Early start today. So early I am still digesting my breakfast of bran flakes and a cold Dasani®. I tell you, I can't claim to know what impurities they extract from everyday water or if they add or remove anything at all, but Dasani® tastes like virgin water.
If I could afford it I'd have it pumped through my showers and lick it off my chest and nipples as it cascades downwards...
Lmao; I'm just playing with you.
Anyways, I received an email from someone who claims to have inch by inch knowledge of one of the contestants on "I Love New York". But I don't have to tell you about it when you can read it yourselves...
Hey Steupz Baby!
After watching tonights preview of "I Love New York", I have some information on one of the contestants. Randy aka "Mr. X-Rated" aka "Mr. Romance" is a legendary stripper/exotic dancer from the New Jersey/Philadelphia area. I dated him for awhile, years ago. I use to love and adore this man! He is fine! And that bitch "New York" better not mistreat my baby!!! LOL. He's a really nice, outgoing gentleman, and I think that he will make an excellent contribution to her show. He's very romantic, and just an all-around ladies man. Also, he was the winner of another reality show on the 'Oxygen network' awhile back. Here are a few pics of him. Take care Steupz.
Hmmmn. Say it with me "hmmmn".
Thank you Julissa but why call "New York" a bitch? I'll hurt a woman for that. "New York" is a diva. A bitch is nothing more than a wannabe diva, a poor-man's diva if you will.
So that's that; there are pictures but I don't know if I'd want to post them because the interest in half-naked men just isn't there among the readers.

Credit & Debit: Julissa
I first. Yippie. Now I can go to my meeting.
Oh and Steups - Post the pics of the half naked men. Us women have needs too u know (LOL).
I disagree, New York IS a bitch. And, since I'm already pissing *obviously delusional* people off, she's a bad actress, too.
Dude. Send me the pics of the half-naked men. I'll post 'em.
Men Half NAked POST THEM
Hey All and sorry New York is NOT cute and she CANT act anyone can be overly dramatic the junkie i past this morning was
C'mon steups, the females need a lil somethin somethin too...not that you're not hot enough to fulfill lol...
Personally, I was hoping for full frontal nudity, but I'll take half-naked. For now.
Yeah Groovy I was too he is a stripper so I thought we would get actions pics of him slinging... never mind lol
I was hoping for a little naked helicopter dance myself.
^^ lol @ groovy noodles! The red shorts pic..I likes! lol
good morning!!!!!
im so fuckin cranky....
i want to see pictures of deelishis form last night goddamn it.
Revenge? Cranky? Nahhhhhh.
and hes very nice but i dont liek them so big...those muscles are too bumpy...a little definition is nice but when you have that to cuddle next to...its uncomfortable...god, im such a bitch.
Hell I missed everything last night revenge I was watching football and TXSHAWTY are you new?
yep, i've been a reader but i'm just now commenting
Well let me be the first to welcome you aboard the blog!!!
Thanks....I'm very happy to be hear! You guys are hilarious...and quite intelligent I might add lol
omg...not 'hear', here...plz forgive the typo imma lil sleepy
lol well than k you and dont worry about typos I am trying to type and work you will see plenty from me
HOLY F*** ME! I just refreshed.
That guy looks a little like someone I know.
Oh yeah, I'd do him. All... night... long.
Welcome TX! Looks like you got here at a good time hon.
Thanks groovy...yea i think I did! And I'd have to agree with revenge on the definition of his body...he's big but he ain't 'cut'...still hot tho lol
Lordy, is it getting hot in here? I'm sorry, but I adore this guy. Mayyyyyybe even more than Heat.
hey groovy, where do u think u've seen him 4m?
*wondering if NY nicknamed him F*** Me Running*
TX, he isn't the guy I know, but I had to do a double-take.
oh, i wuz about to say...maybe we'll see groovy pop up on one of the episodes! lol
Tx thanks for agreeing....cuz u know i need cuddle time carajo and all that is not comfy cozy, lol.
