But it's Time for Our Favorite Eye Candy
Back to the subject at hand Onix, glorious eye candy. As usual, I was perving the 'I Love New York' men's pictures. And I came across these new pictures of Onix (new =new to me). Onix is beautiful. I also came across some nice Whiteboy pictures. I am feeling a little possessive at the moment. So I can't bring myself to post them. As always I like to keep the ladies in mind. So enjoy the Onix pictures. I did. And I couldn't get 'Ride Them Cowboy' off my mind.
Now New York received a lot of love today. I mean a lot. She gets a lot of love period. New York has her own show which included 20 great guys to swoon over her. I've heard she was offered the mansion. New York has DJ Bucky Blends reppin' her 24/7. And the killer, Whiteboy kissed New York and licked her leg. ( My blood is boiling now.) Devoted family, friends, fans, maybe a beautiful home, bigger boobs and according to other interviews ...she's in love. What more could a successful woman want? Maybe a few babies with shitty diapers.
*fanning self

You have just shared a Qmoment!
Quanda, Quanda, Quanda
You just made my day...
Damnnnnnnn Onix is hottttt
And OMG I was first!!!!!!!
Maybe because every one else is asleep - but whatever, we take wins where we can get them...
dont you ever stop quanda you need a man like me in your life
quanda once you go 3pm you never go to whiteboy LOL
well quanda i see you in my sex dreams
Congrats on being first! And I am glad that your day has been made ...LOL.
It is so damn fantastic to open up this page and feast my eyes on the object of my infatuation and deep lust (lord please forgive me).
Now I can have a super fantastic day. :)
Oh What a Beautiful Morning,
Oh What a Beautiful Day,
I feast my eyes on Onix'
DAMN!!!! that made my whole day.
Nobody wants to see Whiteboy's baby pictures; because that's the last time he looked nice...
you have just been subjected to an H-Moment...
H is for HATER!
LOL @ H moment.
Guys I wish I could stay today but I got to run have a good day everyone.
Bye Steups
Onix looks aight...but he's jailbait for women
Why be with a man whose waist measurement is in the teens?
E..what the hell...no e-mail yesterday, none the day before and now you're leaving early...
What it do?
E I love that poem/song. Fabulous. Ditto for me.
Steups 'H Moment' you say. Wow. That is a new height of folly, even for you. LMAO...You think his waist measurement is in the teens??? Highly unlikely! He's perfect. So in light of the above I would like to issue a citation to you for excessive use of hyperbole against a totally hottt man.
(stares lovingly)
Did you read Deelishis's comment about the show? are you going to post it.
Dana, Onix' waist has to be 23 for the most...
If you were his woman you'd be on edge all the time. You know the dude probably has about ten women
I should Jane; but those comments are old.
well I was on the black voices website and there are 300+ comments
about what she said, so I thought it would be good to talk about it here because there's nothing else to talk about until episode 7 airs.
As opposed to if I were your woman???
*written while looking the picture of wide eyed innocence as always*
I'll post it then, darling.
Why don't you want to discuss Whiteboy's missing girlfriend?
Is she in prison, serving time?
let's not get into anything about that let's wait on episode 7
good morning...my hormones are raging...
very very very good to see u quanda, hope all is well, i was a bit worried.
dana, i owe u an email i know, but there is no time!!! but i want to tell you about what i have named "the glove treatment"
Rev... You do owe me one. I can't wait!!!! You're such a naughty little tease.
I feel like I'm trapped in one of these - 'Next on Days of Our Lives, Rev makes a startling revelation to Dana, but first ... a word from our sponsors' :-(
thats what they do in photo shoots but if i ever get my claws into him he wont be looked too polished anymore...poor boy would be nursing his wounds.
ok ok. i have to stop n compose myself.
Jane you are being so quiet today. You're scaring me...
No comment????
Dana, I'm going to hold back and not comment on onix.
my feelings are already known.
glares at Revenge
That was just my opinion...they are like a__holes...everybody's got one. I did mean to give my honest opinion, but I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. The comment is gone.
why did you delete your comment?
jorundi...what's up with you?
You're behaving like some of those ladies who used to be around here.
What's going on Jorundi?
Whose toes did you step on?
We're all cool up in here ... if anything you have someone's support *cough* Jane *cough*
Hey ppl!
hey txshawty
Hey Shawty.
