By now everyone should know I had my sound-card out of the computer for quite a while, and that meant I missed some, or part of many interviews featuring the Flavor of Love girls. One such interview was the MediaTakeOut exclusive featuring Pumkin and her lover Courtney.

For Christ's sake, how loathesome can one person be? Pumkin comes across as a crud of the highest order with absolutely no sense of remorse.
I mean, I pretty much knew she was unapologetic but hearing the entire interview was a revelation. The woman is sick, that's all there is to it.
Someone really needs to spit in this girl's face.

Oddly enough, Courtney seems to be a rather sweet girl. Opposites attract I guess.
Anyway, here is a re-run of the Pumkin-Courtney exclusive with MediaTakeOut

Below is an edit of Hoopz and New York's audition tape that was aired on the first episode of Flavor of Love Season 1

And finally, here are a couple of kids recreating the infamous Pumkin vs New York spit scene

If you are on dial-up internet, I apologize, but your bandwidth should be sufficient to see the last two videos and listen to the interview.
That's it then, I am off to write another post on Peaches' visit to the Playboy Mansion and Miss Latin's appearance in Details Magazine.


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