LOL I should crash an episode and give the guys the Groovy Test and make NY pick my favorite.
No, no, wait. I should put the guys through the Groovy Test, let her pick the one that fails miserably and I'll take the winner home myself. ;)
and groovy on a side note im hapy that you and your clan are nice safe and warm...thats torm that passed by you guys has killed a few people...im very grateful that nothing bad happened to you guys...
Revenge, I love me some cuddle time, but I could seriously see me snuggling up to a bicep and a pec.
lol...yea I like muscles defined too...whats the point of them if they don't appear as muscles? Abs aren't supposed to like waves, but i digress lol
Thanks Revenge, it didn't hit too hard here. We got a ton of snow, but everyone this way was safe. School's back in, so I'm extra-happy today. My kids were getting squirrely as hell.
*groovy pops up on an episode* Me: Hey that's groovy!!!
*groovy mouths to the monitor "steups is my groupie" lol
oh god i have work to do.
OK, WHAT picture are you guys looking at where you're saying he isn't defined?? The shirtless one in the white pants (that I mentally removed)? I think that pic is just warped. Steups probably did that. On purpose.
LMAO @ TX! I suppose I'd have to give Steups some form of a shoutout if I popped up on NY's show.
lol @TX i can see that happening lol
lol sorry revenge, i wouldn't wanna keep u 4m ur work lol
they would have to keep doing takes in order for groovy to stop mouthing 'shout-outs' lol
where is that filthy skank whore "irresistable delicious" (what a fucking stupid name) or "wicked bitch of the blog spot" (more like wicked "slut") of the blog spot....with that fucking stretched out cunt she has - what a filthy tramp, whore, slut, bitch and all around PROSTITUTE!!!! THAT BITCH KNOWS WHAT SHE DID AND I HAVE SOME WORDS FOR THAT HARLET!!
TX we have crazy Anons if you have never noticed
TX LMAO!!! They'd have to keep doing re-takes because I'd be mouthing something all right. ;)
um...that never crossed my mind NV lol
Here's more information about the "I LOVE NEW YORK SHOW"
Here's more information about the "I LOVE NEW YORK SHOW"
u so crazy groovy...lol
Here's more information about the "I LOVE NEW YORK SHOW"
Yeah, but...
Didn't Tommy Lee look HOT on Big in '06? I've always loved me some Motley Crue. I named one of my dogs Motley Crue.
i wonder if these anons that attack wicked really do know "her"?
Hye hye hye I missed all the hype about the sexy Brother (damn those meetings).
He is sooooooo dammmn fine. Just my type (lick my lips, deown girls).
I wonder how tall he is or what's his shoe size? (For a moment there I imagined seeing his shoes below my bed).LOL
I just love every, single, facet of his over sexy, well defined, chiseled, scrumpcious body.
Am I lusting?... Yep I think I am. [Note to E - Repent for u have sinned]
Electra, that's what I'm talkin' about. heh
Revenge I was thinking the same thing about the Anon and Electra repent for the both of us please
Electra, u crazy girl! lol sorry groovy had to take a break and work....the nerve of them to interrupt my comments for petty work...lol
TX, they make you work on a holiday? Because today's a holiday, you know. It's the day we get to drool over Mr. I Want Your Hot Junk.
lol...yep...I don't think they know about that holiday...let me tell them
*walks into the boss*
walks out
Nah, they didn't get that memo! Jerks lol
I even told them the name of the holiday and they thought i wuz tryna sexually harrass somebody...lol
*sending out a world-wide memo*
Dear Sirs/Madames,
For those of you who haven't yet heard, December 4, 2006 is a national holiday. For every nation. If you go to The Blogspot, it should be self-explanatory. However, if you need further clarification, please feel free to contact me for information.
Please immediately release your employees from work today. With double pay.
Thank you.
Groovy Noodles
OK, y'all, print that out and put it in your bosses' inboxes at once. heh
Groovy I will try that lets see if it works
oh god...i can see the entire hospital shutting down...the nurses, doctors, staff, all the women flocking to the blogspot...massive pandemonium.
lets do it.
