We Want Episode 7

*imagining Steups, Electra, Dana, Shawn,Revenge, Ivory, TxShawty,Lareigna, Ponlork, Jane, Hutche, Sanyo, Jorundi, Bhatt, Meale, Cael, Zealous, L Style, Mai Tye, The Original Mr. New York, Sassy, Lady Ty, 3pm, Half n Half, Blacknuts and various anons sitting @ a round table that would make King Arthur proud.

"We want episode 7 ... we want episode 7 ... we want episode 7!"

The power of King Steups' Knuts of the Round Table (blog) is undeniably. The powers that be must listen to the people's voice. Enough already ...we need Episode 7 and we need it at 9pm this Monday or else. And it better be on our favorite station VH-1. ( Does anyone understand how hard it is to type in a rusty suit of armor?)

"Where is my nemesis Steups? ... Oh there you are! Come hither and oil me! SHHHHHH ...do not speak or risk losing your wicked tongue and fingers."

What is thou before my innocent eyes? Does thy sight begin to fail these withered wrinkle eyes? No, it has been sent by the VH-1 Gods ...it is a Vspot, sneak peek @ 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?'

The sneak peak begins ...12 Pack is guess what? You guessed it ...I-love-new-york-realpumping iron. Real with his beautiful cornrows is spotting him. (Real is looking very good to me.) Switch to the Manfessional and 12 Pack tells us how he wakes up this morning and there is only five men left. He seems relieved and happy to be one of the 5. Back to the garden gym, 12 Pack says his confidence grows with each passing day. Real agrees. 12 also tells his workout partner that New York told him he was the best looking person in the house. And that as long as he doesn't do anything stupid ...he should be alright.

Next there is a hooded Tango on his bed. Switch to the Manfessional and he shares that he has delivered New York a note with rose on a silver platter. ( This is a very smooth move.) He is in it to win it folks. New York retrieves her love note in a purple satin robe. After reading the note & smelling the rose, the H.B.I.C. appears to be very moved by his gesture.

Downstairs Chamo in working silver leather pants (tight of course), black tight muscle tee and a gray fedora. He tells our magic 5 that everyone needs to gather in the great room. Manfessional moment with Whiteboy who states he has no idea what's about to happen. ( Shut up Steups!) New York strolls down the staircase in a cute white shirt and jeans. New York tells the fellas that she wants to get to know them better and guests are coming. Tango and Real both state they don't know whats going on either. One feels the anxiety in the air. Chamo switches to the front doors and in comes Malay a cutie pie and Chance's ex. Chance says he needs to go to the bathroom. Real laughs. Whiteboy and 12 Pack seem very, very nervous. New York is excited to see the men squirm. Sunny an attractive chocolate sister with a big smile comes through the doors next. She is Tango's ex and he gets a big hug. To the confessional we see New York dissing Tango's ex. New York states that Sunny is a disgrace. ( And you are ...?) Whiteboy is really I-love-new-york-whiteboynervous in the great room. To his relief in walks his sister Melissa. ( Now I know why the sister question during our interview was a rough spot. LOL...I had stumbled onto something.) Real thinks Melissa is hot! New York is none too happy about the ex 'no show'. ( Maybe none of them were interested in appearing on 'I Love New York'.) In walks a model type ( beautiful young woman), her name is Sienna and Real is her ex. The gorgeous children those two would make. There seems to be some mutual attraction remaining between these two. Last Jamie comes through the doors. She is a cute blond and 12 Pack's ex. You feel darkness in the room when she stands next to her ex. New York informs them that she wants to see a hug. Jamie gives him a hug that appears to be a head lock attempt. Poor, poor 12 Pack ...it ain't looking good for him. In the Manfessional 12 Pack tells us he is expecting the worse. ( I am going to like this Jamie I think.)
I-love-new-york-12 pack
New York informs the men that the ladies are NOT there to hang out with them. Sister Patterson let's them know that she will be deciding who will be dating her baby girl. And that she shall be digging up all their dirt. (Isn't she the type of mother-in-law men dream of? LMAO) All the women and Chamo ( who waves goodbye vigorously) exit the mansion to take a ride in the Hummer limousine. Jamie announces she believes someone is gay. And we get a glimpse of a Tango/ New York tiff and he gets mooned ( think 'Flavor of Love' season 2 finale).

You have just shared a Qmoment!


