Mr. Boston Charms Quanda Sort of....How did I even get here? Thinking back it was a 'Flavor of Love' search that led me here. Now, I have an opportunity to interview Mr. Boston. I wanted this interview for reasons too long to list. Ultimately, it boiled down to the question that I have asked for 4 consecutive weeks now. Is this guy for real? Is it an act? If so, what are his career goals? This MFer is the funniest character I've seen in a long time. And I doubt seriously that Mr. Boston is little more than the reality television version of 'Borat'. I have my opinion but I am going to keep it between Groovy, Steups and I! For the record, I have no amative feelings towards this decent looking Jewish blond. This interview was done with unprepared questions. I asked him if 10:00p.m. was a good time to call and discovered his response at 9:59p.m....
( Need I type more?)
Hello may I speak with Mr. Boston?
Ah, yeah this is he.
Hi, I am Quanda from the 'Flavor of Love' Blogspot. How are you tonight?
Ah, I am great. Ah thanks for calling Quanda. Ah-um how are you?
Actually thank you, I am good now that I have this interview. I have to tell you that I have nothing but love for you. You keep me laughing. Where were you born and raised?
Um...ah...Boston, outside of um...Boston, you know upper middle class. I am in the Orange County area now.
So how are you liking California?
Well like um...I like it. The climate is like a lot warmer the climate is good. The girls um...ah...are hotter yeah...hotter chicks.
Now, wait a minute one of my best friends is from Boston. She's a pretty hot chick.
Well well Boston has a some hot chicks. I mean like the um...quality and quantity you know what I mean. chicks are everywhere here.
(We are everywhere...lmao)
Did you know I was a hot chick? are you?
How old are you?
Oh, I am an old gal. I am 38.
Oh, that's not um...ah too bad. I've um...ah have you know dating some older chicks.
No, I didn't. So what's the oldest you've dated?
I dated this 34 year old chick.
( WTF....did she walk with a cane and collect social security.)
How was it?
Um it was pretty good yeah know. I am um...ah trying to expand my repertoire. Um older yeah know are like really you know more experienced. You know ...ah no inhibitions. They'll do anything. young chicks don't know what to do. You know what I am like saying?
( Yes and no....)Yes I do. I know what you are saying. You are killing me here. I can't stop laughing. I apologize. Have you always been such a 'Ladie's Man'?
No, I was always shy in high school and college. I couldn't get laid ah if my life depended on it. After college I discovered the 'Boston charm'. I am now confident at all times...ah you know nice and normal.
( Hugh Hefner lock up all your 'playmates', your reign is about to end.)
Nice and normal, I gotcha. I first fell in love with you, when you interrupted the Chance and New York conversation on the first night. What were you thinking when you approached the table? And you stood up to Chance, I totally respect that. What was that all about?
( Before I get accused of excessive jungle fever, I fell in love with his antics, not him the man...Thank You!) basically, ah Chance was the first guy to make ah his like move on her and ...ah get some alone time. You have 20 guys and ah five are going home. Ah I felt like ah a token white guy. I knew I needed to stand out if I was g-g-going to stay. You know you had ah T-Money a total douche bag in a green jacket. The green jacket is supposed to ah remind her (New York) of like money. So I told myself I had to do something. I mean this thug wannabee is getting her attention first. He was the ugliest in the house. I said to myself 'Stud you have to steal her away from that ugliness.' When he started yelling at me ...yeah know...ah I was like surprised. But you know I am a man and wasn't going to back down. I have balls and I wasn't going to be your typical white boy pussy.
Who were the nicest guys in the house?
Tango and Onix were the nicest. They are good guys. Then I would say Rico...ah Heat and 12 Pack. Chance and Token....douche bags. Whiteboy wasn't my friend either. The guy is not nice at all. I wasn't impressed. Token kept imitating me, ah trying to make me look bad in front the black guys. Off camera the douche bag told the producers he was doing it for camera time. They edited it all out. So a lot of good that did him.
( Earlier I wrote it was Whiteboy who imitated Mr. Boston. Well, Mr. Boston called me to tell me that we got our lines crossed. It was Token who imitated him and told the producers....blah, blah, blah. Thank you, I knew that didn't sound like something my 'Swagger Man' would do.)
....Ah Mr. Boston, I have to be honest with you Whiteboy is my favorite. He gave me my first interview and has showed me only love. He seems really nice to me. You are hurting me here.
Well ...ah sorry Quanda. If you met him in person'd see that he is not the nice guy you think he is. You would like be very disappointed.
(The Whiteboy hateration needs to stop people!!!)
