I just found this sneak peek video of episode 2. Ummmmm, HEE-LARRY-US! It's only about 2.5 mins long but PLEASE, pay close attention to IT during this clip. OMG... I can't take this. My guts are officially BROKEN from laughter. I'm off to the Emergency Room... ENJOY!


*You've just experienced some HILARIOUS Liciousness*


  1. kelly ann // 14/10/07 12:34 AM  

    OMG, that was so funnnay, i shouldnt laugh at midget mac almost drowning, but it was hilarious, i almost tinkled, lmao. can't wait for monday!

  2. Sawyers_Stash // 14/10/07 12:34 AM  

    Oh mi gosh..when that popped I felt so scare for M. Mac.
    I can't believe she is gonna throw some gifts away. Funny.
    It...I don't even know what to say about It...

  3. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 12:36 AM  


    I can't believe she did that to my baby.


    Sawyer there isn't much to type about IT. IT is who he is....


  4. kelly ann // 14/10/07 12:38 AM  

    LOL, i know poor midget mac, it was really rotten of them yto make him do that... i feel guilty for laughing, lol.

  5. kelly ann // 14/10/07 12:39 AM  

    Hey ladies
    it is a hot mess. lol boy needs medication. lol.

  6. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 12:40 AM  

    When the float popped... I thought, 'Someone get my baby!!!'

    He made me laugh with his, 'Whore in church...' comment.

  7. kelly ann // 14/10/07 12:41 AM  

    LOL. whore in church.... damn that man is funnay, i think she'll keep midget mac cause A: he's funny and full of personality. B: her kinky ass wants to know how big his third leg is. lol. love miss ny

  8. Anonymous // 14/10/07 12:49 AM  

    did midget mac die

  9. kelly ann // 14/10/07 12:53 AM  

    i hope not lol. someone better have jumped in to ave his lil ass!

  10. Anonymous // 14/10/07 1:35 AM  

    There's already a plethora of memorable quotes from this season.


  11. Anonymous // 14/10/07 1:40 AM  

    Okay.... I CANNOT stop watching this ish. IT is fuckin HEE LARRY US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Midget Mac?? Hes a soldier for doing that. LAWD, this season is too much already and its only episode 2! IT... he needs his own show STAT! I would watch that ish EVERY WEEK!!!!

  12. kelly ann // 14/10/07 1:51 AM  

    lol, i know poor MAC! good quote.. my arse cannot wait until episode two on monday! =)

  13. kelly ann // 14/10/07 1:52 AM  

    sup licious!> Besos ma!

  14. Anonymous // 14/10/07 2:43 AM  

    If New York and Midget Mac were to have a baby, this is how it would look:


  15. Khicago // 14/10/07 5:33 AM  

    Miget Mack chances at winning are low, but he will go far i expect for ratings and laughs. Unsure can kiss his ass goodbye, even cheezy got unsure beat.

  16. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:50 AM  

    New York interview


    *she follows her heart this time
    *she likes bad boys and a sense of humor
    *Chance comes back


  17. Anonymous // 14/10/07 8:07 AM  

    (thinking if Sis P gonna play the Loch Ness Monster this episode)

  18. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 9:24 AM  

    Gawd, Wolf is SEXY. Dayum....

  19. FOL // 14/10/07 11:19 AM  

    Irre, if you read this before midnight, let me know if you're doing the recap or not.
    Good Sunday everyone, I won't be around much, if at all

  20. Anonymous // 14/10/07 2:40 PM  

    peoplez of the blog here an interview with a contestant http://www.denovomagazine.com/Tailor_Made.html

  21. FOL // 14/10/07 3:46 PM  

    I'ma link it for you
    Tailor Made interview

  22. Anonymous // 14/10/07 4:07 PM  

    for real steups

  23. FOL // 14/10/07 4:08 PM  

    Oh Jesus, now my impostor is getting cute

  24. FOL // 14/10/07 4:11 PM  

    not true anon, check out this crackpot's profile...

