The furore stems from New York saying she studied Criminal Justice at Syracuse University, or something like that...
(I tuned out when the crapaud (Miss Jones) began badgering New York)
New York also had a few unnecessary words on Deelishis and her love-life. Accusing the winner of Flavor of Love 2 of being linked to all sorts of "professional men"
New York must not know Deelishis is very career oriented. Among the projects to look forward to is her "Deelishis jeans" which is in production and will be launched soon.
My new line of Deelishis Jeans promises to...fit you like a glove to show everyone the beautiful woman that you already are!
Coming this spring to an exclusive boutique near you, Deelishis Jeans!

That butt just about hits you in the face while you're scrolling down, lol.
lmao...girl you are quick.
I haven't put up the interview yet
Ok, I really must go.
I hope it's positioned right.
Yes, I am anxiously awaiting Janes response (or lack there of)...
I agree with u onthe butt smack sassy...is it me or does all the recent photo's of her exploits her ass.
Geez I wished I looked that good when I put on my jeans.lol
yeah it shocked me, i jumped in my seat when i saw it, lol. i think she's working with what she was given, can't hate her for that, lol. baby got back! :-)
Yep!! Baby got back for her, me and you.LOL
All I have is Dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
damn girl how you get all of dat in dem jeanz dem jeanz
Hey everyone!!! Hey E!!
Just popping in for 2 secs only to say 'Revenge please check your mail!!!!!!'
Back soon ...
kudos to you madame, im happy for u.
one more hour and i get to leave.
Go Deelishis!
New York is REALLY going to be on Maury. I hope she actually has some clips of herself...
her ass is huge
i used to think no one ass was bigger than mine
Her boobs jiggle wayy too much...
New York thinks she can work it! The audience is all cheering her on. New York wants Maury to call her whatever he wants [New York or Tiffany] because she's glad to be on the show.
omg... She brought "really funny commercials" with her. First is a Dorito commercial with a mouse trap and the mouse is just a guy in a costume. New York says its the best and the power of cheese is very strong. Never mess with a mouse and his cheese.
Next is a commercial about a brat who wants a big bag of candy. Now he's throwing a tantrum and it the point is use condoms... How funny.
Now there's a pizza commercial. These two drunks are fighting each other.
Now there's a mattress salesman rapping and dancing.
Now she's showing obviously editted and fake crap.
New York says she's an excellent goffer! This is from her show and it hasn't aired yet. LMFAO! She missed the goft ball and fell.
That was the only funny clip she brought... Other than that, the only mention of her show is that the guys are all fighting over her. We know Maury. He could have tried to pump her for spoilers or something.
I think you miss it again.
I missed it?
I am back...an hour later than I said I would.
So Dana comes here to say Revenge you have mail.
Aint that some shit?
I think so Cael.
I look on the TVguide and I think it's was for this month.
Just type in Tiffany pollard maury and you will see the date.
All they going to take about is some of her favortie videos. I don't think she is going to talk about her show on there.
Damn, I have to go again.
She was on the Maury Show and it aired today I think.
No no no they just did it! Before they lied and said she was on with Brigette which was earlier this month and she wasn't but she was on this time. I described her part above.
I read on another Board that she looked pretty and seemed comfortable
New York is wack...and got called out and her come backs were as wack as here weave... shes just stupid
dominican, but calling her out isn't changing anything.
She's still a reality tv star and Miss Jones is still an idiot.
did you see the episode 7 sneak peek on vspot yet?
New york did'nt have to talk about the girls like that.
someone emailed me and sais "watch it now!"
Lol. Is it that good, Jane?
what new york said about tango's ex was (in my opinion) out of line.
I was kinda disappointed about whiteboy though.
I wanted to see his ex.
His ex is the woman looking like her mid is saying "how the hell did I end up with this idiot?"
New York was doing what New York does, she has no limits to what she can and will say, lol.
Whiteboys ex didn't come on the show because she didn't want the international embarassment of people knowing she was with him, lol.
I need to watch this...off to the V-spot.
that was really uncalled for.
I dont think so, it was a joke. If you dont like it, then dont acknowledge it.
I knew it was a joke, my response was not meant to be taken so seriously.
So let me get this straight, you can curse about the other contestants and put them down but when someone cracks a joke about Whiteboy, you're offended. Riiiiight.
I think I'm missing something. ILNY doesn't come on very week?
Hello everyone, BTW
LOL, sorry rough day at work...
I apologize to both Jane and Whiteboy for my comments, truce?
There was a break this week, Lareigna
No truce, Sass.
Go after her
We don't need a truce, I don't care if you talk about whiteboy I'll just talk about your favorite contenstant and then we'll be even LOL
you need to let go of whiteboy's nuts.
I know your ass has something to say about why his ex was not there.
Oh man. I love Miss Jones. Her and I are of one mind.