Okay...moving on which contestants do you feel were really there for New York?
*laughing Romance and Rico, they were both nice guys. The rest of the 18 were here for our own reasons. We didn't want to be with New York. For me, a lot of my buddies tell me all of the time I should like be on ah like reality show. They think I am really funny. So I was there to entertain the public.
So what was in like kissing New York?
Ah...*laughs Quanda you know how it looked awkward on television? Well it was ah like even more awkward in person. It was my first time making out with a black chick. She has huge lips and mouth. when I was kissing her it felt like my lips were in her mouth. It was really weird. And ah I get a lot of like e-mails from like fans and the think when I kiss her stomach that I am going down on know what I mean?
Yes, I know what you mean. You weren't going down her....right? You were just kissing her body right?
What's your take on Chamo?
I like Chamo. And Chamo liked me...which was ah good because you know he'd pass on a good report..for me. It was important for him to like me. I mean you don't want him to not like you. He's pretty fruity. He's really gay. You know he's like the quintessential gay guy from West Hollywood.
( Is that anything like the quintessential black man being a thieving, crack addicted, homicidal, baby making all around deadbeat dad? If so.......NO.)
You plan on settling down anytime soon? know.......
( I am an evil b@#$% sometimes...let's keep VH-1 guessing on that response.)
You know we do a lot of snooping and research on you guys before the show even airs. We can find some dirt on the 'I Love New York' cast but we choose to remain silent on a lot. Like one contestant we know he had a girlfriend during the airing of the show.
I tell him.
Yeah, ah...he actually called her from the house. Did you find out anything about me?
If we did I wouldn't tell you. ( uncomfortable silence) Naw, we didn't find out anything. What are some of your career goals?
Ah...definitely my own spin off show.
I could see it 'Lovin' Mr. Boston's Charm'. Where 20 hot chicks are fighting for your attention.
Yeah...yeah ..ah something along those lines. Yeah...definitely.
What about stand up? I heard you do stand up comedy.
Well ah I did a couple of years back. Ah...I am not talented in that area.
I am shocked.
Well ....ah....maybe if I worked at it and you know practiced...I could get good. But I am in a lazy mode right now.
I see. Do you have any pets?
I had two cats. I am more of a cat person.
( I personally could be a professional cat kicker.)
What happen to the cats?
Oh they are in Boston with my parents.
(Guess I won't be kicking those two.)
Oh, you should get one out here in Cali.
Well...ah...maybe in a year...yeah know w-w-we'll see. I am kind of on the lazy side...right now.
Before I let you go... how do I sound on the phone? good.
Good as in?
Professional? I don't sound sexy?'d say professional.
Next day, after I've seen 'I Love New York' Episode 4....I decided to call him back.
( He is not the only one with balls.)
Hello this is Quanda, Mr. Boston. I want to ask you a couple of more questions as I type up this interview.
You good, it's okay?
Yeah I am fine.
What's your take on the snitching situation?
It's a competition....all is fair game.
Okay did you miss your roommate?
( Oh he is definitely straight, who could forget Onix? Except a straight male.)
Wasn't Onix your roommate? Did you miss him?
Ummm...a little bit...but you know you're happy that you are still around. I mean it's better him to go...instead of me.
I understand Onix was some stiff competition.
Well he didn't have much of a personality. I don't think that there was much of a connection. He didn't go out of his way to grab her attention or anything.
( He even downplays Onix....unbelieveable.....LMAO.)
From the previews, it appears you've never played basketball. When is the last time you played?
Um.....6 or 7 years.
( And may I add, that was most likely his first and last time...until the 'I Love New York' Episode 5. Did you all notice Whiteboy taking it to the hoop?)
Alright, I appreciate the interview and thanks for answering my extra questions. I 'll message you when the interview is posted. Thanks again.
Alright Quanda, no problem....take care.
Note: I was laughing from beginnig to end on this one. Mr. Boston is just one funny stud muffin
You have just shared a Qmoment! MUAH XOXOXOXOXO
Fantastic Q.
Talk to you later after I wash off the ferret urine.
Aw, Mr Boston, lovable mascot without at clue!
I think he is honest to a fault. And at least he admits that he was there for TV!
NY missed the boat with Romance; if she ever truly wanted to find someone to worship her, he was the guy.
Mr Boston is not for her. He is too twitchy and awkward, which inexplicably works in his favor and makes him endearing to the audience.
Good job snagging Mr. Boston and giving us a taste of the ol' Boston charm.
Also, I hope he makes it to the final three and they follow the FOL format and have parents fly in. I am dying to see his folks!