  25. Anonymous // 14/10/07 4:30 PM  

    steups did you see the new york interviews from fox reality remix http://www.realityremix.tv/podcasts_all.php

  26. FOL // 14/10/07 4:57 PM  

    No mate, if you're still around, did she say anything significant?

  27. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 5:04 PM  

    Dammit, this Tailor Maiden dude is beginning to grow on me. This wasn't supposed to happen. At all.

  28. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 5:10 PM  

    Tailor Made is SEXY!


  29. FOL // 14/10/07 5:13 PM  

    and conversely you're starting to grate on me

  30. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:16 PM  

    Have you guys seen Ny on Fox reality show saying there will be no NY3?

    There will be no NY3

  31. FOL // 14/10/07 5:17 PM  

    Hey Q, good afternoon; you too, Babykins, have you heard Milliown is bi-sexual?

  32. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 5:17 PM  

    Hey girl!
    He is sexy. I will begrudgingly admit that you are right. How did that happen? That snuck up on me!

  33. FOL // 14/10/07 5:17 PM  

    anonymous, let's wait for the Reunion Show before we certify

  34. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:19 PM  

    ROFLMAO @ q saying Tailor Made is SEXY! LOL

  35. FOL // 14/10/07 5:22 PM  

    you know?

  36. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:24 PM  

    steups Why are they doing a new FOL when I read that Flav is engaged. I read where they said Deelishis and Flav daughter had a run in with his new fiance. Deelishis said that she saw this same woman on the set of FOL2 and thought she was part of the crew. What the HELL?

  37. FOL // 14/10/07 5:26 PM  

    wth? indeed...but it's entertainment right? I'll watch it...you?

  38. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 5:27 PM  


    Tailor Made is sexy. I've could've done w/o his showing off his money. I love his face, the way he talks and his style.

    He is sexy.

  39. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 5:28 PM  

    Steups I need you in e-mail.

  40. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:29 PM  

    engaged or not yall are still gonna watch and if i know that flav and producers know it as well now i just watched the sneak peek and im damn right bout my Loch Ness monster prediction, how the hayl did that thing pop with MM? hint: scary, evil, daggers attached to fingers, can breathe under water

  41. FOL // 14/10/07 5:30 PM  

    Sexy has specific criteria; no matter what people say.
    Like Notorious B.I.G had a lot of women wanting to shag him but ain't no way in hell he can ever be described as sexy.

    Ditto Tailor Made. There are probably a few women wanting him; but his shit doesn't rise to the level of sexy.

  42. FOL // 14/10/07 5:31 PM  

    baling, there's something scary about you! For real.

  43. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:36 PM  

    hey everybody. anyone here?

  44. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:36 PM  


  45. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:39 PM  

    q Tailor Made is a bitch did you see the Preview when Buddha puck his ass out

  46. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 5:40 PM  

    Biggie wasn't sexy to me.

    Tailor Made is sexy. Punk is sexy. Midget Mac is sexy. I love him. Yours is sexy.

    Their is varietions of what I find sexy. Like some women find you sexy. But I never have...

    Sexy is an opinion not an absolute.

  47. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:41 PM  

    i dont like tailor made
    he got an attitude problem and think his money will buy everything. money dont buy hapiness!

  48. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:41 PM  

    was just entertaining myself didnt mean to scare anyone not even a huge ass girl

  49. FOL // 14/10/07 5:42 PM  

    always personalizing shit.
    Yes Baling, you just come out of nowhere with some cryptic comment, lol.

  50. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 5:42 PM  


    Buddha may have struck him. So what? His goal in New York... LOL! A man who chooses not to fight isn't a punk.

    Typing of PUNK.... now that man...

    *fans self*

    He is rivaling my lust for Whiteboy.

  51. FOL // 14/10/07 5:43 PM  

    larry, lmao. Love the name, mate.
    That personalizing comment wasn't for you, Baling.

  52. FOL // 14/10/07 5:44 PM  

    it's tailor-made who caught that slap like Jerry Rice?
    I thought it was Cheesy

  53. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:45 PM  

    I seen that sneak peak already and this is so funny that I laugh my head off.

