We've missed New York haven't we?
Sure she's had her moments but her fans know we were just scratching the surface; until this Episode.
Well, the Flavor of Love 1 New York is back....but let's get to the recap
(The show always seems to begin with a guy in bed or at an exercise machine; if that happens one more time I'll cut myself with a razor-blade)
12 Pack and Real are on the grounds working out....
(Oh f*ck)
Moving on...
Last episode Tango vowed to be more assertive and show New York in a tangible way that he's prepared to fight for her (for; not with) and the opening scenes immediately proves that the two week break did not scupper his plan
(what's that? The two weeks didn't actually take place at the time of filming? Whateva)
Taking a leaf from someone I can't recall Tango prepares a platter of one rose and a love letter which he gently places at the foot of New York's bedroom door. New York gathers her morning gift and reads the note aloud (it's tv after all. Shoot; we gotta know what's in there)
The note read:To my New York,
I am not them, I am him.
(Wow; that's some Khalil Gibran shit)
The scene shifts to the first-floor where the men are, and soon enough they are instructed to gather at the foot of the staircase for an announcement from New York.
New York appears and prefaces the announcement with a short speech that informed the contestants they would be welcoming special guests today; guests who knew them best.
Chamo, with that undignified walk of his, stepped forward to open the main door and present the first guest.
Who could it be? Malay (or however the name is correctly spelled); Chance's ex-girlfriend!
(Oh shit; I thought the ides of March were the 15th; not the 5th? Why bring the back-stabbers?)
New York had invited the ex-girlfriends of the remaining guys to learn more of her suitors.
Malay was pretty (or rather is pretty, I don't think she's dead) . Far too pretty for Chance. But if Jay-Z has Beyonce and DJ AM has Mandy Moore; then anything can happen if you're in the right place.
Of course the guys now knew what was up and waited with nervous anticipation for their ex to appear. Whiteboy looked more nervous than most (hmmmmn)
Next came Sunny, Tango's ex-girlfriend and they shared a hug as the scene shifted to the 'confessional' where New York described her as a "disgrace"
The third special-guest was Melissa; Whiteboy's sister.
The producer's, try as they did, could not locate Whiteboy's ex-girlfriend and he looked happy as heck to see his sister.
(my guess is to locate Whiteboy's ex, you'll need a shovel, a torchlight and a bullet-proof vest, lmao)
Melyssa (maybe it's with a 'y') is fairly attractive and Real described her as "hot". But if she's 'hot', what word is there for Real's ex?
Cianna is her name (assuming it's the correct spelling) and she is pretty; certainly pretty enough to catch New York's attention.
New York described her as "the cutest one" but was quick to note she's a "stick figure, she can't do anything like I can do it"
Finally, there was Jamie, 12 Pack's ex, who prompted this comment from 12 Pack..."what the hell is she doing here? The last time I talked to the girl I said 'f*ck you' and hung up on her"
But they aren't here for one last fling with their exes and New York and her mother leave with the ladies as Chamo does the 'hot wuk' as he follows them.
:::Among the ads is one that announces Charm School will debut in April:::
(that was nice, but I saw it all before on V-Spot so I can't wait for the ads to end)
And so they do with the second act beginning in a huge white stretch limo and immediately champagne is popped and the dirt is dished...
New York: how is Tango in the bedroom?
Sunny: that's one of his good attributes.
New York: What are his bad points?
Sunny: The bad is everything comes before his relationship
Sister Patterson: Tell me about Chance. Have you ever seen him get high?
Malay: In the industry....I mean, I am sure he does it
Sister Patterson: So Jamie; 12 Pack...so he's totally straight?
Jamie: a few times he's worked at Feather's (a gay strip Club). He adores giving lap-dances, absolutely adores it.
(Chamo's face lights up)
Back in the mansion the guys are discussing the surprise sprung on them and 12 Pack seems particularly down. He is worried because "my ex-girlfriend thinks I have a new girlfriend and doesn't know I broke up with her not too long before I came out here."