Wow, Imac.....I haven't even thought of the guy's parents.
lmac covers many angles you know...
She did say she waits for the Zen moments to read the site.
i think his personality is really great for a spin off.
i love him so much!
Great interview Quanda. I don't care for him although he's good for a laugh or two and he gets props for admitting he's only there for television.
Interseting clips available on the Vspot
More of Mr Boston's supposed wanking moments and the guys acting VERY immature about something that they are all probably experts at. What was the deal with all of them checking out Mr Boston and his baked beans in the shower? I expected a little more our of Real. And where in the heck is Chance's cosmetology license?? Is he going to be giving out manis and pedis next? I am sure 12-Pack will loove that action! (sorry Groovy)
And methinks there is a litle bit of BD repression that was going on when they (mainly Chance and Rico) that they wanted to hog-tie Mr Boston down so they could have him. Is my mind the only one "going there"?
who had the girlfriend during the show?
girl -- I want to know that too! I'm guessing 12 pack. he probably called her when drunk or something.
I saw that clip, they were saying he was jacking off in the shower.
the part it shows doesnt really show what they were saying. it was funny how they changed their mind about attacking him though.
Quanda you're amazing!!!!! I could actually hear him speaking as I was reading with all the 'Um's and 'Ah's
that some nice lips dana it's is good for something if you know what i mean ha ha ha ha
Thanks anon
Nice lips ARE really good for kisses on the cheek.
Great Job!! I love Mr Boston! He is really funny and even though I don't think he has a chance with New York, it makes for great TV. I still think he's cool and even sexy in his own way!
Mr. Boston is full of shit, I'm sick of these guys (trendz, tweed, token, onix)talking about how much they were not feeling new york, then why go on the show, why partcipate in the challenges.
What does it say about you as a person when you do all of that just to be on television.
Its fucking stupid to talk shit about the show after you have been on it.
If they were not feeling new york then as soon as they found out she was the women they would be fighting for, they should have backed the fuck out.
I have mad love for whiteboy but if when he gets eliminated he jumps on the bullshit bandwagon, it will make me see him diffirently.
Mr. Boston is not actualy my cup of tea. Now Onix on the other hand....hmmmmm.
Sydney Sheldon is dead and Brandy is being sued for 50mil. Geeeez and I thought I had it bad on my side.
the price people put on life retarded bastards
nonetheless good morning all
Hey NV!!!! I just posted on
You should do the same, chica!
Hey Irre I am posting today I promise I just been so busy today but I am about to go read and whyyou not in class
Morning NV have a wonderful day today (if we dont get the opp to speak for the rest of d day)
Hey E you have a great day too sweetie
Where is Steups, has he left like Groovy?
Im not really feeling a boston spin off. To tell you the truth I was kind of shocked that that Boston just came out and admitted he had absolutley no interest in New York.
He doesnt know how to play the game. I mean look at new york , hello, man shes still insistign that she was absoulutly in love with flav when we all knwo what the deal was. Its just so much more endearing to beleive she was scincerley in love with that troll. Its rediculous that
That on top of the fact that he seemed thoroughly disgusted by kissing a black woman with large lips, being a fellow full lipped person its just througly insulting and speaks volumes as much as the akwards inteview bewteen him and quanda.
There is something about Boston I just don't like. He reminds me of one of those white kids that used to try to touch my hair in elementary school, like I was a damn science project. Why do I have a feeling he has some grand wizards in his lineage?
ELECTRA, my darling! you keep channeling me. what can i do you for my dear?
ok, now what's up with me boy Lee aka Boston? he's my homey, and he says that i don't have a personality. wtf?! that's okay though. i know where he was coming from. but he was right, i didnt not "go out of my way to grab her attention." seriously, what would i have looked like? i would have never gotten a date with a decent woman ever again after this show aired. i had to leave with my integrity. i didn't want my mom and my co-workers watching me make out with that woman. i don't even work like that with the real word. i'm too smooth to whore myself. ~ Onix
that is strike 2 Oix come inhere again and dont speak lol
OOOH a man of integrity - VERY SEXY. OH Onix u make my heart beat faster than its supposed to baby!!!!
I'll tell u what u can do for me. Email me that's all just to say hi personally.
Oh Onix has just made my ENTIRE day no the rest of my week and if he emails me, he'll make my entire February.
(Me thinks me in like, swoon) :)
Hey NV he called me his Darling (swoons again).
E dont rub it inlol
Hi Dorfam how are u today. As u can see mines is fabulous!!!!!
