You have to understand this; people don't appreciate your disrespecting their mother. If you told Bobbi Christina her mother was on crack she'd punch you in the mouth. And we know damn well Whitney was on that ish
Disrespecting someone's mother is a no-no; but that doesn't mean snitching among men is a yes-yes...but let's see how Episode 4 played out
The episode began very early in the morning ...
(in the show, fool. It aired at 9 Eastern as always)
Unlike last week, Chamo reverted to type and wore an outrageous outfit to present this week's challenge. Today he opted for a white wife-beater and a Sunbird-yellow hard-hat.
(hold on for a second...I have to see Selena climb that pole on White Rapper)
Yeah, so Chamo did old-school gay couture tonight, and went way back to the days of the Village People to construct that ensemble. He looked good though; but enough of that...
The guys were separated into three teams with a set task to erect a kennel for New York's dog, Majesty. The teams were separated by color (why? I don't know) and immediately White Boy began bitching because Tango was in his unit.
"I don't hang with Tango; Tango, he just whack"
(whack? Did a grown man just say Tango was whack?)
For the record the teams were :
Grey Team - Tango, Onix and White Boy
Black Team - Rico, Chance and Mr. Boston
White Team -12 Pack, Real and Heat
So the guys set about the task and 12 Pack is spitting the lines. Letting us know that this isn't his normal style but he's "still one hell of a sexy foreman".
Heat described his foreman and himself as 'Batman and Robin' but 12 Pack thought that an overestimation, and of Heat, he said "he is my mini-me. I got all the good genes; he got stuck with the rest".
The Black team were not clicking and it didn't help that Mr. Boston was making no contribution at all.
The White Team seemed to know what they were doing although 12 Pack was bragging so much it was difficult to believe they would do anything but fail.
So the cameras switch to White Boy using a jig-saw an suddenly Tango steps away
(I'm thinking White Boy cut the dude and is about to receive that overdue ass whupping)
White Boy thought he was hurt too but it turns out Tango had a splinter in his hand
(Oh hell naw!)
(Maybe it was a Splintersauras Rex or something)
Of course White Boy had to talk about it because you know that playette is on Tango, hard.
White Boy said Tango " just a fake busta. Straight up"
(Dude has a point. Orthopaedic surgery for a splinter isn't a good look)
Anyways, Tango was de-splintered and soon Chamo was running out of the house to let the "muchachos" know "a hora de parar" (time to stop in broken Spanish)
New York and majesty (the dog) reappeared to choose the winner and rejected the Black Team's offering. They were pleased with the Grey Team's effort (who modeled it's kennel on the Parthenon temple) but adjudged the White Team's dog-house as the winner.
(I thought otherwise, and I should know; because I have been 'in the doghouse' many times before)
The winners shared an evening dinner with New York. But separately.
Real had cocktails with New York on the verandah and I won't lie; Real looked proper. New York couldn't stop herself from playing with his hair and they looked like a genuine couple together.
As do Chance and White Boy; as the scene shifted to the kitchen to show the fake thug cutting White Boy's hair. (I think that was existentialism or something; the way they moved from Real's curtain of hair to White Boy's trim.)
So we return to New York and Real kissing, but the time was up for cocktails.
Next up was dinner with Heat.
Heat is just a f*cking bore. I can't say it any better than that.
Heat came to dinner with a crucifix choker on his neck, wtf?
Now I am no Andre Leon Talley; but I know the differences between style, fashion and foolishness. And a man with a choker crucifix isn't stylish or fashionable.
(At this point I am thinking this is the worst Episode yet)
He and New York engaged in some unnecessary repartee before the scene shifted to the guys surrounding Mr Boston to shave him. They were unsuccessful as far as I could tell and Tango just sat there, watching them, acting all mature and shit.
Chance later explained the reason for the Mr. Boston attack, tracing it back to the challenge and in his best Tony Montana accent (which is the worst Tony Montana accent I've ever heard) he says "you made us lose you die!"
