Angel happened to pass by Celebrity Smack and saw Paris Hilton hanging out with Flavor Flav. Notice that they are color co-ordinated which suggests it wasn't a chance meeting.

(corny joke)
Do you think he wore French cuffs because he was meeting Paris?
(/corny joke)

flavor-flav-paris-hilton-01-jpeg flavor-flav-paris-hilton-03-jpeg


  1. hutche // 25/11/06 6:56 PM  

    How could you be mad at Flav look at him. Partying it up with the a listers (why shes considered a list iis beyond me.) Paris is an oppertunist she'll chill with any body that will get her face in a magazine.

    I aint mad at neither one of them.

  2. Anonymous // 25/11/06 7:00 PM  

    It looks like in the second pic they were about to kiss lol.

  3. FOL // 25/11/06 7:14 PM  

    I aint mad, I think Hilton is sexy.
    but dude needs to dress-down a bit.

  4. Anonymous // 25/11/06 7:23 PM  

    flav is too dam old for all this bullshiting

  5. Anonymous // 25/11/06 7:24 PM  

    god dam flav

  6. Anonymous // 25/11/06 7:31 PM  

    guess who coming to dinner and no not sidney poitier

  7. Groovy Noodles // 25/11/06 8:14 PM  

    I'm all right with this. I heard not long ago that Paris Hilton was dating Criss Angel (the hottest man on the planet) so I'm fine seeing her with Flav.

    That means Criss Angel is waiting for me after all.


  8. Anonymous // 25/11/06 8:34 PM  

    paris hilton dam i love white caucasian females and i am a black man i dont like black females

  9. Anonymous // 25/11/06 8:55 PM  

    well im just gonna ignore this last comment...sighs , coughs lets jus say someones career has been boostedsince flavor of love. but more power to him. ps i was in the store today and saw a pocketbook from paris hiltons line.....yuck pink and hairy dont mix!!

  10. Anonymous // 25/11/06 8:57 PM  

    Well it looked to me like they were about to kiss too ... Most people dont let someone get that close to their space unless they are "comfortable" with them.. LOL .. Wouldn't that be something, 2 un-successful Flavor Of Loves and Flav winds up with Paris Hilton.

    Still wondering if those rumors I heard were true ... that Flav is going to show up on NY'S show and be put in the running with the rest of the guys... That would make good TV!

  11. Anonymous // 25/11/06 9:20 PM  

    flava flav new reality tv show call pimps R us on BET or mtv

  12. lareigna // 25/11/06 9:34 PM  

    It's all about publicity, ladies and gentlemen. Any press is good press. Now that FOL is over, Flav os going to be scrambling for any press he can get.

    Paris needs to keep her hands off of Criss Angel. He may be old for me, but I think he's hot as hell.

    How are Paris and Flav color coordinated? I don't see it.

  13. Groovy Noodles // 25/11/06 9:40 PM  

    Hey hey hey Lareigna. Criss Angel is younger than me. I always have liked 'em young though.

    How are you tonight?

  14. lareigna // 25/11/06 9:43 PM  

    I am fab, thank you, how about yourself?

    Didn't mean to insult you there, I just think he's hot, even though he is not my usual type.

  15. lareigna // 25/11/06 9:44 PM  

    Ok I c that they both have gray satin shirts. I take back what I said before.

    I was blinded by the mish mash of patterns and colors on Flav's jacket.

  16. Groovy Noodles // 25/11/06 9:46 PM  

    My daughter and I drool over the TV every Wednesday night watching Criss Angel. All we can say (over and over and over) is... "He's hot." "He's really hot."

    Flav's jacket was way the hell out there, wasn't it?

  17. lareigna // 25/11/06 9:50 PM  

    It looks like a quilt, doesn't it?

  18. hutche // 25/11/06 9:56 PM  

    His jacket is actually pretty tight, I mena I wouldnt wear it becuase its not my style but the patterns on a deck of cards are a nice motif.

    If you think thats crazy you obviously arent up on the latest ghetto fashions cause thats tame.

  19. lareigna // 25/11/06 10:02 PM  

    To each their own, I guess.

    But you are right Hutche, I have seen crazier get ups down here in the South, with the cars to match the outfits.

    I once a guy with a green and yellow John Deere jacket with the matching polo, yellow baggy shorts, and the matching green and yellow Air Force 1's with the fitted to match. He went to get into his car which was not only an old 1980's caprice classic sitting on large yellow rims, but his car was painted the same green and yellow John Deere motif, with the big deer on the hood and on the doors. It was so pimp.

  20. Mz.D // 25/11/06 10:11 PM  

    hello people..
    I know this is off topic..

    but my friend admitted to me today that she is one of the anonymous posters that come up here...