LOL @ Steups
Jane, I dont think I have a favorite contestant on this show... Hmm... I'll go pick one and just go with it, lol
Lareigna, you need to split that mind in half and choose the right one.
You're right about that, Jane
(stares angrily)
You are so mean Steups. I let you express your hatred for Whiteboy without uttering a sound. You know I don't like this bitch. Can't I have my time to tingle with pleasure at the sound of New York being humiliated?
You know something Lareigna?
Your face is so incongruous with the words you type that I always laugh like hell when you make a comment.
wait a damn minute...you like Whiteboy too?
Oh lawd hammercy. Well he just got upgraded to hate.
Setups why do you hate whiteboy so much??????????????????
steups did you ever have a threesome before if not you should try
a threesome with whom?
Can you recommend someone, or sometwo?
steups i had a threesome with two adult film stars name ice la fox and sylvia saint down in miami and the second time around it was with my ex girlfriend and her bestfriend you need to try steups
lmao...how in the heck did you hook up with not one, but two adult stars?
I have seen Sylvia's work, she's very very good.
Whiteboy's ex, is she the on ewith the daughter? Wow, if so, credit to WB for fating someone with a lick of sense.
No "professional" men would be seen w/NY's ugly, crazy self. Only those trying to get famous and men on the down low would actually be attracted to that.
steups do you want to be recommend to a adult film stars i can do that for you let me know when you are ready
steups my bestfriend is a producer of adult film in miami
Give me their number. I want to meet Cherokee
Bubo, living up to your name, I see.:D
steups i don't want to get to graffiti but sylvia saint and ice la fox were real good
steups i wont be home tell friday but give me your e-mail addresses and i will hook you up with danny diaz the producer and he will hook you up with all type of porn stars in miami steups only if your serious about this
Do I have to pay cherokee?
steupz at gmail dot com
steups don't worry about money i'm hooking you up you will be hearing from me and danny friday afternoon on the time and date for you like i said only if your serious about this shit
Wow you like cherokee@Steups?
She cool and very down to earth.
Why don't you hook up with her and see if she give you a cam show?
Have anyone seen the essence magazine this month?
Well they have a page where they have Beyonce in her Oscars gown saying she all glamourous where they have a little pic of NY not looking her best saying she is Tacky in her blue dress.
Then they have this author talking about how Paris hilton love to say ghetto with a pic of Flav fla and NY looking GHETTOFABULOUS.
So Dana comes here to say Revenge you have mail.
Aint that some shit?
I also came to say 'Hi' and that I would be back soon...But I sense that your selective reading is caused by jealousy so I want to say 'Nick please check your mail too!!!!! I wub you...I missed you' and all that jazz
Anyway, now is 'soon' and I have had a chance to read all the comments of the last 2 days.
I really hope Tango wins. I know he's been a bit ummm...paipsy at times but he won me over when he said 'A lot of guys are here for NY but I am here to meet Tiffany'. I completely melted. And all the subterfuge(snitching) could be because he really wants to be the last man standing...
But I think she was feeling Tango initially and she did say it was someone she couldn't see herself being with at first so maybe it's WB... (sorry Jane, I did say 'maybe')
Deelishis is hot and her arse is hotter. Onix is not stuck up. For him to even be in here talking to us makes him utterly lovely and down to earth. And he is so, so, so hottttttt - sizzzzzzling. Miss Jones is a bitch (I had never even heard of her - I live in a bubble)and Ivory did a superfantastic interview.
I'm all caught up now :-)
Anon, I am here, mate.
Sorry about that Dana; you know how jealous I can be.
And heck, where is Q?
Thanks for the link mate but I deleted your comment because we don't want kids downloading that stuff
Hi Quanda and welcome back.
Missed ya!
Hello, I'm back too.
welcome back Q. I missed you like Nicole Kidman misses Tom Cruise.
Hey Steups! How are you today?
and I will beat up anyone and everyone who says Nicole doesn't miss Tom
I know for a fact she still fantasizes about him
I'm excellent Meale...grabbing stuff for my new post
Good to know Steups, happy to see all is well.
I'll be back to check out new post,
I have a few things to do. TTYL
Well, not all.
I just spent thirty mins in the bathroom and let me tell ya; all is not well.
steups were you born in new york city or united kingdom
what's so funny, lmao.
So ... you're not even a 'real' Trini????
Lol. Just kidding hon!
Q Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!! We missed you!!!!!!!!!
Girl, hush.
I am 100% Trini.
100 percent.
steups because you always saying mate or are you australian
Oh, lmao.
Sorry about that, I'll stop.
Here's what happens. If I talk to my friends, and I come here immediately after, I slip into the lingo.
steups oh understand now
Hey Quanda,
Glad to see you back from TIme out. (wink)
Just give me a few minutes y'all. I am completing the next post.
what was that wink about?:(
Steups stop being so noisey.
It's a female thing.
New Post, refresh your browsers and let's get to commenting.