(can this Episode get any worse?)
Thankfully the date with Heat ended and it was dessert time with New York and 12 Pack. They went upstairs to New York's bedroom because 12 Pack said they "were feeling it hardcore."
I was shocked New York chose 12 Pack for the bedroom encounter but I was even more shocked to see a woman waiting there for them.
(An inter-racial threesome? That's my shit right there.)
Wasn't to be though, the lady (Taia Aaliyah) was a Tantra teacher brought there, as 12 Pack said, to teach them "moves he pretty much knew already."
They both changed. New York wore a white bikini (that's more like it) and 12 Pack, a leopard print Speedo. He was quick to point out that there was a "no better guy than himself to wear a leopard Speedo"
Taia had them connecting physically and mentally but New York was concerned she wanted "to take 12 Pack and herself; sexually" and got rid of her rather quickly.
That meant 12 Pack and New York were finally alone but as it is with every horny man, 12 Pack needed a bathroom break...
(it happens to me all the time; urine build-up and horniness have this weird symbiotic existence)
12 Pack used the break (after washing his hands I trust) to grab a few drinks and moreso, to show-off his Speedo to the other contestants. They were not all that surprised (it's 12 Pack after all) but Real and Heat were upset by the length of time New York was devoting to 12 Pack
Upstairs 12 Pack lay prostrate over New York and rubbing on her hard, much to her delight and my dismay.
The dude was in Heat (which isn't as weird as it sounds as you will soon find out).
Downstairs and outside, Real and Heat could restrain themselves no longer and needed a better view. Thanks to a ladder (that just happened to be there) Real climbed to the second-floor balcony and said he "felt like King Kong coming to save his woman"
(somewhere in Mississippi a white man enjoyed that; I didn't)
Having done the hard work Real messed up and was spotted by New York (as she came up for breath under 12 Pack's body)
They both walked outside and found Real under the table; but it all blew over thanks to Heat who told her they were upset by the amount of time given to 12 Pack.
(now I know what to say when my lover and her husband catches me peeping through their bedroom window)The date ended soon after and 12 Pack and Heat resumed their drinking. It wasn't long before they were both drunk out of their minds as the clock showed 4:18 am (remember that time)
Thereafter, we saw12 Pack dancing a robot striptease in his Speedos and listening to an inebriated Heat's confession that "he (12 Pack) has the best body in the frickin' place".
Somewhere between 4 and 5 am Heat and 12 Pack retired to bed; but not for long.
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Just not right that Real takes longet to do his hair than NY. I am not sure if that makes him look bad, NY look bad, but I wil say both.
Where is Part 2???????????
Where is it??????????
I have to know, I have to know...
Don't do this to me. You know I live for this show
damnnnnnnnn DANA
You're such a tease!!!!!!
How could you put Part 1 and not Part 2 immediately??????
Thanks :-)
p2 is there now, your royal sexiness
Steups what is this about, you said you would be mah new boyfrann... *cries and throws a fit*
If I had to choose between the remaining guys I guess I would choose Rico. 12 Pack is so into himself, and Mr. Boston completely gets on my nerves! I think he reminds me of my irritating East Coast relatives.
I don't think that New York will choose Rico however. My money (if I had any) would still be on Chance, though he's kind of a wild card. He could pull some kind of stunt that would really piss her off.
I don't know... there's just something about Mr. Boston that just screams "closet racist" to me.
Morning u all.
What I dont understand is how come Chance could disrespect NY's Mom, straight up in her face and survives.
Onix (he's just dumb) speaks his mind and gets the axe.
What's up with that?
Oh Tango, Tango, Tango & Mr. Rico how could u guys act like little women? Huh?
I was so cheering on Tango but not anymore he's a bacanalist plain and simple. He and that butt kissing Rico.
On a lighter note the Grey team did look GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!
Morning all
Oh and Mr. Boston had no right to call Sister Patterson Dart Vader.