Chance is nervous but it's not as apparent. He says "I treat all my women very good"; then he does the 'bang bang bang dance' John Witherspoon did all the time on the 'Wayans Bros.'
The scene returns to the ladies at the Beauty Shop and Malay complains that "Chance was trying to get into my personal life"
(wtf? You're his girlfriend! Get the f*ck outta here with that)
New York's response to that? "I like your honesty. I do like to walk on the wild side and he takes me there"
(but what about Whiteboy? Aren't you gonna ask his sister some shit?)
New York: (Whiteboy) who is he most in love with?
Melissa: Definitely his most recent girlfriend...5 years is a long time.
(five years? He's only 24? Something is not right about that; Whiteboy looks like a gold-fish wouldn't hang around him for five days. Who'll stay five years with that busta?)
Sunny, feeling left out, volunteers that her feelings for Tango, "will never go away".
In reply, New York (in the confessional) says "she better watch her damn step. I'll take that b*tch and cut her in half"
She's also concerned that Real is still in love and warns, "I am definitely no ones rebound"
New York seems pleased with the information she's extracted and says, "the girls really opened up. Who wouldn't they are getting free manicures"
The ladies are told to return to their hotel rooms to freshen up (where they bashed New York, no doubt) and meet later for "dinner, cocktails and conflict" (sounds like one of my dates)
The dinner
The girlfriends are returned to the mansion in a black limousine and soon they are sat at the dinner table next to their respective ex-boyfriend and brother (smh)
New York asks, "is there anything you guys want to tell me or confess?"
12 Pack seizes the opportunity to admit he dated a girl for four weeks prior to his coming to the mansion but it ended when she learnt he was a contestant.
New York didn't seem impressed.
(then, why ask if anyone has something to confess?)
New York: I heard you used to work at a gay strip Club call 'Feathers'?
This sets it off at the dinner table with Real and Whiteboy acting the most shocked (I stress on 'acting') and 12 Pack answers the accusation with a reply that began with two friends, included his being paid $27 an hour; and ended with his receiving "like 95 bucks in about 15 minutes work"
(dude, that means you got $88 in tips for giving men lap-dances. Not a good defence)
At this point it'll take something really special to save 12 Pack from elimination.
Whiteboy is next and New York confronts him about not telling her of his five-year relationship
New York turns her attention to Tango and says, "you lost a great girl...you want her (Sunny) back?"
Tango stumbles and answers, "that part of our relationship doesn't exist anymore"
Just when she had Tango cornered; Chance bails him out with a drunken, Hennessey-inspired intervention. The focus is now on Chance and he launches into a bizarre rap...
And she was too busy playing with her toys"
(I knew that girl was freaky and....wait? Did Chance just admit he is gay?)
New York's response to the drunken rant is, "the man is nuts, he's crazy, he's psychotic, and he talks before he thinks; so we have a lot in common"
It's Real's turn in the hot-seat now and with his customary method of dash and honesty he confesses "I've got a lot of feelings for the girl (Cianna) but I wouldn't say I am in love with the girl", without any consequence whatsoever.
(the boy is smooth)
As they leave for drinks outside in the garden, New York notes the attention Tango is giving to Sunny and reminds us that she is "a jealous-ass woman"
And goes farther to say "just because I invited Tango's ex doesn't mean he spends more time with her than me"
(the HBIC is boiling)
Outside, 12 Pack and his girlfriend discuss his appearance on the show and New York overhears him say "this show will be the #1 show in America and I'll get any job"
(smh...I thought you were smarter than that, son)

Tango finally steps over to New York to chit-chat but she brushes him off with "go talk to your girlfriend" and let's Tango know by actions and words that she doesn't want him around her. As Tango says "at that moment without saying anything else I decided to bounce"
The party ends and it's time for the girls to leave and they all congregate at the door but New York notices one person is missing.
Who is it? Tango!
