeling this picture...but my opinion doesn't matter...soooo, I shall digress {opens coat and begins to eat a Snicker lol}
TX, different strokes for different folks. LOL
Not me though. That is too much for me.
Yes TX,
That movie was so funny. For those that's into Comic Books, the movie ghostride is good too.
Steups: I THOUGHT she looked different...ok...well maybe Trendz knows the girl he's licking lol
I am very very disappointed in trendz
TX how many things u got in that coat? What kind of coat is that anywayz?LOL
E: Everything possible...Try me lol
Shawn: I wanted to see that movie, it's good to know that it was a good movie....'Ghostrider' is the one with Nicholas Cage and Eva Mendez right? I want to see that as well
Ghost Rider was good. My hubby is a big Comic Fan he has tons of Comics from childhood.
I remember when I was very young there was a show called Ghost Writer. I guess that's where they got the idea from the Ghost Rider comic.
E: Are you talkin about the show where all of the letters would appear different places and they'd be clues to different mysteries...lol
Yes TX that's d one. :)
One of the actors appeared in a TV or reality show or something recently and said he was gay.
Hey! I was just wondering....
The spin off is already in the works
from IMDB
Its Called
New York, I Love You (2008)
More information for this In Development project is only available on IMDbPro
The feminist is me was about to explode but I tamed her. LMAO.
Jane: OMG...she's got another show coming out? NY???? In love my PA-TOOTY! lol
Anyways I was wondering...
{pulls wooden chair and whip out}
Feminist Quanda: Down FQ, DOWN! lol
Damn Jane,
You moved to fast. LOL.
Jane, Electra and Jane, do you ladies have a mic?
Would ladies love to join us at the roundtable of your thoughts and opinions of the show?
E, check your mail. Don't faint
Ok...I was wondering...since Trendz is licking on Miss Ma'am's mammary glands and things...do you think the dried up salive will smell seeing as NY said Trendz breath stank?
Sorry Shawn, I dont have a mic.
Correction: Trendz' SALIVA
I am so surprised that they are already working on another show
*falls to the floor in laughter
Someone get Tx a mic ....she is a fool!!!
...just saying...just wondering...just a thought {rest hands on knee, and rests chin on fist as I watch Quanda fall to the floor lol}
And I know why Steups posted that picture!
How long will you keep taking digs at her?
Dana and Q, I have a surprise for you ladies I hate to wait till nap time. Right now making a dinosaur and trying to get it to move with the voice.
That's cool. There is another way but I have to talk to steups about it since I know you are comfortable with him.
Ok let me rephrase people as a friend.
Tx that is sooooooooooo gross
Hey Dana...it may be gross, but....SPIT happens
You know that pic don't bother me.
Wait a min is it something I'm missing on this.
Maybe I'm lost.
I'm just wondering what he going to do with all the homemade porn videos he got.
If he goes tonight, I hope she does not try and diss him when he's leaving
who's the perfectionist deleting her comments?
If she does ....oh well! He has a Gianto watch, LMAO.
Jane and Quanda: If he goes tonight, I don't think NY will diss him...if you notice as the eliminations go by she gets softer as she gets more attached...and EVEN with her over-hearing 12-pack saying he's gonna be big...she still didn't diss him...when we all know GOOD & WELL she doesn't give a FLYING....who she disses...I think she will be genuinely sad..."I love you baby" is what she's gonna say lol...like she did to Rico, and WB is gonna be like "I'm chillin...shout-outs to Quanda and Jane" lol
y'all must be talking about someone else and using my name as a (forgets the word)
Nahhh, there is a better word.
This the LA Stallionaires.
Oh Yeah.
Hey Dana I sent u something to cheer u up!! Enjoy.
Jane........I asked you to email me, please.
Oh frig man, why do I have to beg for an email (speaking like Meale)
When did you ask me to e-mail you?
Shawn: Girl I used to quote Chance all the time, I need to go back to that lol
"Don't NOBODY blow smoke in Famous face..."
{about Mr. Boston} "Boy, that was the first sign of DEAF..." lol
He is confusing us Jane.
I am going to type up an interview something today (hopefully) and allow Steups to send it for a certain entity's approval.
that brother trendz need to lend me some of them white women lmao!!......sup, everybody, steups
Hello Shaka, how are you today?
Y'all are going to trip on Chance's comments in this next article...do you want a sneak peek?
I need help with this article...any volunteers?
How are you going to get in a accident with a cadiallac.
the wind is going to the east.
Thank you very much.
Do what you do as you in the showder
No he going to wack it
Oh yeah.
THank you very much.
hi, Q , that interview with Ny sounds kinda shadey
AHHH!!!!!!! I should of married a rich old man.
Sup Shak...
Nick: I deleted a comment. What are you gonna do about it????? Lol.
Shawn: "I want my surprise!!!" *Full on toddler temper tantrum*
E: Minimally cheered. Don't worry I am staying quiet and not saying anything over. I think it's hormones and it will pass.
any spoilers ????......quickly i have to go, later, peeps!!
