Random pictures for a random day.
Kelly Jay (Beautuful, FOL2) looks great as usual, Larissa (Bootz FOL2, Charm School) looks like a praying-mantis, Shay's weave needs to match her roots, Sister Patterson (ILNY) looking like hot-sex and Bettie (Nibblz, FOL2) looks perfect.
Sister P better not fall asleep in my bed; that's all I am sayin'.

ok, sis P has gained much weight since this pic, steups you mean to tell me you thought she was looking hot in that fat granny swim wear she was trying to sport on the ep when she threw a drink on the entertainer, you gotsta be kidding me!
Beutuful looks nice, much different than the boring persona on FOL?
Nibblz? Have seen better pix, her face looks gray, stay away from the fashion fare!
Thanks for the post
gotta go order my honey baked ham, yum!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Buckeey and Beautiful, the two sexiest of FOL2
Drama Queen, wth?
She is like 50, you gotta expect a lump or two.
Steups like older women. For him to be a youngin he love a female that is dominate to his submissive buttom.
steups, she reminds me of my mother in law, with the sagging skin from under her chin & arms. Hoping I age better, still hope!
she does look good in this pix though
Oh gadddoye...I like to be dominated, uh?
Hahahahaha! Bumboclaaattt!
there are better pictures of nibblz.. the frog- perspective isn't flattering at all..
thx for posting the pictures :)
I wish I looked half as good as any of the girls in these pics.
Well, except for Sister P. Come ON! Sister Patterson?
*Note: I had to delete and re-post that comment due to the worst possible typo in the history of the world. I'm ashamed.
random? Now that's the PERFECT word to describe today.
Hey Irre, how ya doin'?
And F.Y.I, Alicia Keys' new album is absolutely ORGASMIC. It's an amazing piece of art, and that was the HIGHEST level of co~sign right there.
Hi there, Groovy. I'm in a very..... pensive mood, I guess you could say. I'm kind of OUT THERE to say the least. Live I've taken about seven percocet or something.... I've been staring blankly at my shoes for the past several minutes.
grooovy I'm glad your here on this blogger
Yeah, but you wear nice clothes and shoes, so that's not a bad thing to stare at, right? I've missed the hell out of you and your fabulosity. It's nice to see you back around. Hopefully you'll be out of that pensive mood in no time and feeling 100% Irre again soon.
Thanks anon, I'm glad to be here. :)
You think so, Groovy? I dunno, I've been very philosophical about everything for several weeks. It's just not like me at all. Like.... instead of Ralph Lauren and Cosmopolitans and glitter and all that.... lately I find myself wishing I could just grow out some bizarre looking dreadlocks, and just move to haiti or somewhere, and write poetry all day.... no expectations to meet or live up to.... just life at it's simplest...
grooovy now all we need to do is Get rid of queebrina and this be a Perfect.blogger
deliscious what it do yo
Irre, I think you're just doing the normal thing for people your age. You're in your first year of college, right? There's a lot of pressure in that first year, I think, and sometimes even in the second year. My daughter is a freshman in college as well, going through some of it too. Just hang in as best you can, lean on people when you need to, and don't over-extend yourself. Have fun while you're still young, because when you're all old and wrinkly like me, you kinda wish you had more fun when you had the chance, ya know?
You'll be all right darlin'. Just keep on keepin' on.
Anon, LOL! There is no such thing as a perfect world, sweetie, not even in the cyber-world. ;) But it's nice to know that we're as close to it as we can get, isn't it?
i feel you on that grooovy so are you Ready for Thanksgiving
About as ready as I'm gonna get. My daughter's birthday is the day after Thanksgiving this year, so that's a bigger deal in our house. That, I'm not ready for. LOL But I'm not going anywhere for Thanksgiving this year. Just having a nice, quiet family dinner at home.
How about you? Are you all ready for it?
It's never too late to have more fun, Groovy. You always have the chance to live, see and do anything that you can when you are alive. Now the inclination to do so and fearlessness? I hear that goes with age. God, I hope not...
It's not so much the inclination and fearlessness baby. It's the sore back and the bad knee and the possibility of a hip replacement if I fall that keep me from doing all that. LOL
No, seriously, I'm more tied down than I was when I was Irre's age. I have three kids and it's a lot harder for me to do things sometimes when I know that dinner needs cooked, laundry needs washed, all that.
I'm havin' an midlife crisis and I'm not even in my midlife. I don't know who I am anymore, Groovy dear.
Not that you asked me, Groovmeister, but my family is from the Caribbean so Thanksgiving is of no consequence to them. I pretend to celebrate with non-family while secretly pining for Christmas (which I absolutely LOOOVE). That's when me and my family REALLY throw down with the food. It's like a 3-day feast complete with ignorant naps.
Speaking of which, wth is that Reggae Christmas CD?
Maybe you are someone new (and improved)? It happens...
LOL It's not a MID-life crisis Irre. It's a late-teens/early-twenties crisis. You lose track of who you are around that time, but you always manage to find yourself again sweetie. Besides, you have a lot of people around here (myself included) to constantly remind you of the Extreme Fabulosity that is Irresistible Deliscious.
