I need a bottle of Vodka, fifty Advil and a loaded rifle after seeing these pictures.
But how sexy is Mrs. New York? If she were on my lap, New York would have a half-brother in October.

Credit: Mz BooTee
I need a bottle of Vodka, fifty Advil and a loaded rifle after seeing these pictures.
But how sexy is Mrs. New York? If she were on my lap, New York would have a half-brother in October.
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SWNMNBC must be devastated...
I want to know what she is doing in his flat.
An what does he do with those bananas?
Men don't buy bananas.
Who's the other dude? I'm with you, what the hell is she doing AT HIS PLACE???
hmmm the plot thickens
Revenge returns
(the day is improving)
Any guesses K?
Maybe it began as an intervention for Pootie, but quickly spiraled out of control once they got his stash. I can't explain it any other way.
steups lets have lunch.
This is what dude wrote
lmao @ K (I always have to stop myself from writing your entire name)
Sure Revenge. Your place?
no i was thinking of this spot on union square...the diner across the park. great fries. gorgeous waitresses. good times.
You think Sister Patton hittin' whiteboy???? She sure looks into his "swagger." Look at that last picture with her on his lap. Her hands are AWFUL close and they both have "the look" on their face. I'm searching for the empty Gatorade bottles.
You think Sister Patton hittin' whiteboy???? She sure looks into his "swagger." Look at that last picture with her on his lap. Her hands are AWFUL close and they both have "the look" on their face. I'm searching for the empty Gatorade bottles.
Let's discuss the details in private.
I think that's smarter.
You had to say that twice, uh?
sorry for the double post. Whiteboy sure has that "yeah I hit it. What?" look on his face.
there is absolutley no explanation 4 this...none...she was the 1 who proboly brought the bannanas too
lmao @ intense
lmmfao @ intense
Hey Everyone
Maybe she got a record deal to sang with Pitbull or one of the Marley brothers.
Ok going back to my corner.
...o yea....his house needs aceessories...lets through n an african statue or 2...maybe a cactus....sumtin
And kp....(Oh my God, I sound like Ron Stoppable)
you said Momma was hittin White Boy AT FIRST!
She sure would be the one doing the "hittin"
Intense, you are taking me in a different direction now, son.
Haha. I didn't even realize it, but you are soooo right Steupz.
of course she would be the 1 hittin...thus explains WHY she brought the bannanas
She looks high too! I mean, the Marley brothers record deal and all.
I think Sister P is hittin on whiteboy but we'll see there's a theory behind his posting these pics...also I want y'all to stay tune for my interview I had w/Tango exclusively for the blogspot
Maybe the bananas ARE his decor. They're fake AND fun. That's why they are so "realistic" (brown spots)
mz bootee is in the house
intense is in da house
KP is in the house
Revenge is on my mind
o...its tango...i was hopin for a CHANCE...that would be the laugh of the evening....DAMN
hahahaha; that's some big-ass bananas, lol.
By the way, am I the only person who stalls when writing the word bananas?
I did it again, lmao.
intense...just made me lose my damn mind with that comment
That lap-top looks beat-up. Or jsut covered in sticky fingerprints....
Ms. I couldn't agree with you more about the posting of the pics. They have contracts and what not and we all know they read this, so we'll see. Looking forward to your interview. Didn't she flash the "Tango sign" on Kimmel?
Imac..EEEEWWWWWWWW. Put it under a blacklight and the truth will be told.
chance, are u actually a raging homo thug?
CHANCE: why yes INTENSE, im just on my way back frm the valley now...i actually have trunk load of pornos that need 2 be broken n
Maybe this was when she was researching T-weed, minus the T.
Who the hell is SWNMNBC?
i feel like we are missing a major part of these pics...WHO N THE HELL IS THAT GUY....did NY n white boy adopt???
I need a shower because I am smelly myself (sigh)
Maybe White Boy and Tango tied
i think whiteboy's house looks nice...too much clutter drives me insaneeeeeeee. neat and clean goddamn it neat and clean, and its a lap top people perhaps it went through some rough trials and travels.
yeah i know im defending him, but i actually do like he guy. hes the only one who i can actually relate to a bit.
as for rico, well rico doesnt know i exsist.
and he likes speedos.
LMMFAO @ intense
Intense: I know what you mean. Who IS this mystery man/dealer??? He's even got that look like I can't wait to post these pics on his face.
Imac: LMFAO!!!
Intense: I know what you mean. Who IS this mystery man/dealer??? He's even got that look like I can't wait to post these pics on his face.
Imac: LMFAO!!!
she whose name must not be called?
intense check out whiteboys myspace and you'll get the info that dude is whiteboy's cousin.
lmao @ mystery-man/dealer
For what it is worth, the mystery dude has what appears to be a tattoo of the state of Florida on his right hand. Look in the second picture.
I keep getting an error and double posts. I'm gonna quit for a few.
as in the villain from harry potter 1?
i cant even believe i got that reference.
or we can also say "those that must be kept" for all my goths.
but NOW i know who that is.
Kpatter... yeah she threw the sign up.. but you know Tango didn't elaborate on that because of his contract.. he's really professional & cool as hell
thx imac...it was fun while it lasted
so um....i thought when u were a ceo of a record company/ producer...u dont live in un-acessorized flats?
ms boo-tee: that's what makes me wonder about the whiteboy pics. i thought he came off somewhat professional.
Yes Revenge...we will battle again, because one of us must die for the other to live.