She's no Vader, she's a Vaderette.LOL
Just kidding guys, just kidding
Morning NV (shouting at the tip of my voice on top of a mountain of LuluLOVE)
Hey E and you got me cracking up I wont lie when he said that last night i did nt know to laugh or get mad
I must confess, I laughed. LMAO. I really did.
I know I shouldn't but its was toooo goooood to let it slide, just toooo good.
(Sorry guys, please dont give me a beat down today, I am in such a happy mood right now) :)
hell it was funny after a second of thought i laughed especially when he talked about her forhead lol
Yeh girl. LMAO
Seriously though, I think he's next to go home. I mean the only reason y he is still der is because Onix is a Boob and Tango and Rico are 2 bacanalists.
What u think?
yeah i think boston will go home on the next show him and rico i think
Onix is so damn SEXY!!!!! I will miss his musKles (talkig with a popeye the sailor accent)
Bye Onix baby see u in my dreams *kisses Onix on Chest and slaps his butt*
(I know I am not supposed to lust -bad E)
*spanks E hand* NONO {whispers to GOD} ok i got her
I will lust for you that man dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn Onix if only you would have kept itto yourself how you were feeling i could still see you on the show
Rico is not doing anything for anyone right now he is just making up numbers.
Mr. Boston is not too bright and getting me on my last nerve. I cant see him and NY together at all they are like Oil and Milk, cant mix.
I liked Tango until he showed me that he was a little woman so I will have to find someone else to cheer on.
Steups honey, don't be mad, but right now the least of all d evils in the house is Whiteboy (I cant believe I am saying this). So I am cheering him on.
Oh I forgot Real. Real is Sweet but he is too SHORT man I like BIG men so when I am walking with them I feel safe. U know?
Yeh NV u take over Pleeeease.
I cant wait for the Charm School show too oh and Road Rules tonight.
i cant believe they told they obviously never grew up in the A
OK what do u mean by the A u know I am not from where u are from so Spill.
We have a name we call dem hear but I dont want to offend anyone so I am not going to say dat word.
In the Police Service they call those kind of people Stooges. When they kiss up and carry news to Senior Officers.LOL
Most of my Fam are Police Officers, Remmember? So I hear them talking alot.
I thought you were going to say a macomere (maco-meh) man Electra. I just realized I can't spell that word for the life of me ...
Yes Dana that's what they call dem. Where u from? Trinidad?
Remember the Calypso? Maco mere Man... we dont want no maco mere man...etc.
Oh and u have to be careful with what u say here. All different kinds of people who pass through.
Yes Electra, I'm from Trini.
And to 'all the different kinds of people who pass through here' it's a slang, it's not meant to be offensive or prejudiced ... well except against naughty people who tell tales on other people - no matter how incredibly sexy they are (Tango). Lol
THE A= Atlanta Ilove me some tango but damn baby why
Yuh understand NV I dont know what's up wit that dude.
So Dana are u living in Trini or some other country?
Oh and which part Trinidad are u from?
I am so excited that there's another Trini in d house. I was getting lonely.
So its me, u and Steups who is half trini, half english.
Hey Dorfam there is someone else from the Caribbean here, isn't dat GREAT!!!!!!
Hey Dor and welcome Dana
Well Dana.....
NV: Thanks, I feel very welcome.
I have been reading the blog for quite a while but have been afraid to comment because sometimes you all scare me a little. Lol. But Nick tells me that the love you all have for each other sometimes manifests itself in meanness but it's still love. Lol.
I live in London now Electra but I'm originally a South girl - from San Fernando (and you know down dere have plenty tempo)
Awwww Dana we are one BIG dysfunctional family thats all we argue but we love each other
Dor I am not holding out my hand
*DEAD* i just watched the extras on vh1 are you serious sister paterson saying fo shizzle is tooooooooooooooo funny
i think he didnt want to take off his hat he said something about coming how he is whats ggetsme is he has nice hair why he alway got on a scarf
Yeh Steups told me there were 2 more Trinis on d Blog and I asked him who and he did not want to tell me. So now that u are here (Yippie) I just have to look out for the other Trini (I hope its a guy).
