
Recap time....
Larissa is gone and that means the show is a lot less interesting and a lot less sexy. Someone, or maybe 'sometwo' need to step up their drama game and the scene opens with Becky -who's feeling the pressure- in a scrumptious red top, and Shay -murdering a yellow sweatpants- reminiscing on last evening's event.
Incredibly, Shay seems indifferent and entirely unburdened by her part in the theft of Leilene's picture. 'Buckwild' says it's "very sad to see" Larissa take herself out of the running for the $50000, but we know better.

Before Becky's nose grew any longer, Mo'Nique interrupted with an intercom announcement that the ladies were to assemble -in full uniform- at the Grand Hall for their next lesson.
The next lesson will be governed by the 9th Commandment of Charm School, 'Unless thou can play, thou will be played', and it focuses on relationships. A much needed lesson, I dare say.

Mo'Nique then introduces the guest Dean, Tariq King Flex Nasheed; the author of "Play or be played", "The Art of macking" and "The Mack within" (he also made an appearance on the MTV show, 'Made').
Becky says he looks like a pimp and she likes pimps (what made him look like a pimp, Becky?), whilst Shay is pleased he's cute because "you pay more attention when they're cute."

mikki-tariq-episode8Tariq is an entertaining guy and you should listen to his podcasts when you have the opportunity, but today's lesson is about "the 4 P's", the 'Players', 'Professionals', 'Pushovers' and 'Parolees'.
The first 'P' has 80% charisma, 10% aptitude, 5% sensitivity and 5% profitability and he is the Player.
(cue Flavor of Love 1 video of Brooke in the shower with Hoopz and Flavor Flav)
Brooke says she's hoping she comes out of the day being able to "spot who the right guy is for me"

The second 'P' is the 'Pushover', "he is 92% sensitive" and is all about catering to a woman's needs.
(cue video of Flavor Flav and Buckwild all cozy and shit in a gondola)

The next 'P' is the 'Parolee', "these are the thugs, the gangstas, the hustlers, the guys who know to handle themselves in the bedroom" (where I come from a guy who handles himself is a dork; but whateva, I am no expert)
(cue video of Shay tongue-kissing Flav in his bedroom)
Shay is quite familiar with this type, "I was drawn to a parolee, because he did things well" (she giggles. I like Shay)

The fourth and final 'P' is the 'Professional', "at 90% profitability he is about his money"
(cue video of Flavor Flav with Leilene)
Tariq asks if anyone has dated a professional and only Leilene responds (just 1 lady out of 5? That's badddd)

Leilene says the person was her ex-husband and he was actually a professional asshole. The relationship ended because he wanted her to be another type of woman; a woman befitting the wife of a professional. (how dare he? For fucks sake Leilene; you are a stripper! That's alright when you're single and on the honeymoon night, but after that? NO!)

Tariq advises the ladies that there are guys with the positive characteristics of the 4 P's and that guy is the "Urban Renaissance Man." The Urban Renaissance Man "has swagger, but he's about the education. These guys can be somewhat sensitive but they still got a little gangsta in 'em. These guys are suave and mentally stimulating like the Playa and they know how to satisfy you sexually like the parolee" (tell me that ain't me he's talking about, lol)

Brooke wonders if you have to sleep with every man to find out which one is the UR man (and she wasn't joking)

shay-episode8Mikki Taylor then states the lessons learnt today need to be applied at the inaugural 'Charm School Prom' where the ladies will be charmed by men representing all of the 4 P's and the Urban Renaissance Man.
Mikki goes on to say, "at the end of the evening, the girl who picks, the true Urban Renaissance Man, will be safe from being expelled at the next Elimination"

Having donated much of their clothes to Charity (see Episode 6), the Charm School hierarchy provided traditional prom dresses, in various colors, for the ladies.
Shay chose powder-blue (y'all know I don't actually know the colors, right?), Leilene grabbed the pink (and looked quite pretty), Brooke went for red (she would, wouldn't she?), Saaphyri wore the black (didn't look good) and Becky opted for bone-white.
(now that I think about it,they weren't chosen because the girls are all different sizes)

Prom Night
On the night Mo'Nique introduces the ladies to the "gorgeous gentlemen", and for once, Saaphyri and I are in sync when she says "what da hell? I feel bamboozled. It's a bunch of ugly looking fools up in here"
The guys are -forgive me if I get the names wrong...

