V-Spot has the first few minutes of Episode 7 of I Love New York, but for those of you with dial-up Internet access or slow-ass DSL, here's what you're missing.
New York invites the guy's ex-girlfriends to the mansion to assist her decision-making because, as Tango says, "you can't dig deeper than a man's ex."
The guys were not aware at the beginning when Chamo asked them to gather at the foot of the staircase. But New York had the courtesy to inform them of the arrival of special guests before she asked Chamo to present them...
Oh hell naw! Wtf are you doing with a guy like Chance

And she's all chummy with him too

Earlier, Tango presented New York with a rose and love letter

But his mood crashes on seeing his ex-girlfriend, Sunny

The hug seems genuine but her outfit is screaming Bobby Trendy

Whiteboy trying to "look good" (let's see what his ex looks like)

When your ex-girlfriend is the girl you sat next to in kindergarten you have to bring your sister

Whiteboy's sister looks like Mimi Rogers after breast reduction surgery. But I want to see Real's ex

Can I get a "lawd hammercy"

Who's left? Oh, 12 Pack! Is it a man or a woman; that is the question

It's a girl

So that's it. I've teased you enough. Go check out the V-Spot because at the end, 12Pack's ex-girlfriend, Jamie; answers New York's question "is he gay or not?"
steups real ex is the best looking out of all
Is it me, or do 12Pack and his ex look perfectly compatible.
Their posture is the same, the head-tilt is the same.
They both wore white! Wtf?
By far anonymous; by far.
I watched this yesterday and let me just say, Whiteboy's sister is hot!!
Real's girlfriend is cute too. 12 Pack, finally the truth, shall set you free!
She is hot!
But we need a bit more breast.
And what's up with the Mormon outfit?
12 Pack is not gay. He's just well presented ...
Real's gf is really pretty, Chance's girl too. It was nice of them to come.
What happened to WB's gf? (really, not the Steups version...)
lol, maybe the sister or Whiteboy will spill why his ex never showed. Maybe he never was in a serious relationship.
The mormon outfit LMAO
steups i wonder if real ex girlfriend is single because she looks real good
Dana, 12 Pack is not gay.
According to Ivory no gay guy would miss the Oscars to be interviewed by her.
I nearly fell off my chair when she said that.
Dana: are you with royalty?:(
Anon, if that girl is single she must me a nun.
She could do with some size though.
The legs could remove stuff from between your teeth.
Or maybe I meant to say I want to put my teeth between her legs
But then again, he worked at a gay strip club AND wanted to give Chamo a lap dance, hmmm sounds kinda weird.
By the way, Steupz, did you get my email on Charm School Pics?
Did I just say what I think I said :$
No, mate...since I've been in the toilet my actions have been limited.
I'll go check now.
come on steups but she do have a pretty face and chance and 12 pack ex looks good two but tango ex is not that good looking
Steups I don't even know Irre...why would I be with him?
Lmao...that's funny, Dana.
Oh damn bhatti, I would never have thought to look there
steups i wonder what mr boston ex look like if he was still on the show or did he ever have a girlfriend in his life
Oh shite, I now reaize what you're asking me. Temporary lapse of sanity.
I'm alone ... again, since this afternoon.
don't say anything about it here, Bhatti.
I have stalkers just waiting to cream stuff and upload it elsewhere.
bhatti, forgive me.
I removed the comment...I don't want to give my stalkers a clue, even.
Dana, you knew exactly what you were saying, lol.
lol okay ??
anon, you might be surprised.
Look at Chance's ex?
Where the hell did he meet her?
I would not be surprised if Boston's ex is Isabel Goulart.
I've been invited to join the virtual world of Kaneva.
Is it legitimate or spam?
I actually didn't Nick.
Remember we had that talk about me meaning what I say ... It's minutes to 10. It's been a rough day and I'm exhausted. I actually read the qn over twice. I thought you were asking me if I moved over to the dark side...
I think whiteboy is GAY. that's why he doesn't have an ex girlfriend. Also, remember his pics with sis paterson? I think other guy in those pics is his bf. Showing 12 pack's images with word gay is to mislead viewers. Think about it?
lmbaob@anon = laughing my black-ass off back at anonymous :D
Damn, Dana...dat soung like ah buff
I'm not playing with you anymore ...
Yuh vex?
Because I hoped we'd chat tonight.
black ass steups i thought you were a white man
Ok I have a question.
For the Chance fans, the ex-girlfriend, have anyone notice anything?
Whiteboy is not gay.
Trust me.