  54. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 5:46 PM  

    Buddha smooshed his head on the stairs. I think.

  55. FOL // 14/10/07 5:47 PM  

    Oh damn....I like the guy; I just don't like you liking him.

  56. FOL // 14/10/07 5:48 PM  

    have you found a good layout for Q gasm?

  57. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:48 PM  

    tailor made got bitch skappppped! lollllllll how is that sexy

  58. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 5:51 PM  

    LOL! What happen to him isn't sexy.

    He is sexy! LOL!

    You said you were looking and would send me some selections.
    WTF?! And that was over a week ago....

  59. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:51 PM  

    q "Ain't Nothing to tailor gay my bad tailor-made that little midget can whip his lame” ass

  60. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:51 PM  

    tailor made is okay all of them are okay but wolf is just okay-er to define sexy it would have to be all of them together in a red lit room

  61. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 5:54 PM  


    Punk is sexy-free. That opinion is irreversible.

    Tailor Made, unfortunately, hit the right spot in my brain, so now I'm feeling him. I am hoping he does something to turn me off. Soon.

    Now Wolf. Lawd. He fine and sexy! With ample assets :)

  62. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:55 PM  

    i think you sexy, baby

  63. Anonymous // 14/10/07 5:56 PM  

    q "Ain't Nothing to tailor gay my bad tailor-made that little midget can whip his lame” ass

  64. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 5:56 PM  

    I think you might have me confused with someone else?

  65. FOL // 14/10/07 5:57 PM  

    Q, you can check Q-Gasm's dashboard.
    I have all three there in an unpublished draft/post

  66. FOL // 14/10/07 5:58 PM  

    tailor made got bitch skappppped! lollllllll how is that sexy


  67. FOL // 14/10/07 6:00 PM  

    Why my impostor gotta portray me as a crazed homosexual, uh?

  68. FOL // 14/10/07 6:02 PM  

    I ignored the previous commnets but, Oh hell man. If you gonna make me gay let it be a black man, at least.

  69. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:03 PM  

    steups what Your Favorite Notorious B.I.G. song

  70. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:04 PM  


    I was like D@MN Steups is sounding a little gay. But I just move on and didn't comment. LMAO!

    I wanted 'Come See Me', not 'Epiphany'.


  71. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:06 PM  

    Not that you asked me at all, anon, but "Hypnotize" is my favorite Biggie jam. RIP nucca.

  72. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:09 PM  

    baby my is sky's the limit

  73. FOL // 14/10/07 6:09 PM  

    My favorite is 'Warning'
    I did epiphany? I'll correct it

  74. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:11 PM  

    setups what about sky's the limit

  75. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:11 PM  

    You know what? To continue this conversation, I'll have to turn off the music I have on now. I'll hold myself for up ridicule and admit I was listening to Linkin Park until 2 seconds ago...Yes, its the truth.
    You can't talk about Biggie and listen to Linkin Park. It feels dirty. So I apologize :)

  76. FOL // 14/10/07 6:11 PM  


  77. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:11 PM  

    Baby HUSH!

    Girl, you killing me. I had to order 'Addressing Racism'.

    $50 Text Book... it's worth it.


  78. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:13 PM  

    Thanks Steups Dearest!

    Please no more wire hangers...

  79. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:13 PM  

    Buy it used! Textbooks.com
    I don't buy none of them schoolbooks new. That "don't make no SENSE"


  80. FOL // 14/10/07 6:13 PM  

    Nope, I hate that.
    I am not much of a Biggie fan to be honest. I like Warning and One More Chance.

    I am more a Tupac, Q-Tip, Mase, Snoop, Eminem, Nas kinda guy.
    Make any comment about Mase and I'll cut you...

  81. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:14 PM  

    baby biggie 4 life its a shame that sum1 killed him...rap wouldnt be dying if we still had him and tupac

  82. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:14 PM  

    Sorry but Linkin Park's "Numb" is a great song. Just not right now, during the Biggie convo.
    It's on pause. I didn't turn it completely off

  83. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:15 PM  

    steups why Q-Tip

  84. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:16 PM  

    steups And what's wrong with Biggie's lyrics? He raps about the hardships of everyday life. You obviously don't rap because you have no idea how difficult it is to rap about the everyday things. It's much easier to rap about the big things in life.