  1. Joey and Dajuan -The Players. (smh at a grown ass man named Dajuan. That ain't right)

  2. Owen - The Professional (he's aight)

  3. Brandon and Tiaunte - The Pushovers (there oughta be law banning black people from naming their kids)

  4. Sun Ra, aka Seashell - Parolee (your name is already fucked up and you choose Seashell as your alias? smh)

  5. Mark - Urban Renaissance Man (who says? Is this a joke?)

Mo'Nique excuses herself and joins Keith Lewis, Mikki and Tariq in a private-room wherefrom they can view the ladies interact with the men.
As the evening unfolds, all but one of the ladies decide on a strategy of one-on-one time with each man. The exception is Leilene who latches herself onto Owen and won't let go.
Once again Leilene extols the value of stripping. This time she says she's been stripping since she was 17 and the experience has taught her how to read people (you've been dumped, hit and divorced, Are you dyslexic?)
It didn't take long before they left the group for private time.

Inside Becky is chatting with the 'Pushover, Tiaunte and Brandon. But Brooke is talking with her body, grinding on Tiaunte; before questioning Dajuan.
Dajuan says he's a massage therapist and does "backs, shoulders, ankles, toes" but Brooke gets to the point quickly, "what about the vagina area?" (Aurelius, this isn't a girl you can take home to your mother)

I guess the answer was 'Yes', because Brooke took him to the kitchen to cook up a lil somethin somethin. To her credit, Brooke correctly identified Dajuan as the 'Player' but according to her he was the best looking guy there, so, kick rocks.
Speaking of rocks, we learn from a conversation between Shay and Sun Ra that his nickname seashells comes from his using seashells on the end of his braids (maybe he used them to hear the ocean during his 8 years in prison, lol)

Meanwhile, forget the search for the Urban Renaissance Man, Leilene is 'tryna' find a husband. She and Owen discuss her love for movies and her choices are 'Dude, where's my car' and 'Revenge of the Nerds' (Oh dear! Girl you are supposed to say anything by Kurosawa; or some shit like that)
She says, "she's having the best time of her life. This is the man of my dreams" (I love a woman who's easy to please)

Inside Brooke is showing her intellectual side, asking Marc, "do you like to fuck or do you like to make love?"
But she was bored by him (I don't blame her) and retreated to the fountain for a Malibu shot poured at the top by the Parolee as she drank from the bottom-end. As she did so the poor dude was trying to be clever with comments like, "see how Daddy give it to ya" and "...swallow it, swallow it baby" (after 8 years in the 'pen' anything involving a woman will get you excited)
saaphyri-angry-episode8Watching all that, Becky was moved to comment, "Brooke got down dirty; if it looks like a ho, smells like a ho, taste likes a ho; it's probably a ho"
As the night winds down, the Urban Renaissance man sits alone.
Brooke is just getting started though; drunk and randy, she finds herself on the dance floor.

You'd think that was the end of the drama for the night but Sun Ra (the Parolee) and Saaphyri got into a fight after he said, "I don't like big tits because it got stretch marks on them"
That set it off with Sun Ra calling her Miss Weave and using and old 'Sanford and Son' joke that they can use her face to make 'gorilla cookies'.
With the prom threatening to boil over, Mo'Nique calls an end to the party.

results-episode8.pngIt was now time to announce the winner(s) and Tariq examined each lady's selection.
Becky and Brooke chose Tiaunte and Shay and Saaphyri chose Brandon, both of whom were pushovers. Leilene opted for Owen, of course; the Professional.
That meant they all failed but did they, really? I'd think most women would be happy to choose a pushover or a professional.

Next morning the ladies are nervous that none are exempt from elimination and Mo'Nique's announcement to check the Bulletin Board for instructions, adds to the intrigue.
The instructions mandate the ladies to vote the person whom best and worst, represented Charm School at the Prom. The lady with the most votes as the best representative will be exempt and the opposite will be called to the carpet along with two of the remaining three.
Votes are to be placed in a suggestion box downstairs.