So Dana my mother's entire family is from Palo Seco. I lived der a couple of years myself but I grew up in Arima. I love der.
So its nice meeting u. Hope u stay.
BTW are u here for Carnival? I dont partake in it but I know many people come home for it.
Oh der is a new Calypso that goes like dis:
She does things by the dozens
She does things by the dozens
She dozen cook, she dozen wash;
Pots and pans she dozen touch......LOL
I cant remember all d words right now but believe u me I am going to learn them. I love those types of Calypsoes.
Dana please stay I have nevr seen E so excited lol
Yeh NV I am excited.LOL So where is everyone else?
I have a bone to pick with Steups too
OH Dorfam I know u know what they call a suckteeth.LOL
E - I was just home for Christmas so I couldn't run back for Carnival this year sadly. I do most definitely partake but will have to wait until next year to shake my behind in fetes and feathers :-(
That calypso sounds great! Really funny. Will go online later and see if I could hear it. Do you know who sang it?
When I came home I heard one from Fireball, I wish I knew the words but I don't - it just sounds good. I have it on an mp3 though so I dance to it all the time here in the cold. And I know one from Crazy - 'When you wine on me I does cold sweat'...
Carnival excites me!!!!!!
E I dont know where everyone at
good morning.
A suck teeth makes the noise 'steups' or more like 'steupsssssssss' to show great displeasure (could be accompanied by a slow shake of the head)
Put your tongue onthe roof of your mouth and suck inwards... a suck teeth is that sound
Hey Venge lol
OH Dorfam your hubby is from d Caribbean and u dont know? hmmmph that is bad girl.
Hi Revenge good to see u girl!!!
Dana girl I think it was Ninjaman or Skatie who sang dat song its sooooo funny I just love it.
Oh and Crazy - that song has been blasting since the Christmas season. U should see him perform.LOL
Its only about 2weeks ago I realised what "Ah get wet" meant.LOL
Densye Balfon has a new dance called the Bicycle and the Tricycle. She HOT she real HOT; will bun dem Jamaican girls anyday anytime. She has so much size and could still get on.WOW
This girl is here - Minmi from Japan. She is singing with Marchel. I think she did so last year.
So I am looking forward to the Extempo Competition (love it), De Marsh Gras and the Humourous Calypso Competion (She does things by d dozen must be der), the Soca Monarch and Groovy Soca Monarch.
U could imagine if I was into Carnival?LOL
I am so hyped about those events and I dont fete or anything. (my friends are trying to encourage me but nah).
Oh gorsh man Dana y u tell? LOL
OK a Steups is a suckteeth and it usually means Kiss my Ass.LOL
Not all d time though it's according to how u use it and the circumstances or conditions u use it under.
So it could be - Steuuuuuuuuuups oh gorsh y dis man doh shut up his damn mouth.
Or - Steuuuuuups I know I should not of done that u know (shaking head)
Or- Steuuuuuuups well if u name wo/man come and slap meh nah. etc.LOL
Dorfam please Dont Steuuuuups for hubby with the island temper. OK girl? LOL
what song?
im so lost.
ok im from an island too but im still lost.
Dimanche Gras. I have been corrected by the man I love so much.
LOL @ Dorfam
Oh Revenge its just a Calypso Dana and I were talking about that's all.
ugh im aggy and WHERE IS MY QUANDA?
steups is a horrible man, absolutely horrible. im really beginning to get annoyed.
