I see old people. Alright, I guess that's no Haley Joel Osment kind of super power since everybody sees them, but it still scares the hell out of me.
This episode started with Bret introducing his younger sisters Shirley and Joan to the remaining seven girls. Shirley and Joan have been performing for US vets for over 50 years now and now they were supposed to help Brets chicks with their performance, which was the challenge for this week.
Check out more under the hood...
under the hood?! Did you all sell out to Bossip and the goofs who own them?
Megan is still dumb. I really don't know how she got the shorts on.
who wants to post my recap?
LMAO@ Bubo ...
I do like how your not boggin down the page by long and drawn out recaps. I like how you have them on a link that we can click on if we choose. kudos
how come no one has mentioned that Megan used to be on Beauty and the Geek? She actually won on Beauty and the Geek with Skipper (I think that's his name....
I dunno, I actually like Kristy Jo- she may be dramatic but she keeps it real- she is not "in love" with him after only 2 weeks of knowing him like Ambre, Daisy, and the other chicks.