The ladies quiz each other on why they ought to receive a vote for 'best representative', but the alliances are forming. Saaphyri and Becky agree to swap votes and work on Leilene to vote positively for either of them and use her 'worst representative' vote against Brooke.
Brooke thinks, "Leilene doesn't have a mind of her own" and partners Shay to share votes and hopefully convince Leilene to vote against Saaphyri. (why not Becky?)
The ladies cast their votes and it's all down to Leilene's choice.

The Vote
In the Grand Hall, Mikki Taylor informs the ladies that Becky received two votes for best representative and is exempt, thereby, from elimination. However Leilene's vote against Brooke means 'Pumkin' is voted worst representative with three votes.
(No surprise but 'lawd hammercy' at Shay in 'dem' jeans)

brooke-episode8With the results in, Brooke feels betrayed and targets Leilene.
Brooke speaks to Leilene in a belittling fashion but Leilene has probably had a lot of verbal abuse in her life and is able to deflect it. Still, who da fuck is Brooke to say this, "Leilene, when I am talking to you don't look at her!" (da hell?)
And there was more...
Brooke: you're a slut
Leilene: at least I get paid, you give it for free
Brooke: are you ok being fucked up by rich guys who just want to bang the fuck out of you and *** on your face?
Leilene: who needs friends like this
Brooke: (yelling) I am not your fucking friend, bitch
Mo'Nique announces 1hr to elimination.

Eliminations #8
In order Mo'Nique calls Brooke, Leilene and Saaphyri to the carpet.
Speaking to Leilene, Keith says he's disappointed she spent all her time with one man, and Mikki echoes the observation.
Saaphyri is warned by Keith and Mikki that she should avoid the bait. It's Brooke's turn now...

Addressing her Keith says, "Brooke, I gotta tell ya, you were ready to engage with whatever came along and it just reminded me of a quote my mom used to say, 'you can put as much lipstick on a pig as you want, but it's not gonna make her a lady"
Brooke: are you calling me a pig?
Keith: I would say that it's pretty vivid (No, no, no. Keith is definitely not a pushover because he has no sensitivity at all)

Mikki doesn't let her up saying "your behavior last night was a disgrace"
After general comments by Mo'Nique, Saaphyri and Leilene are returned to the stage and the decision was clear (and of course my Spoiler was accurate).
Mo'Nique turned her attention to Brooke, "last night you became a complete embarrassment. You got drunk and lost all composure. You were sexually explicit with every man here. It stepped out of being flirtatious and it stepped into being prostitution"

brooke-breasts-episode8Brooke tried to defend herself but it was too late. And it was all over when Mo'Nique said " is your first time on the carpet, look how you had to come sista. You had to come as the whore of Charm School" (I am not sorry for her one bit. It took a year, but finally, she's getting what she deserved for spitting in New York's face)

Brooke and Mo'Nique went back and forth until Mo'Nique cuts the bullshit and asks for her pledge pin. Brooke, you are expelled!

Brooke is hurt like a mother' and says shit like "I don't know many principals that talk like that to their students (girl, it's tv, it ain't real) and as she departs says, "Leilene, you're next"
Outside she laments Mo'Nique's harsh words then flashes her breasts to reinforce the decision.

Mo'Nique feels no sorrow whatsoever and laughs at her own description of Brooke as a "slutatious whore"

And Brooke, next time you say you are appearing on The Elle Word, live up to it.
So that's it, another recap in the bag. Thanks for reading


  1. FOL // 11/6/07 12:24 AM  

    too tired to check for errors or add pictures.
    I'll do it in the morrow. Hopefully it's readable as is

  2. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:07 AM  

    Well Miss , just as I was enjoying your company you go and treat Leilene horribly for being honest. Leilene seems to be the only taking this seriously and changing herself her kids should be proud.
    Becky seemed to be the only one with a smart approach but the blackest white girl is still not my pick at all. Which probably isn't fair.
    I like Saphyri ('s not a real name I don't care how I spell it.) but I didn't feel she delivered any particularly witty remarks.
    I'd like for the contest to end like this

    I totally feel like it will go the oppisite though.
    Also I'm sad they didn't do one girl an episode down to two girls. They probably planned it that way but after the drama filled girls went home they realized it would be dull and decided to cut it short.