Sup Dana; glad to see you tore yourself away from Revenge to talk to someone else
How are y'all doing? I'm doing just grrrreat now....! {no need to mention why seeing as there are TWO...i repeat...TWO pictures of Onix with arms out...}
Peee Yummmmp, Shawty.
Oh My God girl, you're looking like a casserole in that picture
Nick (honey, darling sugar plum, apple of my eye) I already told you baby, that you're number 1, no one could ever be above you...
So quit it with the jealously!!! Lol. I need to talk to other people too :-)
HEY TX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to be the Top 10, not just #1
Steups: What are you talkin about now? lol
That picture babe. Next to the one I love.
Lordie, I wrote something and I had to edit it before I published.
I was like "Steups, this is Shawty; you can't say that about her"
That picture is perfect, Dana.
But ever so often I miss the lips and tongue.
Steups: You know? Ya never fail at making me feel attractive thanks hon! {tear}
You know you're a lil hottie.
You're like the best friend's sister whom you watch out of the corner of your eye.
Steups: lol..Thanks...like you're not supposed to be looking at her because she's your best friend's sister, but ya just can't help it..thats funny lol
Ok enough about me, that subject is tiresome...lol...I didn't get tok see the last ILNY episode? Did I miss it b/c y'all didn't do a re-cap
There was no Episode last Monday...it's still at 6
OMG, the 50th comment at 12:50!
That's like a sign or something :D
in regards to the show: That's what I assumed...ok GREAT i didn't miss anything...
in regards to the sign: uhhhh...yeeeah...whatever you say babe
lol...very creative
I need a new pair of Sperry's.
Off to shopping, AGAIN.
That's what happens when you are FABUUUUUUUUUUUULOUS!!!
Toodles, Sweetie!
how does a penis swirl around in a vagina?
It's all how you move it, Sweetie. I did try it once, NICK!!!!!
Bye Royal-T! Miss ya hon! lol
Is that royal t person gay or is it a female.
Jane: royal-t is a guy
Why should I take Posh Gemz' sloppy seconds?
She tore you a new asshole and had them both.
so is he gay?
Jane: Yes.
Steups: No steups, NO! lol
*plays the theme song of 'All in the Family'in her demented mind.
Does this make Steups Archie Bunker?
so royal t wants nick?
No Jnae, just my penis and mouth
He doesn't want to get to know the real me, sigh.
First ...good morning.
Two ...let us not speak on the subject of 'who' wants Nick.
Oh, and there is a new WB hater in our mist.
who is it
so far i know of
ceal,sassy,nick and a few anons here and there.
My husband.
You forgot his mom and dad
Your husband has no time to hate that fool.
He and I are getting the stuff Whiteboy wishes he had
OMG, that was like a Freudian moment there; like totally.
I meant "he is getting..."
Oh jeezan ages :(
Quanda: Hey lady! Where's my word? Give it to meh!
Steups: Yea...you were totally wishing...but its ok, we all can't get what we want lol
Oh God girl, I feel bad.
I had like two thoughts in my head and they merged in my typing fingers before my head sorted them out
So the word "Whiteboy" is banned in your home.
Steups: I'd rather not ask what they were lol....
Jane: Maybe he'd let 'whiteboy' slide if she said it in a different way....like Flav "White BOIIIIII" ...yea, may he'd let it slide then
He and I ...Wow that was awful Steups!!!
Some of the things he said about my 'Swagger Man' were horrid.
I was absolutely shocked. We however agree on the other cast members so far.
Your huzzy hates WB, Q???? Is he as overt as Steupz about it?
Steupz you are #s 1-20, not just 1-10, but you need to learn to share babe. I think you're suffering from OCS (Only Child Syndrome)
(she stopped posting):(
Quanda: Gracias....I am forever in your debt...lol
Dana: Who are you trying to get Steups to share you with? lol
Oh Quanda, maybe you can turn convert him, just work on him a little.
Thanks Dana; but I think jealousy is cute.
There is this girl who rolled up on another girl at a party because hse was staring at me and that shit was sexy as hell.
I am in love with any woman who will beat up another girl for me
Steups: ANY woman?....hmmmm
I am on it Jane. LOL ...he is totally not threaten by my lust for Whiteboy.
