What's Goodie, Blog Lovers?!?!?
Hope all is well on this wonderous Tuesday! *Im using The Secret in the hopes that if I act positive, positive things will begin to happen. I'll keep you posted.*
Anywho, thought you guys might like to see the Episode 2 recap that Heat & 12 Pack did. These dudes crack me up. I swear. ENJOY!
*You've just experienced some hilarious Liciousness*
heat and 12 pack the two Gay Lovers LOL
LOL i love Buckwild
I don't think they're gay. But gay or not, they are hilarious.
licious oh come on they got a little sugar in their tank
Heat isn't gay nor is 12 Pack.
licious is "IT" truly a retard? i know he talks like a dumb-a$$
but it seems like he might needs some professional help
because the way he talks, that's not normal.
"boom boom boom"
"son son son son"
what the hell is that?
q "IT" truly a retard?
No, IT is really smart in his unique way.
anonymous @ 6:14pm Hey, that S.O.B. is gone. His mind is f!#%&* up beyond repair. He set black men back six decades. He's a mumble mouthed f!#% and a thief to boot! I'm embarrassed just to listen to his dumb a!#. Please, oh please let him be the next to go!
q how many smart people do you know act like THAT Reality television
after he CLEARLY lied about buying the roses for New York and she gave him a chain anyway! She's such a dumbass.
I only seen IT act like that. However, just because he acts in a way we aren't use to, doesn't mean he isn't smart. I've heard IT talk clearly & articulately. He can do it when he chooses.
I can not stand IT..she REALLY needs to get him off the show..I almost dont wanna watch the show anymore b/c of him!!!
all jokes aside i do think he has a learners disablility, or maybe he's dislexic sorry ( i doubt i spelt that correctly).. but anyways if midget mac is getting a chance then im not at all suprised she's keeping "It", the whole thing is for ratings anyways...
even though i still like to think its all real, makes the gossip forum more fun xD
yeah he does seem a little off. I hope this show isn't trying to exploit someone with a disability.
I think IT has sniffed too much gold paint! his brain is gone!
I thought that Milliown guy seemed credible.
But I am already freakin' tired of Midget Mac lil ass, get him "outta here" as Sister P says.
Well personally I think "It" is really cute and funny. So what he stole the flowers. Punk a!# "tailor made" shouldn't be tryna buy New York any ol' ways. Any real girl knows they wouldn't like to be bought. On that note I'm outta here. Truly, It's No.1 fan. Chow!
steups he was actin crazy in the vspot extras. I think she wants him around just for makin fun of him and to make her show more funny!
steups She will keep him for a while. She wont choose him for her man.
Who? Midget Mac?
But the thing is he isn't funny.
Midget Mac no. shes just keeping him for ratings. it just seems so obvious.. cuz the only thing that he has thats within her type is being ugly. no one can ever beat flave on ugly, but he's pretty far up there.
He is sickening. You can't laugh at him for too long because you feel bad; and you can't laugh with him because his jokes aren't funny.
yes Midget Mac?
lmao at anon 6:50
steups Face it NY is keeping MM around out of pity! nothing else she is definitely not sexually attracted to him.
I would agree with you had I not seen her kissing the lil fella.
I would sleep with a less than attractive girl but I'd never kiss her
steups do you agree The GUYS ON SEASON 2 SUCK! The guys on this season are very lame, it seems like a bumbling circus! You have a midget, a guy who can't talk, a he-she, I mean what is going on??? New York really needs to get rid oF IT and the names that she gave these men are degrading, IT, UNSURE, PUNK. This show has went way down since last season, there are a few good guys, but its just that few!
ilny season one guy feeling unloved, seems to me
dont forget blechy bleckwild