  3. Wumpus // 11/6/07 1:15 AM  

    Brooke just doesn't get it. How can you have an A cup with saggy assed titties? Was she trying to take Larissa's spot as the charm school asshole? What she said to idiot Leeileine was mean as it gets. I am glad she is gone.

    As for Mr. Urban rennisaince, he was ugly as heck and a pushover.

    Saphyrris meltdown lost it for her. Shay is the only one who can maintain some sense, hence, she should win.

  4. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:20 AM  

    HaHA brook is a HOE!!! just like we all been saying from day one.

    Glad to see her go!!!!!

  5. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 1:45 AM  

    Wow, Saaphyri did step out of her "Charm" box on that episodr, but she said that it was fun for her. Alot of people of the blac race get into it with relatives while at family reunions, or playing dominos or watching football, so I kind of understand why she said it was fun. It's what (some) black people do...
    She still my favorite

    *Brooke got Larissa kicked off by bringing that pic back up, now she done, thank God*
    Aurelius, both of our enemies are gone now ;)

  6. Kasana // 11/6/07 2:35 AM  

    Bubo, you are funny. LOL

    I guess if I had my drothers, I would like to see Saphyri or Becky win.

    I say that because they seem to need the most growth.

    Yes Gabby, Saphyri did come out of her box. I do understand that she thought it was fun, but when you are competing for money, some things you need let go of. She can resume being her normal self after she wins the money.

    That was my biggest gripe with Larissa. I would have been just as fake as Monique and charm school wanted me to be until "after" I won the money.

  7. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 2:42 AM  

    u hear that, saaphyri could have waited. but i guess she wanted to make good t.v. i sure hope so.

  8. Kasana // 11/6/07 3:01 AM  

    Yeah Gabby, because that guy did need to be "told"!!

    I mean really, you just got out of jail, who do you think you are "clowning"? LOL

    And it did make for good tv, because that was very funny!!

  9. Anonymous // 11/6/07 4:53 AM  

    I think Saphari should win because she has really played her cards right. She put a "bug" in Leilene's ear about Brooke, she gave all of her clothes away awhich impressed the judges, I mean I could tell she is using a strategy. I hope she wins because besides leilene she looks like she put the money to good use.

  10. Webmaster // 11/6/07 7:07 AM  

    hahaha Gabby, unfortunately...

    I'm rooting for Shay even though I still like Saaphyri.

  11. Wumpus // 11/6/07 8:17 AM  

    Saph was not all that offensive, she defended herself and was not too ignorant about it.

    As for Sea Sheel, I imagine the lines he was using on Brooke were some of the same lines tat worked so well on him when used by his cellmate.

  12. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 8:33 AM  

    Morning all. Can someone PLEASE tell me what smh means, please :)

  13. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 8:38 AM  

    I think they set Brooke up.

    How could you wave honey in front of a bee. LOL

    Oh and the fountain, come on man was that a coincidence or what?LOL

    LOL she took the bait, LOL. She calls Leilene dumb but look who's out now and who looks foolish.

  14. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 8:40 AM  

    Why does she cheapen herself so? I dont understand.

    After being called the "Whore of Charm School" you go and confirm it by showing the entire world your wetsocks. LOL

  15. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 8:49 AM  

    smh - shakes my head (I didn't know that in the beginning either E, don't worry)

    But wetsocks??? WETSOCKS???? *smh*

  16. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 9:00 AM  

    LOL Thank Dana (now I dont look so foolish is it a Libra thing?).

    Girl Pumpkin's "wet socks" her

  17. FOL // 11/6/07 9:26 AM  

    wha allyuh talking about?

  18. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 9:27 AM  

    Pumpkin's "Wet socks" LOL

  19. FOL // 11/6/07 9:36 AM  

    Where were you for the entire weekend?

  20. FOL // 11/6/07 9:46 AM  

    Oh, for the spoiler I'll name the third and fourth only. You lot can guess who actually won

  21. Anonymous // 11/6/07 9:55 AM  

    Instead of flirtatious, I could have sworn that Mo was saying "slutatious"...I went back and listened several times to make sure.