  85. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:16 PM  

    Sure it would 'commercialism'.


  86. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:16 PM  

    Rap isn't dead, it just went off in a direction I didn't really care for. At least the East Coast/West Coast crap died with them.

    Things change. Nothing stays the same. Especially music.

  87. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:17 PM  

    *dancing to 'Vibrant Thing'

  88. FOL // 14/10/07 6:17 PM  

    they can say when they want, but this 50 album, 'Curtis' is wicked.

  89. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:18 PM  

    Baby, what you think about a prediction show on who goes home?

  90. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:18 PM  

    why not Q-tip?

  91. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:18 PM  

    Send me your favorite song Steups. If I like it, I go out a buy the CD.

  92. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:21 PM  

    *putting Tribe's Sucka N*gga on the playlist*

    Yes, next to Linkin Park...don't even point it out, I already realise it!

    Q, I would love for YOU to do a SOLO show. I would support you quietly from the comfort of my home.
    I lost my voice yesterday for obvious reasons... And you know I am too shy to do shows :) Sad but true.

  93. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:22 PM  

    baby if you gonna say q tip just say A Tribe Called Quest you know q tip and Phife Dawg steups i know why you said q tip he is Trinidad right

  94. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:23 PM  

    I said "Tribe." Close enough.

  95. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:24 PM  

    baby what about Ghostface Killah that my boy

  96. FOL // 14/10/07 6:25 PM  

    yes anon, he is Trinidadian, I don't recognise the others, lmao.

  97. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:25 PM  

    Rza. All day every day. Any day.

    Meth. Every other day

    GFK: Weekly...tho' that joint with Amy Winehouse was hot.

  98. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:26 PM  

    My Favourite Dj Premier Beats (Part I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=youm845zkS0

  99. FOL // 14/10/07 6:26 PM  

    Ghostface is my boy too, I am the only person who thinks he wa the best on 'Killa Bees'

  100. FOL // 14/10/07 6:28 PM  

    Dude, I can't relate to Biggie. I just don't like him, for some reason.

    But as I said, I'll quote the shit outta 'Warning' and even today I told a guy there is gonna be a lotta slow singin' if your old shit touches my car.

  101. FOL // 14/10/07 6:29 PM  

    Ignoring Baling's picture.
    And asking God to help me to ignore it

  102. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:29 PM  

    IT aint goin no where this episode because on the previews he was on a episode with the blood oath.. and midgemac is defitnely goin home cause he aint on no mroe episodes in the previews.. not too sure about everyone else because im 2 lazy 2 type

  103. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:30 PM  

    steups who your Favorite producer just dj premier

  104. FOL // 14/10/07 6:31 PM  

    I ain't that knowledgeable on producers so I'ma go with the obvious and pick Dre

  105. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:32 PM  

    I hope he doesn't leave. I love Midget Mac.

  106. FOL // 14/10/07 6:33 PM  

    it's weird, but when did producers even need to be known. I talk to people about music and all of a sudden they're throwing producers name at me and I'm like wtf?
    Are they even important?

    (answering my question) Yeah, they're important, but do I have to know their name unless they are an artiste too, like Will I am or Timbaland?

  107. FOL // 14/10/07 6:33 PM  

    why am I not pluralizing?

  108. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:33 PM  

    Your not the only one.

  109. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:35 PM  

    by the way is this the real steups or the fake one.

  110. FOL // 14/10/07 6:35 PM  

    on an aside: can you believe an American asked me today, "why do you spell apologize with an 's'?"

    I am like (rolls-eyes), thought about it, then settled on saying, "British spelling"

  111. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:35 PM  

    Well, if he does leave, bright side is you get to interview him sooner. I guess that's one way to look at it.