Yeh I feel so Dorfam cause he did look happy when he got kicked to the curb.LOL She could of kicked him over to me.. u know? Hmmph - selfish female. She dont want him and no one else can have him.LOL
Oh and Revenge, I miss Quanda too, and Groovy :(
Anywayz guys, someone just offered to carry me to d beach (seaside) and I just might take up d offer so if u dont hear from me soon I'll catch up with u guys later.
yes electra i do too and i am annoyed since our fearless leader feels the need to pursue every single vagina that visits our blog.
in turn, slowly my amazon women are fleeing from this blog in disgust.
sorry cursing in spanish makes me feel a little better. but i am too annoyed right now.
if this were a corporation Nicholas would have plenty of sexual harassment suits lol
OH I see Revenge. Please dont leave though. Its getting harder to talk to people I know cause more and more people are leaving. *Sigh*
Oh Dorfam I know what u mean. Onix (my sweet sweet Onix) did not care when he left because he was coming home to E.
OK I Can dream can't I?LOL
Good morning, All!!! I agree that Onix wanted out of there. He even said, “I know this will be on tv and all, but…” I LOVED when he told her he was better than her! I thought he was the complete package. Good-looking, charismatic, and had a great job. I’m glad that NY will not have a chance to ruin all of that for him!
Hey Kp i thought he said I am better I thought i was tripping
ok guys i will be back lunch time 2 weeks no food now i get a salad
Hey, NV: Not tripping. It was the little smirk on his face when he said it that made her go off! I was so glad someone else noticed her say something about questioning her mother’s FATE. I was making fun of that when it was on!
GO ONIX, GO ONIX, GO GO GO MY SWEET ONIX. WHat a sweet black man (licking lips) *faint,sthud*
Hey, Imac! Scrubs watcher too?
Laterz Guys I am off to the Beach.
It’s 38 degrees here, so 52 would be heaven and anything NEAR beach weather is MORE than welcome!!! I just noticed that Imac started the thread with “firsties.” I don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy, although all of my friends do. I’ve got better shows to commit my time to, such as ILNY or Surreal Games.
did i just miss Electra? i just wanted to thank her for the love. anyway, she's right... i wasn't upset that i was leaving. and i'm a little disappointed that Shawn was a no show last night. oh well... Hi Revenge! ~ Onix
So, Onix…Spill the dirt! What made you bounce? You’re obviously WAY too smart to not know that they would be airing what you said. Have a girl to head back to, or was she just that annoying?
Onix I am hurt you come inhere and speak to electra and revenge ONLY *crying*
did you know it was tango and rico who told on you before the show aired?
sorry NV! i've got luv for you too sweeheart ;) it's like this... you're not quaranteed to like someone when you meet them, and you can't force yourself to be interested if you're not. everyone has been on a few dates with someone, and then decided that it's not for you. this is no different. ~ Onix
you know I am here with you Dor but lawwwd my man is here... SHHH he talking continue Onix lol
Onix: its all good, and honestly a few people here including myself knew NY was not right for you!
Revenge: Does he really pursue every vagina that comes on the blog????
Damn, I thought I was special
sorry dana lol
Thanks NV for the sympathy.
However will I cope?????
Ah well some day, some how, some time I'll be able to pull myself together and *tearful gasp* move on...
Damn you steups!!!! I really loved you *sniff sniff*
lol great theatrics Dana lol
*rubbing her back* you will pull through sweetie trustme you will
Sorry, Dana. Steupz motto “Have vagina, will follow.” Welcome though! Glad to have you here!
So what did he do to Quanda to run her out forever????
he always fucking wit Quanda so there is no telling
wow umm we dont know tellhim to hit her on myspace
DAMMIT, Steups!!! I want to see what Mr. Boston has to say. Make nice, please!
lol he has been ghost all day ummmm
Quanda and setups never got along because of whiteboy
i would hope not maybe its behind the scenes( i sound like i am talking about a movie)
Dor i will more than happily allow you in my trailor just dont ask for my hand and dont be holding nothing
* opens door*
trailor is squeaky clean*
now i cant speak for anyone else but i dont get some of the arguements either so I dont know what be going on
lmao lawwwd Dor whatyou be doing ?
tryina keep up w/ these 2 kids and this husband that ain't worth a biscuit and 2 legs....
faints @ surrogate
oh wow ummm ok yeah lol
**mental picture**huh
Where is the Royal 1 2 day?
hell yeah one funny mental pic
and I dont know he has been ghost all day i should have called him last night i went straight to sleep after seeing ILNY I was happy my man went home with a smile on his face he knew who was at home waiting lol
I'll send a man 2 a biscuit lmao
umm no I will keep Onix thanks lol
Afternoon all....