  22. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 10:11 AM  

    I want to see pics of the men. I esp want to see who had Leilene so enthralled...

  23. FOL // 11/6/07 10:13 AM  

    she did say slutatious. I wrote that didn't I?

  24. Anonymous // 11/6/07 10:14 AM  

    I think it's clear that without Larissa, SHay has the personality of a dial tone.

    She offered nothing and ran scared from Saaphyri.

    Punk, snitch ass. I hope BW tears her down.

  25. FOL // 11/6/07 10:14 AM  

    Oops, my bad.
    Don't know why I wrote that.
    MI probably got confused witrh the earlier quote when she used flirt...

  26. FOL // 11/6/07 10:16 AM  

    totally agree on Shay...and I wanted to say this in the recap and probably ran out of time.

    Ok, I am coming to the "this"
    Leilene is a total fool to not vote against Shay. The woman stole the picture that you were so gung-hpo about last week...VOTE HER ASS OFF, NOT BROOKE

  27. FOL // 11/6/07 10:17 AM  

    thanks for the correction. I should probably read it now for more errors.

  28. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 10:20 AM  

    Errors like "but Leilene has probably had a lot of verbal abuse in your life and is able to deflect it" for example?

  29. FOL // 11/6/07 10:22 AM  

    errors like that...(smiles, but thinks you nasty little error finding snob)

  30. FOL // 11/6/07 10:23 AM  

    Dana, have you seen the latest drama on Big Brother in England?

  31. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 10:29 AM  

    Yes I did. Everyone is talking about it. Mmmmmmmmmm. The "N" word. I think it should just be abolished...

  32. FOL // 11/6/07 10:36 AM  

    and what about that sexy lady they think is a man. I saw proof in the Mail.

    My brother just returned from London so I have a tonne of newspapers

  33. FOL // 11/6/07 10:37 AM  

    proof SHE ISN'T, I hasten to add.

  34. Anonymous // 11/6/07 10:38 AM  

    Good morning y'all! "Wet Socks" Electra? That's definitely a new one, but oh-so-fitting for that bony-chested hoebag. I've missed you gul, where ya been?!

    Now, on to my elaborate opinions, you know how I do...

    The Urban Renaissance Man is about as hard to find as a blue diamond. I felt bad for the dude, because literally no one was paying attention to him, and he had the most to offer. But that's something a lot of young women are guilty of...not seeing past the physical or the game. Lord knows I fell for it numerous times before finding my One, when I realized that the "thug" nonsense or how hefty a man's wallet is will do nothing to help your relationship.

    I honestly don't think Saaphyri overreacted at all, she smiled through every insult and so did the other dude. So of course they over-dramatized it. And as a endowed woman myself, I have yet to come across any woman over a B cup that doesn't have stretch marks on her breasts. And even the thinnest women out there will admit to having stretch marks here or a bit of cellulite there, so please man, you've obviously been in the pen too long to remember what a woman's body looks like in real life. And how can you take a guy who wears seashells on his braids seriously, anyway?

    Shay's dress is from David's Bridal, I know because I have the same thing in Victorian Lilac. Way to spring there, VH1.

    I like Leilene, but how does a stripper translate into being able to "read" people? As far as I know there is no talking involved. And is she really that dumb? I'm a visual learner too, but even I knew what Brooke was talking about(not that it would've made a difference in my decision to vote her slutty ass out anyway). I'm wondering how much of that "duh" thing ala Jessica Simpson is an act.

    Finally, Miss Brookie...I have no words. I want to say that she's acting like a typical 21 year old, but I know that's not true. I just can't believe that she was ever a teacher. How famous do these people really think they'll be from these types of shows? Name one reality star from oh, five years ago that has really hit it big. And she ruins a good career before it even starts by acting a fool on TV. And then to confirm even more that you're a a hoebag, you're going to flash your wetsocks(HA!!!) on TV while crying and screaming "I'm not a whore!" I hope VH1 does a follow up on these chicks five years from now, I would love to see what they're up to at that point.

    Whew! And I'm done...that was making up for lost time, heheh.