The guy in the pictures with him and Sister Patterson is his cousin.
And thanks to Meale, Dana, Shawn and Steups for noticing my absence.
Where's Jane? I miss her.
shawn anything about what and i'm not a chance fan that's for sure
Is Chance's ex his baby's momma?
12 Pack's ex looks like one of those pyscho ex's...
I am not a Chance 'fan'. I noticed she was pretty ...that's about it.
Nope that's not it.
Quanda welcome back from time out.
yes quanda whiteboy and steups are gay
Spill it Shawn!
I am listening to Miss Jones now.
LMAO @ Anon
Whiteboy is not gay.
New York is on my nerves right now.
That the chick that call chance and his brother monkey.
She is also a graphic designer.
Ok so I notice the little things.
How do you know Quanda? lol
I thought Whiteboy did some incest when New York said his sister...
Trust me, I know.
Did you do the second part yet?
Since you guys are speaking about him.
I think he would cute in another color since you are going to morph him into a cat.
Not yet, part II is iffy right now.
I'm about to ask another question.
Which one of you guys did a recent interview on Mr. Boston?
How did they even get in touch with these ex girlfriends??????????????????????????????
I did. And I haven't typed it up yet. I also spoke with he twin brother.
Wow Samantha,
I just found this and was wondering about this from a mr. boston interview.
According to an interview by Mr. Boston, the interviewer asked him about the Ex-Girlfriends episode. The way that VH1 located them is that at the beginning when they had to fill out applications to be on the show, it had on the application to list 2 ex-girlfriends with their address and phone number. He said that he thought at the time that VH1 wanted to use them as referencesLOL!!! So it seems that VH1 had this in mind all along and that NY wasn't the one who decided to try something new and ask the exes about the guys instead of meeting their parents. Mr. Boston claims that his girlfriend was actually contacted to see if she was still coming, but at the last minute VH1 cancelled her trip just prior to eliminations. I think that a parents show would have been interesting too to see if any of them are momma boys!
You don't know ish.
Whiteboy is either gay, needle dicked or his girlfriend is incarcerated.
thanx for the information shawn :) I wonder why they coulnt find whiteboys ex girlfriend?????????????????
Quanda, I postponed the Bonez interview...Are you still interested?
Samantha, she is in prison serving 24 to life.
50% Trini 100% Asshole,
I know more than you could fathom. So back off with the 'You do know ish.'
12 Pack has to be gay to think NY is attractive.
I'm playing Miss Jones's interview with NY again. I haven't laughe my ass off in a long time.
Shawn and Quanda are pissing me off.
If y'all are discussing Whiteboy, y'all are pissing me off.
Lareigna too
You know i really wish mr boston could of stayed for this episode i would have like to see some girlfriend of his
50% Trini 100% Asshole,
welcome back quanda
Tango's girlfriend looks like she can handle herself in bed..
Chance's girlfriend looks like she handles herself in bed
Dee is despicable for allegely dating successful men.
Yet you are a rose for kissing a female who spat at you. And making out with GOD knows how many of the 20 men in the house right after one another.
This is my main problem with her.
steupssssss at Jane
You know what is funny and I think L will love this, they compare beyonce and ny together on how they dress. It's in the Essence Magazine.
Steups, you need to be open to other people's opinions.
Yours: Whiteboy has a little dick.
Mine: NY has a little dick.
Some people just (sensibly) shy away from publicity ... maybe WB's ex is one of those people and it's that simple.
No Steups I'm not vexed...not with you anyway. Maybe just a bit cranky in general (lol)
LOL if that is Chance girlfriend.
Thank you Jane.
I see you were holding your own during my absence.
Quanda, I'd like you to not say bad things about New York.
Remember the interview I am trying so desperately to set-up.
There is already a concern that you hate her and won't be fair.
ROFLMJAO @ Lareigna
Maybe that's why Whiteboy was slinging his tongue down her throat.
It's the tonsils he really wanted. He is accustomed to the feel and size.
tangos ex is ugly
Jane didn't hold her own...Sassy whupped her butt something shameful.
I had to pull Sassy off of her.
Quanda, girl I had to
steups has been feeling himself extra because he got allies in his "anti-whiteboy" campaign.
She isn't Samantha.
She is as good looking as 12Pack's.
What's your opinion on Whiteboy's sister?
there you go again letting your imagination run wild.
I am doing another post. I don't like this comments box.
