New York get's under the skin of Bootz like silicone implants in this KTmoze video of their confrontation at the Reunion Special.
New York just seems to irritate these women with her corny lines and overblown sass...
New York: "Bootz. Was it Bootz? Because I don't really remember you." Lmao.
New York: "Shut your mouth; open up your ear"
When will these women appreciate that confronting New York does nothing more but give her the platform to shine...
Here's the New York vs the Ladies video.
Video: Kyle
New York takes on the Flavor of Love girls and Buckwild's shoe
| Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Show, Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Special | 267 comments »New York, Flava, the Reunion Show and what are you wearing for Halloween?
| Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Show, Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Special | 30 comments »Last evening's Reunion Special was a shipwreck 'New York' could not rescue; it was pointless, mangled and poorly edited.
I would have taken my cameras to the ladies themselves and conducted interviews at their cities and homes to ascertain the extent to which the show has impacted their careers and lives. We would have appreciated a frank interview with 'New York' on her reaction to not being chosen a second time; or even a chat with 'Deelishis' on her future with Flava Flav.
Heck, they could have had street interviews in New York and other cities to give the fans a say. That would have been entertaining.
Maybe they have, or they will, and add it to the DVD because we know there has to be so much more than what was aired.
I am not greedy, it's their show and if they believe hinting at much more is the proper way to market their DVD sales then so be it; but fuck, at the very least I would have appreciated the name Flav gave to Deelishis' daughter. Is that too much to ask?
Apparently it is. I spoke to my VH1 contact today and synopsized what I read in the comments and he said VH1 has "nothing to officially announce at this time."
I'll keep the unofficial response to myself.
Anyway, Happy Halloween to all of you. I don't know what costume you have opted for but I tend to favor Dracula because placing women under a spell has always been my forte, lol.
Just kidding.
One reader had no doubt about whom she would portray, her name is Wonton (don't watch me like that, I am just repeating what she said). She sent me pictures of her Halloween costume and dares others to do the same......Uh?
New York's show "I love New York" premieres January 16th
| Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Show, Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Special | 153 comments »I don't know where to start...but it's all about New York.
Datellecash;(you know her from the comments) sent me the spoiler links for the Reunion Special: After the Lovin' on VH1's broadband video channel. Naturally, we have Ponlork working on grabbing the content and we'll provide it to you as soon as possible.
Until then you can probably access it yourself, although I hope you won't because we love when you visit "The Blogspot" to get all witty in the comment box.
Next up is Sheniqua, who advises and informs me that she has received word that Flava Flav has reportedly made an appearance on New York's Show, "I love New York". The word is he returns to win her heart, and it's up to "New York" to add him to the other men vying for her attention; or to ask him, his seven children and his four baby mammas to get on "Flavor of Love 3" and seek love for a third time.
'Phillycat' (I never knew Philadelphia had super-heroes) sent me audio of an interview with "New York" that was taped just after "Buckeey" was booted. It's typical "New York" stuff but she did say Flav was starting to "feel" "Buckeey" so she was glad to see the back of her. I'll have the audio linked somewhere soon enough...
The final bit of news comes from 'Rehmann Bhatti' who administers a newly created Flavor of Love message-board. Go check it out, you just might like it...
Anyway, he clued us in to video of "New York" and "Red Oyster" acting the fool. It's not a pleasant sight with her looking intoxicated and obsessed with giving the finger-salute; but at least she re-affirms the show is titled "I love New York" and announced the show will begin January 16th; just 80 days to go...
New York and Red Oyster
New York dominates the Reunion Special (spoiler video)
| Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Show, Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Special | 193 comments »You have read the account of New York taking on all the girls who swore death upon her; well here is the video.
And Ponlork has even more video courtesy of the Podcast
New York and some of the other Flavor of Love girls mocking Krazy as she sings at the Reunion Special
The Flavor Man video with Flava Flav, Deelishis, New York and edited scenes from the Flavor of Love 2
Missed you Groovy; a lot.
The least you can do: add Ponlork
I love New York; the city, the state, the show and the person.
Reunion Special spoiler preview Pt2
| Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Show, Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Special | 29 comments ».Recap: Pt1 ends with LaLa on her knees, scared (as Krishonda put it) for her and her unborn child's life, lmao.
Actually that wasn't funny when you think about it.
Four girls have been kicked off the Reunion Special, Bootz, Buckeey, Buckwild and Deelishis (the winner of Flavor of Love 2)
How can they continue with the winner no longer present and the host, LaLa, cowering with fear?
Well Krishonda tuned into VH1's Mobile Channel, using her Sprint cellular phone, to get the answer for us:
Eventually, LaLa comes back and we see Flav and New York on stage.
