BROOKE-RESPONDS-EPISODE-8Brooke 'Pumkin' Thompson responds to last nights Episode of Charm School...

First of all, I would like thank my fans who have taken the time to email me concerning my elimination from Charm School! You guys amaze me and always have my back! I fucking love all you!
How many people go out, party, drink, kiss someone, and live it up? Pretty much everyone!!!! It's not like I fucked the guy! I kissed him! Wow! Monique must have some pretty insane views if she thinks that kissing a guy is whorish!!!!
Also, how the hell is my kissing a guy and getting drunk whorish, when dumb ass Smiley (Leilene) went out in Hollywood and stuck her fake ass titties in all the guys faces while trying to sell perfume????
Exactly! Did Monique say shit about that? HELL No!

I am just fucking sick of how Monique was trying to portray me! She had a horrible choice of words! Also, that was my first time in the bottom three . . .so that should say something about me!!! And if we all acted like Smiley and sat on a couch all night talking to a man, we would not have a fucking tv show with good ratings! So, your welcome Monique for my partying ass making the ratings go up!

I am a California girl who knows how to party! So, if ya all wanna party with me hit me up LOL!!!!! I love you guys and thank you again for the sweet emails that have poured in! You guys rock! And remember, party all you want!!!!! Just be safe about it! I love you all!

Credit: Aisha Raison


  1. FOL // 11/6/07 1:36 PM  

    I don't condone poor spelling

  2. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 1:38 PM  

    I wish she would have called into my show that day

  3. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:39 PM  

    Yep, she speaks for ME...yea I go around kissing random guys...I'm part of 'pretty much everyone'...mhm yep, that's meeee!

  4. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 1:39 PM  

    steups lets try to get her again!!! Our source in getting her wasn't so great the firs time, how about u ask aigha

  5. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:42 PM all I have to say...ain't NONE of these girls walkin away learning ANYTHING...

  6. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 1:42 PM  

    lol thats what they said in the interview on the reality interview

  7. FOL // 11/6/07 1:45 PM  

    I asked but Elle, there are a few of these ladies who cannot stand my guts.
    Even with ketchup.

    And Brooke and Bootz are at the head of that list.

  8. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:45 PM  

    I ain't tryna be mean AT ALL, this is serious, but y have I never heard anyone comment on how TIRED Brooke always looks in the eye area...that partying is catchin up with her. She look a lil old in the face...that ain't healty...How old is she?

  9. FOL // 11/6/07 1:45 PM  

    Quanda has her number but I am not asking for it because of a promise I made

  10. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:46 PM  

    Steups: Why don't they like you? Or are you overexaggerating?

  11. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 1:48 PM  


  12. FOL // 11/6/07 1:51 PM  

    They DON'T LIKE ME, and you can add another B to that list. And I don't mean bitch.

  13. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 1:52 PM  

    Steups why don't you do a interview. Now I know that would be funny.

  14. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 1:52 PM  

    then whats the B?

  15. FOL // 11/6/07 1:54 PM  

    Bootz, I have no idea.
    The other 'B' has reasons known only to her.

    And I am not sure about this, but I think Brooke dislikes me because I called her a cunt after the spitting incident. And repeated it a few dozen times later, lol.

    But I apologized for that, lmao.

  16. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 1:54 PM  


  17. FOL // 11/6/07 1:55 PM  

    You mean conduct the interview or be the interviewee.
    Either way the answer is NO.

    This show is Elle's and I am just her sex-slave

  18. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 1:56 PM  

    lol u will never be my sex-slave. I don't CONDONE sex slaves ;)

  19. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 1:56 PM  

    Steups you can be the interviewee. People want to know why you create the blog.

  20. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:56 PM  

    {thinks to self}


    Um...Brooke, Bootz, Buckeey? But he hasn't referred to her as Buckeey much since Charm else? Becky/Buckwild? BOTH of her names start with 'B'...

    Are you referring to Becky/Buckwild? If so, I thought y'all were cool but just hit a rough patch?

  21. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 1:57 PM  

    Steups you just scare to let the ladies hear your voice.