ROFLMAO ...confident S.O.B
I mean the S.O.B ...btw.
Oh, and he just read the Steups comment earlier.
Steups:Well you'll never be in love with me then.
I'm waaaaaaay too pretty and classy for that shit.
TX: Everyone
Dana: My sentiments EXACTLY...lol...as my homegirl says, 'too sophisticated to be unappreciated'
What's up with this shit of bringing husbands and boyfriends to read the comments box?
That's so unprofessional.
Oh God Dana I just stuck my tongue right there and I got a shock; but it may have been the static-electricity thingy
If I absolutely must get all heated and roll around with a woman (and I mean absolutely because I am not totally inclined)I'd rather it was in bed...
I almost forgot
where is the podcast?
see I told your punk ass
you wasn't goin to do shit.
Steups: Soooo, we're licking monitor's now?! lol....is THAT the new 'thing'?
Jane: HAHAHAHA~ Jane got all hood on steups for a minute there lol
Welcome back Jane!!!!!!!
That's the Jane we know and love (lol)
I was worried there for a moment
Get it right, NICK!!!!
I crushed that Hoe Bitch!!!
She has no wins this way as will you if you keep testing me!
I'm out!!
I told him I write for this site. He should check it out.
He took my advice.
His message to you is the 'He and I' you typed was unprofessional.
Jane Dearest,
I have been holding him up on the podcast. Do not blame Steups.
And what did I miss yesterday?
Quanda: Tell your husband I said HELLLLLOOOO!!
Steups: Please don't get whooped by this woman's husband! lol
txshawty and Dana
that fool was threatening to buy a mic and make an audio podcast talking ahit about Whiteboy,
do you see how far his hate goes.
Deja Vu, didn't we read this weeks ago?
he should'nt even be thinking about making any bullshit podcast.
I absolutely love Jane. Jane I would love to interview you.
Baby I can't go anywhere
Without thinking that you're there
seems like you're everywhere its true
Gotta be having DEJA VU
Cuz in my mind I want you here
Get on the next plane I don't care
Is it because I'm missing you that I'm having DEJA VU
Boy I try to catch myself but I'm out of control
Your sexiness is so appealing I can't let it go
OOOOOOHHHHHH (beyonce begins to dance in the dirt barefooted lol...now that the TEXAS coming out of her lol)
Irr, nothing personal but I deleted your comments.
Quanda: You really should interview Jane...interesting read lol...
I love Tx too.
And I love Dana too (when she isn't being mushy about Steups).
Jane you are laughing but I am serious.
Quanda: and you are loved as wellllllll~ lol
Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound
Why am i in such a sing-gy mood?!
because that would seem so formal, I mean I'm here if you guys want to know something just ask I'll answer.
Lmao @ Mr. Q
Jane...I will so bust that boy in a Podcast...I can sit here, right now, and type it up
It wouldn't be formal at all. And it would be great. It would be a chance from one WB fan to another to let it all out and crush the haters once and for all.
That is some teenaged stuff right thurr
Steups: That's so cute that he still has got it like that with his wife! Get em MR. Q!!!! That's hot lol
OMG ...
I act the way you act when E is in here.
Don't start or you will bring him up in here. And trust you do not want that.
I'll send you a message on myspace.
Okay Jane.
Is there anything I type that Shawty agrees with?
And if you saw E, you'd know why i act that way, Q.
Between E and Dana, a guy might need diapers
I will JANE!
I bloody well will...and I won't fail to mention how he grabbed the little girl and touched her INAPPROPRIATELY, perhaps
What in my message insinuated I didn't agree with you? God...man...if you want a YES-woman...it ain't me boo lol
The only time I want to hear NO from a woman is if ask "do you want me to stop?"
I don't need to see E.
Her looks are of no concern to me.
You were speaking of GIDDY and I made the comparison.
I am sure both of the ladies you mention are attractive and more.
And Steups ...if you must lie on another man.
He hears NO a lot if that when he wants to hear it.
NO. Monday night.
NO. Tuesday night.
NO. Wednesday night.
NO. Thursday night.
NO. Friday night.
NO. Satuday night.