Afternoon, Posh!
Hey patter
Do you know how many are being eliminated next week?
hey Posh
how was Tango
Girl, you gotta slide show going on!
Nv Tango was not cause I cancelled it. I was so tired last night but I will interview him tonihgt and boy am I interested in how he feels about being called a Snitch!
Patter: I just changed photos back and forth.. tryin it out.
lol I wanna know WHY he sntched I mean i know ita a competition but still somethingyou dont do tell him *looks around for Onix * I love him reardless but dayummmmmm Gina
Where do I begin? Here’s a beginning, I HIGHLY DISLIKE Steups.
But that is none of you all’s concern.
What is important is our mutual love, like, hate & total fanaticism for the ‘I Love New York’ show?
So yes, I will be typing up the interview with Mr. Boston.
No need for all to suffer to spite one miserable, lying , stinking bag of rat poop & ferret urine.
Quanda what happened?
Enquiring minds want 2 know..I want to know:0)
QUANDA *ducking * how are you today honey ?
Q: Anyone that has been on this blog more than once knows you are sane! Keep up the good work and thanks for not making us suffer!!! Sending mental pharmaceutical help to calm the nerves.
for some reason that pisses me off even more.
::sighs:: let me breathe, i missed onix's visit to the blog as well as dana's question.
yes, dana he is like that WITH EVERYONE.
Dorfam, our blessed middle child...LMAO...go watch TV.
NV, homocide is on my mind...other than that I am doing great. Oh someone broke out my BMW's windshield but it all good.
Kpatter, do you have anything stronger?
Hey Revenge.....smooches.
Are you fucking serious? * grabs purse madea style* you know who did it ?
oh god...
um yea btw im out of here for a while.
setups did it
venge why you leaving
Yes, I know. My family getting thuggy with it.
I hate bopping ass b@#$* who have nothing...they like to destroy your shit that you have worked for...but it's all good.
Revenge, come back for the Mr. Boston interview it'll be up tonight.
Checks with the street pharmacist Q, I got you!!! That really sucks about your windshield. BMW windshields cost a helluva lot more to replace. We had to have the dealer replace ours, so you know how much that costs and how long you'll have to wait.
I just don't see myself ever buying another one. I like my car. I really do but it's like raising another child.....always something.
I am off for now. Everyone be good to one another and the 'ILNY' cast.....
Whiteboy has thrown me to the waste side.
But no matter, I lust for him none the less.
He is still my number 1!!!!!!
Onix though gone is still my #2.
I am loyal to a fault.
setups must be laughing now
setups Tango is a fakeass buster
dorfam are you slavadorean
Can someone tell me, are New York and Sister Patterson, pre or post operative transsexual?
I can not see WHY she got a show. New York aka Tiffany is just as crazy as her mama ( I hope it is just for TV and not how these women truly are. Onix, thanks to you for being honest. You hit the spot. I do not understand WHY her mother has to be on all the episodes. They both look like characters from star trek and not star wards mr. boston. I send special prays up for tiffany and her mother. Tiff if you just loved yourself you would not need all the attention you seek...If you just learn to shut up sometimes maybe you will find a man...TV one has a program on and I think you should watch and take notes. It is brothers tell WHY they have issues with sisters. You could learn from this because the way you are sensitive along with your mouth is going to make it hard for you and with your mama's behavior and opinions is not making it any better for you. I hope that there is not another I love .....2 because I truly believe they rounded up all the nutty men they could find to be on your first show. CHANCE and a few others who seem to have it together...Onix was right ya'll deserve better. Oh by the way get your hair looks a mess. Tell mama dearest to find a wig that can cover her big forehead...