I think so too Dana if not just Pray, Pray like your life depends on it.lol
Dana i have lost all the Board Mins what am I going to do now? D tape did not tape it and I dont have enough info on paper. Lord have mercy on me. (holds head)
See if I had only married that rich old man who was interested in me instead of going for love I would not be in this predicament right about now.
Hey Shakazp!
Did I not just ask for help?
I mean wtf?
Is there a conspiracy here? Where is the grassy knoll so I can avoid it
I will help you. What is it that you need me to do.
*rolls eyes
I love my kids ...the our saying my motto
'Sharing is caring and caring is love'
Quanda: Cuuuute..
Ok I'm lost again.
What in the world is going on?
Steups, I need more clues to that articles. I'm looking so if you can email me something I will help you on this.
Ok going back to my corner.
I need 4 pictures...one of each remaining guy but the have to be BIG not like what Quanda would prefer.
You know she likes it small.....lmao
Meale is helping me out but extra help wouldn't hurt.
I'll email you what I got, Shawn.
Okay I can get some from the episodes ...speak now or forever hold your peace.
HaHaHaHa @ your small joke
E - OMG. And I was stressing you with trivialities!!!! I'm so sorry.
Well you were there - so you can make it up
Or ...
Check and see if Tx just happens to have a USB key with the perfect, typed up minutes on it in her coat
the answers from new yorks interview makes me believe that whoever she picked from i love new york is temporary and if she is having booty calls she cant be that in love i hope she didn't dog tango..not that it matters i'm only 3 hours away from making him feel better =o)
Yes it does Lady TY and LOL@ your 3 hours away.
Damn that was fast. That thread is already in the search engines.
Damn googles.
The answers to NY's interview make me think the interview was faked or that she had time to prepare or that it was one of those written things that someone on her staff filled out for her.
Dana: Maybe, just maybe I do {searches through coat}....maybe NOT...I only have defective copies...not perfect lol
Lady Ty: Jane just revealed that on IMBD, they are coming with another ILNY but instead, it's New York, I Love You...(2008)...so much for looking for love...
I JUST watched that Paul Wall video with Deelishis in it...Paul Wall's video girl is horrible lol she just stands there and rocks...I ain't with the video girl stuff, but if imma be one...I'mma be a D*&^ GOOD one...lol
Maybe the New York, I love You series, is just a spin-off with the winner...??
I agree w/ you Tx on the video girl bit.
Jane- if she has another reality show that would mean she lied on all the other interviews talking about she is truly in love and he may be the one and yada yada. Then again she could just be doing it to not spoil the ending and of course the re-uninon show.
I checked that on IMDB.com but you have to have pro to see it.
Lady Ty - Flav lied too. He "found love" with Deelishis. It's TV, they all lie
Shawty and Lady ty
I think the new show will will be about new york and the winner kinda like strange love with flav and bridget
Actually Jane she didn't lied.
She mention if VH1 ask her she would ask her new mate.
Hold on going to get steups to post it.
Jane: Ok..good that's what I was thinking...maybe all this LOVE stuff she's spouting in interviews and on the radio is to help build up the NY, I love you show...ok...but then we would have to think of the most entertaining match...and as obvious as it is, CHANCE is the most entertaining to watch on tv...
now txshawty that spin off show is going to suck now i can see if it was flav and new york show but this no it's not going to work at all
I think it would work with NY and Chance. Now that would be some Strange Love. Could you imagine the shenanigans????
r: yea I feel you...flavor flav and NY are entertaining seperately, but they would be even more interesting together...
Dana: I could picture them fools slappin each other back and forth and gettin all HOT about it and making out...tag-team CUSSIN ppl out...and then gettin all HOT about it and making out again...{rolls eyes lol}
Tx: Oh yeah. That was the version I was seeing in my head as well
Hey Mr. NY
Dana: Just a SLAP & SLURP fest the WHOLE show lol
txshawty flav and new york would have kill my fair brady show but like you said flav and new york are entertaining and funny but the guys on her show suck
I didn't really like My Fair Brady. Was that popular????
I never saw My Fair Brady, so I wouldn't know...I just know that the Peter Brady and the first America's Next Top Model, Adrien girl was on there...
Some of y'all are having incomprehensible conversations, lol.
As if it's in code...
I did however understand perfectly the person who wrote "Steups I think you're the sexiest man in the world"
Nobody wrote that
But I'll write it now for you
Steups I think you're the sexiest man in the world
Oh yeah, see the 106th comment at 4:53.
Steups: I don't speak bull...so I really don't recognize the sentence you have bolded...I apologize
and the 108th :P
steups who the sexiest man in the world i know it's not you
*vomits perfusely
Do I vomit 'WHITE' Steups?
Dana: Why?????????? Oh why feed his ego? Don't you see it's already obese?! You're just as bad as those mothers on the 'Maury' show who continuously feed their babies right into CARDIAC ARREST
When is the new post going to be up?