  35. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 10:43 AM  

    Who is man? And how come I don't know about that? And you have a brother? Is he cute? Is he my age?

  36. FOL // 11/6/07 10:44 AM  

    Wow, nice post Mist.
    One correction though, she's past 21. She's like 28 or something.

    Everything else stands for itself so no interfering from me

  37. FOL // 11/6/07 10:45 AM  

    he's a little younger. My mother had four fertile years where she had little sex but each time counted in a major way

  38. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 10:48 AM  

    Gm Everyone,

    So how old is the lil brother since you suppose to be 23?


    You left that wide open.

    he he he

  39. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 10:49 AM  

    Even more important Shawn...Are you the eldest, because that would suck big time?

  40. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 10:50 AM  

    I always figured you as a sufferer of OCS (only Child Syndrome) so the fact that you have siblings enthralls me

  41. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 10:51 AM  

    Hey Dana Boo,

    How have you been? Hello Electra.

    Wow so there are 4 more lil people like steups? Did I read this right?

  42. FOL // 11/6/07 10:51 AM  

    buh wha de ass. Allyuh want him or what?
    He is not interested in older women and that means any woman over 21

  43. FOL // 11/6/07 10:52 AM  

    nah, three children in four years. Four would be madness

  44. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 10:55 AM  

    Hey Shawn. I been good-ish. How u been? Haven't seen those lips in a long time

    Nick - Can't speak for Shawn but what I really want is you but since I can't have that - someone from the same gene pool will have to do, I guess :-(

  45. FOL // 11/6/07 10:55 AM  

    I'm listening to Buckwild's Show and where did her lisp go?

    There is absolutely no trace of it

  46. FOL // 11/6/07 10:56 AM  

    Nah, that would be nasty because I'd be 'coveting' you from "aclose"

  47. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 10:57 AM  

    So are you the eldest or what?

  48. FOL // 11/6/07 10:59 AM  

    Yes, but I have half-brothers and half-sisters. It's what happens when old men marry young women

  49. FOL // 11/6/07 11:00 AM  


  50. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 11:00 AM  

    Can I come to a family reunion/gathering?

  51. FOL // 11/6/07 11:01 AM  

    My sister might be interested in you.

  52. Anonymous // 11/6/07 11:06 AM  


    That episode changed my entire opinion of Brooke! I was actually trying to see the positive qualities she had and thought she just needed some slack...boy was I fucking wrong! Then again, I started disliking her back when she was talking shit on Cris in the fashion show I didn't like how Cris told her something in confidence and the first thing her dirty ass did was run back and blab to everybody.

    Anyway, it's were right, I was wrong! This bitch is a wack job and a nasty ass ho. She proved to America that she's a tramp and I wish Leleine would've slapped the shit out of her for talking to her like that...she ain't nobody!! hmm, all I got to say is "that wouldn't have been me!"

    -Mrs. Big D.

  53. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 11:08 AM  

    Morning peoples

  54. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 11:09 AM  

    Steupz - Perfect. I think I need to move on from the world of MEN

  55. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 11:10 AM  

    I feel so UNBANNED and unlimited this morning ;)

  56. FOL // 11/6/07 11:10 AM  

    You're Big D, now?
    What got big? (licks lips)

    Anyway, girl she can't change. But still, I would have voted Shay to the chopping block just to let her know I have not forgot what you did.

    Shay got a pass all episode save for one brief back-and-forth with Saaphyri; and even then she was boldfaced with it

  57. FOL // 11/6/07 11:11 AM  

    Dana, she's a playette.

  58. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 11:14 AM  

    Hey Guys I'm back from my meeting.

    Steups I was taking care of my family for the weekend and I told u before I have to hook up my internet because we moved alright?


  59. Anonymous // 11/6/07 11:17 AM  

    Steupz, I think Shay's been sliding by by the skin of her teeth...I don't think she'll win.

    Don't forget Cris' birthday tomorrow dammit!

    -Mrs. Big D.

  60. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 11:17 AM  

    LOL Yes Misty wetsocks like a grandmother. I am doing well Misty and how are u doing?

    Aww I missed you too. :) In fact I missed all of you save for 1 who will remain un-named.

