Lmao at the title of this story. (I know it ain't that serious, lol)
Anyways, Jes Ricklett, the Rock of Love winner, spoke to the National Enquirer recently (yes, that National Enquirer) and had this to say...
not one lots of T-shirts with Quade
Source: PR-inside
Credit: Shawn
Anyways, Jes Ricklett, the Rock of Love winner, spoke to the National Enquirer recently (yes, that National Enquirer) and had this to say...
Someone found me and wanted me to audition for the show, so I did. To be honest, I wasn't going on there looking for love. I was kind of like, 'Let's see if I could promote myself.' That's pretty much why I did it.So that's that. I hope she sells
Source: PR-inside
Credit: Shawn
oh damm
milliown dead? yo, is it true milliown was shot and killed? somebody posted on a imdb that he was killed when he returned home. I hope it's not true!
that guy is spreading rumors on himself I think. I also heard he's bi-sexual.
LOL WOW, I don't think he's dead
Sup Misterballer....where da heck have you been?
UGH!!!! PLEAAAASEEEEE, no more rol 1 or 2 please, lets just let this sink with the titanic.......
gabrielle what security systems do you have for your pc
i talk to his play sister and she hasn't told me anything about funeral arrangements. She called and talked to him last week
I didn't have anything lol thats prolly y i got the virus. But i haven't had a security program for about a year, i guess it caught up with me. I am using the mcafee 30 day trial right now because when i downloaded the norton it said my trial had expired.
that same person must have posted that about Millione on the VH1 message boards LOL, maybe it really is him! LOL
I figured Jes a was a fake....bring on ROL2!
hmmmm.. i wonder then again her ass didnt seem happy to be the winner she never smiled....
gabrielle do you have spypot or ad-aware se personal
NO she didn't kinda had the "oh no what the heck have I done " look on her face
gabrielle go to this website http://www.lavasoftusa.com/products/ad_aware_pro.php this is the best for your pc
gabrielle it's call Ad-Aware 2007 Pro
Jes proved to me that "thou shalt not trust a woman"
How can you cry, talk about being hurt, all that other ish, and are on deceit all the while.
This is why women are only good for....lol.
Just kidding.
gabrielle is the website for spybot http://www.safer-networking.org/en/download/
I don't get it - promote herself as what exactly????
What did she do that could possibly be construed as a marketable skill?
if you watch the radio interview she did which is also on youtude she states the same thing. but people people all the girls went on for the same thing. Jess also mentioned that they did not know who they where going to be trying to win when they initally did the audition.....it was a contest...a doubt any of them where truely looking for love you see how bret was plugging his music whenever he got a chance
Bret michaels bi sexual? I hear that half the contestants on rock of love 2 will be ten Gay men and Ten females. I have read countless times that Bret is bi sexual?
I KNEW IT!!! UNSURE FROM I LOVE NEW YORK 2 IS AN ADULT FILM STAR!! http://www.mediatakeout.com/13972/we_knew_it_unsure_from_i_love_new_york_2_is_an_adult_film_star.html
anon, we published that a week ago; I think.
steups oh you did I Don't Remember
If you are really looking for love, you wouldn't be doing it on a nationally televised show. All of them involved are doing it for publicity/exposure.
Y'all are right. Poor thing didn't think she would really win. She looked horrified that she'd won the prize of staring at Bret's wig(wam) and having to "jam that thing up his ass" to save his life.
I would be too.
people do you know why kind of shit the national enquirer posts. they posted that OJ simpson killed like a million people. So nontheless (DONT CARE IF I SPELT IT RIGHT OR WRONG) they lie about everything!
What, I'm still glad she beat the other heffa! Oh well, I should have known being a reality show and you guys, looking for love on reality shows is hard. Well New York says she finally found love but look at all she had to go through!
Love that name, Ambriance.
New Post, sort of...but y'all can stay here, I won't feel bad.
and she is different than any of these other clowns because? Wow, she has a little honesty after the fact?
OMG, Midget Mac looks like a baby Predator! When he was lifting weights, I was like someone call Gov Schwarzenaggar to kill that little man.
WTF is up with the anon keep asking about spyware and antivirus?? This isn't the I Love Techno Crap website.
Obviously ROL was not really about Bret finding true love...if it was about finding love - instead of doing ROL2, Bret would try to make some sort of relationship with Heather.