Yes. Sunday due to Chinese food.
haha...{ahem...looks at steups and stops laughing} Sorry
Steups: I don't WANT you to stop...I NEED you to...I didn't disagree, I agreed and thought it was cute that Quanda was all GIDDY over her husband...that's sweet and will be the same amount of sweetness (combined with a bit of 'sickening') when/if you made your wife all GIDDY at the thought of you!
He held on to that girl..I SAW IT WITH MINE OWN EYES
lol @ Steups. Good one.
I am not answering any other question unless and until Dana says something
and that Chinese food comment is just the type of low-blow I expect from you
Royal T, you do not have to lurk. Post as yourself.
Steupz I would say YES BABY, YES!!!! I am giddy at the thought of a thought of you!!!! but that would sicken Q. Lol...
I think it's adorable when the huzzies and the bfs come through. It's sweet that he takes an interest enough to see what you are up to and detest the swagger man.
And I love everybody too!!!! I realize the love mood has gone but I needed to put in my tuppence
Yes but I don't want these guys calling my name in the bedroom, lmao.:P
Royal T, when a man is feeling sorry for you, take the opportunity.
Now is not the time to play hard-to-get because you will get-to-steppin' right quick.
Please NO MORE...OH my FREAKING God! I can't take it anymore....{runs and jumps out of the window....first story that is...I ain't about to kill myself over THIS crap lol}
Is it me or does nick seem flattered by the attention he is getting from royal T.
The King of Low Blows has the nerve to accuse me of a low blow.
It's you...NEXT!
Lmao @ the death defying jump from the first floor.
Dana, your picture makes me lose my mind every time...I must find lyrics to capture the moment
LOL@ Steups and Jane.
Tx before you jump ...FUCKFACE.
Steups: HEY! That's my phrase.."you've been nexted" lol
Q: The King of Low Blows...cute...more low blows than Supahead at the BET Awards lol
txshawty my home girl how are you doing
Quanda: You've saved me...as my feet were just about to hit the ground, you used the word, and I seemed to float above the ground lol...
Steups: Dana's picture is not the only thing causing ppl to LOSE their minds around here lol
Anon: I'm doing good honey, how are you?
You just know Dana is a helluva kisser, Hallelujah holla back
i'm good txshawty if you don't know what home girl is that a new york city thing
Tx: :-(
Ppl of The Blogspot: I am sorry I can't help it, my tongue runs away with me such is the depth of my feeling for this man. I just can't keep it contained. I want to shout it from the mountaintops!!!
(Ha Ha - I know that didn't help. Tx, Tx are you headed for the window again)
Anon: yea I know what it is...and thanks for asking about me...makes me feel CARED for lol
Shawty...(puts mic to mouth)
Your thoughts on the Tornado and its devastation?
Dana: I love you...but the crap you're spewing from your mouth is detestable lol....WHY oh WHY is another soul turned by the charms of STEUPS?! lol
Ppl of The Blogspot: I am sorry I can't help it, my tongue runs away with me such is the depth of my feeling for this man. I just can't keep it contained. I want to shout it from the mountaintops!!
The truth must propagate
Tx: You are sooooooooo cared for. I care of you, but I can't really express it because Nick doesn't like it...
For Dana:
Lovely lady, let me drink you, please, I wont spill a, drop no, I promise you.
Lying under this spell you cast on me.
Each moment the more, i, love, you. crush me, come on. oh, yes.
Steups: that's so sad at LEAST 17 ppl were killed...so sad, nature don't play...
{slaps mic away from mouth} You don't CARE steups, so leave me ALONE! lol
*vomits perfusely
Dana: thanks...I feel soooo special...even if you have to be my friend as if you're undercover lol...SOME ppl can't take you fraternizing with others...
For TxShawty:
Come harder this wont be easy
Don't doubt yourself trust me you need me
This ain't a shoulder with a chip or an ego
But what you think they all love me for?
Quanda: I've gotta bucket for the both of us darling...I even got our names on them...
{Hands Quanda's bucket to her!}
quanda whiteboy is gay he have no ex
*takes the bucket for Tx
Nick that is the most beautiful thing...
Shivers, shivers, shivers down my spine ...