  22. Anonymous // 11/6/07 1:57 PM  

    STeups: Hmmm...19-yr old Gabby's sex-slave, huh?....(you know what I'm talkin bout)

  23. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 1:58 PM  

    He has a youth fetish.

  24. FOL // 11/6/07 1:59 PM  

    Shawn, I call in all the time. And not only on her show, On Steve's, Jeff's and Aurelius.

    Only Mr New York calls more often. I'll call Q-Gasm's show too but I never know when it's scheduled.

    Which reminds, I ought to check

  25. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 2:02 PM  

    That's cool. I download her show too. Well Steups since you owed me I want to do a interview on you. Just wondering can you stay on long after 5 mins.

  26. FOL // 11/6/07 2:03 PM  

    Are those kids spamming your MySpace being paid?
    Or is it like one guy creating all those accounts?

  27. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 2:03 PM  

    steups is a petefile at times ;) he was obsessed with laregnia's daughter

  28. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 2:04 PM  

    Yes and no.

    If they are afflilate then yes or if they click program then yes.

    Well yes to all of it.

  29. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 2:06 PM  

    If you are doing dating site it's 42.00 per sign up.

    Toy sign up it's 35.00

  30. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:07 PM  

    Gabby: But I think he's only into a SELECT set of he only chooses CERTAIN young 19-YEAR old females {cuts eyes at Steups, lol}


  31. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 2:14 PM  

    lol nah cause he was obsessed with Flawless and she's 23 so I don't know... maybe he's just man 304!!

  32. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 2:17 PM  

    Steups flirts with every female that comes on this blog.

  33. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 2:18 PM  

    It's a marketing plot of his.

  34. FOL // 11/6/07 2:18 PM  

    The only woman I have ever been obsessed with is a girl from Trinidad and Tobago.

  35. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 2:21 PM  

    We are not talking about your mother steups.

  36. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:21 PM  

    Gabby: {forefinger to chin and looks in the sky} Hm...maybe??

  37. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:24 PM  

    hey steups txshawty shawn what going on

  38. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 2:27 PM  

    uh oh

  39. Glamourvixen // 11/6/07 2:27 PM  

    hello Anon 227

  40. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:28 PM  

    gabrielle LOL

  41. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:31 PM  

    shawn were have you been all this time

  42. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 2:31 PM  

    lol oh ok, i thought u wasn't gone speak

  43. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:31 PM  

    Good Lord Brooke looks real inbred in that picture and tired as hell...not sexy, boo. Whoever said all that partying is catching up with her hit it right on the head. All that black eyeshadow doesn't help, but she looks worse without it. Miss NY was definitely right when she said homegirl needs a facelift...some collagen or restalene or something. Yikes.

    I would love to know which one of these Bs is hating on Steups, since this blog keeps people talking about them(Lord knows no one else will be after this show is over).

    PS there is a short post on Saaphyri on YBF, check it out...

  44. FOL // 11/6/07 2:33 PM  

    I will..
    lol at Shawn's comment. My mother isn't there, though.

  45. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:33 PM  

    hey gabrielle LOL what going on with you

  46. FOL // 11/6/07 2:35 PM  

    Is it Saaphyri's latest pics?
    I've received many email on those. I'll check them now

  47. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:35 PM  

    can i call you the boss steups from now on

  48. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:35 PM  

    Hey Anon, hon, how are you doin?

    Gabby: Lol..."uh oh"..

  49. FOL // 11/6/07 2:36 PM  

    the stretch marks are definitely showing but I don't know why it bothered that guy. As you said, if you have the size, there will be tracks on that mutha

  50. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:36 PM  

    i'm good txshawty and you

  51. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:43 PM  

    Anon: A tad sleepy, but I've got 3 more hrs to go til work ends...bear with me lol

  52. FOL // 11/6/07 2:44 PM  

    do you have a vagina, anon?
    Because I am no woman's boss. They are usually mine

  53. FOL // 11/6/07 2:51 PM  

    haven't received an email from Texas in months

  54. FOL // 11/6/07 2:52 PM  

    Oh, Q-Gasm has a show today and it's at 5:30 pm

  55. Anonymous // 11/6/07 2:53 PM  

    i have a penis stups like you steups

  56. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 3:02 PM  

    in that case u have a vagina anon lol i'm playing

  57. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:03 PM  

    PENIS in the rooom!

