I had so much material from yesterday's visit to Pumkin's My Space that I was all prepared to drop a long post today then the news struck, Lance Bass is gay!
After reading that I decided to lay off gay people for 24 hours because they probably need to celebrate yet another superstar outing.

And if you have been to Rite Aid all day and believe the tabloids, you missed the Enquirer's headline that Gayle is moving in with Oprah.
The whole world has gone gay I tell you.

Anyway, the point is I had nothing to write about until I visited my girl Dee at Cake and Ice Cream. It seems she's celebrating her blog anniversary so what did I do?
Did I take a gift to her?
Nawwwwwww, I stole a Hoopz picture.
I hope she doesn't mind.......more at Hoopz at BET



  1. Anonymous // 28/7/06 9:49 PM  

    Hoopz has lost mad weight

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