new-york-clubbing-red-oyster-01-jpegSo we've seen New York posing with her fans and now, thanks to Sanyo, we have pictures of her at the Club with her main squeeze 'Red Oyster'.

'Red Oyster' is either a really good friend or a clever hanger-on. I bet she appears on 'I love New York' in some capacity.
Look, I better not be cynical, I am sure she's a good friend.
And the pictures probably came from her site so there's another reason to not crash on her intent.

So what do you think about the picture on the left? 'New York' looks a little healthier (if that's a good euphemism) and parts of her have certainly grown. There is no doubt now that our girl has had breast augmentation.
Then again, what the hell do I know, I've never worn a bra, maybe they can perform miracles.

New York & Red Oyster

new-york-clubbing-red-oyster-03-jpeg new-york-clubbing-red-oyster-04-jpeg

New York stan: Sanyo

Serious stuff
Groovy's friend really needs your prayers. If you've seen the news you are probably aware of her son's (Jesse Ross) disappearance.
Jesse Ross story in the Chicago Tribune
It won't hurt to say "please God, help Jesse" as you're reading this. It can only help.



  1. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:00 AM  

    new york look fat not in a good way her breast is real big

  2. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:03 AM  

    got dam new york look fat

  3. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:03 AM  


    I asked and I got what I asked for.

    thanks. I will shut the hell up now and try to guess NY's breast size.

  4. FOL // 28/11/06 12:04 AM  

    That looks like good fat to me

  5. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:07 AM  

    Ok so she went from a small B cup to a large DD.

    Why on earth did she do that?

  6. hutche // 28/11/06 12:07 AM  

    In the words of overtan from the show Living Single, Oh my......

  7. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 12:08 AM  

    Dude, if that's a bra that performed that miracle, I need one of those.

    Thanks so much for mentioning Jesse. You hear stories like this on the news, but when it happens to a friend, it's totally overwhelming. I know his family is distraught, to say the least, so as many prayers as they can get for Jesse's safe return, I know they'd very much appreciate it. They're a very nice family -- good people, who don't deserve anything like this. And Jesse is a good boy. He needs to be home with his family.

    Anyway, thank you for spreading the word.

  8. Sanyo // 28/11/06 12:08 AM  

    STEUPS!!!!!!I said HALF A YEAR (0.5) not A YEAR AND A HALF(1.5). And yes, it has been almost been half a year!!!! Well, truthfully, I ain't looking for a BF since I am still recovering from a bitter relationship and kinda hate men at the moment, but once u give me the thumbs up, i will snatch u immediately! hahahhaa. btw, i know this sounds stupid, but what's a "stan?" Luv ya, Sanyo

  9. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:08 AM  

    rumors that she is pregnant by you know who

  10. FOL // 28/11/06 12:10 AM  

    Sanyo...sorry for aging you dude.
    And you don't know what a stan is?

    Damn, you'll have to get that on your own because no one will tell you.

  11. FOL // 28/11/06 12:11 AM  

    Who's you-know-who?

  12. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:12 AM  

    flav steups

  13. FOL // 28/11/06 12:14 AM  

    Boy don't make me lose my dinner, lmao.

    I just noticed that hottie next to New York...walking scrumptiousness she is.

  14. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:19 AM  

    steups dont you think that she look pregnant look at her she look big

  15. Sanyo // 28/11/06 12:22 AM  

    see?? this is why I hate men so much. Steups, just TELL ME what a "stan" is before making me sounds even more stupidier than I already am!! That's the least u can do for me for giving u all those NY pics! I hate it when u tease me like this, well, i like it actually, but i hate it at the same time :(

  16. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:22 AM  

    there are rumors on vh1 message boards that she is pregnant

  17. FOL // 28/11/06 12:25 AM  

    Remember the Eminem song?
    A STAN is an obsessed fan, a stalker fan, a true fan; like you are with New York, somewhat.

  18. FOL // 28/11/06 12:26 AM  

    I'm off to bed.
    Thanks for reading y'all. It's been a while since I said that.