  1. FOL // 5/3/07 2:18 AM  

    Are you trying to take the recaps away from me? :D

    Oh heck; I'll come here one morning and I'll be irrelevant (sigh):(

    Dana, you should be leaving home now, drop a comment for me please, or an email.
    Are we talking Potter today?
    I want all 14 days of the two weeks.

    Back to the post:
    Is it possible we may have a total shock at eliminations and Chance is sent home.

  2. FOL // 5/3/07 2:18 AM  

    Oh, first!

    ...and second.

  3. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 2:23 AM  

    Naw, Chance isn't going anywhere.
    Not yet at least.

    And Steups Darling ...the recaps shall remain yours.


  4. Nana Sadie // 5/3/07 2:33 AM  

    Yep, Steups, you will never be replaced...this is still the best ILNY Blogspot in town.

  5. half black half panamanian _ both worlds _ // 5/3/07 3:45 AM  

    hello quanda jorundi and you to steups good morning

  6. half black half panamanian _ both worlds _ // 5/3/07 3:48 AM  

    quanda put me on that round table next time

  7. Dana - W for Whatever // 5/3/07 5:22 AM  

    Yeah Quanda... How could you leave ME off the round table??? *mumbles incoherently about injustice and favouritism, unforgiveable things and only Nick loving me* :-(

    Chance isn't going anywhere. 12 Pack is going home this week. I have arrived at this conclusion most logically. All the guys who are around doing publicity and making shows of themselves and capitlizing on their 15 mins etc. are the guys who have been voted off and aren't in the final. And as Mr. Party Party is chief amongst them he just aint in the final.

    Well that's my prediction anyway. She has more of a connection with the others anyway...

  8. Webmaster // 5/3/07 7:14 AM  

    Quanda, thank you for putting me on the round table. LOL This episode is gonna be good, that's all I can say.

    And Steupz, the second person is Whiteboy. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  9. Anonymous // 5/3/07 7:21 AM  

    hey y isnt groovy here anymore?? i luved reading her blogs

  10. Nana Sadie // 5/3/07 7:49 AM  

    Groovy who?

    Thanks Quanda, for the seat at the Round Table.

    Dana has a point...I don't ever see Whiteboy, Chance, Real or Tanya, er Tango out and about for photo-ops. Hmmmmmmmm.

    Nah! As much as I hate it, I think it's Whiteboy.

    Any wagers out there?

  11. Anonymous // 5/3/07 8:12 AM  

    New York will pick Tin Man

    He is going to win.

  12. Dana - W for Whatever // 5/3/07 8:28 AM  

    Jane who is Tin Man?

    Did I miss sumn?

  13. Anonymous // 5/3/07 8:34 AM  


    you know who tin man is

    the dude that prone to injuries

  14. Dana - W for Whatever // 5/3/07 8:50 AM  

    TANGO should totally win because he is there to get to know Tiffany and not just friend-up with New York.

    (Yeah I'm still swooning over that line)

  15. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 8:51 AM  

    Morning All. I'm Back!!! :)

  16. Anonymous // 5/3/07 9:07 AM  

    morning E

  17. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 9:08 AM  

    OH Hi Jane how are u today and was your weekend?

  18. Dana - W for Whatever // 5/3/07 9:10 AM  


  19. Anonymous // 5/3/07 9:16 AM  

    I'm good E

    kinda sick though

  20. Dana - W for Whatever // 5/3/07 9:26 AM  

    Need some Vitamin S, Jane????

  21. Anonymous // 5/3/07 9:31 AM  

    Dana I don't have the energy to handle That vitamin today.

  22. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 10:01 AM  

    Hi Dana!!!! How are u girl? Missed me?

    Oh Jane I am sorry to hear that hope u feel better soon. :)

  23. Anonymous // 5/3/07 11:09 AM  

    Good Morning Everyone,

    It so cold here. How is the weather where everyone is located?

  24. FOL // 5/3/07 11:31 AM  

    (blinks)I've got an eyelash caught in my eye...(blinks)

  25. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 11:31 AM  

    Shawn I am in Trinidad what do u think?LOL

  26. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 11:32 AM  

    hey Steups whats up? (waves)

  27. FOL // 5/3/07 11:42 AM  

    (waves; looks at the new body)

    Electra, you're losing a lot of weight

  28. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 11:44 AM  


  29. Anonymous // 5/3/07 11:46 AM  

    LOL OK. I guess.