  112. FOL // 14/10/07 6:36 PM  

    the fake only has two comments thus far

  113. FOL // 14/10/07 6:36 PM  

    make that 4 (giggles)

  114. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:39 PM  

    steups you have to love krs one

  115. FOL // 14/10/07 6:40 PM  

    definitely, "officer officer officer overseer overseer"

    Wicked rapper...and now that you mentioned KRS1, how can I forget Chuck D.

  116. FOL // 14/10/07 6:41 PM  

    Ok, I admit I scoped out Baling and she's muy caliente...and I am loving the furniture.

  117. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:41 PM  

    KRS one. Genius.

    Whatever happened to Miss Melody?

  118. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:43 PM  

    i hope midget mac goes home and cheesy too unsure looks kinky enough for me to stay but i am not running the show; too bad

  119. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:44 PM  

    steups this my Favorites epmd] [keith murray] [big daddy kane] [biz markie] [gang starr] [the jungle brothers] [a tribe called quest] [de la soul] [camp lo] [brand nubian] [the pharcyde] [the group home] [cella dwellas] [diamond d] [rapper oc][lord finesse] [showbiz and ag] [black sheep] [das efx] [umc] [organized konfusion[ [big l] [originoo gunn clappaz] [black moon] and not from new york [mad skillz] now [skillz] [smif n wessun] [boot camp clik] [heltah skeltah] [master ace] [da youngstas] [jeru the damaja] [blahzay blahzay] [az] [nas] [jayz] [biggie smalls] [junior mafia] [mop] [mobb deep] [pete rock and cl smooth] [nice and smooth] [the beatnuts] [lord of the underground] [redman] [wu tang clan] [busta rhymes] [common][the roots] and so much more but mostly my new york artist LOL

  120. larry // 14/10/07 6:45 PM  

    baby you fine as hell and i think i wanna wife you. holla at me.

  121. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:46 PM  

    Who are you? More importantly, WHY are you?

  122. larry // 14/10/07 6:48 PM  

    i'm being real. holla at me. you know me, right?

  123. FOL // 14/10/07 6:49 PM  

    Damn, anon, you listed everyone except the Fu Schnickens, lol.

    Great list though. I'ma spend 3 hours on YouTube tonigt in honour of your comment.

  124. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:49 PM  

    No, I don't. Should I know you?

  125. larry // 14/10/07 6:51 PM  

    imma email you. we got private business. what's your email?

  126. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:52 PM  


  127. FOL // 14/10/07 6:52 PM  

    anon, go Google the lyrics to 'True Fu-Schnick'...that ish is demonic.

  128. larry // 14/10/07 6:53 PM  

    ha ha. playing hard to get is just making me hard baby. larrykazarian@gmail.com
    you really are so very pretty. for real.

  129. larry // 14/10/07 6:54 PM  

    ha ha. playing hard to get is just making me hard baby. larrykazarian@gmail.com
    you really are so very pretty. for real.

  130. FOL // 14/10/07 6:54 PM  

    I see you listed Busta....good choice but don't you think he has overstayed his welcome.

    The dude was just pure noise on the VH-1 Hip-Hop Honors Show. All that energy and you can't understand a damn thing

  131. FOL // 14/10/07 6:55 PM  

    Oh damn...Larry got some o my lines, lmao.

  132. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:55 PM  

    Ciao, Larry.

  133. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 6:58 PM  



    And Steups why isn't the whole song playing?

  134. larry // 14/10/07 6:58 PM  

    i dont need to take yo lines steup-id. this aint yo convo. and baby ill be waiting for you email

  135. Anonymous // 14/10/07 6:59 PM  

    steups i forgot about the Fu Schnickens, On My List" LOL

  136. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 6:59 PM  

    it will be a long wait...

    Q, who is this?

  137. FOL // 14/10/07 7:00 PM  

    talking about Crown Royal? I thought the size was small, but I figured that's what you're accustomed to (spits out tea) lmao

    Want me to get a copy for you?

