"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American presidential candidate who is articulate and bright and clean-cut and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man."
Those are the words of Senator Joseph Biden, D-Del., describing fellow Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama, D-Ill. Doesn't seem like much to me, but the media seems to think it plays into a stereotype.
People see what they want to see...
Take this guy for example, who posted this comment on the V-Spot'S I Love New York message-board..
Rico: The Homophobe
I recently sent a message to Rico's MySpace page. As a gay man, I was very
careful not to be too flirty and even acknowledged the fact that men probably
hit on him all the time but I was more or less sending him a message telling him
how sincere and cool he was on the show.
I was very sincere in telling him how much I enjoyed him on the show, a
response would be awesome, and that he had a fairly large gay fan-base as well.
Oh I got a response alright...
Rico stated (and I quote) "I respect gay plp what can i do u like guys
i like p*ssy..but just keep it respectfull ok.."
I thought this was the rudest response he could have ever given! This does
NOT sound like the same guy that comes off as being sincere and cool on
camera--he plays to me like a rude *sshole that doesn't know how to spell
properly and respectfully address an individual.
And have u seen HIS MySpace page? Are u SURE u like chicks , Rico?
Didn't see a whole lot of women in the photos with u...mostly a bunch of
overtly and seemingly gay fellas who look like they may be "diggin'" eachother
rather than any hot chicas that he claims he's solely into.
I may like guys and not "p*ssy", but at least I'm not squishin' my junk
into chick's panties and tossin' it up onto MySpace...u look like u should be in
a Chi Chi LaRue movie (maybe u have been...would not be a surprise).
Rico, u just need to learn how to graciously accept a compliment or two and
think before u post such a sh*tty response to people that at one point
considered themselves a fan. U showed just how ugly a beautiful person can be,
and now I can't wait for New York to dump his sorry ass...
I don't want to judge and I would have responded differently (as my large homosexual fan-bas will testify, lmao) but what's the big deal?
But, I suppose I am being a hypocrite because I certainly didn't react well to this excerpt from Quanda's interview with Mr. Boston
So what was in like kissing New York?
Ah...*laughs Quanda you know how it looked awkward on television? Well it
was ah like even more awkward in person. It was my first time making out with a
black chick. She has huge lips and mouth. Ah...so when I was kissing her it felt
like my lips were in her mouth. It was really weird.
Maybe we all need to chill out and not be so quick to jump to conclusions. It's not like Mr. Boston is a racist who hangs out with women who spit in the faces of Black women
Shoutouts: Dorfam and Shawn and TelevisionWithoutPity
The P-Spot has an interview with Mr. Boston
DAMN!!!you beat me..lmao
Steups as far you post on Rico goes we can continue from where we left off in here yesterday.
Based on his response to you his head is filled with more air than that ballon Ny was riding in.
Dor you crazy girl lmao.
I havent posted first in ages.
Oh and for the record, Im hatin on all of you that can access myspace at work.
FREE PIMP C!!!!!!!!!!!
Boston is retarted, I don't know why people are taking anything he says seriously.
The fact that he is hanging with pumpkin says it all, she is going to teach him how to be a professional reality show contestent.
He kills me acting like kissing new york was something horrible for him, this dude had nasty hygiene habits. New york should have downed a bootle of listerine after kissing him.
Steups please don't get me started...please. If I get on the soapbox ppl r going to start thinking I'm a black panther..lol
But I can see where Senator's Biden remarks were inappropriate...and once again given history those remarks were out of place...
steups have you ever had a boyfrann?
Not yet anonymous...that comment by Biden does not even meet the standard of insensitive
Steupz ru serious or ru just trying to bait me?
another Mr Boston interview, discussing his Vader comment and his appearance on Tyra
Dorfam nice job on the interview too.
Dorfam nice job on the interview too.
I'm serious...I see nothing wrong with it
Forgot my manners...
Good Morning, Posh, Dorfam, Jane and Anon
When John Kerry ran for office did his cleanliness play a part...noooo!!!
He spoke nothing of this mans integrity and experience...