New York calls Boots, Buckwild, Buckeey and Deelishis; "Animals!"
New York says they don't matter, she is real; they are fraudulent and they know it. (can't you just imagine her saying that with her patented sashay)
Asked if she has any regrets about coming back to the show, she says "absolutely not, Flav is a wonderful man". (liar liar thongs on fire)
Then, 'Deelishis' comes back!
LaLa asks 'Deelishis' if she has anything she wants to say. 'Deelishis' states that she wanted to talk to 'New York' but in the heat of the moment, things got crazy. She apologizes to New York and they exchange compliments.
Ya man Flav directs everyone's attention to the fact that 'Deelishis' is being sincere and genuine.
A cut to New York's mom on the monitor choppin' it up with Flav... nothing new, lol.
Then we sense a moment coming...
The camera cuts to the stage where New York, Flav and LaLa are assembled. LaLa asks Flav about the idea "he" came up with.
I repeat. LaLa asks Flav about the idea "he" came up with.
Flava Flav says, since it didn't work out with him on Flavor of Love 1 or Flavor of Love 2; he hopes she (New York) can find love on her own show.
'New York' says the show is called, 'I Love New York' (NOT "The Flavorette" as we all have been led to believe)
New York, I guess we can call her Tiffany now, reveals how excited she is about her Show and how she wants to celebrate 'this'.
She's looking for true love, her one and only.
That's it, your Reunion Special Spoiler thanks to Krishonda and she says ask away if you need clarification on anything she wrote or may have seen. Or may not have seen.
Bye, you are now "in the know"
Pictures: Wysdom
The least you can do: add Krishonda
Mobile Channel Reunion Special preview Pt1
| Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Show, Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Special | 20 comments »From Krishonda's Sprint cellular phone via VHI Mobile Channel:
First, I can confirm, DEFINITELY, that it is 'New York' whom 'Bootz' ran after.
The clip begins with Buckwild saying she knows about three (3) or four (4) girls who want to kill 'New York'. Backstage, 'Bootz' states that New York "gon get it" for eliminating her.
(the clips are going back and forth)
Next we see 'New York' on stage with La La (host of the Reunion Special) and 'Deelishis' begins walking towards 'New York' which prompts security to hold Deelishis back as she mouths, "when it comes to my mother..."
'Deelishis' then says, "I'm not gon' touch her!"
As security restrains Deelishis, Bootz attempted to run up on ya girl New York!!! but security got her before she could get to New York...that time.
Deelishis keeps talking and walking towards her (New York), as security continues to restrain and detain her. Several other girls are up now and 'New York' is on stage smiling, doing her infamous 'holding-her-weave-to-the-side' thing as she says, "Nobody better touch me."
They then cut to 'Bootz' backstage before the show saying she "ain't Pumkin" and 'New York' better be far away when she sees her and she (New York) "better knock her out cause if she don't it's over."
Back to the show...
'Bootz' tries to run on stage a second time and we see a Producer (I think) trying to becalm 'Deelishis' and tells her its not worth it because she won. Security then escorts 'New York' off the stage and she starts yelling, "Ain't nobody gon' touch me!"
You can hear security telling Deelishis and others to relax and other girls are starting to take their seats again. Things have become calm again...
Bootz starts to make a move, but waits.
Then...'Bootz' makes that mad dash backstage we've all be talking about!
'Deelishis' tries to run back-stage and we all know 'Buckwild' runs too.
Producers then 'physically expel' 'Deelishis', 'Buckwild', 'Bootz' and 'Buckeey'
All the other girls are asked to take their seats and the camera pans to La La, whom is off to the side of the stage kneeled down like she scared for her and her unborn child's life. HMMMMMMMN!
Whew! Krishonda did a great job, no?
And there's more...give me five minutes
New York is not the Flavorette!
| Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Show, Flavor of Love 2 Reunion Special | 32 comments »Apparently she announces on the Flavor of Love Reunion Special that her show is titled "I love New York" and not "The Flavorette".
How do I know?
Well I don't know actually but, I got this and a lot more from Krishonda via her cellular phone's (Motorola I hope) VH1 Mobile Channel.
She recommended I unleash PonLork to upload the video and that's what I'll do.
Her email includes a lot more detail, spoilers if you will; so I don't know if you want me to state it all here and possibly ruin your Reunion Show experience.
If you don't mind reading the details let me know via the comments. I can say this however, that she confirms the spoilers in the comments box two articles down, with the ladies evicted and expelled from the taping and New York once again dominates the show.
