Readers, I have to apologize, again, for yet another Charm School misrepresentation.
So, to all of the sites who picked up the Charm School "exclusive" pictures and ran with it....please take it down or add the following
The pictures are not snapshots from/of Charm School. Are not!
My source, whom I have absolutely no reason to not believe, says they are NOT from Charm School.
That's it for me then...I am not writing a single line on Charm School unless and until it comes from VH1 or one of their representatives.
(grumbles and feels sorry for oneself)
Writer's note: Here is the official Charm School cast photo as released by VH1
Here's a picture of New York for your troubles

what do you mean they are "not" from Charm School. I mean, yeah they might not be from the show, but maybe at a photo shoot. Still, we just wanted to see who was in it. I hope this whole thing doesn't cause any problems Steupz
Hi Steups...I guess whoever was giving you that info wanted you to look stupid but they did not succeed because u r always on top of your game,.. right?
wait you mean who gave him the pics...that was me. But I found them on Pumkin's myspace, so I don't see how they are not from Charm School. They have uniforms saying it.
ok well i know you meant well they could very well have been promo shots but i dont hate you for contributing keep it up bhatti
thanks...I hope I didn't start an problems Steupz, Trust me, I know what VH1 can do when stuff like this happens and it's not pretty
Vh1 always hate when we get information before there shows air..i guess they need to tighten those contracts
I know...apparently Pumkin and Serious posted the pics w/o a problem on there myspace. I figured since they posted pics, and VH1 launched the Charm School site on around the same time, that some contract was over and info could be released.
I truly love VH-1. Really I do ...but aren't our lives hard enough?
quanda i seen your picture on myspace you are a attractive woman you really are i am not hitting on you or anything why is your profile private and like you said on your myspace it's not that serious
LOL @ anonymous @ 9:52pm are you trying to get a date with quanda i think she married get a life anonymous
Bhatti, don't feel bad, mate.
It's no biggie; it will all be cleared up very soon according to the source.
steups what are you talking about mate
Anon, lol.
I meant no one is blaming Bhatti or me..the VH1 guys find it funny that we are trying hard to expose the Charm School contestants.
steups i'm sorry but i'm not going to even waste my time washing charm shool are you
steups after new york show is over i'm not even going watch charm shool because i can see that show is going to suck big time sorry about the washing shit
I was reading somewhere that it might be another with NY in it if the guy she with agree to it.
It's suppose to be like how the hogans or bam show is.
hey setup this is what deelishis had to say about ny show
I missed that Sam...
Lady Ty, I just read your comment...Bhatti isn't trying to embarass me, lol.
He got it from Pumkin's MySpace and I jumped to a natural conclusion.
For all you know it may yet be proved true, but for now I am going with what my source said.
He/she has always given me good information so I am believing him/her.
shawn oh god not a another spinoff shown that all we need if there is a spinoff show it's not going to be any good now flav and new york show would have been funny as hell right shawn
steups don't you agree with me that flav and new york show would have been more funnier show now that would be some good ratings maker
So true @ Anon 9:52pm.
It isn't that serious. That's why it's private. No need for those who aren't my 'friends' to look at my page.
Just had an earthquake, I really need to move out of California.
Shawn Dearest,
Where is my e-mail?!
Anon...even I am not on her friends list.
I am trying to figure out what that means.
Yes anon, it would have been a huge show
LOL@ Steups
It means, you pissed me off one day among many. And that day I deleted you.
quanda what part of california you live in that had the earthquake
north what i'm not from california quanda but you need to move out of california and live some were else where their less earthquake like the east coast like me
fuk u new yorkk