When slaves were being traded and sold the slavemasters used to look under there fingernails,stick their fingers in their mouths and check their teeth...and to me. Senator's Bidens statements resound those images in my head.
Fyi I will be posting an interview with Tango on Princess Pollard later. He has a lot to say about the whole snitchin thing. lol
All this talk about politics...
The only thing I want for christmas is Bush out of office.
Did he say anything about whiteboy like he did last time?
Jane you know he did lol
All will be revealed lata.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American presidential candidate who is articulate and bright and clean-cut and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man."
Jesse Jackson was the 1st...and that's a slap in the face of Jesse and later Al Sharpton who also ran..Are neither of them articulate, and bright..what difference does it make that he's good looking to me it..it was like a pat on the head for Toby...
Good Morning Steups:)MOrning Jane
Not saying Obama is a Toby..no but that was Sen. Biden's perception 2 me.
google is retarded today!!!
check out these clips of Mr. Boston's standup comedy routine from back in college.
Watch this clip of Boston dancing lol
hii setups =]
thiss is elisau how have u ben
There are two reasons why I say so
1) Biden has always come off has a good guy (a politica faux pas at worst, IMO)
2) I think he is not accepting Jesse and the Rev as mainstream candidates
The adjectives, articulate and clean-cut, etc, etc; are just add-ons.
I am absolutely positive you can find similar descriptions for Edwards, for example and no one made much of it.
Hey, maybe you are right; but you have to consider a person's rep when you analyze their comments.
Biden just seems a good guy to me
How ya been Elisau?
I didn't miss you but I am glad you're back (that's rude honesty, lol)
Steups Bush seems like a good guy 2 you...
Honestly Steups I've always liked Bide too, but these comments prove(along with all the other recent public racial statemenst in general) that America still has a lot of learning and educating to do.
Hi dorfam
Posh I will be reading what he has to say now.
did anyone else get the error page
I have been trying to post for awhile now and have been getting the error page.
Steups I want ur opinion do you think I'm racially oversensitive,
a few years ago there was a snickers commercial it started off with the scene of an elephant in the African plains, the elephant takes a boat to New York via Ellis Island, the elephant walks up to a newspaper stand and take a snickers bar, a white passerby says to the stand owner "hey, he didn't pay for that..." the owner rebuts "they never do.."
I was sooooooooo pissed with that commercial I started a letter campaign to have it removed and they did..what do you think?
I've gotten the error page most of the day Jane, here and (whispers princesspollard)
Dorfam you dont have whisper PRINCESS POLLARD cause its not that serious. lol
Anyway Dorfam if you wanna holla you can email me.
Refresh my memory what was the email?
Anybody here...here....here ....here
Hi lmac..how the hecks ru?
Pretty good, D!
Finally got all my law school app in!
Haven't got a chance to read all today's commentary nor the 300+ from the Boston interview. What's the good word today?
Good luck lmac.
Dorfam, I think those things hit you in the gut. It's not always easy to tell from a description.
If it hit you like that it probably was insensitive.
That's why I like the geico commercial with the caveman, it mirrors a lot of those things
Congradulations Imac,
Which school are you applying to?
Flav just needs to come in and save the day.
I appreciate the man-candy (mandy? hey, if vh-1 can get away with mangeant!) but I think I enjoyed NY and Flav's interaction more than any she has had all these young dudes so far.
For all the hihg viewing numbers that ILNY has, I still think FOL was better and much more entertaining. I was hoping that such a broad range of personalities would make for great TV, but I have been let down so far.
It's been kind of tame and we are already down to the last 7!!
West Virginia University, Shawn
1. you should post heat's bulletin. I thought it was pretty good.