Oh NV honey I am not rubbing it in I am sharing my moment with u. :)
BTW Where is Steups? I miss him (a lot).
i didn't want my mom and my co-workers watching me make out with that woman
I thought that was rude, in the least.
DAMNIT sorry Q Great interveiw for got to say it
Hey Dor
and E I was playing thanks for sharing
I know NV I am playing too.LOL
Q great job (sorry bad manners)
Steups Hi, missed u. (waves hoping to get a wave back). :)
Steups, rude??? That wasn't rude. The hot man doesn't want to suck face with a woman on national TV. It's not rude -- it's gentlemanly.
I find it endearing. *sighs, smiles, and bats eyelashes*
And good morning everyone. :)
See that's my girl right there - GROOOOVY!!!!!! U know it, u know it!!! (E doing the tricycle)
oh steups, you've been hate'n on me from jump. what did i do? i know that you are pro New York. and that's all good. i'm not anti-New York. but i'm more pro-Tiffany. at the end of the day, this is still a television show. you can't take it all so seriously. i had a great time doing the show. and i'm glad that it's successful. but my time there was well served. i have no regrets. and regardless of it being Tiffany or any other woman, you wouldn't have seen me doing anything to physical. why do you think that they had 12-pack do the tantra date, and not me? because they know that wasn't my style. i have a career to think about. i wasn't going to fall into that reality tv trap. you feel me? i wanted to leave with my dignity... and i feel that i do so. ~ onix
and i'm not angry steups. i was just saying my peace, that's all!
btw, sorry NV! how you doing? and i see that my Groovy is here! hey you ~onix
I feel you Onix.
*dreams about how I'd really like to feel Onix -- off-screen of course*
I am good Onix and Steups is a hater {whispers} i think he is Jealous of the attention you all get lol
*finds bold fonts particularly sexy*
Hey Groovy you're my girl but BACK OFF Onix. LOL
See NV he acknowledged u too. :)
No no, I am not hating on you. Makes me wonder if you really are Onix to have said that...
White Boy is my prey.
HI Steups (for the 2nd and last time) how are u?
E, I just typed a borderline pornographic comment that included the words "back", "off", and "Onix", then backspaced it. This is a family blog, no? heh
Did you see him call me "his Groovy"?
*licks lips*
I'm supposed to be doing PTA paperwork. I don't wanna.
Oh guys I'll be back shortly OK?
I am good E. Pardon my bad manners.
Good morning to everyone, nv, Groovy, Onix, anonymous and Shawn.
Steups, that's the real deal. That really is Onix. Go hate on Whiteboy.
We have Onix here, you'd think you lot would be picking his brain?
Especially about Pootie and the event in Virginia.
T told me the place was packed.
Yeh Groovy he called u his Groovy but he called me his DARLING and asked WHAT can he do for the E? Heh
Oh Just playing with u girl. Seriously back off.LOL
Ii'' be back soon ok?
Steups, nah, I feel like flirting. There's time for brain-picking later.
I am not sure if she got in...she said something like "it was hell tog et in"
So Onix; what was the crowd's reaction to the Elimination ceremony.
Were all in agreement with you?
Or was there a mixed reaction?
LOL E, I'm not backing off. But I love you anyway. ;)
See ya soon hon.
but her 'g' was not as close to the "to"
Bye Onix baby see u in my dreams
I'm off for a bit....I see my email is piling up and there are words like hating and Onix in them...lmao.
Why don't you buggers just comment and not send me email?
Steups, I gotta hand it to you dude. No one corrects their typos quite the way you do.
afternoon Steups and on so now I have to share Onix with Groovy and E wow
NV, just to remind you...
I put dibs on Onix way back when I interviewed him. He seriously answered the phone with, "You're three minutes late," and that was it for me.
Onix baby, you had me at "You're three minutes late."
that is true Groovy but you were soooooooooooooooooooooo swooning over 12 pack too I mean hey i dont mind sharing he is more than enough man
Eh, I gave up on 12-Pack, although he's still hot as fuck. He's now my favorite left on the show, but overall? Nope.
But, for the record? Groovy has dibs on Onix, Trends, and 12-Pack.
NV, honey, see I have this problem with sharing. I have a severe inferiority complex, so if I were to share a man, it would always be hanging out in the back of my mind, "Does he like NV more than he likes me?" And then I'd slowly drive myself crazy with all of that and I'd end up throwing myself on the train tracks, leaving my children motherless.
So, for the sake of my kids, I can't share Onix with you. I'm sorry.
Thanks btw for all the love. And thanks again to Mr. Boston.