    I didnt even know she knew about the page..Ive mentioned it to her...but not in much detail...

    She did state that shes not the ones that get all wild...

  21. FOL // 25/11/06 10:16 PM  


    I have another from my inbox coming up.
    But this one is so wild that I need more facts.

  22. FOL // 25/11/06 10:16 PM  

    Fancy that mz d

  23. Mz.D // 25/11/06 10:23 PM  

    she came over today..and I saw her checkin out the page..I was like..."I see youve found the spot"...

    I just wanna know why she didnt tell me...I know she knew that I was Mz. D...maybe she never bothered to see...but anywho...that was weird and funny.

  24. Anonymous // 25/11/06 10:33 PM

  25. FOL // 25/11/06 10:35 PM  

    lol @ the picture
    She is the Diva

  26. Mz.D // 25/11/06 10:44 PM  

    back on topic..

    I wonder what was going on in Paris' head the whole time Flav was in her face...

    you know how Paris is...she probably was staring at his teeth the whole time

  27. lareigna // 25/11/06 10:50 PM  

    She was probably like, "That's hot"

  28. Mz.D // 25/11/06 11:01 PM  


  29. FOL // 25/11/06 11:04 PM  

    lmao... I think she's damn sexy

  30. lareigna // 25/11/06 11:10 PM  

    She is... to a degree. I think she looks skanky as hell sometimes, though. Not to mention she acts like she's mentally challenged.

  31. Groovy Noodles // 25/11/06 11:17 PM  

    Her dress looks like it's made out of duct tape. Which is kinda cool, actually.

  32. lareigna // 25/11/06 11:20 PM  

    It sure does look like it. Probably duct tape made by some high end couture house of style.

    I defintley like Nicole Ritchie better, now that's she's gained some weight and fired her old stylist.

  33. Groovy Noodles // 25/11/06 11:23 PM  

    I haven't seen Nicole Ritchie since she gained weight. I'll have to Google her. I bet she looks a hell of a lot better. Good for her. :)

  34. Anonymous // 26/11/06 12:13 AM  

    I've seen the pictures of Nicole (who I keep up with b/c I'm a Nicole too ;) )
    She actually looks better, so good for her!

  35. Ivory // 26/11/06 12:25 AM  

    Hey Everyone!
    I guess I'm the only person here who thinks Paris is not sexy. She's flashy - I think a lot of people are sorta tricked into thinking someone is hot because of all the make-up, clothing, jewelry, fake-tan, ect. If you look at her without all that glitz and without pounds of makeup you realize she's pretty bland. And she has no butt. It's just not there, anywhere. Where is her butt?! I don't know, I don't wanna bash her, but I think her string bean bod isn't so "hot."

  36. Groovy Noodles // 26/11/06 12:37 AM  

    If I could look past the ho-factor, Paris isn't horrible. I wish I looked half as good as her. But, I can't get past the fact that she's a trashy ho.

  37. Ivory // 26/11/06 12:40 AM  

    Groovy, you seriously look better than Paris, TRUST ME!!

  38. Groovy Noodles // 26/11/06 12:42 AM  

    Ivory my love, I seriously do not see that. But I'm glad you do. ;)

    Though I will say that if I had Paris' money, I'd probably look about 5000% better than I do now. And hopefully better than her.

  39. lareigna // 26/11/06 12:45 AM  

    Ivory, my husbamd tinks she is the ugliest bitch to ever walk the face of this planet. She disgusts him, and he says th same thing: she has no ass and fucked up feet.

    I agree that she is mostly flash, which is why I said she is good looking to a degree. Without all those stylists, weaves, wigs, her father's money and pounds of makeup, she just be some run of the mill prostitute.

  40. Ivory // 26/11/06 12:46 AM  

    Any girl with peroxide, a tan and money for plastic surgery can look hot - ANYONE. And with a trainer, a hair stylist, a personal cook, a make-up artist, etc, etc, she BETTER look good.

  41. Ivory // 26/11/06 12:49 AM  

    Sorry guys, my computer is being crazy. Didn't mean to keep pressing "enter"!

  42. Ivory // 26/11/06 12:49 AM  

    Lareigna, that is exactly what my guy friends say too!

  43. Groovy Noodles // 26/11/06 12:52 AM  

    Yep, I think money can buy a lot of pretty people. And with all the plastic surgeries available these days, you don't even have to start off pretty.

  44. Anonymous // 26/11/06 12:54 AM  

    steups you did not answer my question

  45. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:00 AM  

    ivory are you hot

  46. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:02 AM  

    groovy noodles are you hot

  47. Ivory // 26/11/06 1:04 AM  

    Hi anon, um, that is a hard question to answer, I'll either sound really vain or totally downplay myself. As for Groovy, I can tell you she is hot.

  48. lareigna // 26/11/06 1:05 AM  

    But even with the plastic surgieries, have you ever seen these people up close? Adobe Photoshop can work wonders.

  49. Ivory // 26/11/06 1:05 AM  

    it's hard to give an accurate opinion of yourself, I guess you should maybe ask other people what they think, if you are that interested

  50. Ivory // 26/11/06 1:06 AM  

    Lareigna, that is an excellent point. Also, air-brushing makes everything look perfect.

  51. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:08 AM  

    ivory what do you look like

  52. Ivory // 26/11/06 1:10 AM  

    Ok, I should log off and go to bed, I'm getting really tired. I hope you all have really good nights! Goodnight Groovy and Lareigna! (and you too anon, I don't want to leave anyone out...)
    Talk to you guys tomorrow!

  53. Ivory // 26/11/06 1:11 AM  

    Anon, ask Steups or Groovy if you wanna know - they can give you an honest answer. Goodnight again everyone!

  54. lareigna // 26/11/06 1:12 AM  

    i need to go to bed too, but......... I can't tear myself away from AIM

  55. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:13 AM  

    no answer ivory to my question

  56. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:18 AM  

    ok ivory i will do that

  57. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:21 AM  

    answer my question steups

  58. Groovy Noodles // 26/11/06 1:21 AM  

    ACK! I missed Ivory saying goodnight. Lareigna, you still with me?

  59. lareigna // 26/11/06 1:33 AM  

    I'm gone girl. My butt is killung me sitting on this hard ass chair.

    Talk to you guys tomorrow.

  60. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:35 AM  


  61. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:36 AM  

    new york new myspace it is real

  62. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:33 AM  

    help me please oh god

  63. Anonymous // 26/11/06 3:15 AM  

    wear are you steups

  64. Anonymous // 26/11/06 10:40 AM  

    That's Hot!! Yeh right!!!!!

  65. Anonymous // 26/11/06 10:50 AM  

    Paris that whore! Any body sould get her I see why Flav talking to her

  66. Anonymous // 26/11/06 11:43 AM  

    Flav knows Paris sucks dick. He's not gonna pass up a chance to get some head from Paris. I bet she blew him. Can you hear them? Flav: "Wowwwwwwwwwwww", Paris: "That's hot."

  67. Anonymous // 26/11/06 12:28 PM  

    Why couldn't flav be with both Paris and Nicole Richie, That would have been so hott.

  68. FOL // 26/11/06 12:30 PM  

    I am hear Anonymous, lol.

    Do you need me for something?

  69. Anonymous // 26/11/06 12:46 PM  

    Steups, I need u. That's real damn HOT!!!

  70. FOL // 26/11/06 12:50 PM  

    It would be HOT!!!
    If someone actually said it

  71. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:00 PM  

    Whatever Steups. U know

  72. FOL // 26/11/06 1:23 PM  

    you want to go somewhere later?

  73. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:02 PM  

    Wherever you go, I'll follow.(sends kisses)

    Once its not to hell, u are making that trip on your own baby.(smile)

  74. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:20 PM  

    yo steups answer my dam question

  75. FOL // 26/11/06 2:32 PM  


  76. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:44 PM  

    do you think the producer cris abrego and mark cronin will give flava flav a season 3 or a new reality what do you think

  77. FOL // 26/11/06 5:08 PM  

    Oh, I answered that for you in another thread.
    I think they don't really want to do a Season 3 because of overkill but the ratings are so huge that they almost have to...just to see if it fails or not.

    They are probably watching the numbers for New York's show to determine how far they can drag this out. I predict New York's show is a monster hit because she pulls in more female viewers.

    And after that they go for a FOL3 with a slight tweak.

  78. Anonymous // 26/11/06 5:22 PM  

    I like d skinny white chick with the blond here. She's hot.

    I am d Dragon and I like anything that produces heat.

    Does anyone else here produce some heat? Maybe we can heat up this here joint.


    Exit the Dragon

  79. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:43 PM  

    ok steups what about flavor of love 3 without new york in the picture good move or bad move what do you think good or bad

  80. FOL // 26/11/06 11:35 PM  

    Good move if she makes one or two guest appearances. But this time she has the power of elimination

  81. Anonymous // 27/11/06 1:32 PM  

    Paris is such a whore

  82. Anonymous // 27/11/06 10:19 PM  


  83. Cie Cheesemeister // 4/12/06 6:52 AM  

    It could lead to the next Strange Love. The only thing that could make me watch anything involving Paris Hilton is the possibility of another Flavor Flav train wreck.

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