To all my people, RESPECT and LOVE, on the real!---On the real. I have recieved hundreds of Emails every freakin day concerning me gettin kicked off. 1st and formost, I want to THANK ALL OF YOU, and seriously, I LOVE YOU GUYS for all the support I have recieved! No one, should ever come before your famliy or ur freakin YAYA, no fuckin way JOSE! Specially when she is there evaluating 20 guys and expects them to respect her own mother. Guess what, I was doin the same thing baby! I was not and will not kiss no women's ass no matter who u are. I want to get to know a person from the inside out, and make sure who they are, and who there family is. U know why??? When u get invloved or "married" to someone, u not only gonna marry them, but there family as well. Tell me what good shit this is lol = She kicks off ONIX because he disrespected her mother. Guess what? She kicks me off because I am puttin my family over her especially during evaluation and "getting to know one another" time. Full of shit, and honestly, she could NOT, handle the HEAT. Bullshit aside. I love all my fans, friends, and promise, this is just the begining. Sorry If I do not reply to everyones email, I am sure u understand. lOOKin foward to hearin' from everyone. Just remember, HEAT is on fire and it's gettin hotter by the second baby, get ready. Mad Love, Heat!
2. The fact that you're getting offended at the african elephant commercial just proves that you give into stereotypes like "black people steal" etc. I don't think of black people like that so I wouldnt even think of that wheile watching that commercial. I think thats a little over the top.
That is a good school Imac. So you know what field of law you want to go into yet?
Off the subject....
Steups I think this blog always needs a female perspective. If Groovy doesn't return, I think Posh should be one of you writers.
You know what I second that. I think Posh would make a great writer for this blog.
Well, I am thinking real estate/property law. I used to be a realtor, but quickly found out that I am no salesperson by any stretch of the imagination. However, I liked knowing all the laws like eminent domain and easements and such. I also am interested in patent law and family law but am I really opne ot learning about all aspects and areas
Posh has a job:)
Well if you want any information on Patent law I can help you with that. You do know that Patent Lawyer are the most paid lawyer out here.
But whatever field you go into stay focus ok trust me it will be worth it. I thought criminal law was the best till I was 6 month pregnant in court with a jackass. Never again so I switch over to another field.
Hey British Lover,
Work that magic.
I mainly interested in patent law due to the dearth of that kind of lawyer in my area. i would enjoy knowing more, if you care to share. I have no desire to do criminal law. I think I would end up bringing home a lot of heartache and irritation to my husband and child. I don't mind not being high profile! =)
why does everyone want to give this white guy a pass. his comments are racist. they may not be the most racist thing you can say (ie micheal richards), but racist nonetheless. stop letting white people off the hook when it comes to racism. they do that for them selves enough
Quanda, you are the female perspective. The intelligent, pretty, sexy perspective too.
No one?
They aren't giving him a pass. His comments were all over the media yesterday but I haven't see a single mention of it on the black perspective messageboard, I frequent
Hello everyone (who is important).
So, is NY considered a racists for the comments she made about the darkness of Trendz skin?
Does she get a pass? Just want to know. Not trying to instigate anything. Because if we used "no ones" logic, I think it would be racist
Steups she just saying maybe you want to talk to Posh about being a writer on here. She is a very good writer and you should notice that. She a intelligent, sexy dominant female. It would give her more exposure and 2 dynamite females to work with.
Come on now work your magic.
Yuck - Mr. Boston's comment about kissing New York was just offensive. No, I don't believe the guy is a racist. I think he has spent very, very little time with people who are not of his own race. And he obviously doesn't know how to respond to a question without putting his foot so far into his mouth. Like when Sister P asked what he'd do if his child came out as "black as my boot?" He really needs to think before he talks.
Ugh, Pumpkin. Classy girl, lmao.
Anyway, haven't been on in forever, hopefully will try to comment here more often.
Have a good day you all! Try to be on later...
I don't thnk NY was a racist..I think she has self hatred issues..I don't think Biden is racist I think the comments were insensitive..I don't think Boston is rascist but extremely naive...
Racism to me comes from a place of hate and contempt mixed with ignorace, and insensitivity..not just the latter two
I agree with you Dorfam.