White Boy is a Clever Boy...the Internet has gone crazy because of these pictures
anon u sound like steups.
looks at lmac
"You are taking it to a whole nother level with the tattoo spotting"
If this is even his home, it is some shabby digs. Paint retouches on the wall, dirty tiles and what is on the wall in the corner? An air-freshner?
anon sounds like me?
Hardly, I am not that crisp
Off to shower; lets see if he/she disappears too
Can someone please get another interview w/ White boy.. !!! & HEYYYYYYY steups
i think someone needs 2 run a credit check on whiteboy
I couldn't separate lmao and lmac. They look perfect together
Looks like he's got a pool table in the back room with a lovely floral print couch. I also see a candle or two in there, so maybe it's one room at a time. That's how it went with my first apartment.
Just planting my seeds, steups.
I actually thought it was some kind of gun, at first, then some kind of phallus, but upon closer inspection, Florida!
It makes sense, too if this dude is related to WB because isn't WB from FL?
oh boy and you all are just rolling in fucking dough. who knows where they are at
Kpatter I agree... but let's just say White boy is smart... he knows what he's doing.. I don't think he won NY's heart looks more like Sista Patterson...will Mr Pollard come out the woodworks now?
omg...i think anon is whitEboy...I WANT AN INTERVIIEW!
I already know what happens. Sister Patterson and Mr. Pollard divorces and she has a "Strange Love" type show with Whiteboy. She takes him to church and he introduces her to Pitbull and Trick Daddy.
I don't really care where they're at or what they are really doing. It's just funny and an absurd picture. Keep 'em coming!
lolz@ kpatter
could it be that Tiffany took these pictures
(runs to shower)
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH. Scandalous, steups!!!
someone was promised the exclusive on the interview
Tell me this is not SWNMNBC
Tell me no. Please.
yes it is
steups maybe flav took these pictures
Where IS everyone?
I sent you an email.
I am really really scared of you
So, I am waving the white-flag, k?
I give up, you win, I am defeated, you are victorious.
WURZ THA INTERVIEW!?...i gotta bed n sum pillows waitin 4 me...so hurry up (jk)
I think you can really see the resemblance of NY to her mother in the first picture. And Momma B's ( to quote GN) tank top isn't doing her any favors.
I'll wager that the camera was on a tripod.
wat hap 2 ms. p's husband?
so this is how u kno u have reached the near end of a blog comment section.....ppl^ start gettin emotional...im goin 2 bed...lata folks
quanda your man whiteout or whiteboy or want to be black whiteboy
quanda your man whiteout or whiteboy or want to be black whiteboy
I've lost it with you, just so you know.
there's nothing black about wearing oversized t-shirts and flashing middle-school signs
lmao, well actually there is, lol
Odd, very odd. Ms. Rothschild is kickin it w/Slingblade? WTF? What ever happened to "Daddy NY"? Se beat him up and he ran off to move with the Krazy's?
SLingblade needs a second facial expression.
We were fine?
Yeah we were; because you made a promise that made me happy. Ecstatic even.
But you broke it and now you have other people stressing me out as if I did something.
You are a carcinoma.
Bubo, that's just wrong.
The dude is a good-looking guy...he aint no slingblade, lmao
HA! moved in with the Krazy's!!!
aww..poor little Krazy. She and Pootie need after-school specials.
E answer the email, please.
I was going to comment but there's too much drama here.
I am going to watch Donnie Mc Clurkin in Concert on Acts TV get some spiritual peace in my system
Goodnight Every One
Apologise for what....I sent you a 1000 apologies for something I never did; for peace's sake.
And you are still stressing me.
i agree with quanda that whiteboy doesn't want to be black. he just wants to exploit and imitate what he thinks black culture is long enough to make money off of it. and maybe get laid in the meantime.
Pootie just needs a fix and Krazy just needs a clue.
Yeah, I know you communicate with G...
looks at no one
That's a big leap?
Is his beahviour race-based or environment influenced?
You know what Mami. I'ma leave the blog to you.
It's your court. I am going to limit my comments to none until I figure out your scheme.
steups, WB seems okay and he is being himself, not BoyBuckwild as I speculated earlier, but I call him slingblade after the ferris-wheel conversation. He was as interesting as a stone. At least An-Gay 3000/TWeed could maintain a conversation, even if it was largely Business 101 mixed with a little internet terminology. All Whiteboy could say was "eat more celery".
I told mywife that An-Gay 3000 was not saying anything, just using words that sounded fancy, but had no substance. I wish they had not had NY's chatter over it. As for her, she was too dumb to realize he was sharing his $100mil secrets with her.
Finally, who the hell keeps $100mil in their checking (ATM) account?
lmmfao @ bubo the hater
Man, I had to acknowledge that comment, lmao.
bubo: you are so right! he thumbed through "Business for Dummies" once and remembered a couple of phrases.
WB's networth was never revealed, was it? Or did I miss it somehow?
No, I noticed that too. And he actually does have some earning potential, so I wondered about that too.
Bonez' potential was also left on the cutting room floor, too.
Ok I really don't know what is going on but sorry Q never forward me a email or I forward her a email.
I don't know anything about any type of promises.
So don't look this way.
can i have new york mother myspace please
Why is WhiteBoy trying to look hard behind the lap top? Who he think he's mean muggin'?
Sweet Peter Jeter!
*covers his eyes*
I can't look @ this.
*peeps just a little*
What does this MEAN? Does he WIN? That's the only possible explanation I can dream up. B/C Sister P doesn't act like that over just ANYBODY...
Holy Hmmmmmm.....
Morning all...
That skank ho, Sister Patterson better get off my man. Bitch trying to give my man a lapdance. Uh uh ho, step off!