NV, let me know. LOL
TX, it's a world-wide holiday, so it affects you too. Tell your boss that Groovy said so.
Don't worry guys, I repented for all of us even the hating Anon.lol
Am... Groovy, I did not know u had that side in u girl!!
Hi Txshorty, how u doing?
Hey Revenge, how are u? We never really addressed each other before.
Revenge, it's OK. The patients won't mind. Hell, invite them too. ;)
Electra, you've never seen this side of me because it's been a blog about the girls on FOL. *yawn*
Get me some weinie and I turn into a wild woman.
LMAO Groovy I literally walked the letter into my boss office and gave it tohim ( cause I know he silly ) his exact words were: Wysdom ( and dont pick on my name ) you tell this Lady groovy Noodles thatyou can be off if she pays you double time! lol
NV that is a DOPE name...and yeah groovy c'mon lets go.
LOL @ groovy!
Hey Electra!
Yea I'm taking off....I'm just gonna walk out the door!
No you know what? Better yet I'm going to picket outside! One female to change the world!
Me: No Man-junk, No peace!
*being escorted away by security*
Me: Hey you're kinda hot lol
The End
hey electra...i dont believe we have but wusup? lol.
Wysdom is a beautiful name!!
But tell your boss it's a NATIONAL HOLIDAY! Bush endorsed it in an emergency meeting this morning. If he doesn't give you the day off -- with double pay -- the FBI's gonna get him.
Yeah, yeah, try that.
(I can't believe you took that piece of shit into your boss. LMAO)
Thank you Revenge, and TX you are hilarious lol
lol @ NV's boss! And i agree with revenge, your name is cute
lol Thank you Groovy and Yeah I took it in there he was dying laughin gwhen he read it I will try the second part hold on brb
Immona name my baby Wysdom in honor of NV lol....hopefully the name fits the child...hopefully
TX, watch that security guard.
*putting on my best Hoopz voice* That's MY man, bitch.
Sorry, you're not really a bitch. I just had to say that.
But really. Get your hands off my man.
(WTF am I TALKING about today???)
AWWWWW TX That is so sweet of you my friend named her baby LeiLani (hawaiian) after my middle name it means Heavenly flower
and Groovy he said he is not prostesting I can be off but you pay me lol
lol...hey his hands are on me..he is after all kicking my doody shooter as he was escorting ME out lol
(NOTE: doody shooter is my word for the a-word, i'm tryna work on cussin lol)
I show'll hope my baby is 'WYSE' why i'm over here naming it after Wysdom lol
TX are you really Preggo?
Revenge I am just cool girl.
I am still a little shell-shocked by our girl Groovy though. (shaking head and smiling).
Ammm Groovy, so.... we can expect a lot of this other side of you since I Love NY is airing in Jan?
I can't wait.
Hey NV, I always knew u were wise, Love the name. I have a thing with names and their meanings.
That's why I meticulously chose the names of my little angles.
Geez NV, I'm gonna get you fired, because I can go back and forth with your boss all day long. heh
Tell him that Bush said HE has to pay you. This is not Groovy Noodles' responsibility. And, he should look on the bright side. He gets the day off too, with double pay. International Hot Dude day does not discriminate.
TX, when is your baby due hon? I loooooove little babies.
Thank you Electra
No i'm not pregnant, i'm talking future wise lol
Electra, yeah, unfortunately, I'm like this when hot men are thrust in front of me.
Mmmmmm, thrusting in front of me.
lol @ the fact that y'all have already got me impregnated lol
lol ok just askin g
Oops. Strike that question about the due date TX. LOL It's good to plan ahead though.
And for the record... I did not get TX impregnated. I keep impregnations to myself.
damn I think this blog will get better with New Yorks show we can lust over 20 guys lol
NV, you know it. And I'm a writer on this blog. I think Steups will probably quit once I'm into this. heh
LOL @ groovy!