  138. FOL // 14/10/07 7:00 PM  

    now that I've checked, they all look to be incomplete downloads

  139. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:01 PM  

    stups how do you download your music i have limewire and FrostWire what do you have

  140. FOL // 14/10/07 7:02 PM  

    seems it was my downloading the meail attachment that's responsible

  141. FOL // 14/10/07 7:03 PM  

    I grab mine from a site that has all the stuff. You want the URL?

  142. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 7:03 PM  


    Who do you think?


    You should've choked on that d@mn tea.

  143. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:04 PM  

    i thought busta did good on hip hop honors that man~~~~

  144. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:04 PM  

    yes steups give it to me

  145. larry // 14/10/07 7:07 PM  

    im the only man smart enough for you on here. you and i are intelliegent and tall. you need to put on like 5 more pounds tho but otherwise your perfect for me

  146. Baby™aka Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride // 14/10/07 7:09 PM  

    Argh! Q see you in private chat...

  147. FOL // 14/10/07 7:10 PM  

    The damn things aren't downloading completely. I'ma pull them from my own collection

  148. FOL // 14/10/07 7:11 PM  

    Baling, you really liked that?
    To each her own, I guess.

    Anon, here it is...http://whatz-new.blogspot.com

  149. larry // 14/10/07 7:12 PM  

    i love you no matter where you are
    later. ill be waoting.

  150. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:12 PM  

    baby do you have Windows Vista or xp

  151. FOL // 14/10/07 7:12 PM  

    Damn, if I had a dollar for everyone who did that little pun-thingy, steupid (rolls eyes)

  152. larry // 14/10/07 7:13 PM  

    you really are very, very beautiful sorry if i offended you babykins. good night, wifey.

  153. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:15 PM  

    steups i was not even trying to undersand what he was saying the man can come n get it n there dont need to be any talking at all

  154. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:17 PM  

    steups i just brought windows Vista and lets just say it's better than xp

  155. larry // 14/10/07 7:24 PM  

    "Hey Babykins"

    I've been watchin' you from afar,
    for as long as I can remmeber
    You are all a real man can need
    and ever ask for
    this is love
    this is more than a crush

    It was all ....(up at Columbia)
    I saw with your man
    smiling, huh, a coach bag in your hand
    I was laying in the coup with my hat turned back
    we caught eyes for a moment, and that was that
    so skated off, as you strolled off
    looking at them legs, god damn they looked so soft (so fine)
    I gotta take ya from your man that's my mision
    If his love is real he got ta handle competition
    you only knew about 5 months (that's right)
    besides he drinks too much and smokes too many blunts
    and I've been working out everyday thinking bout you
    looking at my own eyes in the rear view
    cathchin flash backs of our eye contact
    wish i could lay ya on your stomach and caress your back
    i would hold ya in my arms and ease your fears
    I can't believe it, I hadn't had a crush in years

    [2x] hey Babykins, hey Babykins, this is more than a crush
    Babykins, hey Babykins, this is more than a crush
    hey Babykins, hey Babykins, this is more than a crush

    I see you at the bus stop waitin everyday
    your man must think its safe for you to travel that way
    but i don't want ta violate your relationship
    so i lay back in the cut with a crush that'a trip
    still he can't stop me from having day dreams
    tounging you down with huh vanilla ice cream
    kissing on your thighs in the moonlight
    searching your body with my tounge girl all night
    I wonder one day could it be, simple dreams turnin into reality
    Our love would come down so naturally
    we would walk down the isle of destiny
    what your man got his hustle on gotcha type scared
    break ya off a little chump change to do your hair
    that seems to be enough to satisfy your needs
    but there's a deeper level if you just follow my lead
    Hey Babykins


    Last week I saw ya at the mall
    standing at the pay phone bout to make a call
    I had a vision it was me on the other end
    telling you come by and then you walked in
    I touched you gently with my hands
    we talked about traveling the distant lands
    escaping all the madness out here in the world
    becomin my wife no longer my girl
    then, you let your dress fall down to the floor
    i kissed you softly and you yearned for more
    we experienced pleasure unparallel
    into an ocean of love we both fell
    swimming in the timeless, currents of pure bliss
    fantasies interchanging with each kiss
    undying passion unities our souls
    togehter we swim until the point of no control
    but its a fantasy it(that,you) won't come true
    we never even spoke and your man (still) love you
    so I'm gonna keep all these feelins inside
    keep my dreams alive until the right time

  156. FOL // 14/10/07 7:25 PM  

    anon, I wish I had Vista. I saw it in Best Buy and my hands grabbed at it, then I said, 'No'....Now I wish I had said yes.