    {running around the room in a panic}

    What do we do? What do we do? lol

    Steups: What part of tx you looking for? We got at LEAST two TX-ns up in hurr, up in hurr! Man I ain't heard that song in a minute

  58. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:05 PM  

    Gabby: wuuun! {high fives Gabby}

  59. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 3:08 PM  

    lol *high fives tx*

    He's talkin abot u shawty, we e-mail each other EVERYDAY faithfully lol

  60. Webmaster // 11/6/07 3:09 PM  

    hey everyone!!

  61. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 3:12 PM  

    hey aurelius!! I'm still going to e-mail u that show I have to find a site that lets me send large files first though

  62. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:12 PM  

    Gabby: Couldn't be...wanna know why? B/c my e-mail works TWO-ways...the surprise is I can receive e-mails too! WOW...Note my sarcasm lol

  63. Webmaster // 11/6/07 3:13 PM  

    ohh okay, thanks gabby, I was gonna ask about that lol

    I'm gonna go outside and shoot some hoops w/ my sis, PEACE

  64. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:14 PM  

    AURE! Hey man!

  65. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:14 PM  

    Got DANG! BYE Aure lol

  66. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 3:14 PM  

    lol I don't condone sarcasm unless it's coming from u or going towards steups and in this case it's a win win situations lol

    (I just wanted to say my word for the day again ;) )

  67. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 3:16 PM  

    lol y'all type too fast

  68. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:16 PM  

    Gabby: Well I CONDONE your usage of the word 'CONDONE' as the word of the day!

    P.S. I feel so honored be a stipulation in Gabby's 'Exception for Sarcasm' clause lol

  69. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:20 PM  

    lol @ 'y'all type too fast'...this is true! lol

    I typed "Hey Aure" and when i pressed 'publish', he said he had to go! lol

  70. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 3:27 PM  

    lol I type 61wpr and I couldn't keep up. It's prolly cause I actually ain't typin that fast right now and I'm at work but y'all makin a girl feel slow

  71. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:32 PM  

    No...I understand, sometimes I have to take a break to do a lil work, and I come back to 4 whole convesations that I have to read and catch up I BUST in like I was apart of

  72. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 3:36 PM  

    lol u know what i hate. When I read the whole convo and once I try to join in. A WHOLE nother convo be taken place lol

  73. FOL // 11/6/07 3:37 PM  


  74. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:39 PM  

    I can't stand that either...then you be mad cuz you had a GOOD comment for that topic, but now all the OOMPH would be taken out if you were to type it then b/c it's not the same time as the actual conversation. THen you're stuck with that GOOD thought just stuck in your head b/c what are the chances that the same conversation will come up and you'll be able to use it again?! lol

  75. FOL // 11/6/07 3:39 PM  

    don't forget QGasm has a show at 5:30

  76. FOL // 11/6/07 3:39 PM  

    heading out for a minute

  77. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:39 PM  

    Steups: What's wrong?

  78. FOL // 11/6/07 3:43 PM  

    nothing, darling.

  79. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:43 PM  

    Steups: U sure?

  80. Anonymous // 11/6/07 3:45 PM  

    Damn, I leave for like 5 minutes and there's like 50 trillion new posts LOL!

    On YBF it was something that was already plugged on here, a "Meet Saaphyri" type thing?

    Steups, it bothered Mr. Seashells because the closest thing he's had to a woman in 8 years is a glossy page of Black Tail Magazine(do they allow porn in prison anymore?), so of course they airbrush all of the "imperfections" out. I want ONE CHICK to come forward and show me a completely flawless body. So he's full of shit, basically. To each his own and everything, but most of the guys I've come across actually find some of those imperfections attractive *shrug*

  81. da brooklyn warrior // 11/6/07 4:21 PM  


  82. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 4:22 PM  

    yea I have the all flaws body!!! Too small in the wreong places, too small in the right places, too right in the small places ;) lol You got to take me Flaws and all!!!

  83. da brooklyn warrior // 11/6/07 4:23 PM  


  84. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 4:26 PM  

    who is she?

