Remember what happened to Al Gore!
Every vote counts!
So, click over to I Love New York 2 and vote for

  1. Rikado
  2. Solomon Wise
  3. Darnell Wright
  4. True

All of those candidates were approved by Mr. New York


  1. Theodius**Misterballer** // 19/6/07 11:44 AM  

    since idk anyone besides,darnell. Go darnell ( i wont vote for you though)

  2. FOL // 19/6/07 12:05 PM  

    shaddup Mister Baller

  3. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 19/6/07 12:37 PM  

    yea i approve of york

  4. Anonymous // 19/6/07 2:16 PM  

    Thanks for approving my two faves Mr. NY
    Go Solomon Wise

    Go Darnell Wright!

    What do ya'll think about the Fireman?

  5. Anonymous // 19/6/07 3:04 PM  

    Fireman - yuck!
    His Goons -yuck, yuck!

  6. FOL // 19/6/07 3:23 PM  

    Don't know much about him but I know Groovy is pimping the hell out of the goons, for traffic.
    To each, her own.

  7. Anonymous // 19/6/07 7:26 PM  

    she is getting alot of traffic from them, you are right there

  8. Sawyers_Stash // 20/6/07 4:19 AM  

    I don't know why but Darnell Wright has been on my nerves this whole competition but he seems to have made it to the show maybe he will end up being my very favorite there.
    I liked the entertainer. I enjoyed his video about life without New York. he played cards with Teddy Bears. I'm not sure I really see her with him though.
    My favorite though was Rikado. Glad to see he made the approved list. i wish he still had the braids. There is just something about seeing that handsome man in a suit...
    As for the fireman... what the crap?! No way. People voted for him to be sarcastic or mean or to waste a spot in the house. New York is going to take one look at the male version of old ass Lindsey Blohan and send him packing with T-Bone. Please New York even if you keep him for ratings please do not kiss that man. Please. Girl I know you are a lip slut but...come on.

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