Groovy he is not trying to hear me I walked back in there to hand him some real work and he said she not gonna pay you huh lol I just laughed
ok ok I did it TX lol, but you threw me when you were talking about naming babies lol
Well steups should stay...he could be the official impregnator lol
yeah that is his new job matter of fact where is he?
NV: Its ok...I just wanted to let u know the extent to which I was loving your name lol
OMG I'm laughing so hard I'm wiping tears! This is, like, the BEST MORNING EVER!!
*group hug* (Someone get the hot guy in this group hug)
TX, Thank you Hon and *hugs everyone *
*snort* I just got an email from Steups. He says we're overdoing it at 82 comments, he's not even clicking in to read it. I told him that he should definitely leave this thread to me.
is he JEalous cause we are lusting another guy?
*hugs everyone...wipes off groovy's snot bubble* lol
Hey somebody get steups in here so i can meet him...lol
He doesn't even know what we're talking about. He asked, though. I think he'll probably pull my posting rights once he reads this.
UNLESS I pull his first. heh
Ewwwwwww tell me I didn't have a snot bubble! YUK!!!
Hey NV so when I Love NY airs what am I supposed to do now? I am trying to keep pure (u know what I mean?)LOL
OH and Steups baby don't sweat it, u know u are my number one, my main squeeze but variety is the spice of life.LOL
yea sorry to say it groovy...ya had one...but don't worry its on my shirt now...
*goes to the bathroom to wipe off groovy's 'emotions'* lol
Wow Electra that is a hard question um we either have to do alot of repenting or you can play devils advocate and pointout the flaws lol
Electra, I'm sorry if this is getting too personal, but why in the holy blue hell would anyone WANT to stay pure? Come over to the Dark Side, hon. We have fun here.
[Making a mental note to stop trying to corrupt E]
TX, that's just GROSS! LMAO Though I did have to wipe a snot bubble off my son this morning.
I almost didn't, though, because his new catch phrase is, "Flava Flaaaaav... doesn't exist." Silly boy.
Its alright E we'll try to stay pure together! lol...that way ull have SOME sort of support against GROOVY's DE-PURIFICATIONISTIC PROCESSES lol...i highly doubt that is even a word...HIGHLY lol
that guys got a nice body but i dont like his face
Just because you said TX its officially a word I am writing webster to tell him to add it to the dictionary lol
OK NV I'll try.LOL
Oh and Dart Groovy, I don't knw about that, its kind of nice being in the light.lol
[May the Force be with us]lol
Awwwwww man! Now I'm a bad influence. It's just like when I was in high school.
De-purificationistic?? *shrugs* Yeah, I'll call it a word. If I can proclaim international holidays, I think I can do that.
thanks NV! Ahh...the refreshing thought of my word being in the dictionary! lol Hey if Beyonce could get 'Bootylicious' up in there...so can I lol
*sigh* OK, OK, I won't try to bring y'all over. NV, it looks like it's just you and me and Revenge remaining impure.
yea groovy...u have the POWER lol...i think if u can proclaim holidays, u can call my creation a word lol
Groovy i am with you, but I think my linger over to the dark side here and there lol
*trying to remind myself that I'm a married woman*
*scrolling up to look at Hot Dude*
*forgetting that I'm a married woman*
Hey does anyone notice that in the pictures of 'Wire' on the previous entry look like a broke down Gwen Stefani at the Big In '06 Awards???? lol
How Groovy got her groove back with I LOVE NEW YORK contestant 3 lol
OK, Gwen Stefani. We also threw out Tori Spelling, Alicia Silverstone, and a blonde Shannen Doherty last night. But I'm with the broke down Gwen Stefani thought too.
I wont lie I didnt pay wire ANY attention lol
LOL TX, Groovy needs to get her groove back. Being married for almost 9 years and 3 kids later, the groove is lonnnnnng gone.
Ha ha ha. TX you are just too much.
