At present I am HTML-ing the Tango interview, so to pass time, why not enjoy a few photos of Cristal Serious Steverson (Flavor of Love Season 1)
I don't know about you lot, but I have had it up to here with man-breasts and gelatinous backsides

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second...if you use the technicality card
*literrally sweats*
I've watched Chance lick Ranch sauce off New Yorks finger seven times, and I only stopped b/c I almost reached the point of orgasm. And I'm SO wearing Pac~Sun jeans right now. (LOL) not happenin'. But DAMN that shit is sexy. How did you find that, Nick?
Hey Royal-T! That footage was on V-Spot...
lmao At Irre where ya been boo
...RaNcH...(looks in pantry and finds chance going 2 town on sum hidden valley)...arousing....
Faints @ giant twat lol
{picks NV up so I can faint}
lol GIANT TWAT lol
Ewwww. The only thing worse than a giant twat is a normal one. ANYWAYZ, NV, how are ya hun? I missed the bejeezus outta you. Outta ALL of you. My life has been so fun and interesting. I have to choose either to pursue a relationship with a homothug, a 25 year old, my best friend, a twenty SIX year old, and my first love. If that ain't fun I don't know what the hell is. But yea.... I'm SO gettin' off on Chance and that damn finger. Ooooh. But... did that seem a little gay to anyone else but me? B/c for the most part.... you won't catch a guy sucking on ANYTHING on national tv. Not a NORMAL guy, that is. Besides, he looked a little too skilled and comfy with that in his mouth.....
Anywayz, get your asses over to Princess Pollard bitches. I have breaking news.
NV why haven't you posted on CC?
of course its gay....thats why he did it....he been trying 2 communicate this 2 the NY and the rest of world since day 1.....(poor kid)
cc is waiting on tica she said she wanted to post next butthe heffa taking all day
lol@ dorfam
Not THAT baby ferret OR that car crash or that trip overseas. (LOL) DaMMIT shit fuck I cannot get over my baby daddy Chance. Perhaps the reason I've always been turned on by him is because he's gay. For the most part, almost every dude I've ever been REALLY attracted to turned out to be gay. Who else thinks Chance rides the bologna pony?
Irre i will call you tonight here is a clue * singing* I think im in love again*
So you think the 26 year old, huh? But... he's eight years older than me. When I turn 32, he'll be like, FORTY. And wheras I'll be wanting to go to the club, HE'LL be wanting to stay at home and watch 60 minutes. And once he starts developing wrinkles... it's OVER.
Chance is a lil 'iff-y' thoughts on 12-pack are starting to switch with Chance lol...He may go both ways b/c i think he's HONESTLY attracted to NY
Perhaps Chance is the type that'll just hunch ANYTHING with a slot for him to fit into. But lemme tell ya, he could totally hunch me any time, any place, any where. I wouldn't mind taking turns with New York for a moment with him. I LOVE New York, and they say "friends share everything". But man... GOTDAMN.... Chance is sexxi as hell.
serious lord have mercy now that a woman and she is poison
um yea...@royal T...i just visited that Carmels Cream tip...and damn..THAT IS MY SHIT...ive been lookn for a site like that for weeks....(adds the site to favorites immeadetly)...and i actually skipped through a bunch of it 2 get 2 tha Kamal yea agian....that website is the INTENSE shit....props
Irre let m eknow when you get here i have a message for you
Thanks Intense butyou should read it all the wathrough you will love it
I'm here. What's the message? And thank you intense baby. You and I both write it, as well as our good buddy Tish.
yea i will...eventually...bbut im havin a chance jones that needs 2 be fixed right
It's taking a while to sort the interview out so I guess, some of us will have to read it from home, or tomorrow
if you like I can publish part and just add the rest...
let me know what you think?
Nicholas, I HATE a guy who's a tease. You should never start something you don't intend to finish right then and there, sweetness.
from my myspace:
*Wys, please tell Sincere I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE his character on Caramel's Cream you guys are great but he is Phenom tell him he has real talent I hope youguys write a book I can go buy keep posting
she is a friend of mine but she loves you
*pulls out scepter YET AGAIN*
*places on NV's shoulder*
"Envy of all that is dangerous, I know dub thee... the queen of half~truths"
Stop telling lies like that. I'm no better/worse than you and Tish. We're all incredibly talented and we're on the same level as writers. I HATE when people say things like that, b/c CC is a group effort, and a team project. You can't shout out one person moreso than the others. And nothing I write would be possible without the inspiration and story lines that I get from you and Tish.
me so horny for serious me love her long time
I didnt say it she did would you like for me to tell her you dont appriciate her compliment i can if youlike
nv me love you long time
you love me long time??? yeah ok
Anon, dear, that whole statement was like... SO 80's. Saying something cliche like that is called, in pop culture, "retro". And "retro" officially went out of style in 2000. So I guess that makes you DOUBLY out of style. For goodness sake, honey... just call her sexy, okay?
This interview is good....self-serving; but good
No, it's all about love to anyone who calls themselves a fan of our work. But in general, it's never nice to say things like that. But if she's a friend of yours I'm sure she meant well.
nv that was 2 live crew back in the day me so horny
she is a cool chick been my people for over 10 years she knows my writing skills but i think her love for women helps her identify with Sincere she has said before she likes how we are not scared to write about homosexuality
Anon I know sweetie I am not that young early 20's yes but far from thatyoung were i cant remember Luke and new its just funny you said it
Hey guys... I hope you enjoy the interview I did w/ Tango...aside from your comments here please hit me up on the myspace also...
Hey guys... I hope you enjoy the interview I did w/ Tango...aside from your comments here please hit me up on the myspace also...
adding you now ms bootee
thanks NV I'm responding & Steups what did you mean by the interview is self-serving hun?
Hold up. So this interview Steups is gonna post is... someone ELSE'S work? Ms Bootee why haven't you demanded a spot on his blog staff? Girl, I think your talent is being unnappreciated it. Would you like to come over and write for me?
Yeah it's my work.... I'm taking the credit for that because it was all my work & my very 1st interview ever!!!... LOL... steups you better watch out lmao
Yes he BETTER fuckin' watch out. You really should be a Princess Pollard writer honey. I mean COME ON! It's PINK! (LOL) That offer will ALWAYS stand, honey. So don't you forget it. Lemme know if you change your mind.
Irre, don't fuck with me today!!!
Irre umm tica posted
PUH~LEEZE. Nick. You said it yourself, you'd never fuck ME so why would I fuck with YOU? I'm tryna give credit where credit is due. If you're gonna publish her work, you should at least have the decency to offer her a position as a writer.
her boobs arent that big compared to my girlfriends
wow steups
DID she, NV? Lemme go see what it's all about.
Ummmm... WELL. NV dear, that was a very illuminating post that Tica made. Now wasn't it? I gotta gather my thoughts before I post. Lemme see.....
Ms boo tee I am sure if steups is gonna post it you did great and sorry to hear about your daughter
thanks NV.. I have confidence that Steupz will give proper credit... I'm out for now to hit the showers ..awaiting the post... (runs to shower)
bye dor Irre i will post when i gethome and I iwll call youtalk to everyone later
almost finished
Just to clarify...when I said it was self-serving I meant this is coming from Tango so he would put himself in the best light possible
Too bad not one of the other men was nicknamed "Cash" and he would be buddies with Tango....there's a whole 'nother show right there!
LMAO@ Imac
Hi Quanda
Just hanging on til new interview is up....
Pt 1 1/2 of the interview is up
I think my new favorite color is green.