Be sure to check out New York at the Fox Reality Show which airs on Saturday at a time I cannot recall.
Edit: I'll email my contact at VH1 to confirm the re-titling because he/she told me New York is "The Flavorette" as announced in the 'New York Post' article. If she isn't, I hope it's not Hottie, for obvious reasons...
Pictures: Pop on the Pop
Flava Flav and Deelishis were apparently spotted at the Fox Reality Awards but not my me, because I was too busy at another New York event.
However Cake and Ice Cream has the pictures to prove they were indeed present. Pictures not dissimilar to the one below showing Flava Flav and Deelishis in an intimate pose.
Don't you just know VH1 are trying to break-up that fledgling relationship to continue the franchise that is Flavor of Love?
Who wants to see Flavor of Love 3?
Yeah that's New York conducting the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra...not really, but it's New York just the same.
New York's manager/agent and I sorted out our differences so we are cool again, but I wasn't the one he called a "dirty bitch" so I suspect Groovy will need more convincing.
Over on New York's agent's page (and I am saying he is until proven otherwise) he is lamenting the fact that MySpace won't shut down the fake New York page until he proves he represents the real New York, Tiffany Patterson-Pollard.
Seems a reasonable request to me, but he refuses to produce picture proof until they accede to his request to shut down the fake New York MySpace.
I think that's what they call a stand-off or a stalemate or stubbornness or what about just plain old fucking ass stupid!
Why not email MySpace the proof and let them handle the legal issues behind closed doors? That way no one else gets a hold of New York's MySpace salute and Bucky is recognized without dispute as her representative.
But, I guess New York's agent is just understandably peeved that this counterfeit Tiffany, New York wannabe poser is profiting from her goodwill, or badwill, depending on your point of view.
Anyway, I didn't think that was really important but I thought we should focus attention away from the fighting in the comments section of the previous blog. There are more important issues to worry about like Walmart dissolving its layaway program after this Christmas holiday season. That's serious stuff, so go sign the petition.
(Exhales)...Ponlork our resident California videographer and New York's biggest fan has done it yet again. This time he has uploaded the Behind the Scene preview for the Reunion Special and after viewing it I feel like I doing some Geisha girl shit on Ponlork, lmao.
Oh snap, Irresistable Deliscious is starting to rub on me...oops, I meant rub off on me.
This video is like the opening minutes before a Madison Square Garden fight with the competitors rumbling, threatening and adjusting their bustiers.
I may have let it slip that an Anonymous source leaked to me that Spunkeey was threatened and received an injury at the Reunion Show; well, I am starting to believe that in a hurry because there is one scene where Spunkeey is in a waiting room and Bootz is knocking the hell out of the door to get at her. It might have been Buckeey actually, but who dare they attack my lovelust Spunkeey?
And then there is New York, strutting and stepping with satorial elegance on to the stage, only to be greeted by Buckwild's shoe.....grrrrrrr, calm down Steups, calm down.
Anyway, I am acting like Bob Barker delaying the inevitable and trying to build the hype so I might as well just show you the video...
No, hold a second; let me get this off of my chest. What possessed Buckwild to throw a shoe at New York?
Oh whatever, I can't afford to have a brain aneurysm after I wasted my money on a tooth implant so just watch the video...
The New York MySpace was allegedly hacked today according to DJ BuckyBlends the only person who seems to have personal knowledge of the Flavor of Love 1 & 2 runner-up..
The message posted on his account reads...The page was hacked.. was hacked!
I don't know what the hell to do I'm not a big computer person all I know is me & Tiffany are up against something big and we will get justice!!!
Now, if I were a cynic I'd say something unkind but I'll just leave it as is and let you decide what's going on.
If you visit the thought-to-be legitimate New York MySpace and attempt to send a message it says the site is under review with the following messageHey!!! ...I'm still not back at my computer yet to finish setting up my page.. I will be back around Thanksgiving. Thanks... ----this page will also be linked to my new website which will also be up & running real soon!!!!!! It's & we will offer official top quality merchandise directly from me!!!! Oh, also keep checkin in with my boy Buck @ MYSPACE.COM/DJBUCKYBLENDS for blogs and updates about my 2 new sites!!! 'ciao
Suspicious, no?
Why would you hack a site and mention the MySpace of another person who manages the account? I am not a hacker but that seems a tad too ethical.
But then again, maybe the message was there before they hacked and the only malicious damage done by the hackers was removing everyone from her friends-list; including me (sigh).
Anyway, Groovy will be along soon enough with an article that links Bucky to New York in a more intimate way.