Anon - who care about the face once the body looks so damn H.O.T. (me thinks me in lust).
lol...electra says to put a bag over his head and play 'headless horseman' lol
Groovy 9years huh? That is so damn terrific.
Plenty people don't even make it past the first yr. U go girl!!!
::ahem:: electra, being a bad girl is oh so much fun, heh.
i was a catholic school girl so i have all sorts of training...oh god im such a slut.
you guys are crazy!!!
KUDOS to groovy's marriage! Ppl have a hard time staying together for even a month now (britney's first marriage lol), let alone a whole 9 years with 3 beautiful kids, one of which believes FLAVOR FLAV DOESN"T EXIST lol
OH TX not just any bag a big ole Brown Grocery Bag.lol or better yet a sack cloth, because that's what I will be wearing when I repent. sigh
Whatever u need electra, just as long as his face isn't showing! lol better yet put a picture of steups on the front of the bag and then go at it lol
Awww thanks. :) I'll tell ya, 9 years of marriage is a lot of work. Then again, so are 3 kids.
Well keep it up...get it? keep it up? ah never mind lol de-purificationistic process has begun...must fight lol
KEEP it up? Hell, he can't even GET it up anymore. Why do you think I'm gawking over a hot young stud? heh
(Slam Mr. Noodles.)
lol @ Mr. Noodles...no 'pun' intended! lol
No but seriously, We LOVE MR. NOODLES because he had to have SOME KINDA macking ability to score with Mrs. Noodles lol And @ least 3 TIMES for each of the children lol
Oooooh this man is GORGEOUS! Absolutely stunning! Deliscious, even. But I'm HELLA pissed off that y'all ignored my startling observation from the last post. So here it is, again:
SHe was GLOWING last night,(referring to New York) but I do think the boobs were a little over-done. But you know what, I have an even more SINISTER theory as to what is going on with New York. Now, The FOL 2 reunion was filmed way back in september, and "I Love New York" was already in the process of filming... It's quite possible that New York found true love on the show, and maybe, Juuuuusssst maybe.... she's pregneant! Look at the extra pounds! And the boobs! and that Nose! Call me crazy, but y'all know I have a third eye about such things...
Now, WHO believes I could be on to something? B/C I honestly think she's "having a little stranger". And in the event she really is... REMEMBER WHO SAID THAT SHIT FIRST!!
LOL the above comments are hella funny. And TXShawty, I don't think I know you. Nice to meet you, sweety! Are you a girl?
It was a total of 4 times. One of those did not result in a baby. LOL
Noodles you are one bad-ass bitch. You're incredibly beautiful AND you rock!
(Edited, of course, by Groovy.)
Hey Irre! Nah, I don't think she's knocked up. I think she just gained some much-needed weight. And kept going.
and if/when we find out New York is having a little New York City imma say " i found out FIRST from irresistable delicious" lol...even tho the boobs are a lil too big for my taste, New York does look glowingly happy...her face is very pretty!
Yes irresistable, i am in fact a female lol...Its so nice to meet u too...i've been getting acquainted with groovy, nv, electra, and revenge! I feel comfy cozy lol
lol @ groovy's FOUR times comment...i like even numbers lol
(Again, edited by Groovy)
Hey Groovy - Mr. Noodles, it reminds me of Elmo's World, my babies love Elmo.
Hey TX, no need to put Steups pic on him cause with a bod like that u really would no have time to look at the face.
Besides, he's not bad looking at all. I don't like pretty pretty boys anywayz.
NV I went to a Catholic school too and they have the biggest Sluts there (I am not saying that u are one).
They always used to be fighting and cussing over some man or figting girls from other schools.
They could drink and party more than any one else and sneak and lie? They wrote the manual.
One of them even beat the Nun and they even beat some of the teachers. Can u imagine beating a NUN? She was the Vice Principal.
I got tired of their stank asses and transferred to a Seven Day Adventist School.
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I have to read all the post first but I wanted to say Dammmmmmmmmmmn he look like BOris from soulfood.