    Since I don't travel to trinidad I mostly go to Jamaica or Martinique, so I wouldn't know the weather there.

  30. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 11:47 AM  

    Same thing (more or less) Shawn.LOL

  31. FOL // 5/3/07 11:51 AM  


  32. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 11:54 AM  

    It better be nothing Steups!!!! Hmmmph

  33. Anonymous // 5/3/07 11:54 AM  

    OK cool.

    Hey Steups, Have your buddies told you yet who got the spin off show from the IloveNY besides Mr.Boston?

    Also have tiffany agree on the season yet?

  34. Electra (trinidad) // 5/3/07 11:54 AM  

    I hope u are not judging me because u have no right to do so. U have no idea what its been for me the past 10days.

  35. Anonymous // 5/3/07 12:02 PM  

    Ok did I say something wrong? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone on this one.

  36. FOL // 5/3/07 12:03 PM  

    I have no buddies with that sort of info, Shawn.
    But VH1 would be foolish to think they can just put anybody they want on television and have a hit.

    Mr Boston aint that popular.

  37. Anonymous // 5/3/07 12:03 PM  

    Wait a min the second question should be have Tiffany agree on doing the second season yet.

  38. FOL // 5/3/07 12:04 PM  

    Not you Shawn; she's speaking to me, I gather

  39. FOL // 5/3/07 12:05 PM  

    I'd guess yes...she'd be a fool not too.
    I am certain there's an option in the contract for another season

  40. Anonymous // 5/3/07 12:06 PM  

    Ok not going to ask. I hope you guys work it out.

    I need some soup. BRB.

  41. FOL // 5/3/07 12:08 PM  

    We always work it out

  42. Anonymous // 5/3/07 12:12 PM  

    let's speculate on what Tin Man did to make New york so upset on tonight's show.

  43. FOL // 5/3/07 12:20 PM  


  44. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 5/3/07 12:20 PM  

    good afternoon everyone.

    :;looks @ steups:; are we going to freak out if i say hi to dana?

  45. FOL // 5/3/07 12:37 PM  

    lmao @ Revenge :$

    Go right ahead, darling.

  46. FOL // 5/3/07 12:38 PM  

    Shit, 17 mins flew so quickly.
    I'll be 40 before I know it

  47. Anonymous // 5/3/07 12:47 PM  

    sorry for the delay

    I think she asked him (tango) questions about his ex-girl at the table and he refuses to answer and that sets her off because she thinks he's fronin because his ex-girl is there.

  48. FOL // 5/3/07 12:50 PM  

    well she brought her there, lol.
    But, it's significant that he got the "ass"

    The ass is reserved for men she loves

  49. Anonymous // 5/3/07 12:53 PM  

    Tin Man is not going anywhere tonight

    she'll give him his chain last to make him sweat but she'll keep him around.

  50. FOL // 5/3/07 12:54 PM  

    notice who you're talking about...

    Whitebread is just like his name...BORING!

  51. Anonymous // 5/3/07 12:56 PM  

    You said you were not going to insult him anymore.

  52. FOL // 5/3/07 1:00 PM  

    boring is an insult?
    So why do you think 12Pack goes?

    Besides the obvious clue that Ivory and Dr Hottie interviewed him?

  53. Anonymous // 5/3/07 1:05 PM  

    yes boring is an insult because he's not boring at all.

    I don't understand why people say he's has no personality just because he is not high strung like some other guys who shall remain nameless.

    12 pack goes because let's be honest she is feeling whiteboy, chance,real and Sir Tin more than she is feeling him.

  54. FOL // 5/3/07 1:13 PM  

    Ha...you really believe that don't you?

    What about Real; he's been perfect thus far; why can't he be the winner?

  55. Anonymous // 5/3/07 1:16 PM  

    I have nothing against real

    He could be the winner and it would be brillient because all the attention is on chance,whiteboy and tango.

    he could be the twist.

  56. FOL // 5/3/07 1:39 PM  

    Anyways...we know for damn sure it's not 12Pack.
    He is the only one of the 5 with no chance of winning

  57. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 1:59 PM  

    Dana my apologies for not mentioning you at the round table.

    It was an oversight. The oversight and others have been corrected.

  58. Anonymous // 5/3/07 2:12 PM  

    Hey all...!

    Q: thanks for puttin me at the round table...I've always wanted to be a knight....{eyes shift} I'm lying, I've never thought about that, but it sounds like it'd be cool tho lol!