  85. da brooklyn warrior // 11/6/07 4:29 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  86. da brooklyn warrior // 11/6/07 4:31 PM  


  87. Anonymous // 11/6/07 5:22 PM  

    Um she is a slut. Smiley may strip, but she isn't on TV giving ice sculptures blow jobs and screaming things like this would be better if we were naked.

    She's jealous of Leilene and when it came down to it, Brooke was the worst that night. She needs to stop kidding herself. Her facelift will have to wait.

  88. Webmaster // 11/6/07 5:31 PM  

    Leilene is a dumb stripper, bottom line. So many girls act like that in clubs and stuff, so does that mean you're gonna call them all whoreS?

  89. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 5:34 PM  


  90. Anonymous // 11/6/07 5:35 PM  

    Q's show is on

  91. Gabrielle // 11/6/07 5:39 PM  

    dang it i hate that i'mma miss it. there is 4 hours of shows

  92. Anonymous // 11/6/07 5:43 PM  

    EMBRACE the flaws Elle, our flaws are what makes us different, right ;-)? This society has been too overly influenced by plastic surgery and the mask that is Photoshop, they've forgotten what *real* people look like!

    And are you going to take a guy that has SEASHELLS ON HIS BRAIDS seriously?! Last time I saw that, it was on a 6 year old girl at the playground!

  93. Anonymous // 11/6/07 5:53 PM  

    i go live in 7 minutes

  94. Anonymous // 11/6/07 6:28 PM  

    Brooke was looking for TV time and played herself. Period.

  95. FOL // 11/6/07 6:50 PM  

    I'm back, who's here

  96. Theodius**Misterballer** // 11/6/07 7:11 PM  

    hey everyone,back from NY. What did I miss, I heard there was some drama.

  97. FOL // 11/6/07 7:14 PM  

    None at all, but Elle has Leilene as a guest on her show starting in 45 mins

  98. Webmaster // 11/6/07 7:16 PM  

    hey guys my show is postponed till 7:30 tomorrow

  99. Anonymous // 11/6/07 7:30 PM  

    aurelius-not trying to be mean and correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't you like 16 or 17-so please tell me how you would know how girls act up in the clubs other than what you see on tv?

  100. Webmaster // 11/6/07 7:44 PM  

    ummm...I have brothers and sisters who know. Me and my sis watched the episode together and she was tellin' me.

  101. Anonymous // 11/6/07 9:00 PM  

    Um I go to clubs and I don't go around acting like a fool. Yes I would call them ALL whores. I don't need my good spots touched by everyone. Sex is great and all but it's not the only thing, not to mention, I know how to the job. It's ok to not be the center of attention all the time especialy when it's THAT kind of attention.
    Brooke maybe if you used your words instead of your..*ahem* wet socks you wouldn't be a spinster ex sub who seems like she learned to talk by watching Jerry Springer.
    She was a teacher? Who taught her that LOL was proper letter speak? Isn't she aware that for every curse you use your point is becoming less valid. Smileys fake tits being smelled kept her off the carpet from what I remember...

    She ends with you "You guys rock." Did she steal that from a cheer? What did she teach these young women? How to take it from both ends behind the stadium?
    Whatever Brooke rock on. In fact I hope you meet a man who likes the spit and who rocks your (wet) socks off.

  102. Anonymous // 12/6/07 1:59 AM  

    How in the world does this girl think she would ever be considered "charming" using that kind of language?
    I didn't see the latest show yet but with that attitude she was a LOSER of "Charm School" a Long time ago!!.

  103. Unknown // 12/6/07 1:20 PM  

    i am glad da hoe is gone her bucked tooth white a$$

  104. Electra (trinidad) // 12/6/07 2:40 PM  

    Anon 9:00pm you're the BOMB. :) I Love it!!!!

  105. Anonymous // 12/6/07 7:06 PM  

    I bet Brooke is in her 30s. Maybe even late 20s. She looks it. On Mtv's show NEXT, she said she was 25, but on the show she said she was 21. She's been on around 10 reality shows. I'm sure she gave different ages. This leads me to believe she's alot older than what she tells people.

  106. Anonymous // 20/6/07 6:40 AM  


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