I can't be bothered to write about the 7.5 million viewers who made it their business to witness the Season Finale of "Flavor of Love 2" when Reuters has a perfectly good report I can borrow. So here it is with some modification...
The return of New York thrust the season ending episode into the #1 Telecast on Cable for the Night, the #2 Telecast overall for the week and the #1 non-Sports Telecast on Basic Cable for the entire year.
The bottomline is Flavor of Love is a massive hit and money making machine regardless of the misgivings and negative opinions of the pseudo-intellectuals, the feminists and those who think every show with a black man not playing the role of a doctor is a return to coondom. Fuck all the haters, you don't like it? Don't watch!
You hate it that much? Write letters, stop buying SunSilk and if you ever see someone with a it a cellular phone or something.
The raw facts for the season finale of "Flavor of Love 2" reveal the program averaged a 4.6 in the valued 18-49 demographic and surpassed last season's Final Episode to becomes VH1's highest-rated telecast ever. Thanks to the Flavor of Love, VH1 now ranks #4 among all basic cable networks during Sunday primetime.
The above is largely because the Show has brought a lot of African American viewers to VH1. "Flavor of Love 2", according to the Nielsen Ratings encouraged 1 out of every 3 African Americans watching television on Sunday night to tune in to VH1. The series has consistently been the #1 program in its time slot on all of television (cable & broadcast) among African-American adults 18-49 throughout its series run.
In other news, VH1 announced on Tuesday last that "Flavor of Love" seasons 1 & 2 are now available for purchase and download, exclusively, on the iTunes® Music Store.
The launch of "Flavor of Love" on iTunes® marks the first time episodes of the hit series are available for purchase and download; the cost is $1.99 per episode.
The show has also driven record levels on all of VH1's digital platforms - broadband, mobile and VOD. "Flavor of Love" streams on VSPOT -VH1's broadband channel- hit a new 1-day single show high with 1.1 million streams on Monday, October 16 (the day following the Finale).
"Flavor of Love" content is also the most popular video content currently offered on VH1 Mobile with its weekly "Flavor of Love" mobile phone poll achieving significant growth with participation increasing ten- fold since the second season began in August.
Man, I really hope Flava Flav negotiated well because VH1 is making a killing from this show.
Good Sunday to you
If you missed Deelishis on (BET)Black Entertainment Television here is the video thanks to TMACTMANN...
Great interaction between her and Flav and she had the savvy to plug his new album. The girl is about to take over New York.
Speaking of, if I may digress for a while, the New York Yankees better not lose their mind and trade Alex Rodriguez because that would be a disaster.
Anyway, back to Flavor of Love stuff, here is a video that has me worried for Ms New York's life on the Reunion Show. I used to think that Bootz wasn't wild enough to challenge New York but after seeing this footage of her intimidating Somethin, well, I don't know...
Bootz looks like she can beat-down New York something fierce...
Thanks to Tina for the link and rheanb3 for the video.
Oh and a shout out to Jay Jay in the comments section, my girl Electra and my #1 Groovy (anyone seen her lately?)
A few readers have emailed me about the Buckeey video tapes and all I can say is 'yes they exist'. Groovy and I received two home-made videos of Buckeey and her boyfriend/photographer simply talking to the camera, so to speak, about Christmas gifts.
Buckeey says she wants a Dell computer and the dude says he wants the new PlayStation®
That's it! There is neither sex nor nudity.
I'd upload it but I'd probably need an Atlanta criminal attorney to defend me, so we will keep the video to ourselves until we make contact with Shay 'Buckeey' Johnson.
Moving on, Tina (TiK) emailed me the link for another 'ktmoze' Podcast video. This video shows extended footage of the argument at breakfast between New York and Deelishis'.
As you may recall, Deelishis was awarded the first Belize date; to New York's chagrin.
Well, New York confronts her as Deelishis confesses she returned to her hotel room in "a towel with nothing underneath" and to be honest, Deelishis takes a chunk out of New York in this argument.
She describes her as a psycho, bi-polar and a multiple personality.
And she absolutely killed her in this particular exchange...
New York: I am stealing your energy right now, I see you're getting upset
Deelishis: After last night I don't have no damn energy
Don't take my word for it, go watch the video of New York vs Deelishis
Laterz and goodnight to my special friend.
I have been saying it loud and proud for like, forever; that New York was not acting on the Season Finale. That it wasn't a script or a 90 minute segue to The Flavorette.
New York really wanted to win Flav's heart? Really!
And now I have the proof!
TiK emailed me a video link of Flava Flav and Deelishis in a nude shower scene (well sort of) after frolicking on the beach and in the pool during their time in Belize.