  59. Anonymous // 5/3/07 2:18 PM  


  60. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 2:18 PM  

    We aren't Knights.


    We are Knuts.


  61. FOL // 5/3/07 2:22 PM  

    Haven't seen hutche in a minute.
    He and Posh got into it and (poof) he disappeared.

    She's the new Irre

  62. Anonymous // 5/3/07 2:24 PM  

    Hey Q,

    Wow Knuts, do we get T-Shirts for that. I think Steups need to send everybody T-shirts for being a KNuts.

    Go to the cafe and do it. LOL.

  63. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 2:25 PM  

    Steups don't talk about her.

  64. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 2:26 PM  

    Hello Shawn.

  65. FOL // 5/3/07 2:33 PM  

    I have enough nuts for all the women ;)

  66. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 2:36 PM  

    Imagination is a terrible thing to waste.
    And Steups never wastes his ...as we can all read.

  67. FOL // 5/3/07 2:47 PM  


    It's so much better when you can see the Smileys

  68. Anonymous // 5/3/07 2:52 PM  

    Q: Out of all the things to name us, you name us "Knuts" lol...there are sooooo many unnecessary and inappropriate associations Steups could make to that lol

  69. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 2:53 PM  

    LOL @ Steups

    I am still waiting on my response to what it is about Whiteboy that makes you dislike him so much.

  70. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 2:54 PM  

    Tx ...no worries
    E or Dana will keep him in line.
    If not, there is always Shawn.


  71. Anonymous // 5/3/07 3:00 PM  

    Very funny. No I will leave that up to E. She can deal with him. I just want to relax.

    But I would want to hear why does he have a problem with WB.

  72. Anonymous // 5/3/07 3:02 PM  

    Hey maybe he was trying to get tickets from WB to see one of the Marley brothers and got REJECTED.

  73. FOL // 5/3/07 3:17 PM  

    The Marleys he works with are the unknown Marley brothers.

    Only Damian, Ziggy and Rohan are worth knowing.
    And I told y'all why I hate him

    1) my blood doesn't take him
    2) Quanda likes him
    3) Jane likes him
    4) Jorundi likes him
    5) you like him

  74. Anonymous // 5/3/07 3:21 PM  

    steups what your background oh and 12 puck is by by tonight

  75. Anonymous // 5/3/07 3:25 PM  

    I'm hungry...I want something sweet..lol...chocolatey...yea I want chocolate...{opens trenchcoat and out of chocolate} NOOOO!!

  76. 3PM ( quanda is in love with 3PM) // 5/3/07 3:30 PM  

    anonymous steups is asian and black and quanda is my sex slaves LOL

  77. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 3:31 PM  

    You have black eyed peas and hot water cornbread in that coat? How about some chitlins?

  78. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 3:32 PM  

    OMG....3PM is here to share his fantasies.

  79. 3PM ( quanda is in love with 3PM) // 5/3/07 3:34 PM  

    oh txshawty you like chocolate i know that quanda wont my chocolatle nuts LOL

  80. 3PM ( quanda is in love with 3PM) // 5/3/07 3:39 PM  

    quanda one day you will marry me and dump your husband for me LOL

  81. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 3:40 PM  

    3pm are you Whiteboy or Djimon Honsou?

  82. 3PM ( quanda is in love with 3PM) // 5/3/07 3:52 PM  

    quanda i'm way better looking then whiteboy and that other person quanda i'm god dam sexy baby one day quanda one day we will meet one day you will fall in love with 3pm the best man for you

  83. Anonymous // 5/3/07 3:54 PM  

    Quanda: yea I got ALL of that in there, just no chocolate...

    3pm: So..I see we're really feeling Quanda, are we?

  84. Anonymous // 5/3/07 3:55 PM  

    Go Q

  85. FOL // 5/3/07 3:58 PM  

    I am 100% black...but I have a little bit of something else too.

  86. 3PM ( quanda is in love with 3PM) // 5/3/07 3:58 PM  

    quanda i will talk to you later or sleep with you see you in my sexual dreams bye for now oh whiteboy suck

  87. FOL // 5/3/07 3:59 PM  

    that sort of disputes the 100% doesn't it? :$

  88. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:00 PM  

    Steups: Yea, kind uh does, huh?

