Just confirmed with my contact at VH-1 that the show scheduled for 9:30pm EST, tonight, is indeed the Flavor of Love 3 casting special.
We did it for I Love New York 2, and now VH1 is taking viewers behind the scenes of casting for Flavor of Love season 3! With Flav himself looking on, we'll hear what he thinks about this new group of wannabe's.
So, tune in to the casting special then join Elle, Quanda and Brown Suga on the Elle Word to discuss the casting-special and Brown Suga's effort to be one of those ladies vying for Flavor Flav's love.
9:30 pm EST (6:30pm PST)- Flavor of Love 3 Casting Special on VH-1
10:30pm EST (7:30pm PST)- The Elle Word radio Show discusses the Casting Special
Hmmm all of those beautiful ladies vying for FF's heart are brave cause I have a thing for good teeth and a clean mouth and..... FF just scares the heck out of me.
Yaaaaaay! Folks, I was right! I was right! I was right! I was riiiiiiii-ight!
About what, you ask? I was right about Miss SARGENTBEVERLY being showcased on tonight's NEW VH1 You Cast It Special! There were so many of you who doubted, questioned, and hated on my original sources, as well as my dear friend SARGENTBEVERLY. And to boot, VEGASCHOCOLATE just told me that tonight's VH1 Special will also show her declaring that Flav is hers-- not SARGENTBEVERLY'S! This is sure to be a "drag" down cat fight! Let's all watch the dramatic magic happen, right before our eyes, for our viewing pleasure. Watch it ALL unfold tonight! But, let's keep it above the belt, okay, my QUEENS?! LOL!
And please, don't forget to KEEP VOTING FOR MISS SARGENTBEVERLY! Let's make some FABULOUSLY FIERCE VH1 history, people! by the way SARGENTBEVERLY and VEGASCHOCOLATE are real life gay male drag queens
steups SARGENTBEVERLY VS. VEGASCHOCOLATE on Tonight's VH1 You Cast It! Special @ 9:30PM PST/EST and 8:30PM CST!
Ebonys seems to love her some 'drag Queens'.
If I disappear Steups will be unable to extract vital ILNY2 information out of me.
Bye folks!
In my opinion a gay male drag queen is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard...why can't they just be gay?
I'm going to miss it because the New York casting call is tonight. Oh well, I'm sure they'll show it a million times again.
Vspot baby.
Good LUCK Savanna!!!!
Hey don't knot the trannies dude. They are the most fun type of people to drink with.
Oh man Did you guys know there is a virtual FOL, ILNY and Charm School game. LOL somebody got bored made a virtual 3-d game of them. NY going around saying I'm the HBIC with a gun. LOL.
lmao...and I won't be caught dead drinking with a drag queen.
Whatever Steups. They are not bad people at all.
They are drag-queens? That shit is mad weird.
are they revealing the voters contest yet??
Sometimes I wonder why people get upset when u air your point of view. Just because someone does not like or agree with something does not mean that they are attacking that thing.
Now I am just thinking aloud here it has nothing to do with anyone's convo..... just saying because sometimes I am skeptical to even give my honest opinion on things because u always have to be afraid of offending someone.
No, they haven't done so for ILNY2 yet and the show is finished...unless they aired it when I was away
Electra, I forgot to say hello.
does anyone know if they're going to reair this i forgot it was on and went to play mini golf and missed it! I checked VH1.com in the hopes it would be on again tonight but i didn't see it and there was no page about the special
I thought they wouldre-air at midnight but I saw a show on the worst celebrity quotes.
You missed a great show, it was fantastic. No one can do it like Flavor Flaaaaaav
god bless VH1 and their desire to show a tv show or special over and over, they're re-airing the special at 4pm and 11pm today (saturday) I'm putting a tape in before I leave the house so there is no way i miss it even though i'll be home from work before 11 lol
My goodness, Sapphyrri looked the best I have seen her. Becky looked good, as did GOldie. If Hottie didn't look like a psycodelic racoon with that blue eyeshadow, she'd have looked good too. Good job to the VH1 make up artists.
I am hating on Porsha's (minute 38 or 39)bang. It was ridiculous.