We've found Pootie; and the question now is "why?"
I don't have anything else to add because the pictures speak not a thousand words but two...'lawd hammercy'.
I present to you Pootie from I love New York

I Love New York Pootie MySpace (his theme song is "This is why I'm hot)
All the credit for this discovery goes to: I love New York Fans site (add them to your friends list)
god dammit steups...I was trying to eat.
lmao; an I had to crop that picture...let's just say if Pootie was a meal he'd be a foot-long Subway
lmao, lmao.
OMG what the hell is wrong with you steups that is sick
steups loves naked men LOL or is it just a coincidence?
i know steups love dudes he always love dudes with big black balls
cael, I'ma beat you like a teenaged penis in a bathroom for that comment.
Stepups may I have your number I like you a lot
LMFAO, I don't know whats more disturbing: your comment or Dateline NBC...
wht in all that is holly is this im goin to throw up oh my fuckin god i won't return to the blog unless that shit is gone~~~mr.new york
steups i will kick your ass just for putting that crap on the blogger you need a good bet down from me pimp
You'll be back...everyone always come back.
Dateline NBC is giving you a run for the money, steups....
cael lol~~~mr.new york
wow steups is a whore
Aren't they sick Cael, and most of the dummies were warned that Dateline is in town and they're still preying on kids.
what sup with dateline nbc...
oh n i gave up trying to write, im just a washed up writer.
is Dateline on, now...
You're not a washed up writer, you are a failed critic.
Leave the criticism of your poetry to others and you'll be alright.
Off to see if Cael is watching "To catch a predator"
I know. How stupid and sick can you get? I wish I could help the country by luring dumbasses to a house so they can be arrested.
@Revenge: They are luring more pervs to a house/beach so they can get arrested and exposed as pervs.
darling steups....im done.
either way. thank you for your attempt though.
Steups dateline has officially beat your funny comment. 55 year old + candy more disturbing than a beaten teenage penis.
WTF....I am working and Steups is....is....is....
just watched a bit of it, lmao.
I guess perverts don't watch NBC.
Isn't thins like the fifth version of this show?
lol@ quanda you are so crazy~~~mr.new york
Revenge you are so talented it's almost normal for you to be self-loathe.
Your work that is; not your actual self.
Why does he have Erica on his page?!
If you are working Quanda then why are you here...?
I just got off the phone with Real.
Interviews are work, well the typing is.
Thank you Cael for you concern.
2 Law & Orders back to back
Hallelujah holla black.
omg, this is so fucking embarassing for these creepy ass dudes.
i almost cant bear to watch it.
emphasis on the almost
fucking people, its people like them that i would love to torture inside my basement where noone can hear them scream. heh.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I wouldn't call that working. I'd be having too much fun.
im about to call quanda just so that i can giggle over her conversations with those sexy ass men.
Revenge ....Real is sexy...LMAO...call me!
Who is the big Real fan around here?
I forgot.
Revenge, why do I always feel you're throwing something in my face?
seriously, like for real.
He has Erica on his MySpace?
Like wtf...talk about 1 degree of separation....off to watch Law & Order
Steups go to his page, Erica had her brother do a Pootie reenactment. You have to watch it.
Goddamn at Pootie being a Scorpio.
Is any Scorpio, normal?
quanda i need your phone number again ma'am
steups what did i do now?
No, there are no normal Scorpios...
They don't make them.
heh...im a libra...what does that say about me?
scorpios are deadly as hell man.
You have my number, again.
Revenge, I like you; but if you were a man I wouldn't.
I hope that makes sense.
ROFLMAO @ Pootie. That mother fucker has no real friends.
I'm a scorpio. And I'm normal. (I think)
Scorpios are the fucking bomb.
im half the man i used to be.
pootie looks gay
which makes me 1/4 lesbian.
lol @ revenge.
im bored
You are not normal.
I love you.
Thank you Quanda. I always appreciate and respect brutal honesty.
I love you too.
there are about 15 pix on pooties myspace...why would a straight man post a naked pic with all those others to choose from? stueps your gay arent you?
I'm glad to know that Pooties is alive. Thanks! But Could someone , (anyone) get a interview with Pootie. Please! I would love to find out the real reason why he left, and why he didn't feel safe in the house. Pooties is the only guy, who haven't been interviewed, so I'm sure if anyone can get a interview with him, it would be very much appreciated.
We're on it...
Maybe I should have nabbed the interview before we put him up for everyone to see
I'm praying for everybody in this comment box cause God know's that y'all are ADDICTED to black drama, and so am I. Pootie need his own show, I would be one of the 20 girls just to laugh at that nigga the one good time he blew up.
I think he collapsed down them stairs cause he realized that he lost his gay card by kissing new york (for real though take the pic off with the juicy jerri curl) you killin me
FOr some reason, I'm waiting for him to find anothe brother and make a remake video of "Girl You Know It's True"...
Pootie look a HOT MESS!
Pootie looks like a young Ving Rhames, in a movie called "Holiday Heart."
He does look gay. He is so unattractive right here.