New York walks upstairs to search for Tango and finds the Tan-man packing...
(Awww shitttttt)
Quanda, keep jorundi behind you please; because I will hurt that woman.
I still have 2 hours to go before I get to watch it.
I have enough tolerance for you and Jane but jorundi....ooooh, oooh, hmmmn, that girl is trippin with the Whiteboy love.
Anyways, I always waste 30 mins chatting so I am outta here...
What did Jorundi do?
Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawdy...The Man on the DL is Goooooooone! Now he can say what he wants to about New York...he, heat and onix...the 3 amigas.
Steups, I love you too.
Quanda, he doesn't like the fact that I like a little cream in my coffee and White boy is the creamiest one on the show. If only I could get to the man who made him....dayam!
wait...why do you think Onix is gay
Hell I like cream with a little bit of coffee...LOL.
It's all good Jorundi.
Onix, I feel is a little too made up, a little too sculpted (like 12-pack and heat?), a little to plucked, a little to hairless, a little to polished, a little too neat, a little to primpy with the set of his mouth. His eyebrows are thinner than mine...and Nikol (where I get my hair did [yes I'm from the south]) does mine every 2 weeks. He's just a little too...
closing this comment box....Jorundi never said anything about liking Whiteboy; but suddenly, as in the last week or so she's been trippin'
That was just one woman's opinion, bhatt...LOL
Steups, I love you too
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure you do; that's why you're bouncing"
Lmao; I couldn't resist.
omg...more drama than I <3 NY and FOL combined
Steups, I liked Whiteboy all along.
I was new here, so I made very few comments. I decided to be vocal.
Quanda, Hide me, girl...LMAO
smh....so you were a closet Whiteboy fan?
"I'm losing my sexy right now"
your gay steups
your gay steups
Anon, I like you; but don't make me get up and beat the f*ck out of you
steups who funner and crazy flav or chance i see why new york like chane
Yeah Chance is funny, but it's an embarrassing funny
so steups was flav embarrassing funny to
*stands in front Jorundi
It's okay. I got you. Whiteboy, I can't wait to see him tonight.
He's a man ...I agree with you Jorundi.
quanda whiteboys ass will be gone soon because i'm so sick of hearing about him
Thanks Ms Quanda. I wonder if he got it from he Daddy...LMAO
I'm shutting down for a couple of hours...you guys take care.
Anon @11:01pm
Of course he be gone soon. We are down to the finally four. I am so close to my early prediction that my man Whiteboy would make it to the final 3...
*dusts off shoulders
Yeah Jorundi it's in the genes because he has a nice looking cousin ...LMAO.
it's not in the genes because the cousin got it all
Does anyone else notice that New york does not address whiteboy with the same tone of voice that she uses with the other guys.
she does not raise her voice to him as easily has she does with the other guys.
who cousin what are talking about steups
jane that because whiteboy will murder her ass if she did say shit
Jane shut up.
That's because he is inconsequential
she uses the same tone with Real and 12 Pack.
You're reaching
Its like he has her shook
I love Jane.
Yeah HATER fall back.
steups you need to chill out and just smoke some weed with me you know that purple shit
steups do you like purple haze
Just say NO to drugs ...including the grape.
do you see what i'm talking about?
with new york and whiteboy
Oh yeah I see it.
It's how I am with my hubby.
I know not to get ignorant with him just for the sake of it.
That's why she is going to pick tango
she wants someone she can ass out on the regcular
sounds correct... he should have left
quanda if you was my wife i would be really piss off about whiteboy
something incredibly heinous about her ass
Well I am not.
Jane...I shut that down...go listen to Rastaman Vibrations or something
18 minutes til I get to watch episode 7.
Jane, listen to some Jon B.
quanda i would take you to divorce court and divorce you on tv
Good for you.
Quanda what did you mean by that?
You're beginning to worry me :(
i miss boston :(
I'm sort of finished with Pt 1 but I need to hear the show again to tighten up the dialogue in the limousine
quanda is anonymous @ 11:47pm your husband
Whiteboy got real non-gangsta when NY called him out at the table.