NY=not a racist, but not without own issues
Boston=naive and sheltered
Biden=probably meant well, but high profile people people have to realize that (fair or unfair) every word and action is going to be scrutinized to the extreme because our media has become very sensational as of late
how can she be racist when she was so into flav look at flav
Ivory, pumkin is fug!
new york wouldn't be a racist but she would be considered to be a black person who is very confused about her own identity. some might even go so far as to call her a sellout, uncle tom, oreo cookie, ect.
however, with all of that said. it's kind of silly to discuss racist comments NOW. since this is a FOL blog and this is technically the 3rd season of it. after all FOL itself was dedicated to promoting and exploiting all the racist stereotypes of black people. it's black expliotation at it's worst. a modern day menstrual show. this is the female version of it.
NO,one can you splain me lil further plees
menstrual? is that a pun on minstrel because of the female lead on this show?
flava flav was black as fuck so what
If so damn clever
well, i'm off for a bit
have a good day all
glad someone got it :) thought i would give some writing al a chuck d
Hi Electra :-)
It's me with a short break from the heavy discussion ...
Just to let you know I had the pleasure of seeing Denise Belfon do the Bicycle Wine on You Tube yesterday!
All I can say is that it will take me a lot of practicing to be able to master that one ... Luckily I don't have to do it in time for Carnival!!!!!!
btw, we don't have to guess and debate what racism is. acedemia has done it for us. take any african american studies class and the first thing you will learn is the defination of racism: descrimitation plus institutional power.
thus black people in america would be unable to be racist because they have no have no institutional power. they can be predujice though. and in other countries they can be racist. but here they can't
Shawn, I am not a head-hunter.
She'll have to be pink-slipped first (pardon the pun)
Hey head-Hunter get paid very good. If she need to be pink-slipped I guess the magic man can work his magic fingers to get her. It was a suggestions that the magic man need to think about.
im good setups i finally over you and i got a new love i love irre now
You mean Royal "T" formerly known as Irre..lol
royal t no i love irre
Tween us I like Irre too**sshh**
I love diamonds and a brand new Lexus.
Hey Q, DId you see the new Lexus but watch Mercedes got something better. The BMW the 2008 is going to be awesome.
LOL @ Dana. Its a good thing I dont partake it Carnival cause lawd have mercy, I dont know how I would of made out nah.
shawn i can't afford them cars can you
about what time are you going to put up tango's interview I have to do something later and I wanna know if i'm going to have time to read it before I leave.
Actually Anon,
Yes I can afford anything I want.
BTW, Biden IS a racist. how can people give him a pass as well and say it's not racist. He made racist statements about Indian-Americans working at 7-eleven last year. this year it's about african americans. how many signs does a person have to show before people admit racism. does he have to go micheal richards on us to prove it?
Hey Dorfam,
I wish I could hell I'm like a Jamacian (hope I spell that right) I got my eggs in so many different baskets. I have like 5 different jobs just to make it. I like nice things and the main thing I spend on is education which is very important in my book.
Hi Anti (whoever u are) nice to meet someone new.
Hey Dorfam I did not see u. How are u girl?
lucky very lucky thank u.
True Dorfam so true. I will catch up with u guys later have to go take care of my babies. Bye
im not going to get into the discussion about racism only because i feel very very twisted on the subject...everyone has prejudices and some type of racism in them whether they know it or not...ive read some very "prejudicial" comments about hispanic people on here and noone even notices it as anything even remotely ignorant or reinforcing stereotypes.
im kind of annoyed actually by all this talk going on in media and everywhere else about racism and prejudice, i think people are quick to create scapegoats and outcasts for their own agendas, race is a hot card to pull...but im not really interested in any of it unless someone starts talking about the real truth, the fact that there is a huge divide between classes and in order to stop any type of hate is to provide victimized populations with resources and education...fuck im getting prechy
wtf this is exactly what i didnt want and im probably not making any fucking sense.
ok im done.
quanda where are u?
I'm a 36yr old white female who also lived a vary sheltered life.It wasn't till my adult life that I even talked to a somebody black.I took offence to Mr. Bostons little comment about New Yorks lips don't be fooled he's racist it's his little way to get his diggs in, in an innocent niave way.To bad new york didn't give him any ass so she coulda got a stereotypical comment in about how her "lips" really could envelope his smaller body parts...shame on you mr. boston your funny and entertaining but not at the expense of others
Hey Revenge
What type of poems do you do? I notice you are a very deep sista and yes I say sista not because of culture/race but because I notice that you are a very strong minded female which that is what I based sistahood on being a female.