Deelishis looks really happy after the shower and in the closing scene Flav exits in a towel and I noticed something...Flava Flav is packing!!!
For all you women out there who wondered why any woman would salivate over Flavor Flav, here's your answer.
No wonder New York screamed like a banshee when they were chunking!
No wonder New York returned to face rejection a second time!
No wonder New York turned a page in the Diary of a Mad Black woman at the elimination ceremony!
The video please...
Flav must have had penis enlargement surgery because that looks a bit much for a little guy, and especially after a shower.
Just a warning before I roll the credits; I don't want anyone asking me why my eyes were focused on Flav's nether regions, lmao. I did it for research and I posted this video to tempt Irresistable Deliscious out of retirement.
If this video doesn't encourage him to post an opinion, nothing will.
So that's it...thanks to TiK for the email and ktmoze for the video.
Ponlork has uploaded the preview of the Reunion Special: After the Lovin' for anyone who wants to see it again and again and again.
The format follows last season's with LaLa as host and the girls making appearances in the order of their unclocking. Looking at the video we can expect a lot of drama between New York and Bootz, in particular.
But what I want to know is why would Buckwild throw something (a shoe?) at New York?
Where the fuck did her probation go?
She returned her clock because she believed staying in the house would eventually lead to an assault charge against her, but here she is throwing missiles at New York?
No one better lay a fake nail on New York because I'll, I'll...well I can't do anything. Still, no one better lay a hand on New York.
Ponlork also uploaded the elimination ceremony of the season finale and as he put it, the thunder and lightning did lend itself to a surreal atmosphere.
Here's the video if you have the stomach to watch Flav reject New York for a second time. The putz.
Now that Deelishis has won Season 2 of 'The Flavor of Love' she is making the media rounds with magazine interviews and radio call-ins. Today she stepped into TV Land with a television appearance on BET's (that's Black Entertainment Television) flagship show '106 & Park.'
I can't claim to have seen it, but our videographer (Ponlork) was on spot (lounging on the sofa) to capture, in words, the essence of her appearance.
Here is his account...
Deelishis was on the show (BET 106 & Park) and said everything on 'The Flavor of Love 2' was real and nothing was scripted.
Asked for her opinion on New York, she said she did not really hate her but that Tiffany (New York) gets on her nerves because of the bi-polar shit. When asked who got on her nerves the most the audience answered/yelled "Krazy". Deelishis agreed, saying that Krazy was fake and that she cannot sing.
Then they asked her (Deelishis) to sing something and she sang part of Keisha Cole's "Love"
And I used to think that I wasn't wild enough
But I won't waste my time tryna to figure out
Why you playin' games, what's this all about
And I can't believe you hurted me
I met your girl what a difference
What you see in her, you ain't seen in me
But I guess it was all just make-believe
Sounds like something New York should voice, but let's return to Ponlork...
Then came the surprise for Deelishs as it was announced that Flavor Flav was on the phone. Deelishis and Flav started talking about how much they were feeling each other and admitted they haven't seen each other since the show wrapped because the show's contract forbade their 'seeing' each other until the Season was completed, but now that it has, they are allowed to officially hookup.
Questioned on Hoopz, Flav said he should drop the 'H' from her name and call her "Oops" or something, haha. He confirmed that there was no chemistry between them and it was impossible to get in contact with her after the Show ended. They also asked Flav about The Flavorette and specifically, if he would be a part of it.
Surprisingly, he said that he has "absolutely nothing to do with that Show."
The interview ended with promotion of, Deelishis' MySpace, her commercial website, and the announcement that Flavor Flav's new album drops October 31st.
Thanks Ponlork. (He has one of the best My Space websites, so go add him to your friends list, please)
I thought it was surprising that Flav has no producing credit on The Flavorette which leads me to believe the idea for the Show was pitched by New York and her people, if she has people.
Of course that would mean I'd have to admit her appearance on Flavor of Love 2 was nothing but foreplay. Well, I'd drink a glass of microwaved Heinz ketchup with a lemon twist before I admit that...
We talk about New York too much on this blog!
After all, as someone said in the comments box, she is the Buffalo Bills of reality television. But, you know, the girl is a quote machine and you can't help but think that she was the real winner of both seasons.
Not only did she make a return but she has her own show....oops, I did it again. Let's forget New York and concentrate on the winner of Flavor of Love 2; London Deelishis Charles.
Deelishis spoke to BET recently and in her usual self-effacing style seemed reluctant to talk about herself. But that's pretty difficult to do when all the questions are about you.