whiteboys sister is boney as hell
Jane, she had you messed up like a Jamaican pattie.
If she and/or DJ Bucky Blends have read my interviews, they should KNOW I will be more than fair with her.
What amazes me is that I have my opinions about her. When I don't like something I say it. When I like something I say it. It is not all negative when it comes down to my opinion of New York. If she grants the interview ...she will not regret it ....THAT'S MY WORD.
Enough said but I am not going to censor my opinions in this comments box to appease her or any of the other 'ILNY' cast members.
and more importantly...do they look like they came from the same family?
go sit your bootleg trini ass down.
My family look and talk as I do.
Where the heck did Whiteboy come from?
Maybe he was raised by a gang and freed himself last year.
Counterfeit Canadian Jamaican
Whiteboy haters unite :P
yea right that aint the real whiteboy
You better unite. Because I will stop holding back!!!!
"Counterfeit Canadian Jamaican "
Get the fuck outta here with that shit, you want to talk about who's
you hate white men even though your half white, WTF is up with that.
Got my afro pick with the balled fist in the air with my 70's afro wig telling Quanda
"Right ON"
Don't hold back, baby.:D
Q, you hold back?????
whiteboy rules and tango has boobs man
Go Jane Go Jane
Do you thing girl. Shut him downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Steups you're funny.
Men are so transparent.
Ok that sound right.
Do the thing Jane.
Shut him Downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
You're a Tango fan Steups?
He's a pussy.
You don't hate white men, do you Nick???
You hate WB...which is a whole other story
And he only hates him because you all like him so much and he needs to be the most loved...
did you see tango on his myspace holding his boobs like he posing for king magazine.
WOnder do Steups have Man Boobs?
yo where's nick
Oh he hates Whiteboy Dana. He borders on that Hate/Love type shit.
Envy is a bitch.
Innit Steups?
is it me, or do 12Pack and his ex look perfectly compatible.
Their posture is the same, the head-tilt is the same.
12 pack girlfriend looks perfectly compatible with him, because she is not his ex-girlfriend, but his"girlfriend". I believe that Romance was telling the truth, 12 pack is still dating that girl.
I wouldn't be surprise if 12 pack girlfriend isn't a amatuer pornstar.
I ain't down with this comments box.
I am not half-anything...I am 100% black, 100% Trini and 100% hating Jane right now.
We shall see Episode 7 ...won't we?
Nobody is half-white
Don't forget 100% Asshole
ah vex wit yuh, Jane.
Ah real vex wit yuh.
Somebody is half white ...
That's why I don't play with Jamaicans.
They're too damn aggressive.
Aggressive is far better than that passive aggressive shit.
its not on vspot anymore :(
you started this shit, now how you goin be mad?
Jane don't pay him no mind. He always hates when more that two Whiteboy fans are in the comments box.
Any one who's proud enough to claim their Trini heritage is 100% Trini.
And Steups is a fake asshole, that's his front. He's 100% sweetheart...deep down
What I find particuliarly funny is that Tango fans who feel slighted ...get cajoled by Steups.
We get insulted ....LMAO.
*wonders if Steups truly missed me...
Love you Dana ...really I do but I am going to have to
why is it okay when steups makes whole posting insulting whiteboy, but when ever tango is spoken about its treated as a damm crime or some shit.
I'm sure he does Quanda. We all would miss you too.
For some reason this whole squabble reminds of the couple who fights, bickers, and disagrees but in the end they have really hot sex.
I don't know but that is the way the cookie crumbles.
They can't stand Quanda and 'the pink'. I am too biased. They are tired of the Tango bashing ...blah, blah, blah.
Count my Tango bashing posts and then count Steups WB/anyone else bashing posts ....LMAO
I am truly sick right now. I mean I have a fever/body aches/coughs ...I am sick. Thanks to you and Dana ...you can add vomiting to my ailments.
Why are you vomiting? I wasn't talking about you and Steups and having hot sex lmao.
Does the thought of that make you sick? I think Steups is kinda cute.
::ducking and running for cover from Quanda::
Oh Q, I am so very very sorry. Thanks for the love though!!! :-)
But you must understand...the way you feel about WB is the way I feel about Nick... (minus the incessant lusting)
Haha I guess that statement will bring on a fresh bout of that last symptom
ewwwwwwwwwww dana
I'm not the one who said he was 'cute' or used his name and the words 'hot sex' in the same sentence...
New post!
all of them are pretty except for tango's ex