flava-flav-fan-jpegVh-1 needs to do more to promote "Flavor of Love 2" because I have the feeling the show isn't generating the interest it should. Last Season started slowly and it eventually snowballed into a massive ratings hit but this season should be building on that success.

My suggestion is they need to leak video to one of the bigger websites and get the buzz flowing. So far all they have done is released a snippet summarizing what we can expect from the first episode.
Here it is as taken from VH-1.com

Flavor Flav welcomes 20 new women to his mansion with the hope of finding someone "real" this time around. But all hell breaks loose when two of the young contestants get in a fist fight over a bed. Flav has to throw the instigator out and this all happens before he even gets to the nicknames. Flav throws a get-to-know-ya mixer in the backyard but this year he's got a spy among the ladies to peep out the fakes and gold-diggers. The elimination ceremony sees four women go, but that's not nearly the end of the show as one young lady leaves a special "present" for Flav on his imported Italian marble floor.


  1. Anonymous // 26/7/06 10:52 AM  

    Yeah, I already knew something like this happened. lol. over a bed. lol

  2. Anonymous // 26/7/06 12:10 PM  


    Last season RO was the spy but because she was such a horrible actress it was edited out of the fina product. This show was fun and interesgting when it seemed it was real. Now its just a scropted trainwreck.

  3. Anonymous // 26/7/06 7:14 PM  

    Nice of you to respond Bettie, I hope Flava picks someone nice and the third season is about their relationship

  4. Anonymous // 26/7/06 7:44 PM  

    this season can not possibly be as good as last season. the girls are all wannabe celebrities and last season alot of people liked it because they couldnt believe it was real now we all know its fake as h-e-double hockey sticks. the girls will start drama because they know it worked with newyork last time.personally i think vh1 shouldhave made a new show with the girls from last season.

  5. Anonymous // 26/7/06 8:09 PM  

    how would that new show have worked?

  6. Anonymous // 26/7/06 8:37 PM  

    Yea umm....this is a message to the writer of this blog:

    There is a sneak peak "teaser" of the 2nd season of flavor of love on VSPOT. you just have to go to the main menu and find it.

    So actually, VH1 is promoting correctly

  7. FOL // 26/7/06 9:21 PM  

    errr, ummmm, thanks, lmao.
    I checked it out and as usual I couldn't see a damn thing. I heard it though.
    Thank you.

  8. FOL // 26/7/06 9:26 PM  

    Afflicted, is that a theory or you have a source to substantiate that.
    She eventually turned out to be a spy but you seem to be saying it was planned from the getgo

  9. Anonymous // 27/7/06 2:59 AM  

    RO was supposed to have a much bigger role in last years FoL. She formed an alliance with NY that ended up on the cutting room floor. It wasnt a secret that she was married as she and hubby had done an episode of a Discovery Health Channel show together beforehand.

    Even the crowd at the 'reunion' show were paid extras. Maybe FoL 2 will suprise and be good. Keeping my fingers crossed. :)

  10. Anonymous // 28/7/06 9:50 PM  

    afflicted are you one of the girls from last season?

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