Baby, Christmas is totally my time of the year. I'm completely on my groove at Christmas. Two of my local radio stations and one of the cable stations started playing Christmas songs on Halloween, so that's all I listen to now. And I get to eat a lot, so I'm happy.
I haven't heard of the Reggae Christmas CD, but I just bought Monster Ballads Xmas. Nothing like a little bit of Warrant and Twisted Sister screeching out some Christmas tunes.
Your mid-late 20's isn't that crystal f*ckin clear either, truth be told...
I'm not sure when it's all completely clear, or if it ever is. I'm hoping that by the time I'm 60 I have it figured out.
Charlie Brown Christmas makes me sooooo happy. I think it's the Vince Guaraldi Trio? Wonderful.
And, Salsoul Orchestra Christmas is the bomb. Disco themed x-mas. My parents bought the album before I was born and still play that scratched azz ish every year. It's worth it, if for no other reason, to see the absurd album cover. But it is a great Christmas CD.
Elvis (though I hate him) had an amazing Christmas album.
All time fave: Nat King Cole. Hands down.
PS-I noticed you mentioned you liked Vixen? "Cruising" is one of my favorite feel good songs.
OMG, I just realized my post was a weird stream of musical consciousness.
Elvis is the king, Baby. I have a genuine Velvet Elvis. My brother gave it to me for Christmas last year. I have about 100 Elvis songs (including much of his Christmas album) currently on my iPod.
Yeah, I love Vixen! My Siberian Husky is named Vixen. Then I have my black lab, Motley Crue, and my pug puppy, Poison. I guess you can tell which genre is my favorite. ;)
I don't think we ever have it all figured out. We're snuffed out before that happens.
But, anon? Tell us how you REALLY feel, wouldja?
Can you believe Roxy Petrucci and I had an email exchange a while back. Apparently, back in the day, I refused to sleep unless they or some other Pop metal group was playing. Odd, very odd...
You're right Baby, we're not wired to know all of that. I think that's what keeps us on our toes.
Hey I'm still like that. I gotta have my metal playing in order to fall asleep.
That and the fear of getting snuffed out. lol.
OK, I am being summoned. Talk with you later :)
PID, you sound like my daughter hun. You are too young for midlife crises.
Da hell?
Random ?
Can dogs be bilingual?
Dogs can learn multiple commands to in different different languages.
LMAO @ steups saying Da hell? your crazy son LOL
Omg my God, Groovy is back. I have been out of it for so long.
Love you Groovy
You won't believe whom else is back
Heyyyyyyyyy Lareigna! Love you too girl! How ya been?
steups who the The Fat Lady in that pic
It's so hard for me to believe Steups is a man. Seriously dude, you make some feminine ass observations. Picture of Buckeeye lookin like that, and all you can say is her roots should match her hair. Are you gay or not? Cause if not, you should be.
Oh hell, if I had a penny for everyone who said I am gay I'd be RICH and NOT gay; lmao.
Oh the other hand I am thinking of changing the blog's color to pink, soooo.........hahahahaha
"I'm a happy well-adjusted person who really likes sex." Thanks for the post uh...is it Nicholas they're calling you now?
I guess, people seem to be outing me left, right and hopefully not center.
Random: What is that song that plays in the background of the V0-5 commercial that plays on VH-1 all the time, where the lyrics go "baby I know what's on your mind."
PS-The Entertainer and his mom scare me.
brrr, winter is here and i feel cold all the time except for when i am in bed.
deadlines. someone up to keep me company?
steups love you on Brokeback Mountain LOL
guess not.
goodnight everyone
anonymous, that ish isn't funny, lol.
Baby, can't help yoy; sorry.
Revenge, sorry I wasn't around. Keeping you company in bed is not someting I would miss, deliberately.
Lol @ these random anon comments.
"steups love you on Brokeback Mountain LOL"
look who's talkin'
Project Runway rox!!!
AH, Steupz, just out with it! I wouldn't mind it if you're gay, but if you are, just say it so all these, "Steupz HAS to be gay comments" can go away forever. Instead you just pop up to go, "Lol at these gay comments."
Found it! It's "No Sleep Tonight" by the Faders. Not that anyone cares but me...
Now I'm happy :)
Hahahaha, lol at all these gay comments.
Why do people think Steups is gay?
!!! Why is 1 anon. posting 3 different perverted messages?! I don't know what blog he thinks he's in, but he's not in the right one...
that hot because i'm horny as hell for steups
If Steups is gay or bisexual, post a pic of him in the act....if not, shut the hell up because I don't believe it.
steups Man lives in the sunlit world
of what he believes to be reality.
But there is, unseen by most, an underworld.
A place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit
...a Darksid
" Anonymous said...
that hot because i'm horny as hell for steups"
I have to admit, it's sorta strange that you're attracted to somebody who know virtually nothing about. For all we know, he could be a hermaphrodite or the Cookie Monster off Sesame Street.
awww COOKIE MONSTER! i love the cookie monster... damn, now i want some cookies..
LOL that hot i have a monster of cock for steups
i have a cookie monster in my pants LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
you posted that shit already to mr. new york
Wtf is Beautiful wearing? I hate Bootz's hair in that pic.
bootz looks pretty on this picture and sister patterson looks like a damn man just like her daughter.