Steups, Aani, Gabrielle & Licious have been on the grind. We are trying to bring you the latest information. So if you don't want to know, STOP reading now.
VH1 is currently taping a hot new reality show. And no it isn't 'From Gs to Gents'. In my opinion it's something tried before and equals $$$ for Viacom. What is it you ask? It's the 'I Love Money' Challenge Show. 51 Minds began taping this month. I don't know when we will get to see it. However, if their reality stars act a fool over Flavor Flav of 'Flavor of Love', New York of 'I Love New York' & Bret Michaels of 'Rock of Love' ... imagine how cut throat they'll be for a chance to win $100,000. I want y'all to think of MTV's 'The Gauntlet' shows on a 'Survivor' tip. I mean folks it's going to be on (like Donkey Kong). * sings 'I'm a survivor... not gonna give up' As always, I have love for all the reality celebrities. So, I am not going to show the pictures I've obtained. I ain't trying to ruin sh!t for anyone. I know, "BOOOOOOOOO Q.!" But I sincerely have love for the men & women of 'I Love New York', 'Flavor of Love' & 'Rock of Love' all seasons. So though I could go down the ruthless path; I've made a decision to give y'all information without causing problems for others. Many of our favorite reality celebs were flown down to Huatulco, Mexico. Where did they stay before the challenge show began taping? Hotel Flam
boyant. Yes, I typed Hotel Flamboyant. Is that not the funniest sh!t ever? Lord 51 Minds & VH1 kill me with their irony sometimes.I know VH1. The Q. tapes too d@mn much sometimes. However, it's with the utmost love of the reality shows you bring to my television screen. The Blogspot can't wait for the premiere of 'I Love Money'. Lawds knows I want to see some Whiteboy, Punk, Midget Mac and Heat half naked & sweating in Mexico's heat. (Yummy Yum Yum!) *licks geriatric lips Now I ain't typing these fellows are in the competition. I am just typing that's who I want to see for my very own lusting pleasure. Special Note to other sites: You know you read this here first. So link us & give The Blogspot the credit we deserve. We ALWAYS pay you the same courtesy, unless we dislike you.
An In the Know Qmoment!
Nice work, ladies!! :)
Come on can you give us a hint to who is going to be on the show Q? Punk? maybe? LOL
Sweet! I've known about one of these contestants for awhile now. I can't wait for this to be aired. It'll be interesting for sure.
This explains a lot! Anyway, I will speak to you later Q!
PBS, your last comment had to be deleted to protect mentioned individual.
However, you are correct! And I totally respect you. I just don't want no one to get in trouble.
Oh sorry about that Q...won't happen again...
I removed the follow up comment too. I don't want to get anyone in trouble either ;-)
Arghhhhhh, Q! I'm DYING to know what PBS said!!! :)
I appreciate it PBS. So I am thinking MTV's Gauntlet/ Survivorish.
You know make them compete out of the lap of luxury. What are y'all thinking?
Hit one of us up on MySpace or call me.
I just can't wait for this show..I am getting all excited now..and it will probarly be six months before it airs! LOL
Ohhhhhhh, yes ma'am!! :D
I know huh?!
I've been sitting on this for a minute. But hell it's Saturday and y'all need something juicy to bite into.
I have more. We have another shocker. I think we going to wait until tomorrow or Monday.
I'd bet my house Buckwild is in it
No Sir.
i wanna see unsure and chance making out for money..
and buckwild.. and serious... and shay.... and bootz.... omg i'm so excited...
i'm off :)
Q, is the shocker pertaining to this show? Or another thing all together? I'm bored and trying to distract myself from doing some much needed paperwork right now. :(
Do your paperwork! HAHAHAHAHA, it is pertaining to another show. Steups gave you the Flight Attendant post and I posted not too long ago.
When we post too much y'all get spoiled. So when we don't post some of you throw tantrums and complain. I am not trying to increase y'all's expectations.
Alrighty then. :( I do need to get this work done. I just have all kinds of scenarios making my mind go into overload thinking about this show. The possible drama, hookups and gossip that is sure to spawn from this show. Linking all these different people together could make for one of VH-1's best shows.