He is fake
Good for you was for the anon who said they would divorce me.
No anon @11:47 is not my husband. My husband isn't threatened by my blogging.
These anons love to be all up in our 'bidness'; don't they?
ROFLMAO....yes they do.
Hey, you need help with the dialogue ...if so I'll take note right now.
hey everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~mr.new york
yes i do want a divorce from you
Take notes of the fight with Tango, please.
There was just too much happening there for me to get all of it, thanks
i will divorce my wife soon
there are extras of the fight of tango and new york on vh1 v-spot hilarious~~~mr.new york
saw it again and I still aint got all the ish
Steups ...
This is funny. Now some anon who can't use their own name is trying to pretend to be my husband.
LMAO ...great life they have.
Hey Mr. New York ...thanks.
original...do you have a way to record that?
wht do mean like word for word
quanda i see why nobody really want new york
I think there are plenty of men who find New York attractive and would love a chance to date her and build a relationship.
give me a few minutes to locate some photos and pretty it up...until then y'all can look for errors; please.
quanda the woman is a nut job did you see vspot i see why flava flav did not pick her
Anon ...she just does her own thing. I wouldn't call her a nut. I am not a 'New York fan'. However, she continues to her and I have respect for that ...whether I like it or not.
ummmmmmmmmmm excuse the hellllll out of me new york is a top of the line women (anonymous) can't you see that where are your 20 guys~~~mr.new york
i feel new york and tango are going to end up together because as you see he is getting a bit bigger in the house just like she got bigger in flav's house. He looked mighty hefty in that brown towel tonight
quanda a normal man would not put up with that shit and her crap but deelishis was right new york is just good for tv
lol he did look rather swelled lol but i hope he wins hes the only man in the house my wife needs i man right now to keep her company until im at my crest f sexyness and suscesslol~~~mr.new york
Mr. New York,
He is not the only man in the house. However, I think he is the only man who is truly into her.
you know what anonymous i think u need to take a seat before bust out on ths MOTHA FUCKIN BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! calm the fuck down or wait til i at least leave to talk about my lady love~~~mr.new york
clipperschic...how did whiteboy look in the black jeans?
I thought he looked like shit
opppppps sorry quanda whiteboy is a man too!!!!!! lol i forgot he was there though he's been on the low down lately lol~~~mr.new york
i think tango has a good chance of winning she likes pushin men to their limits. and he likes it too.
whiteboy looks like he might have danced at heathers. those jeans could fit me.
most definaltely(clipperschic) thats wht turns me on about her lol~~~MR.NEW YORK
God, i am tired and still i have pt 2 to complete..ahhhhhhhhh
hey mr new york wont you sign up if you love new york so dam much
you're doing a good job steups
Alrighty and you people say I am overtop the with my Whiteboy admiration ...but no Steups and Mr. New York can carry on about New York day and night. And I am the one who's over the top.
Mr. New York thanks for the correction. New York looked absolutely incredible on her date with Chance and the elimination ceremony.
i know i know, quanda loves whiteboy. but she has to know that those jeans were too damn small. it was an extra medium on him
i like new york the best when she is in that confessional with straight hair and that black and silver top.
Whiteboy looked good in those black jeans. I am not tripping Mr. New York ... you know I am about my 'Swagger Man'.
you know wht (anonymous) stay the fuck anonymous thats who you are you don't count you don't even exist right now~~~mr.new york
I don't like the baggy look. And wasn't doing a Chamo ....so it's all good. Whiteboy looked good as always.
Steups can you put up a Whiteboy preferably with his nipples showing?
i felt it was chance's episode tonight. he is funny and so crazy doing backflips and molesting that new york picture
quanda your nuts!!!!!!!!!!!! lol you are to funny wht are u goin to do if he wins~~~mr.new york
when new york said that whiteboy's eyes were dreamy and they showed that close up of him i couldnt stop laughing because his eyes are kind of reminiscent of a poodle
i hate chance if you watch the extras you can see new york was alil anoyed by him at the dinner table he's such a fuckin lil kid lol~~~mr.new york
he is a kid but its because thats him. his brother is the more mature one and chance has to wild out to have some sort of peronality
I see one error...I place the conversation with whiteboy's sister, way too early...but I'll sort that out later.
Quanda have you emailed me anything?
Off to do Pt2
i don't like real eithier he's a goof ball he's always showin those power jaws of his those teeth are extremely large lol~~~mr.new york
i don't like real too much. i think he looks like jerry from tom and jerry. and he is too mute for me
hey where did you guys find that pic of new york~~~mr.new york
Whiteboy does have dreamy eyes. Who looks into a poodle's eyes? Mr. New York haven't I told you not to mention him winning. I have also believed he makes it to the Top 3 ....always he sexiness can't be denied but winning no ....hell no...not him. I couldn't take that.
mr new york i'm know hater new york bring ratings on the show and she funny and she good for tv but in a relationship hell no she not that good looking
lol at quannda im sorry lady love~~~mr.new york ps:i went to that miss jones bitch page and left her a wonderful messages for dissin new york so don't be surpise to hear her talkin about me on the radio~~~mr.new york
good for you mr new york. miss jones was way out of line for that one. there was no reason to call new york out like that
(anonymous)i beg to differ~~~mr.new york
talk to new yorks brotha he said she just laughed it off and continued wit her next interview~~~mr.new york
I put up a Pt2 filler for your guys...go check it out
I am off to type the first words on Pt2
Good for you Mr. New York ...LMAO. New York has a true fan in you. Miss Jones went rabid on New York for no reason ...I got lost with that one. I went to college and I can't tell you what building I attended classes in ...
thanks steups for the michael ealy pic...lovin it! now he has dreamy eyes!
you got that right~~~mr.new york this is so much fun vh1 should totally give us a show called bloggers of the round table lol~~~mr.new york
i think you should write in about that idea. it would be great
i think i should i would sit back and watch myself on tv it would be hilarious~~~mr.new york
A show, with me?
for the entire world to know who stupid I am around Quanda?
No freakin' way!
oh me too it would be hilarious to see me on tv because i have a lot to say about almost everyone in the reality world and the entertainment industry
how not who...see what I mean, i can't type straight
Hello everyone.
Wonderful recap Steups.
The vspot has some really good extra's, especially Goldie's aftershow commentary its really funny.
Mr. New York it's good to see you back on myspace.
come on steups!!!!!!! lol~~~mr.new york
slaps myself on the hand
Go do the bloody Pt2, son!
Steups, Jane, Revenge, Lareigna, Dana & Electra would also make good tv.
hello ~meale~ thanks but im still havin trouble wit myspace about my original page i jus hope they e-mail me back~~~mr.new york
Shawn too...LMAO my friend is CRAZY!
Where is Shawn tonight?
see i'm new and all i know is steups, mr new york, quanda, revenge and lareigna. ive been reading this blog for a while but never added anything to it until tonight. you guys are really funny
where is groovy noodles i remember her too
She is good. She is writing for another blog.
quanda you especially would be good for tv you are hilarious!!!!!!! can't wait until our next interview that is if we have one lol but believe me i have some things to say lol~~~mr.new york
Your welcome Mr. New York, and I hope all works out for you.
yea groovey is mad cool wht blog does she right for now quanda~~~mr.new york
Hello Meale.
Oh do you Mr. New York? I have 3 plus interviews this week. UGH....but you know I would love to chat with you again ....we laughed so much.
Honestly they recently moved it and changed the name which I can't remember at the moment.
I will message you when I find out ...just remind me.