{dives with bucket in hand towards Quanda} I got cha...ya gotta warn ppl lol
Oh come on Q. You didn't vomit this morning when I said I was listening to his voice over and over...
quanda me two i'm vomits perfusely
ok guys i'm out for now going home see you on later after the show...still thinking of your voive steups
Dana: You're right, but someone (lady ty) later complimented Steups on his voice and although it was hard for her to admit, Quanda agreed and later vomited...lol
bye Lady TY....
I did but I tried to spare you all.
Enough is enough ...DANA!
Steups do not go into the control panel ...I am adding your pictures (not small).
Bye Lady Ty
Q: Steups told me this morning that he intends to divorce me on Friday so enjoy the niceness while it lasts...Because I intend to be an evil bitch the instant he begins the proceedings
Dana: He's gonna divorce you?! After all these yea...i mean DAYS?! Why?!
Tx; I have no idea. Maybe he will address it in this forum. I opened my e-mail and saw this -
Well, it's a big week for you, and for me. I am slowly draining you from my system
And that was it Tx. My heart shattered into a million pieces...Do you have a handkerchief in that jacket?
Mr. NY: Steups ain't pimpin a DANG THANG over in this {draws a box around herself} area! lol I dont' GET pimped I DO the pimp...check out my PEEEEEE-YUMP pic on my myspace lol
Dana: yes I got a hanky and some super glu for that million pieces your heart broke into...
Yeah Mr. New York. He is a pimp. I thought I was different *sniff sniff*. I thought I was the one. But I was just one of many ...
I should write for a soap opera
lmao @ Shawty (after all these days)
I'm sure you do, Q. (vomit white)
Shawn, yes; it was good for me too.
Mr NY..are you ready for battle today?
r? r?....r?
How should a man react when his wife says, "I am going to be unfaithful on the weekend"
Should she be pardoned for giving a heads-up? (pardon any pun)
Tx: Do you see how he's completely disregarding me????
*rushes off to walk along the cliffs and cry*
I think I should be hearing a song in my head as well but I am not sure which one. I may need to get a co-writer
Mr. NY: It's ok babe, just as looong as you know lol p.s. I ain't a pimp...i just play one on tv lol
Steups: LMBO {laughing my BOOTY off lol} @ the 'heads-up' comment...
I'm sorry Dana but that ish right there? that was funny lol
to battle with those people who come at you regardless of who's eliminated tonight.
All of these guys have their supporters
Mr. NY: I'm sorry I haven't been on myspace in about a week or so...but don't worry boo, I got cha..
...save for Chance?
Who da hell likes Chance?
Shawty, ask her who said that?
My reaction was "......., uh?"
with a suitably dumbstruck expression
Dana, give an opinion on the afore-described scenario, please.
Dana: Who said that?
and Dana...don't be walkin by no cliffs on account of steups...black ppl don't jump...at least off of cliffs lol
I just realised we have no "anonymous" comments.
And I realise I am no longer typing in American.
How should a man react when his wife says, "I am going to be unfaithful on the weekend"
He should respond. "May I be present, if only to watch???"
Yesterday I noticed Dana had adopted American spelling as well...I recall her substituting "s" for "z" on many occasions.
He should respond. "May I be present, if only to watch???"
And you were taught at a Convent? (smh)
I noticed that too, Mr New York, when I was noticing stuff.
Steups and Dana: What kinda freaky swinging marriage Y'ALL got going on here? Oh LAWD JESUS.....
Y'all call me a "30 minute man" but Quanda has been in my control-panel for what seems like forever and I am still coherent.
Quanda are you done?
I need my control panel to effect other basic functions
LOL @ Steups...boy you're soooo STUPID...lol @ "I noticed that too, Mr New York, when I was noticing stuff."
I like ya most of the time lol
Shut the fuck up Steups!!!
How should a woman act ...exactly like NFL and NBA players wives do ....take fucking half.
Now fuckface....how do you like that .....
To hell with not cussing anymore!
Your pictures are uploaded.
Welcome back Quanda {looks around nervously...nervous laughter} aheheha
I gotta go all, but I will see y'all Wednesday, unless I can get to a comp tomorrow...I'll holla! Have a good evening
What kinda freaky swinging marriage Y'ALL got...?
It gets worse...I asked "but isn't that wrong?"
Her response was "Oh nooooo, it's not like I bought new lingerie."
Wtf? Is that right?
I mean I want to know if I am over-reacting here because it's my first marriage and all and maybe this is normal (your wife with another man, that is)
Bye Tx.
And one more for the road:
Now fuckface....how do you like that .....?
I am passed-out aren't I?
Steups: Ha...Dana is getting her FREAK on...lol
lol @ 'this is my first marriage...'...in today's society, your first few marriages are just friggin PRACTICE rounds...so terrible [smh], yet so hilarious
Yaya...I gotta 2-for-1 special...both Quanda AND steups said my word...I LOVE EETTTTT! lol
Shawn has a new post, let's go there why don't we
Nick: When was the last time we made love baby?????
There is a reason why I have to seek comfort outside the marriage...
Maybe this is an elaborate ruse to get you to love me