It touched me (in places she usually doesn't touch me) that she was hurt by comments on her femininity and her keloids. She specifically mentioned the blogs and you have to appreciate that with this new found fame she would have read every thing written about her so she had a lot of negativity to digest.
And now that negativity will multiply tenfold (I actually measured that, no lie.) with the discovery of new pictures of the Flavor of Love winner.
YBF blogspot has all the details including a picture of her baby-grandaddy, lmao.
Come back okay. Because if you don't you'll miss direct links to...
Deelishis pictures
More Deelishis Pictures
But don't stop there...
Visit Concrete Loop because they make a blogger feel real good.
And finally, I have a question for you. Have you ever wondered what I look like? I know you do after reading the battle for my affections in yesterdays comments (blushes 'til my cheeks hurt).
Well, you just keep wondering.
But if you want to see what Groovy Noodles looks like, then you are in luck.
Our summaries expert has debuted her Groovy Noodles My Space, so go add her to your friends and you'll see her picture.
(Yawns) Sorry, its late. A senior VH-1 rep sent us a release yesterday. A senior senior senior senior VH1 rep (about time, pfft)...
"The Reunion special...'After the Lovin' premiering Sunday, Oct. 29 at 10PM. Deelishis & Flav will be reunited for the first time since they filmed the Finale. Flav will meet Deelishis' daughter and give her a special nickname. Goldie returns to dish about her thoughts on this season's girls. Krazy sings and some of the girls do their booty dances again. It's definitely a MUST SEE!
As announced in the New York Post today, the Flavorette will feature New York and 20 eligible bachelors. Premiere date TBD."
Now why have Krazy sing? I hope it's about redemption and not just about embarrassing the poor child because she has suffered enough.
So New York has her show and so soon after the disappointment of losing out to Deelishis. Makes you wonder if the Flavor of Love 2 finale, was nothing more than an elaborate segue into The Flavorette.
I am not sure about that...
Unless and until New York says she was acting in the final moments of the Season Finale I will continue to believe that her reaction was genuine.
New York would have to be the second coming of Angela Basset to have completely fooled so many people.
Our girl behaved as one would expect if you gave a guy a second chance and he rejected you a second time. The one thing missing was the slap, but after Tyra Banks and Brigitte Neilsen I think most women know putting their hands on Flav is risky business. Even Somethin was upbraided on the show for pinching his cheeks and she was simply being affectionate.
Speaking of; have you seen her recently? (looks up)
Somethin looks incredible, no?
You know, I had lots more to write about but Groovy Noodles just emailed me with the most astonishing news...
New Yorks mother has a My Space account!
Ms Michele has a My Space account!
Recovers.......Let's all go to her My Space and asked to be added!
New York's mother, Ms Michele My Space
Deelishis interview on the Tom Joyner Show
You know what? Everyone says it so it must be true...New York and her mother aren't acting crazy, they are crazy!
Speaking on the Tom Joyner Show, Deelishis says her baby-daddy (rumored to be Jim Colmer of the Lear Corporation), her pastor and pretty much everyone else were not pleased about her decision to become a contestant on 'The Flavor of love 2'. Having seen her audition video, I wonder what she would have done if she had the Reverend's blessing.
The winner of FOL2 and State Farm insurance agent, says she is an Alabama State grad who entered the Show simply because she was a fan of Season 1.
She confirms that she and Flav Flav "are together and in courtship" but made a point of saying she's not in love with him but likes him...(cue Jaws music)
Haven't we seen this movie before? And doesn't it end with Flav dumped and the winner being linked to every rap star and basketball player in the United States.
The Tim Russert question was "what do you win on the Flavor of Love?"
To learn the answer and more you can go to the Tom Joyner page. Click on 'Irresistable Delicious' (no relation to our famous commenter)
Or, for a more direct method. Deelishis Interview.wma
I received a link from one of the Anonymous readers that Tykeisha Thomas, aka Somethin from Flavor of Love 2 had a cameo in the CBS crime drama, Criminal Minds.
More pictures and the latest on her acting career at Sumthin's My Space
I had nothing to write about so I eavesdropped on the upper-class musings at Televisionwithoutpity and they are listening to old-school Flav Flav so why not follow them?
All credit to Angelsoulnme, whose post I am literally hijacking and plagiarizing without shame.
Looking at that video you wonder why writers describe Flava Flav as a coon when he was always into satire and irony. The epitome of a coon is a lazy, inarticulate simpleton, whilst Flav is a clock-wearing wordsmith. That doesn't juxtapose well with me.
Here's Flav describing the genesis of his oversized clocks and other interesting discourse from 'VH-1 Behind the Music.'