Electra, he hates it when I call him Mr. Noodles. ;)
I didn't go to a Catholic school, but I'm one of those good Catholic girls.
No, really. I am. I'd never beat up a nun though.
Electra that was Revenge that went to Catholic school I have a public school education lol
IRRE I missed you, and seeinghow you STILL DIDNT callme I missed you more and why did your myspace name change???
Hey Shawn
lol @ electra's catholic school homegirls....beating down a nun...they some STRAIGHT THUGS...who are going STRAIGHT TO HELL for that one lol
It totally sucks to be me, because Groovy keeps editing my comments.
anon, i will dip my hand in hot sauce and shove my fist in your ass if you dont behave. plus i love to see what acetone does to the wet flesh of the eye, fucker.
electra, i never was that bad...worse thing i did was play hooky and smoke cigarettes with my skirt really short. (aside from romancing various boys from the all the boys school downtown) so sheesh, im not that big of a slut.
lol revenge i could picture u behind the building...lol
*puff puff give*
Nun coming...
Revenge: put it out, put it out...
*Nowhere to hide the cigarette so revenge holds it in her mouth*
Nun: Hello Revenge (lol @ lack of real name) We are behaving aren't we? lol
Revenge: Mmhmm
The END lol
All rights reserved by txshawty...just in case someone tries to jack my masterpiece lol
That ia it its official TX I am going to get you to write me a comedy series lol
Good Afternoon Ladies,
Hello NV,
I hope today is a good day for everyone on the blog today. So did anyone get a email saying if the preview of that show is on youtube yet.
Dude look yummy but there was 2 dude that I was like damn they are fine.
Also came across this video today
It's a video asking flav is he a sell out.
I know,right? Thats some talent I got there, huh? lol
lol...once my best friend got pulled to the dean's office by her ear for getting caught smoking...we were hysterically laughing.
My mom almost got kicked out of Catholic school because she was caught at an Elvis concert. But they couldn't kick her out, because she was caught by a nun that shouldn't have been there either. True story.
the dean: You should not be smoking...do you hear me?
revenge's friend: What's that ya say? Cant quite hear ya, as someone was practically ripping my ear off to get me here! No names...DEAN! lol
All rights still reserved by txshawty...no jacking plz! lol
LOL TX, where have you been and why haven't you been commenting in this blog all along??
Groovy's mama and the nun sitting by each other awkwardly....
Nun: U did NOT see me here...
Mama Groovy: How could I not see u...ur dressed in a NUN'S OUTFIT?! lol
U may steal this one lol
there is a time and place for everything my groovy! And my time is now!!! My place is here...on the Flavor of Love Blogspot lol
LMAO!! I'll have to ask Mom if that's how it went down. ;)
Well, then, I'm glad for the here and now TX.
ask her...i GUARANTEE this is how it went down! lol
as am i groovy...as...am...i!
*dialing the phone*
Hi Mom? Yeah, remember that story you told me before about how you almost got kicked out of Catholic school because you got caught at an Elvis concert? How exactly did that go down?
Groovy, Mom. It's Groovy.
You know, your daughter?
Oh for God's sake, how the hell many Groovys do you KNOW, Mom?
GROOVY! Number 4 out of your 6 kids! G-R-O-O-V... Oh forget it. Never mind.
TX, I guess I'll have to go with your story.
HAHA! lol...sooo...we'll take that as she agrees with me..lol I'm so insightful...lol
MY BAD NV and Revenge.
LMAO @ Groovy's mom and the Nun. I like that Nun. I wonder if her name is Whoopie?hmmmm.
The worst thing I did at that Convent (that's what they call all girl Catholic schools in T & T) is always skipping school to go to some sporting event or to hang out and I never reached to school before 10:00am.
I really hated that place!!!
I came from a co-ed school to be stuck in a cramped place with a set of undercover, high-class whores, it was the WORST.
I almost got into 3 fights there
in the short 8mths I spent there.