  19. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:26 AM  

    yep i hear that about new york two

  20. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:32 AM  

    new york had breast implants

  21. Sanyo // 28/11/06 12:40 AM  

    OMG I LOVED that song when it first came, but I never would've figured it out! Although, I won't exactly kill myself or go crazy if I never met NY or if she never responded to my fan mail. Thanks Steups for telling me, even though u sometimes keep me in the dark, I still and always will have mad love for u. hahahhaa. I am off to bed too Steups. I will be fantasizing of NY tonight....and of u too! hehehhe GOod nite my love! Sanyo

  22. Anonymous // 28/11/06 1:53 AM  

    Damn her boobies look bigger then mine. Why on one picture her face look so fat and in another pic she look slim. I guess it have to do with the babydoll dress she got on with the lil small bra on wondering if it's a push bra she got on. And yes Vicki miracle bra does wonder so maybe she had that on.

    That chick Red she got on way to much makeup on with that dress. I guess alot of girls are kissing her ass now. Can you blame them. If I could get spot on her shoes I probably would to.

  23. Anonymous // 28/11/06 7:18 AM  

    Oooh that's AWFUL! I must say I'm very dissapointed in New York for letting herself go. I wouldn't call her my IDOL or anything like that. She's more like my equal. And she is SO not representing in that picture. "Healthy" is not the word steups. More like "Hefty". Why would you shame me by posting that.

  24. Anonymous // 28/11/06 7:44 AM  

    Morning you all

  25. Anonymous // 28/11/06 8:07 AM  

    New York is still FABULOUS.

  26. Anonymous // 28/11/06 8:59 AM  

    Hey Irre Del, how are u. Its so nice to see u back. I really missed u.

  27. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 28/11/06 9:22 AM  

    im praying for the boy mother should have to deal with something like this.

    i hope everything turns out alright.


  28. Anonymous // 28/11/06 9:29 AM  

    Hey all!, how are you guys?

  29. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 9:41 AM  

    Good morning everyone!

    Revenge, thank you. I know his family appreciates the prayers. I still can't believe it, really. I've been glued to the phone and the news stations, but there's nothing. He's just gone. So surreal.

    Anyway, how is everyone today?

  30. Anonymous // 28/11/06 9:47 AM  

    Hello Groovy, My prayers go out for Jesse's safe return

  31. Anonymous // 28/11/06 9:51 AM  

    I hadn't even heard of it before now, but when prayers go up remember blessings rain down.

  32. Anonymous // 28/11/06 9:57 AM  

    I would hope that if that the rumors aren't true of her being pregnant. I think she's to career minded right now.
    And I doubt she would be out drinking if she was.

  33. FOL // 28/11/06 9:59 AM  

    Good Morning all.
    Hefty is the word if you aren't tactful.
    And you aren't tactful, lol.

  34. Anonymous // 28/11/06 9:59 AM  

    .....but she did go Hottie size on the boobs, too big for her frame

  35. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 10:02 AM  

    Thanks NV and Dor! I truly believe in the power of prayer, and I believe my niece is living proof of how strong it is. I hope the same can be said for Jesse, and soon. I imagine not knowing is the hardest part for his parents and brother.

    Meanwhile, on a lighter note...

    Does anyone have the number of New York's boob doctor? I gotta get me some of them.

  36. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 28/11/06 10:13 AM  

    o0o0 groovy have you ever watched Dr. 90210? i dont think i would ever want to get any plastic surgery done. ::shudders:: although some boobs would probably be nice.

  37. Anonymous // 28/11/06 10:14 AM  

    Sorry Groovy I dont have that number but if you want some I will share I am naturally a DD cup

  38. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 10:17 AM  

    Revenge, I've never seen Dr. 90210, but I'll risk it. There's a ton of plastic surgery I want done.

    NV, can I just have maybe one cup size? I'd love to trade these spot band-aids in for a bra. ;)

  39. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 28/11/06 10:25 AM  

    although groovy, being able to not wear a bra during the summer is priceless...i like to think having a "ballerina" figure is sexy, lol.

    whether i have a ballerina figure or am even sexy is extremely debateable least i have a butt, lol. (rice and beans, ladies and gentlemen, rice and beans)

  40. FOL // 28/11/06 10:29 AM  

    breast sharing?
    I'd like some please but I don't want it fitted in the traditional areas

  41. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 10:29 AM  

    See, Revenge, I don't have boobs or a butt or anything. I'll take either one. I don't have a ballerina figure -- I have a 9-year old boy figure.