And, why not watch the uncensored video for the anthem, "Fight the Power"...
Okay, that's it for me...either Groovy or Irresistable (he's an honorary) will fashion a story later today on whom they want to succeed Hoopz. You already know I am willing to kill a kitten for New York.
Normally, I'd prefer if y'all stay right here and read our posts (articles is a bit of a stretch) and the views of the commenters, but today I'll let y'all leave.
You have to leave because you need to read this New York interview at America Online Black Voices.
I'll wait for you to come back before I continue. Five minutes seems about right because we are all literate....(taps fingers)(looks at watch).
Okay, you are back.
What the hell was that about? I don't like repeating myself because I heard myself the first time, but, could it be that New York actually loves Flava Flav?
New York on reality television love:
"Seriously if you get two great people together and they don't lose track of what brought them together, which was true love, I think you can definitely find true love on a reality show. Some shows it doesn't work out because the public is watching and waiting for the relationship to break down, but if you have two people who are focused and want to make it happen and make it work, it can definitely work"
And our favorite girl just trashes Hoopz, referring to her as a little flip (noun or adjective?)
Someone needs to explain that to me.
Anyway, thanks to Anonymous for the link and y'all can thank me for linking it by leaving a comment.
That's how it works around here...I give it to you and you tell the world about it, lol. (You have to say that with a seductive whisper to get the joke)
PonLork has struck YouTube Gold again with a 9 minute video upload of the Final Episode.
Come Sunday we'll know the winner and as last season I am pre-announcing New York as the winner. She has to be the winner.
She is simply the Goddess of reality television. If you mish-mashed Coral (that raggedy misfit from MTV), Omarosa and Richard Hatch (from Survivor) you still couldn't spawn a character as watchable as the HBIC.
Just read her quotes in the previous thread...she is the shit, it's as simple as that.
I think she should win because she deserves to; you can't re-introduce her to the show as a gimmick. As a ploy to lure visitors to another show -'The Flavorette'. That doesn't work for me, I want her to win.
I can't say anything negative about Deelishis. In my opinion she is a sexy, beautiful woman whom I would boink in a New York minute but she isn't on New York's level when it comes to cunning and deceit. Call me a masochist, but cunning, deceitful women turn me on. Ha.
Anyways, you aren't here to read all that so let's watch the video
For the dial-up readers here is a distinctly non-Groovy Noodles type summary, in other words I am omitting half of the things in the video.
New York's mother returns to the house and heads straight to Flav's bedroom (with the Jaws theme in full effect). She puts it to him (Flav is topless) that she is here for her daughter to which Flav seems nonchalant.
Michelle heads to New York's dressing room where New York (also topless) says she isn't leaving and that's that. Momma New York then returns to Flav's bedroom (which I think equals the record for bedroom visits this Season) and advises him that she can't stop New York but don't put his filthy hands on her, nor should he propose marriage (huh? That seemed scripted).
So they head off to Belize where Deelishis makes an observation that New York and Flava Flav have a "connection". It wasn't a vision or anything, she simply heard the Belizeans screaming "New York" and "Flava" all around her and bowed to the facts.
It appears that even in Belize you can see VH-1, globalization is a bitch, no?
I should tell you what comes next but you know what?
This is freaking 2006, you should have DSL at the very least, lmao.
No, just playing with you, I am tired of writing...laterz.
Hey, we are working on a "ten best quotes of Flavor of Love" article and no doubt most of them will come from New York, and Mrs. New York because they have it like that...
Groovy Noodles and I are still battling over the Top 10 and in what position they ought to be.
But, with our final choices nowhere in sight, why not add a few (quotes) in the comments and we'll add them to the mix if they are not already on our minds.
You have two hours to add as many as you can until Groovy returns from her Homecoming Assembly and I return from the dead.
If that's not enough drama for you, why not discuss the opinion of a commenter who speculates Mrs and Grandma Krazy are not mother and daughter, but in fact may be...
Y'all are starting to behave like the readers of the way the comments have turned nasty recently.
I mean really, how many times can we kick Krazy when she's down?
We are supposed to root for the underdog aren't we?
And Krazy deserves our sympathies because I don't think she was a bad sort after all. The girl accepted her elimination with aplomb and stifled her surprise when Deelishis impressed with her voice.
Let's not hate on Krazy. She may not be the best singer but she sure is pretty.
The girl has a bottom lip to devour, or to die for; depending on whether you are a man or a woman.
The picture was stolen from her Grandma's MySpace (thanks to TVnoPity for the link)!