You all are killing me in here....LMAO.
seeing how i dont want you jumping in front of trains i wont fight but E wont b giving up that easy lol
{whispers to ONIX} we know the deal * wink*
well, the place where i had the event is a local bar. it's like my cheers and i'm there all of time. so, there were quite a few people there, but i actually knew most of them. i know a lot of people. i'm a very socially connected (which is funny how they show me on the show not talking. i talk for a living... ask Groovy how much i talk. lol) they, like most of my "fans" didn't want me to win. they say that NY is not my "type". but all-in-all they respected the way that i went out. i stayed true to myself. they didn't have to go tell, but they did (remember, it's tv) and it's a competition. for those who say that i was being judgmental. no, i was just calling it like i see it. and if you had been in that congregation with tv cameras and crew, and these people you don't know (the cast) sitting in the front two pews, and this woman who you saw on season one and two of FOL (do i have to remind you) making all of that noise *breathe* you would have called it "over the top" too. but if you recall, i did say that, i was not saying that she wasn't strong in her faith, she was just overacting. but i think that people agreed with me.. considering what i said was tame compared to some other other comments that were said about her mother. but what you didn't see was in the elimination where she said that we just weren't feeling each other, and i said no, we weren't. ~Onix
I just had an awesome idea for a new reality show.
We get 20 women from the Blogspot competing for the love of Onix. But the spin is, he doesn't get to pick the winner. I do. We can call it Groovy Gets Onix. LOL
Quanda i dont think ANYONE will try to get you to share lol
Yes, I can vouch for how much Onix talks. :)
Speaking of... you should call me, sweetie. I would consider coming out of retirement to post an official final word for you so we can set Steups straight.
You should call me for other reasons, too, but we can talk about that off the record. LOL
ACK! I didn't see Q come in. G'morning Ms. Quanda. :)
Groovy then why the show we already know you won lol
NV, yeah, but wouldn't it be fun anyway? Getting all of us in a mansion with free booze for 3 weeks? And since I'm obviously winning, the actual competition would be to see who comes in 2nd. Plus, there would be spin-offs and all kinds of fun shit. Maybe we can let Steups make a guest appearance.
Or maybe not.
Oooooh, I'm getting ideas...
As women are eliminated, they don't leave the mansion. Everyone stays for the whole 3 weeks, and the eliminated people would still be able to try to mess up the ones still competing.
And whoever comes in 2nd wins Steups.
*faints* now that is a good Idea and you said it first so if VH! releases a show I will represent you to sue them
NV, we got it in writing. I'm totally printing this out and taking it in for a copyright this afternoon.
BTW, do I get a discount on your legal services? I'm so broke.
*waves to Dor*
Good morning sweetie!
Hey Onix I want to know how much u talk.LOL (I am serious)
Y cant I get a break up in here? Hmmmmmmph
I think I am going to revert to my Steups (If he'll have me). Cause no body wants him and I wont have to share him with anyone, besides I like him,.... no its deeper than that (I think).
To Onix
If you read this I would like to let you know that I think your full of SHIT, if you did not want your people to see you do anything
"embarrassing" then you would not have gone on the show at all.
The fact that you did and are know talking about how much you were not feeling new york shows that your either stupid or petty.
that's my word
E, Onix can seriously talk. Every time I get on the phone with him, it's a good hour, because we all know how much I can talk too. Seriously, though, he's a great conversationalist, and he's a very smart man. You can throw any subject at him and he'll tell you what he thinks.
You know how there are certain people that you just look forward to talking to, and you don't cringe when you see their number pop up on your Caller ID? He's one of those.
No Dorfam dont get me wrong he has acknowledged d E its just that i dont like sharing.
Since Steups happens to be the least liked amongst the ladies maybe I can have him back for myself. LOL
I know I asked ONIX a question a few days back and the ........ hasn't messaged me back. What is up with that Onix?
Have me writing pyschotic letters to Ms. Rice, got F.B.I. watching me and shit. And I can't get a message back..........DAMN GINA!
Hey Groovy Steups is great in all different forms also (very intelligent I must stress) plus he gives me much love and attention. So (sticks tongue out at Groovy)LOL
Oooh and his English accent is too die for. Sweet and Sexy just the way I love it. Hmmmmph
Whiteboy is a fake ass motherfucking whore. That bitch can kiss my baby ass. Speaking of my ass, it's really small. It's the size of a baby's ass. You can fit my ass in the palm of your hand. Now, what type of ass is that?
OMG....Jane.......I hate to say this.......I really do.
