Alright The Q. was wrong about 'Rock of Love' beating 'Flavor of Love' & 'I Love New York' in the rating games. Middle aged rockers truly bite. All y'all who buy Poison tickets, get Bret Michaels' tattoos and eat meat really let me down. I guess y'all are truly about the music. I applaud you. However, I thought Poison groupies alone would send the rating through the roof. They do have cable in senior assisted living facilities... right? *sighs
I really like Heather. I think I am an in the closet bisexual. (I might have to explore this on QGasm.) Nevermind, my point is I really, really like Heather. Rodeo and 'The Stripper' were my favorites from the start. There were other strippers, sluts, porn stars, fisters, writers, college graduates and possible hookers in the crib. However, Heather was labeled 'The Stripper'. So she strips for a living ...SO WHAT?! I'd prefer a woman who dances naked for a living over a woman who marries, have kids & stays in an abusive relationship. Some of you are reading and thinking WTH?! My point is it's her body and it's legal. Yet people want to sit in judgement of her because she can fit a pair of booty shorts minus cellulite and work the hayl out of a pole. Men give her money to turn them on. What a shame! But old Susie with the Christian Dior shades, two kids, home, car, husband is the pillar of our society. LOL! Yet she is getting her @ss kicked, raising dysfunctional kids who will most likely mimic the household they were raised in. Yep, I like Heather.
Steups has given us a new poll which actually gives us a choice of answers. (Miracles happen.) Rodeo long gone, I definitely want Heather to win. However, I feel Mr. Michaels is really into Jes. Men love mystery and a chase. I believe Jes wins. And then dumps him because he asked if he could keep them both. Go to VH1.com and check out the Vspot for yourself.
Do I know who wins? Hayl naw. If I knew, I wouldn't have written this post. Today Sunday, September 30th @ 9pm VH1 airs the 'Rock of Love' finale The Rose and the Thorn. If you didn't watch the entire season, no matter. Just f@cking tune in so we can argue in the comment box afterward.
A stripper Qmoment!
I really like Heather. I think I am an in the closet bisexual. (I might have to explore this on QGasm.) Nevermind, my point is I really, really like Heather. Rodeo and 'The Stripper' were my favorites from the start. There were other strippers, sluts, porn stars, fisters, writers, college graduates and possible hookers in the crib. However, Heather was labeled 'The Stripper'. So she strips for a living ...SO WHAT?! I'd prefer a woman who dances naked for a living over a woman who marries, have kids & stays in an abusive relationship. Some of you are reading and thinking WTH?! My point is it's her body and it's legal. Yet people want to sit in judgement of her because she can fit a pair of booty shorts minus cellulite and work the hayl out of a pole. Men give her money to turn them on. What a shame! But old Susie with the Christian Dior shades, two kids, home, car, husband is the pillar of our society. LOL! Yet she is getting her @ss kicked, raising dysfunctional kids who will most likely mimic the household they were raised in. Yep, I like Heather.

Do I know who wins? Hayl naw. If I knew, I wouldn't have written this post. Today Sunday, September 30th @ 9pm VH1 airs the 'Rock of Love' finale The Rose and the Thorn. If you didn't watch the entire season, no matter. Just f@cking tune in so we can argue in the comment box afterward.
A stripper Qmoment!
If you can make stripping work for you, fine. But a stripper is not something I'd want my daughers (If i were Brett) to be or be around..especially Heather. She seems decent enough, despite her dumb ass being fooled by Lacey. Despite the fact that I hate all these gold digers on these shows (it come sdown to who I dislike the least), he could have done a lot worse than these two, espcially since Heather came around to Hater LAcey, bu not before damage was done and LAcey got her own show. You can thank HEather for that.
There are more alternatives to being A, a stripper, or B, a voctim of domestic violence. While one may be better than the other, there are a whol elot of choices better than both. Being a stripper generally does not end up too well, especially when you may be an alcoholic stripper. When you get older, thhe tricks, er customers stop coming and I doubt Scores or Magic City has a pension or 401k plans. Since they often party hard and have a short shelf life, a stripper is not ideal for me.
To answer your question:
Softer, rounder, less perky breasts that actually fall to the side when she is laying on her back. Not the shot pits she had placed in her bosom that we now see.
budo do you have a myspace
As a mother of two daughters and a son, I would prefer my daughters to be strippers over my son beating/abusing his wife/girlfriend.
I've known a lot of strippers. And yes there are many who are messed up. However, I've met many who have it together emotionally, physically & financially. I've met many abused women and they were all messed up. And all of them put those who tried to assist them in getting away from their abusers in danger.
I believe in too each their own if it's legal and not hurting anyone. Stripping as in dancing in general is a career that usually doesn't last forever. Athletes also have 'short careers' or 'temporary' careers. Many actors/actresses are hot for several years and then disappear and can't find work. Yet individuals always want to focus on 'stripping' is only temporary because of the stigma society puts on the profession.
Many careers are 'temporary'. And strippers have minds & intellect like the next person. They know it only last so long. Some plan accordingly and some just are shit out of luck when their time runs out.
Bubo would I be wrong in stating you prefer natural breasts?
q what going on
or is it quanda
Doing a little bit of writing and you?
i'm good q why are you up so late?
It's midnite here. That's not too late. LOL. And I am dibbling & dabbling w/ some writing.
I am about to turn in though.
q is it true that flava flav is Marry
q i heard this on the radio q
I like heather, hope she wins ..she is just right for brett, and far as the ratings is concern black folks own that market, we was born with DRAMA!!
Anon, I don't know if Flavor Flav is married or not. There is a rumor floating around that he is. First someone mentioned a 'Russ' radio show.... now it's the 'Tom Joyner' show reach is was suppose to have stated that he is married.
I haven't heard either alleged radio shows with him stating he is married.
LMAO @ ShakaZp
wow quanda,I'm thinking your getting to old for this now
I may be getting too old for a lot of things. LMAO!
Does anyone know who did Jes's lips??? I need to find out so I can go get my lips taken care of immediately!
Who did her lips? lol gaawwd society today, its so fuckin sick it literally makes me ill. if anythin her lips are still small as hell, its almost hard to believe she got her lips done but back to my original statement, its sick how its practically normal now to get plastic surgery. I think any type of plastic surgery is just bringing out the fakeness inside, outside. SICK SHIT
One more thing, WHAT THE FUCKS UP WITH HER HAIR IN THIS PIC?!?!?! sooo uggllyy and its also sooo annoying how all these girls espicially her are always ramblin on " ROCK ON YA DUDE ROCK ON" ::devil horns:: sooooo pathetic