I remember one girl, Kathrene. She took a ruler and used it as a dildo on herself right in the back of the class.
Ohh and the same Nun who got the beat down, she came one day in our class and starting throwing Holy Water on us especially me and my friends.LOL
That place was just tooo dammn crazy for me.
YOUCH!! A ruler? I'm thinkin' splinters. Dammmmmmmmn.
hmph that stuff never happened at my school. shit is crazy.
amazing...simply amazing! A dildo? Wouldn't she like scrape here insides to DEATH? thats just stank...what wuz she tryna do? Measure her stank-ability? Another webster-bound word of mine lol
wait...scratch that...STANK-OSITY is better...lol
I thought Dee looked great last night. However, I am so sorry Steups, New York just looked not so hot. I got over the extra shiny weave/wig. I think I was okay with the animal print dress. Those ridiculous false eyelashes that weighed down her lids, creating the I can't open my eyes looked, I can bypass. The red lipstick was just hideous on her. Was that Russian Red by MAC?
I don't care for New York's persona. However, I was even disappointed at the way she looked. I knew it was bad when I thought, "Thank God, I am straight."
Why are my kids banging their plates for more bacon and grits?
Anyway my question is, "Is the guy in the pictures above a mute?"
That's the information I need right now.
Girls I dont knw how that girl got that ruler in there all I know is she did. I can't remember if it was made out of wood, metal or plastic. I think it was those slim one though. YUCK
Before I scrolled up, I saw:
Anyway my question is, "Is the guy in the pictures above a mute?"
And I immediately went, "Quanda!!!" How are ya girl?
Ewwwww Electra, you're giving me the heebie jeebies. LOL
QUANDA: Would u plz give those babies some more bacon and grits...and tell the little one to pass me some too...cuz I'm hungry and I looovee grits...with sugar of course lol
OK I'll stop now about the ruler thing.
Anywayz, I just showed my Secretary our Hottie and her tongue almost dropped out of her mouth.LMAO.
I went to school with one of her sons so u know she aint no spring chicken.lol
The Dude is fine man, real fine.mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm
I really have to stop drooling over this man u guys. HELP ME!!! Please, somebody, anybody!!!!
back now had to do some work lol
YAY!!!! NV...lol
Groovy, I am still sick. I am hanging in though.
Tx,they got there refill of grits and bacon. The only time I eats grits with sugar is when I am out of oatmeal...LOL.
And to get my kids to give you a piece of bacon is equal to trying to food from a pit bull who hasn't ate in a week.
My 2 yr old ate 5 slices and the 3 yr old ate 4 with two helpings of grits.
omg...hungry lil sweeties, eh? lol...
Lmao....breakfast is their main meal. Lunch they will eat soup or sandwich and some fruit, not very much. And you have to fuss to get them to eat dinner.
Lawwwd I dont feel like working where did everyone go
NV besides that meeting this morning, I have not done any work either. I am so bad.
Well electra I have checked company and printed 1 email for reveiw lol thats it
terrible, just terrible! lol
lol wait wait TX how much work have you done ???
heh, I'm actually working while I'm chatting. Had to leave for a minute, though. I had a phone call and I can't multi-task for shit.
Approximately....0.445123 pieces of work to my knowledge. But u could practically round that up to ONE so i've done a HECK OF A LOT lol
Groovy gets a Multi tasking kit for Christmas
Truth be told, I have never had so much fun on this Blog before.
I have to Second Electra today has been the best day on the blog *please dont let me speak to soon *
I think it was because of ME????!!!!lol not...it was the guy at the top lol
No Tx you have been a great fun today and you may take credit for alot of my laughs today
ok now i've done approximately 1.4532 g of work....now we can round it up to TWO WHOLE pieces of work lol ....whatever that is
For real guys. Yeh and TX it was because of u(lol). That guy is so damn HOT.LOL
I think I am going to quit while I am ahead.
Talk to u guys tomorrow please God.
Bye Electra....
Bye Electra See you later