'Twas nice talking to you Wilhelmina, hopefully I'll catch you on Yahoo Messenger again sometime soon.
I really should install Skype or one of those other voice chatting programs so I can hear from you readers instead of reading your words, but we'll see how that goes.

No news from Flavor of Love land today and that's expected because
1) it's the weekend
2) with Season 2 starting we should be looking at the new contestants

But, Groovy Noodles sent me a couple interesting links for ancient photos of three of the girls, Georgia (Jefandi Cato), Serious (Cristal Steverson) and Peaches (Kim Manning).

I'll just post some of the photos contained therein and you can guess who is who. Here's a hint for you, Georgia is African American.
kim 'peaches' manning_jpeg
Georgia from Flavor of Love_jpeg cristal 'serious' steverson_jpeg

And here's a picture of Hoopz and Kendra after their radio interview. If you don't know who Kendra is, don't worry about it, it's not that important.
Hoopz and Kendra from Power92

That's it then, we'll see what happens tomorrow. Bye.


  1. Anonymous // 4/6/06 2:43 AM  

    Hmmm...I have to "rigt click" just to open the comment box...did you change something? Anyway, just thought I'd leave a little comment. When you do radio your not suppose to be seen...except in publicity photos....this photo is what happens when you pose up for what you think will be something in some one's personal scrap book. The digital age has changed everything....well that and camera phones. ;)

    You already know

  2. Anonymous // 4/6/06 5:01 AM  

    Hoopz looks like a man, again

  3. Anonymous // 4/6/06 11:03 AM  

    She doesnt look like a man next to Kendra, lol

  4. Anonymous // 4/6/06 5:52 PM  

    They both look like dudes to me

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