Here's video of Serious plugging a guy's My Space webpage. You really need to see this because she uses the words "fucked" and "cum" in a single sentence.
Actually it's "com" and not "cum" but do you really care?

There are more videos from the site to post for you but I'll have to embed them tomorrow because my head is in a netherworld from all the rum and beer I drank today.
Lord knows this is why I prefer wine or vodka; none of this hangover shit.
Laterz. Enjoy the video.


  1. Anonymous // 4/6/06 5:02 AM  

    Whoever the hell Ike Dirty is, he's a lucky, lucky man. I could watch her wink and smile all night

  2. Anonymous // 4/6/06 10:13 AM  

    Serious talks like she is from Brooklyn

  3. Anonymous // 4/6/06 5:51 PM  

    Serious is from Detroit

  4. Anonymous // 6/6/06 6:01 AM  

    hilarious.lucky her the only one that ended up with a half decent name after that trainwreck of a show

  5. Anonymous // 12/6/06 8:47 PM  

    Too bad she didn't last but for one show! LOL

  6. Anonymous // 16/6/06 9:07 PM  

    Did anybody see the porn tape of her?

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