  61. FOL // 11/6/07 11:18 AM  

    Elle, don't comment on the next post, please.
    You know the answer but keep it to yourself

  62. FOL // 11/6/07 11:18 AM  

    Never forget, lol.
    I hope I remember her show is Wednesday

  63. Dana - W for Whatever // 11/6/07 11:18 AM  

    What's a playette?

  64. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 11:19 AM  

    Yes Mo was saying sultacious.LOL She even laughed about it in d end.

  65. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 11:22 AM  

    Leilene should win. She has improved the most and really used the experience to grow.

    Plus the way how I see it only she and Saaphyri are taking Charm School seriously.

  66. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 11:23 AM  

    Is it up now steups?
    Check ya e-mail

  67. Electra (trinidad) // 11/6/07 11:25 AM  

    Oh and some anon said earlier that Saaphyri is not the young lady's real name, well it is.

    At the first show when Monique was taking off the girls'sorbriquet she was informed by Saaphyri that its her name.

  68. FOL // 11/6/07 11:31 AM  

    Saaphyri Windosr has to be her name by deed poll. That sounds way too manufactured.
    New Post.

  69. Anonymous // 11/6/07 12:16 PM  

    I was the anonamous. I didn't say it wasnt HER real name. I said it's not *A* real name as general. Her Mom just smashed some names together until something sounded pretty. I like it. I'm just not gonna bother to try to spell it.

    Someone mentioned Brooke being 21...I thought that too the first time I heard it. I think she said something like "I'm over 21" I knew no way was she 21 I'm pretty sure to be on Flavor of Love you had to be 21 and that was ages ago back when New York was telling her to visit a plastic surgeon for her face...guess she'll have to go for her wet socks too. Maybe she can ring up Leilene's doctor? I hear Saaphyri (Did I get it that time?) highly reccomends him over New York's doc.

    Also...when did Buckwild call Steups an asshole?

  70. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:33 PM  

    Steups, Another great recap. My 2 favorite lines:

    "This time she says she's been stripping since she was 17 and the experience has taught her how to read people (you've been dumped, hit and divorced, Are you dyslexic?)"


    "Brooke is hurt like a mother' and says shit like "I don't know many principals that talk like that to their students (girl, it's tv, it ain't real)"<-- That is the same shit I thought.

    I also thought it was kinda gangsta how you called her out at the end about Elle word.

  71. Anonymous // 11/6/07 6:31 PM  

    You're right the dyslexic thing was priceless. I LOOOOOOOOOVE You !!!

  72. Anonymous // 11/6/07 8:11 PM  

    Run Down-

    Brooke-Nasty ass gutta bitch sooooooglad she is gone.

    Larissa-Such a stupid ass bitch and always calling someone stupid, now just a stupid bitch w/no 50gs!

    Shay-Next idiot bitch to go!! She can go home and lick Larissa crack.

    Saphyri(or however you spell the ghetto shit)she cool se needs to win she could use the $$.

    Becky is OK too---maybe the $$ can buy her an real image.

    Leilene--is ok. She dumb as fuck too, she deserves to win also!!!!

  73. Wumpus // 11/6/07 8:39 PM  

    Leiliene is still incredibly naive and airheaded. Saph or Shay should win. If it were all about effort, Lei or saph would win hands down. Becky is tooo phony to win, Lei is too dumb to win, Saph is too Ghetto to win (at times) and Shay can win since Larissa is not there to hold her back.

  74. Anonymous // 12/6/07 2:12 AM  

    hey, where do you guys thing Brooke goes from here??

  75. Anonymous // 12/6/07 9:20 PM  

    Well, Im sitting at my computer, reading all these interestaining (made that one up) posts. I keep thinking why in the heck you guys are slamming Leiline.
    Out of all the women and girls, I like Leilene the most. She is poised, beautiful, and seems to be progressing.

    I knew that Brooke would show her trailernasty ways by the end of the show. Heck, I actually thought she was going to spit on Monique...Once a Human Spitter on Always a Human Spiiter on...that's what my grandma used to say...or maybe Im just making that up.

    Anywho...I hope Leilene wins

  76. Anonymous // 24/6/07 10:50 PM  

    go leilene

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