  89. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:01 PM  

    Quanda: I thought Steups was the only one with groupies around here, didn't know you had groupies too?! Your groupies are BOLD, they actually have NAMES lol

  90. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 4:03 PM  

    Shawn shut up with that go Q.

    Steups, you are 100% ....!
    LOL...100% black.

  91. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 4:07 PM  


    I love you.
    I don't have groupies.
    I have pretend groupies.

    ROFLMAO @ names

  92. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:10 PM  

    quanda your background is mix right

  93. FOL // 5/3/07 4:10 PM  

    Cherokee....I love you!

  94. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 4:13 PM  

    Anon @ 4:10

    My background is African American.
    Some of my ancestors were other ethnicities/races/etc ...all I KNOW is African American as far as my identity.

  95. FOL // 5/3/07 4:14 PM  

    I thought Steups was the only one with groupies around here

    Had...they have their own blog now :D

  96. FOL // 5/3/07 4:15 PM  

    that was wrong, wasn't it? :(

  97. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:17 PM  

    steups 12puck will be gone tonight you want to bet on it

  98. FOL // 5/3/07 4:17 PM  

    I just realized the cake you love is in direct opposition to the women you love.

    Three years ago I loved chocolate cake; now I am all over sponge cake

  99. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 4:18 PM  

    Very wrong.
    Let it go.
    You have e-mail.

  100. FOL // 5/3/07 4:18 PM  

    that was wrong, wasn't it? :(

  101. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 4:19 PM  

    Thank God for sponge cake ...we are free black women we are free.

    Yes, yes, yes!

  102. FOL // 5/3/07 4:19 PM  

    anon...I love 12 puck

  103. FOL // 5/3/07 4:21 PM  

    uhmmm, opposition...I am on black women harddddddddd, of late.


    Ugh...ahhhh; ohhhhhh; ehhh aye...repeat 10 times

  104. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:23 PM  

    oh no steups please don't tell me that your oh no steups

  105. FOL // 5/3/07 4:26 PM  

    anon...thanks for the interruption :(

    May I help you before I kill you! :D

  106. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:30 PM  

    Steups: Wow!

  107. FOL // 5/3/07 4:32 PM  


    it's your turn for a W-word.

  108. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:36 PM  


  109. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:36 PM  

    steups you and little richard have a lot in common good golly miss molly wooooo"

  110. FOL // 5/3/07 4:37 PM  

    lmao @ anon
    heh @ shawty


  111. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 4:41 PM  


  112. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:42 PM  


  113. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:42 PM  


  114. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:44 PM  

    txshawty is steups a whore

  115. FOL // 5/3/07 4:44 PM  

    FUCKFACE? :(
    Are you German?

    That's not a W

  116. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:44 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  117. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:45 PM  

    Anon: hmmm...I don't know, I was just messing with him...he DOES love the ladies tho...ahem lol

  118. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:50 PM  

    txshawty they do have male whore do steups have sexual relation with different woman or men

  119. FOL // 5/3/07 4:50 PM  

    Shawn, I'll be your groupie :D

  120. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:54 PM  

    Anon: Yea, you're right there are such things as male whores, but I don't know for SURE if steups is one...I don't know his sexual escapades, nor do I think I want to lol

  121. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:56 PM  

    steups do you sleep around town

  122. Anonymous // 5/3/07 4:58 PM  

    STEUPS check your e-mails lol

  123. FOL // 5/3/07 4:59 PM  

    I sleep around?
    Yes I do...I sleep around 1 am ;)

  124. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 4:59 PM  

    I must refuse temptation.

    I did it.

  125. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 5/3/07 5:08 PM  


  126. The Q © 2010 // 5/3/07 5:11 PM  

    Hello 'The Original Mr. New York, how are you?!

    Now that is a devoted New York fan.

    New post up!

  127. Anonymous // 5/3/07 5:17 PM  

    this friday march 9 the 10 years anniversary of the greatest rapper of all time my boy from bedford-stuyvesant brooklyn the late great christopher george latore wallace aka notorrious b.i.g. aka the black frank white and still to this day we still don't know who murder my boy and look at hip hop today it suck are you a b.i.g. fan http://www.notoriousonline.com/

  128. THE ORIGINAL MR.NEW YORK // 5/3/07 5:19 PM  


  129. ~MEALE~ // 5/3/07 5:24 PM  

    Hello everybody! Quanda I appreciate the seat at the Round Table (I feel like fam).

    Gotta make a run I'll stop through later.

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