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Read her last response; seems to me she eliminated Real.
Secondly, she had intercourse with someone recently and rumors had her meeting Whiteboy in Miami, so go figure.
Whatever the case, be sure to catch I Love New York Episode 8 on Monday. Quanda has a preview just below.
You can find New York's pictures from Blender magazine hereTiffany 'New York' Pollard's interview with Blender Magazine.
Blender: What's going on there in your self portrait?
New York: I'm levitating with my eyes closed. I'm in the moment. I'm sexy, blinging and my cleavage is rocking. It captures the essence of New York: I'm too much. I'm too damn much!
Blender: It's a typical Friday night at 11p.m. What is NY doing?
New York: soaking in the tub, having a little bit of champagne--eating some chips or popcorn. I'm just chillin', but not for long, because I'm going clubbing!
Blender: What was your school nickname?
New York: Can I say? oh, God. It was D-breath. D-I-C-K breath. bit it wasn't true!
Blender:What wasn't true? That you had breath that smelled like dick?
New York: Right, not at all! You know what it is? My lips are so huge, so people say I got those DSLs, so they call me D-Breath.
Blender: How many people have you truly loved?
New York: Two people, with all my heart. Before Flav, I;d never been dumped. I'm a take charge kind of person so if a guy's not gonna listen to me, he's gonna get kicked to the curb.
Blender: If you were a man, who would you want to be?
New York: Donald Trump. He is rich, he is powerful, and he has great hair. Impeccable hair. He's probably packin' too.
Blender:If we drug tested you, what would we find?
New York: Lord have mercy! Two hits of naughtiness and a sprinkle of love potion no. 9.
Blender: What do you spend too much money on?
New York: Clothes. Makeup. My fabulous weaves (HA!!!!) And my bling. I love bling. BLING, BLING, BLING, baby! I'm materialistic. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but it's me.
Blender:What is God wearing right now?
New York: A long chiffon white robe of love and forgiveness. And he's just being godly, because he's so big, and so gorgeous, and so magnificent.
Blender: Sounds like he's headlining in Vegas.
New York: He is! He's everywhere!
Blender:What's you favorite swear word, and can you use it in a sentence?
New York: Fuck. Fuck this, fuck that, and fuck you too!
Blender:How would you characterize your taste in sex?
New York: I like it very passionate, very deep. I like it rough. When I'm having sex, I don't want to mistake it for anything other than sex, so you can slap me around, baby.
Blender: When was your last booty call?
New York: The night before last. I got pleasured. I got served. That's the only way I do it. I am always in control of the intimacy. so I made the call. And he got his ass over there quick.
Blender: Who was the last person you punched?
New York: My ex-boyfriend, a few days ago. It got a little physical, and I capped his ass. He wanted to know why i didn't ask him to be on the show.
Blender: What do you think people who don't like you say about you?
New York: They say "B*tch. I didn't like you at first, but you're cool." Now I say, "Yeah, bitch, I know, that's why I've got the No. 1 show on VH1."
Blender: Are you a genius?
New York: Yes, because, I have a third eye and I can see the future.
Blender: What's in your future, New York?
New York: My third eye says I am going to meet my soulmate in four years. He's coming from a warm climate. He is taller than me, nice build. He has large feet. and he's going to make me very happy.