    *Making a note of the rice and beans thing

  42. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 10:30 AM  

    Steups, I'm not sharing my boobs with you. No offense -- I just don't have any extra to share. I get the feeling, though, that you'll have plenty of offers to take my place. ;)

  43. Anonymous // 28/11/06 10:34 AM  

    I will ship you some right away Groovy lol

  44. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 10:36 AM  

    Excellent NV, I will have the Super Glue waiting. LOL

  45. Anonymous // 28/11/06 11:36 AM  
  46. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 28/11/06 12:00 PM  

    New York posing nude with another woman? i wonder who that would be?

  47. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:17 PM  
  48. Anonymous // 28/11/06 12:19 PM  

    Ny doesn't look fat, but her boobs have deffinitly gotten bigger.

  49. FOL // 28/11/06 12:26 PM  
  50. FOL // 28/11/06 12:35 PM  

    Y'all know how to return right?

  51. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 28/11/06 12:53 PM  

    ahhh aaliyah...god that woman is favorite forever.

    i was hysterical when she died and went to the memorial in midtown. ::sigh:: ilove you and miss you gorgeous woman.

  52. FOL // 28/11/06 12:56 PM  

    Incredible, Favorite, Hysterical, Love and Gorgeous.

    You must be a fan.

  53. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 28/11/06 12:58 PM  


  54. FOL // 28/11/06 1:03 PM  

    Have you seen the new Bond?>
    Daniel Craig

  55. FOL // 28/11/06 1:04 PM  

    As good as it was. It has yet to topple
    Happy Feet

  56. FOL // 28/11/06 1:06 PM  

    I am alone...then I may as well watch
    Buffie the Body

  57. FOL // 28/11/06 1:11 PM  
  58. Anonymous // 28/11/06 1:14 PM  

    Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, WAIT! Electra!!! You remember the E-mail you sent me,right? Well, what you said in that Email and the things you been posting don't quite match. So which IS it? DO you or DON'T you have something special with him? What you answer will directly decide the future of our (yours and mine) relationship.

  59. Anonymous // 28/11/06 1:16 PM  

    And Steups I'm gonna need you not to create links to pictures of that cow Buffie. *gag*

    I'm so mad @ that.

  60. FOL // 28/11/06 1:26 PM  

    what did you just say at 1:14?
    I'ma have to find out myself from E; but until then, believe everything!

    And I did post the picture of Craig, I just needed to overcompensate for that

  61. Anonymous // 28/11/06 1:50 PM  

    Hey everybody! I'm here now. Hey Irre baby!

  62. Anonymous // 28/11/06 2:18 PM  

    Hey everyone!

  63. Anonymous // 28/11/06 2:33 PM  

    LMAO @ Groovy

    I was wondering what kind of bras Steups was referring to.

    If NY is happy with her breasts. I am happy for her. They kind of looked like they were ready to burst. That did worry me a little. You know safety reasons and all.

    By the way, I am thankful for the conclusion of your vacation.

    I hope the find your friend's son soon. My daughter was almost kidnapped once. I know how that made me feel. I can't imagine what his parents are going through. I'll keep his family in my prayers.

  64. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 3:03 PM  

    Quanda, thank you. I hope they find him soon, too. He's 19, but still. It can't be easy to know your child has just vanished, no matter how old they are. I know how frantic I was when I lost my son in Petsmart for 10 minutes. I'm so sorry about your daughter! I just can't imagine.

    But anyway, I still want to know where New York got those boobs. I don't even need all that. Just a little bit would be fine.

    And on that happy note, I'm gonna watch all my podcasts on my brand new 20GB video iPod. This freakin' ROCKS!!! Merry early Christmas to Groovy. ;)

  65. Anonymous // 28/11/06 3:12 PM  

    Everybody please give me a minute to step up on my soap box. I work for a homeless shelter for women and children. I just want to take a minute to remind everyone of those less fortunate this holiday season, and ask everyone to do what you can locally to make a family's Holiday season a happy one. Look up your local Toys 4 Tots, volunteer passing out blankets, or meals. And maybe it will give a warm and fuzzy feeling so that you'd want to do something all year round!!!

  66. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 3:14 PM  

    Dor, I used to deliver meals every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's a wonderful feeling, and I think that's what the holidays are all about. I was waiting until my kids got older to do it again. Maybe this is the year.

    I already have my angel from the Salvation Army's Angel Tree. :)

  67. Anonymous // 28/11/06 3:18 PM  

    Yea!!! Groovy I used to be so jaded about the homeless situation before I started working here, now I feel like I can't do enough. I see these mom struggle against addiction, and the odds to work hard to overcome. It makes me say I'm blessed.