Shall I repeat that? Krazy's grandmother has a MySpace account!
That shit is just wrong on all sorts of levels, although I am certain someone will think it's cool.
But it gets worse, because the song playing on her MySpace is "Promiscuous Girl"!
Wtf? Lmmfao! (look what she made me do? I had to bring out the textspeak again)
Old lady has a My Space that lists her as 55yrs old which, which, which...
No, no, I am not stammering. I am stalling for time to ascertain the sexual miracles undertaken to have a 23yr old grand-daughter at 55!
I look forward to your comments on that scenario.
Before I depart, a birdie told me Mrs New York is not Mr New York's first wife. I don't know what you can do with that information. Maybe you can turn it into numerals and play the State Lottery or something. A birdie also told me that the Reunion Show was very physical.
Now that I have killed two birdies with one paragraph it's time to bid adieu.
Ponlork has uploaded the VH1 sneak preview of the Season 2 finale and it's funny as hell. The clip shows Flava Flav, New York and Deelishis in the stretch limousine singing and rapping along to Flav's single.
And let me tell you, if you get past the fact that the rap has words like "ungumbunga" you'd have to admit that the song is banging. There is a particularly funny scene with New York opening a bottle of wine and overall New York is just drinking up a storm. At one point it appears she has cognac and coke-which tastes surprisingly good.
Anyways, you can see it for yourself...
And here's a clip of New York discussing her return to the show and her strategy to win it all this time. The girl is sugary sweet away from the Show.
First, here is the video of Spunkeey, Bootz, Buckeey and Deelishis arguing about allegations on the "blogspot."
Spunkeey has this soothing sensual voice that makes anything she says seem intelligent and listenable. But that's just my opinion.
Anyway, you would have heard Spunkeey say "read the blogspot baby, read the blogspot, everything is on there" and Bootz reply "I've been reading the blogspot. I ain't seen nothing like that"
Naturally you would assume it's a reference to this blog but it might not be.
Maybe they are talking about that article on D-Listed (another blogspot, but infinitely more popular) that alleged Bootz 'participated' in adult movies. That proved to be untrue and you wonder why he (Michael K) wrote it because the 'actress' looks nothing like Bootz. (see picture)
But that's ruled out because Bootz saw that blog and wrote about it on her My Space.
So that pretty much leaves this blog because we know the girls read our articles and your comments. But, even so, I can't recall anything written here that pertains to the dialogue in the video.
So I guess you read all that for nothing, but I am taking something from it because I think the name "The Blogspot" is the coolest thing ever.
So henceforth, we shall be named "The Blogspot".
Man it sucks that this Sunday's episode is a mere recap and it's worse that no one is talking to me about anything. It's as if the VH-1 producers have sent the word out that neither a clue nor a hint must be revealed about the eventual winner.
Don't they know the absence of facts fuels speculation? That's like a maxim or something. But if it isn't I shouldn't have an English degree.
Anyway, this sort of information vacuum creates opportunities so I have created a slogan for someone out there to exploit. The slogan is "Steups is my groupie" and it's already catching on with readers and contestants. See pictures below
You have my permission to use it on t-shirts or whatever. Groovy and I will take a percentage of no more than 10% of every dollar earned after $10000
I think I promised more pictures of the Flavor of Love girls so here they are for your lustful pleasure...
If you want to send me your own groupie picture, feel free to so do.
Laterz, I have groupie work to do.
1) Everyone seemed to think Mr New York was less than manly when Mrs New York was manhandling him in Episode 9. But that was downstairs. Upstairs in the bedroom was a different matter.
Can we have the video? Please!
2) Let's relive the moment when Mrs New York returns to the house.
Why? Because this is the Podcast version and there is always extra stuff in the Podcast. You know that...
3) This is old video but I am sure it's new to someone out there. This is a mock recreation of the elimination with Beautuful in the role of Flava Flav and the girls playing themselves.
Tomorrow we'll return to the days when all we did was post pictures. Two of them in particular are must see stuff.
I have nothing new for you today. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
No rumors, no revelations, no spoilers. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
So, hopefully you will be satisfied with pictures of New York, a picture pertaining to Krazy and an old-school video from the days when my mother's breasts was food.
Here are the pictures of New York
Anonymous (leave a name damnit!) posted this for the previous blog.
And finally I participated in a discussion on 90's music and this video had me doing the head-nod thingy.
If anyone has a You Tube link to a 90's video they love, let me know. And if you don't, then look for one damnit.
I feel like hitting up You Tube for more 90's stuff.
Laterz...Oh Groovy Noodles web server is back up so look for something from her, soon.