Our boy Flava Flav has really retaken pop culture by storm; it's no mean feat for an old washed up has been to suddenly become an invitee to the prestigious MTV Movie Awards. Well it's not really prestigious but you know what I meant.
Here are a few pictures I nabbed from Concrete Loop and Getty Images.
I'd link Getty Images but I don't want my hundreds of thousands of readers alerting them to the fact that I am stealing their pictures.
You know how it is, self-preservation and all that.

Flava_Flav_MTV_Movie_Awards Flava_Flav_MTV_Movie_Awards

I have three Ultra High Quality photos of Flava Flav at the awards but I'll post them tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous // 25/11/06 12:56 AM  


  2. Anonymous // 25/11/06 12:58 AM  

    This guy is everywhere.. I wonder if he's happy with how things really are in his life right now and how he feels about all the women he has ran threw..hum

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