Hi Quanda! How are you tonight? Thanks again for including me at the round table...LOL
I am good. How are you? Your welcome...I did forget a few and I felt bad when they mentioned it...LMAO.
lol (quanda) oh boy did we and i promise next time i'll bring all 3 of my personality's with meto the interview i couldn't really be myself my mom was in the next room listening~~~mr.new york
I'm fine just finished watching the extras on the vspot.
those extras are so funny she called tango a ninja turtle lol~~~mr.new york
ROFLMAO ...I thought you were holding back.
well you guys i must retire i need the proper sleep to look as sexy as i do everyday lol peace~~~mr.new york
Mr. New York let me ask you a question about her hair.
I loved her hair on the Chance date and Elimination Ceremony. Some people think it looks better during the confessionals with it bone straight. Which do you prefer?
yea i was lol talk to you lata quanda lol crazy ass!!!!~~~mr.new york
Goodnight Mr. New York.
The slapping off the cap and whatnot took place before the ladies left, right?
well guys i must be heading off too. i would love to catch up with you all tomorrow when the pt 2 recap is done. steups you're doing a great job, keep it going... bye all!
See I knew you would agree with me...LMAO.
Get your sexy sleep on...LOL.
Correct Steups?
the slap cap happened before the ladies left i believe.. because she acted real nice to the girls and then she said "where is he" then she just started yelling and flashed him.
mr new york don't you love miss jone i like the way she did new york she was just keeping it real LOL
Goodnight Clipper.
Steups I feel guilty right now. You are working so hard ...LMAO. Actually, do worry I will be working tomorrow for real. If you don't hear from me too much you know I am on the phone.
I agree Quanda, I loved how her hair looked in those two scenes as well! It really fits her.
No, I'm cool.
You can add your comments to Pt1 if you like; but let me copy it first...shouldn't take a minute
Ok, you can add your comments
Oh what a wonderful day. 12 pack is gone (thank God).
Let the real games begin.
good morning electra~~~mr.new york
Morning Mr. Original. :)
how are ya~~~mr.new york
good morning everyone.
12 pack is such an asshole. jesus.
Good day Revenge.
Good Morning Everyone!!
Hey Electra..Revenge!! Ms Q..
Danggg..they totally glossed over the fact the 12 pack is a ...GAY STRIP CLUB DANCER!! That is like sooo taboo..and all that dram with Tango..(tanya) He probably does win...drama King wit tha Drama Queen...but wait..with all the hissy fits..and binge eating..it is a match made in heaven...
The way I see it..they fall out..fighting over snacks...lol
But seriously..she is not feeling Real..so I am sure he is NEXXXTTT!!
HEy Steups..you know I could not forget you!! ;-)
howsit hangin??
hey number cruncher...it seems like the comment box is deserted for now.
okaayyy...where is everyone?? ((puts hand to mouth to test for minty freshness))
doing real work?? dang..just when i am feelin chatty..;)
oh Steups...Shamroc won..at least it wasn't Jon Brown ((ugghh))
Hey revenge...I thought it wqas me..I guess my timing sucks...
Switch reels...you guys be having me rollin..I love reading this blog..each one of you brings something to the "roundtable" ;)
So glad..so so glad to be rid of those that names need not be mentioned.. lets just say..if I want to read gay porn..i am sure i can goggle to find it..not all up in this blog..
LOL @ Numbers and Drama King/Queen
Number ...good morning and where you been? Damn I forgot to put you at the round table ....shame on me.
I am here. However, I have interviews today. So I am prepping for that.
Good morning Revenge ...how are you?
Ms Q..been around lurkin here and there...Your interviews are always good for a laugh or two..I really do appreciate your sytle of writing..who is next up for an interview?? hellll...who have you NOT interviewed?? lol
Back to the grind stone..:(
hey quanda. whats up with our spot?
Hello Everyone,
I'm so disappointed right now. Tango should had walk. Seriously walk. If it's was any guy they would had told her off.
I didn't like what 12 pack did.
Have anyone notice how she kiss Tango compare to how she kiss chance, wb, or mr. boston.
