My last question must have stirred something in her because the next message I received from Somethin said "call me now!"
Seconds later I was calling, only to be repeatedly frustrated by her paging system. So it was back to MySpace and old fashioned messaging but her reply was "try again". Oooh, there is something about a dominant woman. As New York would say, 'she was my Master.'
So I dialed again, and this time I heard her voice
Somethin: "Hello?"
Me: "Hi."
Somethin: "Who is this?"
Me: "Nicholas" (who the fuck you expect it to be)
Somethin: "Hi. From the blog right?"
Me: "Yeah. Good evening"
Somethin: "Hi. How are you?"
Me: "I'm ok. You?"
Somethin: "I'm good. So what's this thing about adult videos you were telling me?"
So I told her about my source and the information I received that Buckeey and her would not be offered contracts for the "Charm School" show with Monique that supposedly features girls from Flavor of Love 1 and 2. And she says...
Somethin: "I've not heard about that."
Me: "What? The Show?"
Somethin: "Yeah."
Me: "Okay. It was just a source it may or may not be true."
Somethin: "So it's because I appeard in an adult movie?"
Me: "Well I don't know, but that's what I've heard."
Somethin: "Uh-huh"
Me: (thinking what is she uh-huhing me about)
Somethin: "And Buckeey too?"
Me: "Well that's what I heard that they saw some tape, allegedly, and you and her will not be considered for the show."
Somethin: "Oh, but you have nude pictures of me on your site!" (in an accusing tone)
Me: "No we don't."
Somethin: "Yes you do. You have a link..."
Me: (interrupting her) "Yes we have a link but we don't do nude pictures on the blog."
Somethin: "Why?"
Me: "Why?" (what does she mean by why)
Somethin: "Yes why, you need more pictures of me." (laughs)
Me: (laughing) "We have lots of pictures of you."
Somethin: "You need more!"
Me: (Oooooh her voice is sexy) "We had some when you did that show, Criminal Minds."
Somethin: "I saw those, but you need more."
Me: "Well get new photos then, we've pretty much used all you have."
Somethin: "I'll do that!"
Me: "So will you do the show if asked?"
Somethin: "Yeah, if it fits my schedule."
Me: (yeah right) "Okay."
Not much happens thereafter, just the normal chit-chat I wouldn't want to share with you; and then we are disconnected. As you can tell it wasn't much, but she was incredibly pleasant and charming.
I'll be back with the stuff she said about Bootz because you are probably fatigued.
Catch you in a bit.

No hating on that little bit of fat tissue near Somethin's underarm.
As you can appreciate she has lost some weight and that's the result.
Dude. You're the one that's fatigued. I want the poop! (Ooooooh, unintentional pun.)
What I really want to know is what she said about Bootz, now that's interesting not her pictures.
hey, i was just wondering your opinion on this. I was surfing around xanga and found this blog that features this white dude whose costume for halloween is a black rapper (i mean with paint and all that junk). I mean don't you think that's a little racist? Well judge for yourself, here's the site: look at the october 31st entry
hey steups! i can't wait to read what she said about Bootz!
hey steups! i can't wait to read what she said about Bootz!
steups, you are a brillant commentator and your opinion is like scripture but when it comes to somethin' i swear the last thing i think of is sexy...ugh.
im not a "hater" i guess i just don't see anything attractive about the woman...
::shrugs:: but i do love me some bootz!
Anon at 12:10pm
Doesn't seem racist to me. I mean, what's the difference between dressing up as a rapper or dressing up as a mexican with big hat and serape? Or as a japanese geisha? Or a belly dancer? Or a latin dancer (with the fruit-topped hat)? They're all costumes that depict different races/cultures.
Ewwww. This ginormous she-beast gets to have a phone convo with Steups, and I don't? Someone DEFINITELY needs to readjust his priorities. AND his glasses.
*faints* only Irre Hey darling * waving*
Steups I would not associated Somthin and sexy Either but then again i have never heard her on the phone so I will take your word for it but what did she say about Boots?
NO! NV are you serious! Gerald Levert is dead? Chubby Gerald Levert? Wow that's awful. So what you been up to today, NV? Have you read my last "caramels cream" post?
Poor Gerald Levert a truly talented man! Rest In Piece wow! This is so sad! :[
Poor Gerald Levert a truly talented man! Rest In Piece wow! This is so sad! :[
Hey Irre * hugs* sadly enough I am serious he passed away some time between last night and this morning due to heart attack,
@ the blog yes I have read it it is going so great and I emailed you back too
Yes, Gerald Levert was a taltned man. REST IN PEACE!!
Okay, REALLY think Somethin' is sexy? Uhhh.....Now!!
She's such a gotdamn freak....its ridiculous.
....A lil' hypocrisy there, but I ain't sittin there like "Why don't you have NUDE PICS OF MEEEE!!!Yeeeeah, you need more pictures of MEEE!!"
Shuddufuckup, ho. Geez, I don't like her. lol
Well you can change that Jemi, lol.
And yes, i think Somethin is sexy. In fact, I know she is; and she's pretty too
ok let me clear something up the first site i read said heart attack as cause of death for Gerald Levert but that has not been confirmed as the cause the only thing confirmed is his passing so I wanted to correct that
I am a huge fan of this blog. LOVE IT love it love it.
But I gotta say, it's sort of abnoxious when you mix in "Razr ring tones" or "Nokia Camera" in the titles to get more hits.
C'mon, the website should reflect the class of the Flav and the FOL ladies. ;)
Thanks again for the great site
NV they're saying heart attack on CNN here's a link;
very perceptive Diana, but it wasn't about hits, sort of.
It was about giving the Googlebot another option to change the Jesus stuff it was displaying on the site.
I read your comment on my Widescreen Gateway Laptop, and I understand.
It is as clear to me now as a Sony HDTV plasma screen.
I have misunderstood things before. Once, I was listening to my XM radio, and I thought they said designer handbags were at But I called my friend on my Sprint PCS phone, she said I should go to Ebay, because I would save enough money that I could afford to buy vitamins and weight lifting supplements.
;) ;) ;)
Lmao @ Diana.
Send me an email sometime
Taking the word "worship" off your header may help with the Googlebot...
Thanks dickhole
That was meant as friendly advice, not sarcasm. Lighten the fuck up.