Did anyone read Tango's Blog Post about Onix?
nope about to go read
Is it me, or do these men on this show seem bitchier than the women on the last FOL?
I don't remember as much as snitching going on.
the splinter scene was kind of funny
I am soooo Pissed right now. I missed MY MAN ONIX.
ONIX baby please come back, PLEEEEASE.
(E on knees and sobbing)
Does anyone know how to contact Onix? Please do tell. :)
Girl, I'm glad he left. I didn't want NY touching my man.
Me neither. Hmmph LOL
But he was up in here earlier and now he's gone (rubbing eyes and wiping tears)
Did anyone else think Heat was COMPLETELY whacked out? Besides the obivious choker crucifix, wtf was all that mumbling about "butter kisses???" Weirdo.
aye poshhhhhhh
where r u?
POSH! log on i wanna chat, lol.
onyx receive the boot for saying that New York's mother was a little over the top. ( which she really was) and a lot of people felt that it wasn't fair.( which it really wasn't fair)...But in episode 1, Wood receive the boot for appearing on a reality show, yet New York kept "Heat", who is a actor. So I really think fair went out the window a long time ago. For the record, both Chance and Mr. Boston had said some unpleasant things about New York's mother.
..Do anyone else think that Heat might have a man crush on "12 Pack"? I think Heat was really crushing on 12 packhard.
anonymous they all are gay to me
Its very OBVIOUS that Heat is a Wacko and has a crush on 12 Pack who happens to be in love with himself.
i think heat was just drunk during the whole episode.
Good evening to anyone out there
hi..too lazy to sign into google =)
Flava of Love was my guilty pleasure and I simply fell in love with New York during the first season. That woman is real, true to herself and takes care of herself - at least on FoL she did. As much as I wanted to see her on I Love New York, I can't help but get the feeling she is drunk during the 1-on-1 camera confessions. She has always talked with her eye closed (something I found so cute about her) but in the last three episode of I Love New York, she sounds like she had too much to drink most of the time.
C'mon New York, your fans love you but let's get back to taking care of you. You're still fly but I'm hating the hair color and the make-up choices lately. Get back to being the gorgeous, outspoken diva that you were for a year straight. And put yourself, not the booze, first.
And Sister Patterson was over the top. I don't know if she was faking it for the cameras, but she was over the top.
@not hatin over here, I agree with you. I love NY but I found myself giving her (okay the TV) the "side eye" because of how outrageous she's ACTING. and Mama Payne was too much. and yes, I'll say say it... I'm gonna need Mama to invest in a lace front because the hairline is GONE. Now I'm gonna go pray about that. PRRRAAAAAIIIIISSSEEEE HIIIIIIMMMMMM.
steups what happen to the comment box
Alright lets just cut it down. who isnt gay on the show, Im sure that would be easier. Damn its like a witch hunt. what about the dog the dog maybe gay......
Alright, I'm so sick of you guys referring to the interview segments as confessionals. The producers sit down with the cast each week to conduct interviews about the events in the house. Sometimes the producers may lead the questions, saying such things as, "So, Onix...we've received word that so and so has been gossiping about you to the other guys. How do you feel about this person? Is there anything you'd like to say?". These are not CONFESSIONALS!
Ummm, what's a bacanalist? Am I stupid for not knowing what that means?
Yes, you are. You are the stupidest person on the board. Whore!
The term bacanalist is not an actual word. You must be refering to Bacchanalia.
I was just asking a question. Damn. Sorry. Electra used the term. "I was so cheering on Tango but not anymore he's a bacanalist plain and simple. He and that butt kissing Rico." I was just curious as to what it meant, I've never seen it before.