We have a 'ILNY' cast member up in here and you are disrespecting him. GEEZUS, people this is what we are here for. And there is a CONSTRUCTIVE way to share your opinion.
Thank you. I shall go to my corner now.
good morning ladies!!!
Why the fuck did E type the crap?
Good morning Revenge, Groovy and all..........
LOL E, I'm not trying to take anything away from Steups. He is very intelligent and has his nice moments. ;) I was just replying to you saying you wanted to know how much Onix talks hon.
Goooooood morning Revenge. :)
Hey Q and Revenge. Y are u guys saying good morning?
Well Q I know that u are 4hrs behind me and its 2:20here but Revenge its about 1:20der right?
Q I said those things about Steups cause its TRUE.
i second that notion, madame quanda.
groovy your blog is awesome by the way, i cant wait until you update it.
posh, if you come n and read this i read your blog about the death sentences for this year...some interesting stuff you might like to know about: look up the exonerated program , i believe the cordova (sp?) law school on 5th ave in teh city started it to free wrongly convicted people on death row. I saw the play (amazing).
quanda, we have to talk soon.
hey dorfam! ok too long of a post.
Plus Onix has twisted my heart (I am still crushing on him though.LOL)
Oh Groovy girl I know, I am just messing with u.
hush e, im so lost, ive been mega swamped at work, this is the first time ive come up for air, so i always think its morning.
thanks for correcting me though ((sarcasm))
Revenge, thanks! I actually updated it last night. :)
BTW does anyone read my Blog?
*vomits again
Any time
electra i dont believe in religion so that is a RESOUNDING NO on my part.
If I offended your sensibilities, then I apologize, but I will not sit here and co-sign onix's bullcrap. If he was so much better than new york then why go on the show.
I don't even like new york, but I really don't like people who try to front that's all I'm saying.
Hey Revenge its not all about that most of the times its just inspirational words. Sometimes we all need that. :)
I read yours. I have to read your last post though.
electra i have so many issues concerning belief and religion...i used to be a die hard catholic and when i lost my faith it was traumatizing...i went through many different faiths and still have not resolved my anything that has to do with bibles and church and religion i stay far away from...i understand what you're saying and respect & admire your faith but it is not really for me at all.
See Jane, that's what I am talking about! You are stating your point in a good manner....not attacking the cast members who I am trying to interview. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Now you know.... feel free to attack the 'normal' people 24/7 with the exception of Groovy and Revenge.
Jane, fwiw, I think ALL of those guys went on the show with ulterior motives, and I believe the same thing about the girls on both seasons of FOL. I'd be amazed if any one of those 60 people were actually looking for love. And for that matter, I don't think Flav OR New York are looking to find a soul-mate on national TV.
If New York was truly looking to get with Flav, then would she do ILNY as a spin-off? She has her own motives for her show as well.
So Onix isn't being any more "fake" than any of the other people on either show.
Just my opinion.
OK Revenge Cool. :)
Anywayz guys I must run. I have to go pick up my Son @ school. So enjoy the rest of your day.
Oh BTW I start work tomorrow and tada We have the annual Staff Meeting (fun, yeh right, stress)
Dor I am not holding out my hand
groovy you get 99%off
Benge hey
Jane its not what you said its how you said it
Hi everyone
Electra I heard the song. Got someone to e-mail me the mp3. it's hilarious.
Sadly someone is going to fight with you for Steups...ME!!!!
I plan to marry him someday you know...I think he's a total stud.
NV, 99% off? AWESOME! And I'll even buy you a smoothie. ;)
damn Q qould let me get attacked lol
thanks Groovy lol
hey Dana
why do you keep vomiting? is it the "love" for steups
hey Posh
hey Dorfam! in reference to the genocide in Darfur... yes, i was actually pleased with Mr. Bush's remarks during his address. he's had enuf pressure on him, he knew better not to. congress has been pretty vocal, but there is so much more that can be done.
in the past for years over 200,000 people have been killed, little girls raped, and close to 2.5 million driven from their homes.
most people feel that there is little that they can do, but we can’t take that attitude. collectively, our voices are loud and strong. We can help to save Darfur. first, educate yourself on the issue. write President Bush and/or your congressperson, attend rallies, and give money (even a few dollars can help), raise public awareness in your communities by starting a local chapter (schools, churches/synagogues, and community/civic organizations are a great place to start).
go to and learn more. i have an article/interview with and E-magazine called Cove Magazine about Darfur. It should be out next month. ~ Onix
hey onix - how are you?
you made my husband territorial, lol.