The reason why I ask is there is a project going on and once it clear would love to talk to you.
So look out for a myspace message.
how shawn, lol my poetry is digsutingly horrible and overdone.
i fell in love with baroque-ness and becuase of that i suffer from brokeness...my poems do not sell, not only do they not sell, they need a dictionary to be understoodm its one of those moments where too much education in something fucks everything up.
:;sigh:: i gave up poetry quite a while ago, lol. now i tutor college kids on the side for english and writing composition.
:;sighs again:: im a failed artist.
Revenge, I think your poems are very good and no you are not a failed artist.
I will hit you later.
Heyllo, everyone, Tha Baby of the Blogspot is here!!
How is everyone tonight??
jemiella i need you
.....O_O Need me to WHAT?
Post this info:
I saw Michael Jackson's lawyer in the same church in episode four. I will e-mail you guys the pic. What's your e-mail address?
....Ummm, why, Anonymous @ 8:32? lol
*stares at roas rules with an arched eyebrow* Okaaaay....good for you.
To Anonymous @ 9:26: Uhhh, thanks, but no thanks. If that's why you "need me" its more like a "lusty want". I can't imagine why, though.
Hahaha, dude, WTF is goin' on here?
Steupz needs to check his myspace messages!!!!
.........No. Okay, where is Master Steups when you need him? -_-
It gets annoying after a while hearing the same fight. Something has to end; it's a broken record.
Sorry I missed you Jemi
Pumpkin is a worthless peice of shit who cant find her own fame, so she has to capitilize off of New York's, in the works of New York "She still needs that face lift!"
Sorry I meant to say words
Hi Almira, you aren't feeling her uh?
Pretty name too, sounds India but I am thinking Spanish?
So Im at work talking to this chick about "I love new york" low an behold she says she went to highschool with new york.
The girl is 2 years younger then new york my age. She said she met I think her mother cant remember if she said she ran into new york again. I asked what New york was like in highschool and she said "she was ALWAYS getting ginto fights, becuase of her big mouth, an was always gettign her ass whooped"
Guys, life on MTV Road Rules RV is so annoying. I was voted into the Pit and now I must face the newbies.
Watch Road Rules on MTV at 9:00 pm on Tuesdays. Love ya bitches!
The mission that you guys saw on tv was extremely intense. The production team made up bungee jump in a car, then swim across a swimming pool to collect our luggage.
Vote Shane off Road Rules, not me! The producers wanted me to do the Inferno 3, but I was busy with my clothing company.
Will do Veronica, will do
Thanks steups. Please watch Road Rules. BMP fought long and hard to have MTV pick up the series for another season. Thanks in advance guys. *muah*
So, how many of you guys actually watch MTV's Road Rules?
ha ha ha ha new york was always getting are ass whooped now that is nice
no that not veronica from road rules or are you
Yes, this is Veronica from Road Rules. I wouldn't waste my time pretending to be someone else, since I have alot more important things to do with my time. Eventhough we've had quite a bit of down time in the RV, I'm still a little bored. Life has become quite cumbersome on the road and my recent vote to the pit made things worse.
oh wow veronica i'm your biggest fan i remember you from semester at sea you are real sexy veronica i hope you win i'm a big fan
The Veronica without the hyperlink isn't me. Since you guys are playing games, I am not posting here on this worthless "blog."
Thanks anonymous. As a reminder, you guys can watch the pit battle this weekend on roadrules.mtv.com. I won't tell you who's been voted into the pit, but it sure will cause a shake up in the RV.
Steupz, are you okay with me talking about Road Rules on this blog? If not, just let me know and I'll stop.
veronica steups is ok with you talking about road rules we all like road rules by the way do you have a myspace or a website that i can go to
veronica no i don't mind go right ahead we love the show
Thanks, but Tori will be taking my place in the RV. I thought that I had a shot at winning the Pit, but I misjudged the circumstances and I lost. Hopefully you guys will vote for me to be the challenger for the next pit.