Number, looking at the preview for the next epsiodes those 2 brothers are going to act like a fool.
Also did anyone hear 12 pack when chance and wb was messing with him in the bedroom when they was asking him why he didn't tell anyone of them that he was gay and I could had swore that he told them he like them.
Revenge post anything you wish ...my last post did something to me ....plus if you know all that was going on in my life.
Need a group hug. Steups that don't mean you can breath in her ear and touch her butt. And to the rest of the guys no humping her legs.
And thanks Number ...I have a thing about mentioning the names of my scheduled interviews ...in case plans fall through.
I will say that ...I think you will like. Hoping ..
I can't stand you sometimes Shawn. Why are we friends?
LOL. Why didn't Tango leave and jsut walk out the door. He is so fake.
I feel you Shawn...any real man would have done just that..all knockin hats a=off and shit..then Mooned him..not a flash..but the whole damn thang..smh lol...but noooo..she then takes her prozac and flipped her sybil self into an apologetic wimp..damnn..for a man show..there are no balls (cojones) to be found.. ;)
Thanks Quanda..I like to be surprised anyway...do yo thang gurlll..hope you are having a better day...
Group hug for Quanda ((steups is that your hand??))
Quanda I guess I needed to be save from my preverted ways. Steups don't send me no "Please tell me more of your preverted ways". LOL.
Help me Quanda.
You are so right numbers. Now when Chance tell her to shut up back at her all she do is smile. Tango don't have no back bone. Well to be honest he probably not used to females like here. And why is she always flashing her butt to him. Is that a code or something for come and give me some sex tonight?
*Do Not throw rotten fruit at me!
I think Tango truly has feelings for New York. And she apologized that's why he stayed.
I don't think so I think if she never heard 12 pack say that to his porn ex girlfriend, tango would had been gone.
Tango puts up with a lot from her. I think he has feelings for her. He's a sensitive guy.
Hello everyone, Quanda I have to agree with you he does have feelings for her and she has feelings for him as well.
Any woman that chases a man all around the house and outdoors to argue with him has some kind of feelings for him.(vspot extras)
Even in the extra clips 12pack and Real state that the two of them argue everyday and night like an old married couple.
yea tango needs to win dats my buddy hes the only one who talks to me on myspace~~~mr.new york
but all in all thats still my women he can stay with her until im ready for her lol and then i'll have to push his ass to the side lol~~~mr.new york
Tango is that type of guy that knows he can get any female he wants. He just used what he accomplish to flash to get a female. I don't think he is sensitive he just used to females that chase him not the other way around. And to be honest with you tango is a conman. Now before her mother mention anything about someone being in love with her why haven't he mention he was in love with her to one of the guys. Her momma took a gamble and he jump and now he trying to go to the superbowl with it.
Now who is sensitive would be heat. He would be a sensitive type of dude or maybe bones.
I am here with my lawyer...
I am seeking legal advice for the libelous comments against my good self.
Tango has refilled my respect-tank again because he is ruthless..."I will systematically, blah blah blah"
And where are Quanda's comments....that's a huge disappointment.
Hello Meale and Mr. New York,
I do believe Tango should win because I think he is the best one FOR HER.
I am just happy that she kept my baby for my own selfish reasons.
why would he tell his competition that he in love with the girl there competeing for i don't think he loves her but i do think he has feelings~~~mr.new york
waves at numbercruncher :D
c'mere let me put an Octopus hug on you. :)
Damn, Shawn...you like to play Magnum for us sensitive men, don't you?
Who invited Shawn?
The splinter, shoulder injury, Pootie's rescue attempt .....Tango is sensitive.
hey quanda why are you glad and what are your reasons lol~~~mr.new york
Meale, Shawn, Mr. New York, how y'all doin'?
* ignoring Steups question
i think his shoulder did hurt but i dont think it hurts now i think hes jus soaking up camera time which is understandable~~~mr.new york
He didn't run, no need for conversation.