Hey NV :-)
Quanda you should support all the love of Steups as possible as well as him getting a girlfriend / married. He will have a regular supply of sex which should improve his temperament considerably.
I'm just saying...
See Jane he went on the show to spread the word about the genocide in Darfur.
And he's not stupid!
Rude for not returning my message but I shall blame that on Groovy!
HEY! How's that MY fault??
Eh, everything that goes wrong turns into my fault sooner or later. LOL
dana - i read your blog too, you have a really suprisingly funny wit about you...i enjoyed your writing very much.
Steups please tell your women to not speak to me.........PLEASE FOR HEAVENS SAKE.............THIS IS THE MOST VOMIT INDUCING SHIT I'VE READ SINCE YESTERDAY..........I can't take it!
*runs off pulling her locks
I will try and work on how I write things be more calm and not as vulger.
I know the guys had their own reason for being on the show I know that, but I don't like onix hoiler than thou attitude. I even agree with him about NY'S mom in chruch.
but to say he fell back because he did not want to make a fool out of himself on the show is stupid to me. If he has so much to look out for then why even bother with a show like that.
I'm sure he could have found someone in his city he has alot going on for himself. he's no better than anyone on the show because he also choose to participate in the show.
that's all I'm saying I'm done.
quanda mama, you have to understand that not all women are immune to steups "charm"
lol, i just ignore it at this point.
LMAO @ Dor!
Thank you so much Revenge. I try
Q, I'm sorry :-( I won't say anything else about that EVER again in the comments. Don't pull your locks...Sorry!!!!
jane, i think your font irritates me.
i dont know. but it hink your perception of what the contestants should be like and how they really are is skewed (sp?) and your comment is actually more "holier than thou" than was onix's response to new york and her mother...i hope you realize this puts you into the raging hypocrite category.
i would rather you respect a person;s opinion although you may disagree with it because difference in opinion and thought is what makes this blog so fucking wonderful. but if you attack onix, you will get SHUT DOWN.
I need another cup of coffee. Y'all don't say anything for a minute. It's too hard to catch back up. LOL
OMG..........Dorfam........didn't I tell you to go sit your ass down and watch TV......didn't I?
Revenge, okay I will ignore it. GEEZUS..............
Groovy it's all your fault!
Dor dont mentionhis name and sex Q willget sick
blah blah blah blah blah I wrote how I felt, So I really don't care if you did'nt like it.
Why do I have to kiss onix's ass
who the hell is he? really
Q, it always is. ;)
Dor, don't worry about it hon. I'll sexually harass you if you want. LMAO
Wazzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaappppppppp ladies?! How are y'all this fine day?
Be thankful thankful.
There is good news, Dana and Electra seem to have some sort of affection for him. And I think it is a wonderful thing for all of us. I don't want to read about it. But I am sure one or both of them should keep him very busy. There is a God!
*grabs popcorn Venge is about to blow*
jane i didnt say anything about kissing his ass you little smart mouth dunce.
its how you say do have a nasty attitude...and coming from me thats quite a problem.
Hell is out on bail......PEOPLE!
HEy TX shhhhh come over here Venge may be about to blow
*takes a handful of NV's popcorn and sits back to watch*
Hey Tx, how are ya sweetie?
nv, i dont have time to train this little chick to be a good little dog.
im out of here. ill probably be around later.
*hugs Revenge*
Talk to you soon. :)
Dor, you hot sexy thing. Come on over here and sit on my lap.
ok venge luv ya chica be good
If you had read My post I already wrote that I would try not to be as vulger in my future posts.
I don't have a nasty attitude I'm just me and don't call me a dunce you don't know me.
your the one who always has something nasty to say to me.
so your the one with the attitude problem, tsk tsk.
Faints @ dor and Groovy, Dor baby we love you
NV, don't faint baby, you want a piece of this too? LMAO
NV: What's going on?! {hides with NV}
GROOOOOVY: Hey honey bunches of oats! lol
ummm Groovy thanks but I love your mother role lol
Hey REVENGE sugar honey iced- tea
Oooooh, I'm honey bunches of oats! I love that cereal!
Actually, I'm more of a low-fat Granola with raisins girl, but y'know. Same difference.
NV, I feel so rejected. *takes another handful of popcorn and pouts*
Dor, I doubt you'd crush me, but if there's even the slightest possibility I'd miss a PTA meeting, then come sit on my lap NOW. I have a meeting tomorrow night and I'm avoiding doing the two months' worth of paperwork that I need to take with me.
TX I thought hell was out on bail but Vene had to go
dont feel rejected Groovy I love me some you
Hell's bail was revoked.