    Baling, I understand, because he brought a lot of energy. 'Twas only on second viewing I relised I didn't hear a damn thing he said, lol.

  157. FOL // 14/10/07 7:30 PM  

    Oh damn, I feel like I am reading myself. Is this guy my e-doppelganger?

  158. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:31 PM  

    LMAO one thing steups it is weird that you thought i was scary with 'larry''s presence!

  159. FOL // 14/10/07 7:34 PM  

    anon, have you heard it yet.
    Here's the YouTube of True FuSchnick

  160. larry // 14/10/07 7:34 PM  

    you in love with Babykins too? you ain't got a chance steup-id. you aint her typage--

  161. FOL // 14/10/07 7:35 PM  

    baling, if I were gay I would have noticed his crazy-ass a lot sooner before I noticed yours, lmao.

  162. FOL // 14/10/07 7:38 PM  

    lmfao, Larry.
    I am not in love with her, but she's lust material, I admit.
    Go do your thing, mate; I don't like competition.

  163. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:38 PM  

    steups why is Vista better than xp Better UI.
    Better audio.
    Better video.
    Better search.
    Better security.
    Better Windows Movie Maker.
    Better networking.
    Better media playback and handling.
    Better workflow features.
    Better manageability.
    Better deployment.
    Better fonts/readability.
    Better accessibility.
    New RSS platform.
    Better speech recoginition.
    Better drivers.
    Better printing.
    Better parental controls.
    Better color management.
    Better game experiences.
    Better startup/shutdown and other fundamental improvements.
    Better power management.
    Better faxing.
    Less reboots on updates.
    Better memory management.
    Support for new kinds of hardware like Hybrid Disk Drives.
    Better encryption and cryptography.
    Better logging.
    Better task scheduler.
    Better event viewer.
    Better handwriting recognition.
    Better internationalization/localization support.
    Better diagnostics.
    Better error reports.
    Better instrumentation.

    And I’m still only a small percentage of the way through the list. steups

  164. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:40 PM  

    larry is scarier than i ever was; hung-over or not. n i thought steups was a big girl but now i realized youre not so to let you know i acknowledged the muy caliente line but i just cant say it back
    or can i?

  165. larry // 14/10/07 7:42 PM  
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  166. FOL // 14/10/07 7:42 PM  

    Oooh anonymous, but you missed the best one. It's so much prettier.

    Baling, not only can you reciprocate but you'd be accurate as well.

  167. FOL // 14/10/07 7:43 PM  

    Damn Larry, the half-Armenian did me in. If you are the male version of Kim Kardashian, I might mkae a pass at you too.

  168. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:47 PM  

    that to steups LOL

  169. FOL // 14/10/07 7:48 PM  

    lol...anyways y'all, it's pub-time.
    Catch y'all later or never, dependent on the amount of drunk-drivers I encounter or don't.


  170. Anonymous // 14/10/07 7:50 PM  

    steups and i forgot to add Better photo apps.
    Better games.
    Better utilities.
    Better control panels.
    And on and on.

    I’ll just stop at “it’s better.” LOL

  171. queenbrina233 // 14/10/07 8:23 PM  

    i just wanna say that im the best and all of you wish you were me. and i hope you stay tuned for the blogspot radio show tomorrow night at 10 because you never know queen brina might give them haters a phone call thats if their not to scared to pick up the phone lmao

  172. Anonymous // 14/10/07 8:49 PM  

    to queenbrina and i just wanna say that 'Nobody Could Care Less

  173. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 9:01 PM  


  174. PaleBlackSheep // 14/10/07 9:18 PM  

    She's Baaaaacccckkkkk! LMAO
    Hey everyone, hope everyone had a great weekend! I can't wait till tomorrow for ILNY!