  68. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 3:34 PM  

    Yep, I'm sure it really makes you count your blessings. You do some very valuable work, Dor. You should be proud. :)

  69. Anonymous // 28/11/06 3:38 PM  

    Well Dor you will be proud of me I have two angels from the angel tree at church and my sons preschool adopted a family so I am buying gifts and food for them, plus I gave some toys for toys for tots. alot of spending my credit cards are hurting lol

  70. Anonymous // 28/11/06 3:41 PM  

    Thanks Groovy, The pay sucks, but my boss told me something when she first came on here, "In life you either choose to do well or do good" I guess I'm choosing to do good. Pisses my husband off though he says I can make 10x what I am now, but I love the work.

  71. Anonymous // 28/11/06 3:44 PM  

    I knew you all were a socially conscious group!!! NV doesn't it help to put the real meaning of the holiday in perspective.

  72. Anonymous // 28/11/06 3:51 PM  

    What about you Steups, what are you doing to spread holiday cheer:)

  73. Anonymous // 28/11/06 4:05 PM  

    Dor it feel wonderful to know the true meaning of the Holiday but I help out year round so I continue to build on my blessings

  74. Anonymous // 28/11/06 4:23 PM  

    That's good NV, people like you and Groovy arethe ones that pass the giving spirit on to thier kids and it goes on forever.

    Now back to those pics of NY just looking at the pic I feel like she's going to poke my eye out with one of those thinkgs!!:)lol

  75. Groovy Noodles // 28/11/06 4:27 PM  

    So. I'm watching the Podcast of the FOL2 finale on the new iPod, and I just gotta say...

    I absolutely love the dress New York was wearing at the elimination. It's gorgeous!

    Damn, I want her dress AND I want her boobs. And I don't even like her.

  76. Anonymous // 28/11/06 6:37 PM  

    wow, she looks more and more like her mom everday. and that. is not. a compliment.

  77. Anonymous // 28/11/06 7:52 PM  

    you can say that again new york look just like her mother in a bad way

  78. Anonymous // 28/11/06 8:03 PM  

    Irre Del, u search out your heart truly and tell me what do u think.

    Drop me an email tomorrow and we'll talk.

  79. Anonymous // 28/11/06 8:10 PM  

    NY's boobs are fake, I mean my boobs got big fast but not that fast!

    Any updates on Jesse?

  80. FOL // 28/11/06 8:11 PM  

    What about you Steups, what are you doing to spread holiday cheer:)


  81. Anonymous // 28/11/06 8:16 PM  

    steups or setoff what is your christmas wish list

  82. FOL // 28/11/06 8:18 PM  

    I want a new comp with that dual core thingy...
    A new suit.
    A Porsche.
    A threesome.
    A phone-call from New York
    A tall glass of Brandy

  83. Anonymous // 28/11/06 8:24 PM  

    that is good but what about the new nintendo system wii you forgot about that

  84. FOL // 28/11/06 8:26 PM  

    I stopped gaming...I still roll in the old Madden and FIFA games but I don't like this new stuff.

  85. Anonymous // 28/11/06 8:30 PM  

    a threesome who would it be

  86. FOL // 28/11/06 9:25 PM  

    Me, Brandee and Kenya Moore

  87. Anonymous // 28/11/06 9:34 PM  

    nice steups

  88. Anonymous // 28/11/06 11:30 PM  


    You didn't ask but I will share the kidnap situation. My daughter was 3 playing outside. The phone rang, so I went to get it. I could see her in the driveway and yard playing away from my living room window. I could see the street from my opened front door. A car slowed down and then stopped in the middle of the street. A male got out with engine running. My mind said, "What the hell!" I walked to my front door and said, "Excuse me sir." He didn't acknowledge me and kept casually walking towards her. I yelled moving forward, " Excuse me sir, can I help you?" He looked at me and then kept going towards her. Then I said, " What the fuck do you want bitch? Stop don't another step. Today you will die if you take another step motherfucker." Now I am running towards him and he turns, walks to his car and drives off.

    Moral of the story, never leave your child unattended or out of sight. The phone, chores, restroom run, etc...could cost you your most precious children. I was fortunate that I kept my eyes on her. My mistake was that there was too much distance between us. And had he seen I was watching he would've kept going on his way. But he thought she was an unattended child. He decided to snatch her and even when made aware of my presence, he thought he had a chance. Pedophiles are more common than are society wants to admit. WATCH YOUR CHILDREN

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