Innnnnnnnteresting about Rico! That boy has a big mouth.
NV: OUT ON BAIL? I coulda sworn I locked the cell b4 I left on Monday {jingles keys}
NV, I love me some you, too. And you're right -- there's something really wrong with Momma Groovy sexually harassing her little chicks.
Sorry Dor, I can't do it anymore. You'll have to ask Steups to harass you.
Does anyone else feel Steups presence.....gloating in the darkness?
Plotting his next diabolical move....
lol @ Groovy and TX
I appreciate your comments Jane...don't let the mob depress you
Dana and Electra; there is this shown on HBO I'd like you to watch; it's called Big Love
I don't share
I thought we went through that already
Good afternoon Quanda and Dorfam, I missed you earlier.
To anyone who can; please thank Onix for coming on, we appreciate it...
Awwwwwwwww shit. It's snowing. If my kids are out on another snow day tomorrow I'm likely to set myself on fire.
On the other hand, if school's canceled, so is the PTA meeting.
Go Snow!!
Yep, knew it...felt it.
Hi Dana, I thought you'd...well our last conversation know...that you were not happy.
damn Quanda you are good
Did I not thank Onix? Oops, sorry for the bad manners.
Onix, thank you for joining us. Really, it's nice to see you in here.
*mouths 'Call Me'*
Hi there an earthquake in Cali again.
Lorddddd, it must be so tough for you out there, the San Andreas is such a bitch
ONIX?! Why in the name of ALL THAT IS GOOD do I keep missing that man?! lol
Well anyways, thanks for stopping by ONIX...{mumbling to myself} even though you always manage to drop by when i'm NOT here....{forced smile} lol
that was your "it" wasn't it?
I hate to think it was a typo and there are letters missing, lmao
NV: I told y'all Quanda got some powers...imma call her 'SUPA Q'
Tx, do you take that personally? Do you ever think that maybe he lurks in the comments box and just waits to comment until you're not around?
Sorry, I'm just kidding. I just love watching people jump into paranoia.
Shawtyyyyyyyyy, sup Ma?
Dana, you've gone silent.
It's cool that we have this alternate reality in The Box but we really should discuss the article too...
I don't like White Boy, very much...the whole naivete act is not an excuse, IMO.
Fuck, I've never been to Japan (I think) but I know to bow when I meet the fuckers and say arigato or some shit like that
So I'd think he knows by now, living in a country with Internet access and television that there are some things you shouldn't say in the company of black people; or any people
Noin just chillin on it, what's poppin yo way, Pa?? {you like my slang?, lol}
Groovy: I don't know Groovy {eyes widen and looks around paranoid} you think I should? lol
his Groo existence will catch up to him...he's next to Go.
Steups: You THINK you've never been to Japan? How so?
Uh Steups? Honey, the article's about Mr. Boston. Not Whiteboy. Or am I reading your comment wrong?
when I said WB, I meant MrB....that's some Freudian shit right there, lol
yes I corrected myself
NV: Hey NV...I gotta new pic on myspace that makes me look all STUDIOUS or TEACHER-ish, whichever you'd prefer...i'm wearing glasses lol 4-EYED FOX! lol
Tx, I don't know sweetie. It's just an observation. LOL
I think because I can't remember
which isn't Descartes but you get the point
steups do you have flavor of love 2 on dvd on this blogger and if you do can i but it
LOL Steups, just checkin'.
Groovy: {still wide-eyed and paranoid} Yea, yea, that's what it is...
{becomes jittery as if i'm a fast forwarded Mr. Boston}
He's doing this on purpose, yea, yea, that's what it is!
Nah i'm just kidding, but one day I'm going to be on when he's on lol...ONE could happend...someday...ah crap...NEVER lol
Nah shawty, your slag aint jiggy, yo
Anon, we sell only, our bodies here
Tx, just never leave the comments box. Take it to the bathroom with you. You won't miss him that way. LOL
What it do on the ranch Shawty?
(wonders about DANA)
TX i will log on to see shortly
Steups: {like a CLUELESS Chance from the first episode of ILNY} MY slang ain't 'jiggy'...MY slang ain't 'JIGGY'up in this mutha f*&&er....???? What IS jiggy?! lol
p.s. Jiggy, for me, when out with 'Big Willy Style' for me...that and Wild Wild West lol
Shawty, you are looking fione.
Oh sorry, I forgeot; you are from Texas. You are looking mighty fione
why does my forget look like a French automobile?
Steups: Can't say I've ever known anyone who had a maybe Chance and Real...and I don't KNOW them lol