  175. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 9:34 PM  


    I am looking forward to tomorrow too.

  176. Anonymous // 14/10/07 10:43 PM  

    brina, they have pills for that shit that's going on in ya head girl.

  177. Rico // 14/10/07 10:46 PM  

    lol this is hilarious

  178. lareigna // 14/10/07 10:48 PM  


    Dammit Iwant to see the rest of the fucking episode. Why couldn't that shit be on Sunday?? WTF???

  179. The Q © 2010 // 14/10/07 10:51 PM  

    I know Lareigna.

  180. Rico // 14/10/07 10:54 PM  


    Dats for Ms. Brina

  181. Anonymous // 14/10/07 10:56 PM  

    LEEEEEEEEAVE Q ALOOOOOOOOOONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (said in my best Chris Croker voice) lol

  182. Rico // 14/10/07 10:58 PM  

    Brina, why dont you call and say that


    We will be waiting

  183. queenbrina233 // 14/10/07 10:59 PM  

    its not ms.brina its queen brina dont get it twisted and im going to call tomorrow thats if your host (elle,Q,and big mama) punk asses are not going to get scared and hang up like they always do lmao. a bunch of dumb ass fake ass punk ass bitches if you ask me.

  184. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 14/10/07 11:00 PM  


  185. Anonymous // 14/10/07 11:00 PM  

    teddy, duck down I'm getting ready to do a pumpkin on her whack ass

  186. Anonymous // 14/10/07 11:02 PM  

    lmfao@ Mr.NY

  187. queenbrina233 // 14/10/07 11:03 PM  

    i just want to say im the best and i love the way you all hate on me lmao its wonderful and teddy thank you for being added to the ass kisser list lmao your such a good hater

  188. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 14/10/07 11:03 PM  

    queen brina we love you plz call!!!!!(646) 716-7847~~~mr.new york

  189. Rico // 14/10/07 11:04 PM  

    no no no MS Brina...dont back out now...call now since you so big and bad. We dont have time to wait on you. How we know you not punking out? You know they're not about to ruin their shows for you. So call now

  190. queenbrina233 // 14/10/07 11:06 PM  

    i love all the hate you give me im lovin every single moment o yea mr ny do you have a girlfriend oh no you dont your to busy dreaming your going to be with new york lmao wow and you all say im delusional lmao

  191. queenbrina233 // 14/10/07 11:08 PM  

    im sorry but queen brina does things on her time hater so if your punk ass host cant deal with me tomorrow then so be it lmao

  192. Gabrielle // 14/10/07 11:08 PM  

    lol lames make me sick

    Good sunday everyone

  193. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 14/10/07 11:09 PM  

    lmao brina wears yur man lmao!!!!!!ooooooo to busy dreaming of flav~~~mr.new york

  194. queenbrina233 // 14/10/07 11:09 PM  

    ok teddy i will get off their nuts as soon as you and all these other haters get your lips off their ass lmao

  195. Rico // 14/10/07 11:10 PM  

    Hey Gabrielle..I see you talkin mad stuff on myspace

  196. Gabrielle // 14/10/07 11:10 PM  

    funny how when she's called out but declines she ain't scared, but when we decline her dumb tail we supposed to be scared..... A cup havin ayo.... and yea keep calling me flat cause u so in love with me that all u can do is stare at my pics

  197. Gabrielle // 14/10/07 11:11 PM  

    hey my rico and hey ted!!!

    Let me get back to what i was doing, me and brina got more cakes to cut

  198. queenbrina233 // 14/10/07 11:12 PM  

    mr ny my myspace dosnt have flav all over it unlike yours lmao go get sum real pussy and stop fantasizing about ms new yorks because she already has a man she dont want you boo boo lmao

  199. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 14/10/07 11:14 PM  

    queen brina you look like the back of of a monkeys virgina~~~mr.new york

  200. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 14/10/07 11:16 PM  

    queen brina some one needs to phart in yur casket~~~mr.new york

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