For Jane:
You need Steups in your life
That's a good look
Making sure my home is still fly
That's a good look
Im'a help you build up your account
Thats a good look
Better yet a hood look,
Shawty that's a good look
When you're in them big meetings for the mills
Thats a good look
It'll take me to close the deal
Thats a good look
Anything you cop I'll pay the bill
Thats a good look
Better yet a hood look
Believe me
Shawty that's a good look
Dana please
he copied that from somewhere
lmao at singing a song for Jane and calling another woman's name :D
(Rolling my eyes so fucking hard)
Steups: Yes I noticed that you were singing to Jane with MY name in it...Terrible!
Steups: Why should I upgrade when there is no software that YOU have to do so? lol j/k
For Dana:
I'll put a string o' pearls right in your hand
Make love on a beach of jet black sand
Outside in the rain we can do it all night
Out to tour the places he would not
And some you never knew would get you hot
Nothin' is forbidden when we touch
Yeah Jane :-( and now he's sending his love verses to everyone so I no longer feel special
*retreats crying to bed with a broken heart*
It's called DOWNgrade Tx.
(Rolling my eyes so fucking hard)
Quanda: lol...I see
Dana: {runs after Dana and pats her on the back}
Steups: Look what you've done to Dana! God man...lol
Dana: We should find you another guy...lets upgrade you lol
Tx: It's ok...I don't want anybody else :-(
For Quanda, when she had her timeout:
It's been so lonely without u here
Like a bird without a song
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
Tell me Quanda where did I go wrong
I could put my arms around every girl I see
But they'd only remind me of you
I went to the doctor; guess what he told me
Guess what he told me?
He said Steups u better have fun
No matter what u do
But he's a fool
go to hell quanda
I am here you idiot. And when you create an account get at me BITCH. Until then ....bend over and let Steups fuck you in the ass.
Don't you all love how I volunteered Steups' penis?
For Dana (my one and only):
Convent girl
You know that you came
And you changed my world,
Just like in the movies,
With two lovers in a scene
And you say "Do you love me?"
And I said "so endlessly"
I love you, my Convent girl
My penis is detachable...just return it as removed.
Dana: Is THIS how you feel? lol
Ain't no other man, can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
(what you do).
You're the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
You got soul, you got class.
You got style your bad ass - oh yeah!
Ain't no other man it's true - all right -
Ain't no other man but you.
All except for the Bad A*& part lol
This is SICKE-FREAK-NIN lol....hurry up and get back together so we can go on with OUR BLOG LIVES!
{kicks Steups' detached penis around on the floor out of boredom}
For me (because I like the song):
Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help.
When I was younger, so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured,
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate your being around.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me?
I knew you'd come around Shawty...
Whom else is going to join the party?
I am going to listen to some music because you all are TRIPPING!!!
I just discovered Jane and I like another man. We really have the same tastes. I am going to have to keep her away from my husband.
Steups: Man please, I was talkin bout me, I was talkin about you and Dana!
is it who i think it is
he has the hat on in fromt of the car?
For Posh Germs:
(I aint wasting a song on your ass) :(
Steups: Where'd THAT come from?
I am a mean nasty mofo when i am ready, Shawty.
And I am not done yet.
Steups: ooooohhhkay...well excuuuse me...do what you do
can i do one more?
This entire Royal T vs Posh battle is a sham.
He gets to come here and harass me and they have a peaceful blog life
Steups: I don't care what you do...that's you...do what you do...
This mess just spoils my day...
They caused their drama, formed their won shit but left their shit in my toilet for me to clean.
Royal T, I've tried with you, son. I gave you an opportunity to return, even today; but you obviously think your life is best served harassing me and leaving alone the people who dumped you.
Well go on...I told you I will erase every comment I choose to and I'll do just that.
You are a pitiful, miserable person.
Tx: That is exactly how I feel, the bad a$$ part included
I Was On 119th And Lexington
Black Sidekick, On The Nexington
Shawty Said "Yo" I Looked Left and swore
Im Like I Wanna Mess With Her
Let It Rain and Clear It Out
Let It Rain and Clear It Out
Let It Rain and Clear It Out
Steups Just focus on all this disgusting LOVE dana has for you...
Dana, I have something to ask you...email in thirty seconds
Steups: Would you stop?! lol...Dana is back on and is telling me how she feels about you...you know what to say and WHEN to say it...{rolls eyes} Purrrrfect timing
Will you MARRY him? lol
{stands in silence while steups and dana are off to have their one-on-one lover discussion}