Oh I think people will definitely be hooking up. I mean men & women. There has to be hook ups.
However, you'll appreciate the other reveal.
Hey Q!
Welcome back Steups!
Can't wait to see who the competitors are for I LOVE MONEY. Would love to see Punk smack down his royal henie Buddha! LOL!
Hey Q,
On 2-13-08, a certain radio show here was airing a contest and the contestants get to go to the FOL3 reunion.
So is 51 minds running a promotion or something?
I had to edit this.
Well the I LOVE MONEY show, that was alrighty aired out well who the contestants going to be well it wss aired out here on a radio show.
If I think what you are talking about regarding the steward stuff that was mention on another board. ( you do know there is a spoiler board out here).
so wait, this show is gonna have FOL/ILNY people in it?
:( I want onix to get back on TV. Wolf too
Alright Q.
There is nothing I dislike more than being teased. Are you under contract with VH-1 to not divulge information about this show? If so, then by all means don't mess yourself up...keep the secret.
If not, why the mystery? Just tell us about the show and who it is that's in it. You have my curiousity up like a mo-fo.
Under contract with VH1?!
Lord they would've sued me 3 times over by now. Jorundi needs to be in the know... I never knew this detail until now!
Hey Elle,
Would you settle for seeing your boy Onix on the big screen? He just wrapped production on the film Missunderstandings.
In the film he plays a character name Jamal. Missunderstandings is a romantic comedy. Hopefully you will get to see the comical side of Onix. (-:
Meups, Buckwild will do anything to prolong her 15 minutes.
Q, you want to see midget Mac half naked? Does that make you some sort of pedophile?
Punk is a pun, Buddah may be a pompous idiot, but Punk is asnake inthe grass who is a softee.
Buck has defo stretched her reality tv career. You gotta admire her because I thought her exit on FOL would be the death of her
the chick that is supposed to be the winner of flavor of love got a myspace, too.....
(you need to be her friend to watch her profile..)
Back to ROl, what i sthe deal with Catherine's head/hair? I know her bang is massive, but there is something going onwiththe top of her head too. Ole girl compared her to Peg Bundy, but Peg Bundy was attractive.
Megan can only get so far being stupid. She is like a cuter version of Hottie. She may be th emost aidheaded one on any of these shows!
Inna, I like her, I think she is sexy, but put a shirt on! No one wants skin and bones, but cover up the gut.
Jessica will be the new Mia, come from no where.
Kristy Joe is one of the cutest, but she is mental. Also, her nipples are like hands during driving, at 10 & 2. They are definitley odd.
Peyton, did you not realize that the girl loitering outside Bret's room took you notes?
There is something I don't like about Destiney, perhaps too much make up.
The woman at the lingere store was the longest and closest Brett has been with a black woman on both episodes.
Side note, at lingere stores, is there some kind of liner that prevents juices from being transferred? I'd be mighty upset if I tried something on after on of those females, let alone anyone.
i like, bubo... glad to see somebody who is still interested in rol2.
megan seems to be stupid but i think there's more to that because some of her jokes seem very subtle and dumb people don't know the meaning of the word "subtle".
peggy bundy was attractive? don't know what to say about that, but looking at her from this point of view she really seems to be inspired by peggy. and al had almost as much hair as bret.
and jessica? she is so damn boring, comletely average and everything a "famous rock star" doesn't need. i would have eliminated her immedaitely. don't know what bret sees in her.
Peggy Bundy was attracytive for the character she was playing. She was no Bootz or Hoopz, but for a 40 something year old trashy mother, she was there!
and again i'd love to know who is claiming all that. Neither bossip nor page six name their sources.. Although I believe it's true.. But the rumor could have spread by me or my mother or some las vegas hooker... i need names ;)
Finally a new show I can get excited about
I am not watching rock of love 2
or flavor of love 3
so now I know I have something to look forward too
thanks Q.:)
you're not watching rol2 or fol3 but its spinoffs? that's funny ;)
Well, I can see how FOL3 and ROl2 are played out premises. ou want the same ignorant people in different settings...understandable.
thank you bubo
you understand
i love money se estrena en mi ciudad. BAHIAS DE HUATULCO. (: