New York Party

This isn't the New York Times but we do have ethics around here. You can't just email me something you've heard and demand that I put it up; it doesn't work like that.
For example, I got this email yesterday about a party at 'the Bed'. Apparently; well more than apparently...actually, it's a Club in Manhattan.

Now that I know it's a Manhattan Club (thanks to Bucky and Anonymous) it sounds less than an untruthful.
Anyways, back to the email. Here's what it alleged...
I was watching Flavor Flav doing Hoopz at this party in the bed. First they were partying and then kissing. I hope they don't get back together. This happened in New York. POST THIS UP IMMEDIATELY. P.S.- Buckeey,Bootz, and
Deelishis were bout to fight Hoopz at the party

Sounds incredible to me, but it's up here on the blog so I hope that satisfies you.

New York News

New York's official My Space (she has many doesn't she?) says her show (I love New York) premieres on January 10th and not January 16th.
She has a new alias now, Catty Bit. Sounds a bit like an X-Men mutant or maybe it's her name on 'I love New York.'
Read the comments for an update by Bucky (New York's manager)

New York Pictures

Soon after Flavor of Love Season 1 ended, no other reader was more obsessed with 'New York' than Sanyo. My friend (I think I can call him that) would email me at least three times a week asking for news of 'New York.' Now that she is all over the place he is in reality heaven.
This morning he dropped out of the sky to remind me there are new pictures about...
New-York-candids-01-jpeg New-York-candids-02-jpeg

There are also old pictures about...
hip-hop-trash-new-york-1-jpeg back-burner-bitch-new-york-jpeg

Credit & debit: Sanyo


  1. FOL // 26/11/06 1:39 PM  

    To whomever posted the link to the final two pictures...I'd be quite happy to credit you if you identify yourself/selves

  2. Anonymous // 26/11/06 1:40 PM  

    Flavor of Love 1 Marathon on VH1 right now, just thought I would let you guys know.

  3. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:06 PM  

    NY looks just fab in that pic with d latino guy (I think he's latino).

    Anywayz less is more. She has on less makeup and she looks GREAT.

  4. FOL // 26/11/06 2:22 PM  

    Did I read FOL1 marathon?
    (puff of smoke)

  5. FOL // 26/11/06 2:30 PM  

    New York: You've got a lot of big-meat waiting for me.


  6. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:33 PM  

    what do you know about bedford stuyvesant brooklyn what do you know about BK steups

  7. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:36 PM  

    steups i got a question for you

  8. FOL // 26/11/06 2:38 PM  

    Ask the question, son.
    Or maybe that was the question all along and I only just caught on.

  9. FOL // 26/11/06 2:38 PM  

    I know BK very very well. Are you from Bed-Stuy, son?

  10. Sanyo // 26/11/06 2:45 PM  

    what r u talking about steups??? You are not just a friend of mine, you are my BOYfriend. lol i thought i made that obvious. and yeah, thank you for dealing with my inquiries about Ms. New York over the summer. Btw, I am STILL in reality heaven, I get so euphoric everytime I see new NY pic. hahahhaha. I am happy to FINALLY see my name on the credits! LOL

  11. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:49 PM  

    I don't believe that picture of New York with the Latino guy is her. It looks like an impersonator to me.

  12. FOL // 26/11/06 2:51 PM  

    I do have a vacancy for a boyfriend, you know. You'll have to be interviewed first, of course.

    Anon..Sanyo said the same when he sent them to me. I am not too sure myself.

  13. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:51 PM  

    you dam right steups BK for life

  14. Anonymous // 26/11/06 2:59 PM  

    you are right anonymous that dont look like new york with that latino man

  15. Anonymous // 26/11/06 3:06 PM  

    steups crooklyn baby boy

  16. FOL // 26/11/06 3:09 PM  

    Nobody says Crooklyn anymore

  17. Anonymous // 26/11/06 3:20 PM  

    i do im old school and proud of it steups im in my late 20s

  18. Anonymous // 26/11/06 3:31 PM  

    I totally agree with 2:49 Anon about the picture with the guy in not the real New York.

    When I first saw the picture, I thought it wasn't her. Not to take anything from New York (as if I could take anything from her), I thought the lady (in pic) was more attractive than the New York I am accustomed to seeing.

    If you notice face structure, nostrals and lips are different. She is definately a good look alike. Or there is plastic surgery for foreheads that I am aware of.

  19. Anonymous // 26/11/06 3:40 PM  

    that chick in that photos look way better then new york

  20. Anonymous // 26/11/06 3:41 PM  

    ewwww! they showed a fast forward of flav and new york making out on flavor of love 1. thats nasty, sorry i didn't watch it the first time round.

  21. Anonymous // 26/11/06 3:48 PM  



  22. FOL // 26/11/06 3:55 PM  

    Lmao @ plastic surgery for foreheads

  23. FOL // 26/11/06 3:56 PM  

    I thought I was the top and you were the bottom?

  24. Anonymous // 26/11/06 4:35 PM  

    seteups djbuckyblends is 53year old virgin you know the movies the 40 year old virgin that buckyblends

  25. Anonymous // 26/11/06 4:46 PM  

    poor poor pififul dj buckyblends a virgin at 53

  26. FOL // 26/11/06 5:05 PM  

    Bucky is ballin' from what I hear. So don't hate, imitate.

  27. Anonymous // 26/11/06 5:20 PM  

    MMMM me love Virgins and Ballers me just want to eat everything up. Yummie

  28. Anonymous // 26/11/06 5:24 PM  

    steups he is to old to be ballin a 53year old man ballin steups are you for real he is still living with his mom now that is ballin

  29. Anonymous // 26/11/06 5:24 PM  

    not BED STUY, n00b
    Club in NY

  30. Anonymous // 26/11/06 5:37 PM  

    i know dj buckyblends

  31. FOL // 26/11/06 5:50 PM  

    Okay, I had to edit that link.
    So it's the Club people. Sorry about that...

  32. Anonymous // 26/11/06 5:53 PM  

    new york new music video look at this

  33. FOL // 26/11/06 6:06 PM  

    You Tube says it's unavailable

  34. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:12 PM  

    steups you dont know how much i hate dj buckyblends you dont know him like i do i know him for ten years he is real fake and a liar dont believes he is a real agents and manger because he is not he is a fake ass sopranos

  35. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:17 PM  

    try again steups or go youtube under flavor of love new york

  36. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:25 PM  

    steups why did you edit my comment about dj buckyblends i tell the truth about buckyblends

  37. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:31 PM  

    Just because the BED club in NYC has beds instead of tables, doesn't mean that people just lay up in the middle of the place and have sex ... in front of everyone... STEUPZ who is DEMANDING THINGS OF YOU!? Let me at em! LOL

    P.S. If you have material that STEUPZ might be interested in, then you just e-mail it. It is HIS BLOG and HE decides what and when he posts what receives .. How can anyone tell him what to do in his own blog?

  38. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:35 PM  

    I agree with Angel Soul... If you have evidence (which for knowing him 10 years I'd think you would) send it to steups and let him do his thing.

  39. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:41 PM  

    and where the heck is Irre Del? I miss the input...

  40. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:53 PM  

    Ha, all these sexy posts and all these hating posts. I'm no hater so it just makes me want to post something sexy lol....

    Hi Steups...

  41. Anonymous // 26/11/06 6:56 PM  

    And y'all are right, in the first pic it DOESN'T look like New York. Kind of makes me think of Red Oyster in blackface....

  42. FOL // 26/11/06 7:01 PM  

    Hi Nic...(giggles)

    It's not really my blog...I work for an unknown agency, lmao.

  43. Anonymous // 26/11/06 7:11 PM  

    steups are you a pimp in real life

  44. Anonymous // 26/11/06 7:16 PM  

    pimp's up ho's down

  45. FOL // 26/11/06 7:34 PM  

    Yep, I am.

  46. Anonymous // 26/11/06 7:35 PM  



  47. FOL // 26/11/06 7:52 PM  

    Groovy is not too old for me she's too married for me

  48. Anonymous // 26/11/06 8:06 PM  

    Setupz those pics were made by a guy named BangBang!!

  49. Anonymous // 26/11/06 11:04 PM  

    MMM me love headache, can me have one tooo?

  50. Anonymous // 26/11/06 11:41 PM  


  51. Ivory // 26/11/06 11:42 PM  

    Hey everyone! Hey Steups, Groovy, are you guys here tonight?
    I don't really have much of a comment about the whole Bed-Stuy incident, but I have noticed that a ton of people (mostly anons) keep spelling Steups name Setups. It's Steups, people. The t is before the e.
    Ugh, I'm so bored I'm bitching about spelling now. Anyway, I guess I'll check my Myspace and come back here and see if anyone's on tonight.
    Back in a few...

  52. Anonymous // 26/11/06 11:52 PM  

    *is horribly late to post a comment* Uhhh....whoops.

    Anyways, why does Miss New York look naked on the 2nd picture....OOOH, is she doing something naughty?! Tsk, tsk.

    Anyways! Good evening, Master Steups, Madame Groovy, amd Madame Ivory. ^_^ I know I'm late, but Jemi HAS arrived.....too late, though. *sighs*

  53. Anonymous // 26/11/06 11:58 PM  


  54. Groovy Noodles // 27/11/06 12:50 AM  

    So I take a day to drive from Denver back home and this is what I come home to?

    Candyass, or whatever your name is. Dude, have you been talking to my mom? (Mom? Is that you??) She's been calling me anorexic for 4 days. And WTF do you think I have going on with Steups? We run a blog together. Well, he runs it, I sit on my ass and post on it. I'm old enough to be his mother, so don't worry about me jumpin' on your man. Plus, I've had children numerous times, so I guess that blows your tranny theory out.

    Speaking of motherhood... MOM??? That does kinda sound like you. LOL

  55. Ivory // 27/11/06 12:56 AM  

    Damn, I missed your post Jemi! I wish I had been here, I woulda loved to chat with you! I love the late night chats with you guys. Anyway, maybe tomorrow night.
    To Bucky - don't worry about the negative anons, they talk shit about everyone and try to cause problems. We all just ignore them. I mean seriously, they are the same people (or person, nobody knows if it's just one bored person or a bunch of them) who say things like, "Mmm me want headache yummy." Yeah, that's a standard anon post. I should make it clear that not everyone who uses anonymous is an idiot - there are some very intelligent posts made by other people who chose to be anonymous. The vast majority of bloggers are big NY fans.
    Anyway, hope you all have a good night!

  56. Ivory // 27/11/06 12:57 AM  

    Groovy!!!!! You ARE here! I just sent you an email saying hey because I thought no one was on tonight, how are you hon?

  57. Anonymous // 27/11/06 12:58 AM  

    Steups are you pimpin me too? lol

    Anyway, y'all (Mississippi girl lol) leave Groovy alone! Just botherin folks to be botherin folks!

  58. Ivory // 27/11/06 1:00 AM  

    Hey Ice Diamond! Candy ass or whatever his name is is a dumbass, you are right when you say he's just trying to start shit for the sake of starting shit. No one cares what he has to say anyway.

  59. Groovy Noodles // 27/11/06 1:00 AM  

    Ivory!! I'm good hon, just got home from a looooooong-ass drive with 3 kids whining in the back. How are you?

    Ice Diamond, thanks for the back-up girl. :) This Candy Dude is cracking my shit up!

  60. Groovy Noodles // 27/11/06 1:04 AM  

    Ivory, I just read your mail. I'm answering it between comments here. I'm soooooo addicted to online. LOL

  61. Ivory // 27/11/06 1:05 AM  

    I'm ok, remember how I've had this bad cold forever? I'm better except for this bad, lingering cough. I think the cold went into my chest and I have an infection, so I better call my doctor tomorrow.
    Candyass is ridiculous! He called you a tranny too? I missed that part I guess. Obviously he feels you are a threat to him - you're blocking him from his man, lmao!

  62. Anonymous // 27/11/06 1:09 AM  

    lol @ Ivory

    That MUST be the case

  63. Groovy Noodles // 27/11/06 1:10 AM  

    Girl, call the doctor and get some penicillin or something. I'm gonna ask you tomorrow if you called, so make sure you do. heh

    Yeah, I'm a tranny with kids. Now I've been called everything. But what's funny is that he asked a few days ago how many kids I have, because I look like I've had 12. Since when can trannies have children??

  64. Ivory // 27/11/06 1:11 AM  

    Hey Groovy, I am exhausted so I'm going to head for bed. We gotta make sure tomorrow that me, you, Jemi, Lareigna, and all the others go online at the same time so we can have our great chats!
    I hope you have an amazing night, I know you must need some relaxation after driving all day!
    Have a good night and I will talk to you later hon!

  65. Groovy Noodles // 27/11/06 1:14 AM  

    If y'all want to set a time, I'll make sure I'm here tomorrow night. I promised the kids I'd take them to see this gorgeous drive-through Christmas light display at the lake, but I'll be home probably by 8, so anytime after, I'm good.

    Sleep well Ivory. Get over that cold shit. :)

  66. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:26 AM  

    *trying not to gag at certain comments made above*

    HEY Y'all! It's the one and only. It's a long story, but I ended up here totally on accident, so I figured "what the hell?", why not leave a comment, drop by, and say HELLO! Okay first of all, I went back a few articles and read "New Yorks show is turning up the heat"..
    Wow I need a moment. Let me just say that "heat" doesn't quite some up that man. More like, INCINERATING! Or smouldering. He is SO friggin' sexxi, bitches. I'm serious. Oh, and I happened to watch the FOL1 marathon too. I swear I will NEVER get tired of seeing New York diss Hottie and call her Luther Vandross. ( WHERE is my muthafuckin' jacket?? Lmao) But I'm sure that whole marathon was just a set-up for New York's show, right? I bet it will be out very soon. Oh, and that picture with the Latino guy is real.He happens to be her (gay) best friend. Other than me, that is! Love Y'all!

  67. Anonymous // 27/11/06 10:03 AM  

    Ya'll are so sweet. I wish you people would notice me and talk to me

  68. Anonymous // 27/11/06 10:04 AM  

    New York New York is my favorite song

  69. Anonymous // 27/11/06 10:44 AM  

    Safe sex is always recommended

  70. Anonymous // 27/11/06 11:10 AM  

    Please use a condom at all times

  71. Anonymous // 27/11/06 11:19 AM  

    Good Morning Ladies and Gents,

    Irres, It's nice to see you again. Well off for some coffee and a smoke.

  72. Anonymous // 27/11/06 12:19 PM  

    hey Shawn! I don't believe we've met. How are You?

  73. FOL // 27/11/06 12:22 PM  

    One hour later?
    Shawn is gawn

  74. Anonymous // 27/11/06 12:26 PM  

    LOL hi Steups! I kinda missed you Papo. I missed ALL of you! And now I have no reason to hate Electra b/c she e-mailed me telling me something I've been longing t here.

  75. Anonymous // 27/11/06 12:31 PM  

    Actually no we have not met Irres. I love to read your blog during lunch. It's so good.

    Ok I am one of those people that always get steups name wrong. I am here trying to stay alive.

    I really like coming to this board to read beside Tmz site I am hook.

    Steups you be good today and Groovey you are beautiful.

  76. Anonymous // 27/11/06 12:52 PM  

    Hey all *yawn* Hope all is well

  77. Anonymous // 27/11/06 1:10 PM  

    NV HEY sugarplum! And Shawn that was very sweet what you said about reading my blog. But I haven't posted in Soooo long, and to be honest I vowed to never post again. I truly do hate wasting my fabulosity, and even though I must say my blog was TOTALLY Hawt, it was severly unexposed, and I'm SO not bout to post for like, three people to read it. So no more BLOG DELISCIOUS. Anywayz, what's been going on in here? I'm too lazy to go through and read all the comments.

  78. FOL // 27/11/06 1:18 PM  

    That's being indolent Irre...push the blog and people will come.

  79. Anonymous // 27/11/06 1:20 PM  

    Hey Irre Babe, I can tell you what happened with me first one of these asholes anons was posting as me but they were stupid and posting as "nv" instead of NV yeah those two little letters are capital lol, and i have received about 30 emails ( no lie) about caramels cream and how we did not post over the holidays i replied to eachone by saying "excuse the hell outof us for taking time to spend with our families during the holidays, i understand for many of you this may be your fix but we will get right back to it thanks for the love and support ~smooches~"

    lol they may not have been to nice but helli was pissed at the moment i wrote it at least we know we have fans lol

  80. Anonymous // 27/11/06 1:42 PM  

    Hey Irress,

    I know it's been a long time since you posted but it's very good. Do you have a stats meter on your blog to let you know how many people are coming to your blog.
    and this a must do

    you also have rss feeds and xml atoms get those in the search engines. They will come.

  81. Anonymous // 27/11/06 1:57 PM  

    Welcome back Irree!!! The blog WAS NOT THE SAME without you.When you post it feels like we are talking face to face. You have great writing skills that deserve attention. Think about writing a book or something.

  82. FOL // 27/11/06 1:59 PM  

    Shawn is too sweet.
    NV is too hot
    Electra is too absent

  83. Anonymous // 27/11/06 3:14 PM  

    Irre's back! Yay! I'm happy now!

  84. FOL // 27/11/06 3:43 PM  

    Nic...thanks for that.
    I'll email you later

  85. FOL // 27/11/06 3:44 PM  

    There must be something to write about...let me look

  86. Anonymous // 27/11/06 3:52 PM  

    Poonani don't play that bullshit.

  87. Anonymous // 27/11/06 3:57 PM  

    Steups, wha's up with the crazy posts? lol

  88. FOL // 27/11/06 4:21 PM  

    I blame it on the jails being too small.
    Too mnay lunatics are receiving probation, lol.

  89. Anonymous // 27/11/06 4:24 PM  

    There's no such thing as "too absent". Steups, guess what?!?!?! I have a boyfriend. ( I know that sounds like Deja Vu to y'all) But seriously, instead of juggling four, I chose the one I wanted. A picture of him is in my Myspace picture. Go check my baby out!!!

  90. Anonymous // 27/11/06 4:25 PM  

    Oops. You MIGHT need a link to do that....

  91. Anonymous // 27/11/06 4:49 PM  

    Oh, and NV.... is smoke EVER gonna post?

    And WHERE is New York Moment?

    And WHEN will Steups realize he is madly and insanely in love with me?

    *excuse my burning questions*

  92. Anonymous // 27/11/06 4:50 PM  

    hi everyone im new to this blogger irresisistable deliscious do you even like woman have you ever gone out with a woman i have nothing against gay guys but im a man and i love beautuful hot ass women

  93. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 27/11/06 4:52 PM  

    welcome back irre,

    you def. add some adobo to the mix in here.

    :;sigh:; we need some news now dont we?

    im off to go cook dinner.

  94. Anonymous // 27/11/06 4:55 PM  

    Irre i saw the cutie on your myspace Congrats was he one of the 4 you mentioned before and I spoke with smoke today he is alittle shy about posting scared of the reception he may get I told him if his ass dont post I am gonna shoot him lol

    and Anon 4:50 I htink Irre likes the skin he is in, how would you feel if he asked you if you have ever tried a guy? that is not a fair question and sinc eyou are new around here, yes I am jumping to his defense Irre is family of mine and I just personally think the question was by far unfair

  95. Anonymous // 27/11/06 4:55 PM  

    Steupz I missed your comment about me being Hot damn sorry thanks lol

  96. Anonymous // 27/11/06 4:58 PM  

    Oh yea. There's nothing hotter than a beautiful woman. Or drinking beer with my jeans unbuttoned while wearing a trucker hat and sporting a 5:00 shadow. Oh and I totally dig picking boogies and scratching my ass and burping REAL loud. Oh, and Flannel is great. Gotta love that. And HOW ABOUT THEM COWBOYS? (lmao anon are you SERIOUS) Real men are neandrethals! I'm glad to be gay, and I couldn't see me any other way. Could you? Some are under the impression that if I SLEEP with a girl then I'll magically become str8.

    *flips through encyclopedia*

    Sorry sweetie but there's no cure for "gay". Looks like I'm stuck this way, but on the bright side, I hear it's not fatal.

    *rolls eyes at anon*

  97. FOL // 27/11/06 4:59 PM  

    I saw it, he's alright, lol

  98. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:00 PM  

    Dammit, drama just follows me. Perhaps it likes my cologne. ( I wear Jean-Paul Gautierre, for anyone who's wondering. Christmas is coming up.)

  99. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:00 PM  

    nv i have nothing against gays ok

  100. FOL // 27/11/06 5:00 PM  

    who's that woman in the pic with you and your bro?
    I don't want to think the obvious

  101. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:01 PM  

    Steups you big silly! He's BETTER than alright. He's great. I mean, have YOU ever put someone in spread eagle position without breaking a sweat? Methinks not.

    *has a flashback........* Ooh, it's hot in here.....

  102. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:03 PM  

    Irre, you're crazy lol. Jean-Paul Gautierre smells great though...

  103. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:03 PM  


    Iress you are a darling. Nice page.

  104. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:03 PM  

    Which pic? There's one pic of me on the shore with a woman in pink. That's my sister GEE~GEE! My very best friend and mac make-up wearing, line-stepping, Alpha Kappa Alpha diva deluxe! And in the other pic, the woman in the black one-piece with the GINOURMOUS boobs and saltwater-frizzed hair is my mommy. WHy do you ask?

  105. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:04 PM  

    Anon I never said you had anything against gays i said the question was unfair to ask and you didnt answer my question so i will ask again


  106. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:05 PM  

    Ummmmmm Shawn are you REALLY a guy? (gawd, that sounded rude.) But, if you are in fact male... that makes you the second known gay guy of the blogspot. As long as you never overstep your boundaries and acknowledge that I'M the blogspot mascot, we can be friends. BEST friends! Hey sweetie!

  107. FOL // 27/11/06 5:07 PM  

    It's your mommy then...she's pretty.
    I didn't notice the breasts

  108. FOL // 27/11/06 5:08 PM  

    LMAO @ Dr. Phil saying "that's one skanky looking coke whore"

  109. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:09 PM  

    Thanks for lying, Steups! I've NEVER thought she was pretty. Well, while I was alive, that is. I've seen pictures of her pre-Irresistable Deliscious, and she was smoking hawt. OOoooh my mama used to have a body from hell. But that all went downhill after she had me. Damn, I mean it practically DRAINED her to create this work of art you all know as ~*~IRRESISTABLE DELISCIOUS~*~
    Oh, and in case you didn't know....


  110. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:10 PM  

    steups i got this corny ass joke for you

  111. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:12 PM  

    in other news:

    LOS ANGELES - Bebe Moore Campbell, whose many best sellers such as "Brothers and Sisters" touched on America's ethnic and social divides, died Monday. She was 56.

    Campbell died at home in Los Angeles from complications due to brain cancer, said publicist Linda Wharton Boyd. She was diagnosed with the disease in February.

    "My wife was a phenomenal woman who did it her way," husband Ellis Gordon Jr. said in a statement. "She loved her family and her career as a writer.

    Her books, largely fiction and based on real-life stories, included the perspective of many ethnic groups.

    One of her first novels, "Your Blues Ain't Like Mine," was published in 1992 and spanned a 40-year period. It dealt with prejudice in the United States. The book earned her an NAACP Image Award for literature. She followed the book with "Brothers and Sisters," which focused on race relations in the corporate world after the 1992 Los Angeles riot.

    Among her other novels were "Singing in the Comeback Choir," "What You Owe Me" and "72 Hour Hold," the latter dealing with a mother coping with her daughter's bipolar disorder. Her 2003 play, "Even With the Madness," also focused on mental illness.

    She also wrote children's books, including "Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry" in 2003, which won the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Outstanding Literature Award. Another children's book, "I'm So Hungry," will be released next year.

    As a journalist, her articles appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Essence and Ebony.

    Campbell, whose full name was Elizabeth Bebe Moore Campbell Gordon, was born in February 1950 in Philadelphia. She earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1971.

    Campbell is survived by her husband; a son, Ellis Gordon III; a daughter, Maia Campbell; her mother, Doris Moore; and two grandchildren.

    Funeral arrangements were pending.

  112. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:14 PM  

    She DIED? Now why would she go and do a thing like that?

  113. FOL // 27/11/06 5:19 PM  

    Off to the shower

  114. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:20 PM  

    Irre I spit coke all over my keyboard you are crazy I can hear rickey smiley now

  115. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:21 PM  

    steups flava flav and biz markie are what

  116. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:25 PM  

    Actually no I am a female. And yes you can have the Mascot position.

    Is that fair? Cool well nice to meet Irress and the rest of the blog family and hope we can all get along.

  117. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:26 PM  

    She's dead? Oh Lord no!

  118. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:40 PM  

    Queen is that you gur?

  119. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:40 PM  

    Hold up now, don't nobody step to Steups like that. That presents a problem

  120. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:42 PM  

    you dum ass people on this blogger need to get a life i love new york will suck

  121. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:44 PM  

    Well sweetie you already KNOW Irresistable Deliscious will never back down from a challenge. I don't know you hoe, but I don't appreciate you talking about Steups like that. Take your flea-market, swap-meet, government cheese eatin', still-wearing-a-windsuit-and-a-turtleneck-even-though-it's-2006 ass somewhere else with all that shit you're talking. If you want somebody to step up to you, you got the right one now, psychotic ass bitch.

  122. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:46 PM  

    Ummmmm anon @ 5:04 pm, I don't know who you are but I like you! You've been reading my work, because I see that you said "gur" instead of girl, which is something I thought only I do. But for the record, it's "gurr" with two "R"'s, not just one. Love ya hun!

  123. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:46 PM  

    K, I'm gonna handle this like a lady.
    #1 I don't see the need to argue with anyone over the internet b/c that's just stupid
    #2 My mouth is closed, I'm typing, dumbass
    #3 Writing on a blog Anon is a bitch move, so step ya game up

  124. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:47 PM  

    Hmmmmm... anon @ 5:54..... do you really HAVE one of those?

    *leans waaaaaaaay forward in computer chair.....*

  125. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:50 PM  

    anonymous, lick my pussy and savor that shit, bitch.

  126. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:50 PM  

    Hun I NEVER said anything about shutting up. I bet God himself would have a difficult time b/c we can all see that you're all mouth. (Or should I say fingers?) I know that you talk big in your chair, but if I ever saw you, you'd look like a CSI victim,slut. And for ya info, BITCH is one of the many titles I wear with pride. Yea. And I'm not just any old bitch, I'm THE bitch. I'm a total ICE bitch. Just to let ya know I have no nappy hair, my pops was indian. So it's genetic, sweetie. You mos def need to get over...... YOU. Hooker PLEASE.

  127. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:51 PM  

    Oh I'm not a punk-ass nothin, I'm a Southern girl with a real bad attitude, so keep it comin cuz ya finna get me bad

  128. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:51 PM  

    Irre, I love that you're an Ice bitch :D

  129. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:52 PM  

    I am still a skeptic, I mean why would new york have a myspace music page. She doesn't sing or make music!!!!!!

  130. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:53 PM  

    What trips me out about people like this RuPaul looking bitch is that they have no PURPOUSE. I mean they come on here and without an ounce of provocation, they go all skizo. WHY? How sad is that? Were you beaten as a child? No friends? Awww.... do you want a sticker, hun? Oh, and by the way... I might be a man, but I bet I'm STILL prettier than you. Ask about me.

  131. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:53 PM  

    Anon, in the words of New York, I am FABULOUS, yes the hell I am, so you need to quit lookin in that mirror tryin to wish you were me honey!

  132. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:55 PM  

    *grabs a snapple and cracks his fingers*

    I have a feeling it's bout to go down like Paris Hilton in this bitch.

  133. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:55 PM  

    And Irre, I know you got it all by yourself bebe, but I got your back!

  134. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:55 PM  

    LOL Ice you betta SAY that sweetie!

    "I'm irresistable. I AM Deliscious. I'm here, I'm queer...... LIVE with it."

  135. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:56 PM  

    LOL @ Irre

  136. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:58 PM  

    Once again, you REALLY need to stop checkin that reflection sweetheart, hatin doesn't make you any prettier

  137. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:59 PM  

    uh, Tristeza, um, with your name lookin like some kinda nasty disease, um, have I even addressed you? If I haven't done it up until nothing doesn't that kind of prove that you or your words mean nothing to me? Please, dismiss yourself

  138. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:59 PM  

    If you saw me on the corner it was because I was giving your daddy his money. Tell him I said thanks. Maybe if he keeps up the good work, he'll save up enough money to finish paying for your sex change. Good luck, I know you're just a few snips away from happiness! As for what happened LAST week, bitch just know that I'm like a phoenix. I might get burned, but I come back stronger than ever to wipe out cyber scum like your ass. The sad thing is that you've been following my every word for some time now. You MUST be, in order to know what went down an entire week ago. Lonely WHORE. Join the Iree fan club, it'd be SO much easier for both of us.

  139. Anonymous // 27/11/06 5:59 PM  

    And this lovely lady right here ain't nothin but serious. Fuck wit it

  140. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:00 PM  

    See, with ya dumb ass, havin somebody back who fuckin wit u! Lord bless it

  141. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:01 PM  

    See, with ya dumb ass, havin somebody back who fuckin wit u! Lord bless it

  142. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:01 PM  

    I've never spoken your name. I'm actually unsure how to pronounce that nasty sounding shit. Sounds like something uncurable. And anon, thanks for calling me ugly. It's idiots like you that give me fuel to be fabulous. You will NEVER catch up to my beauty.

  143. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:02 PM  

    Tell em Irre!

  144. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:02 PM  

    Did you all enjoy the FOL marthon on Saturday?? Everytime I watch those shows I swear I see something different each time. Dam I reeeaalllly just wanted to stay in bed all day long.

    Hey Irree!!!! : ):::big ass grin:::
    Nice to see you in here still handling yo business FAM and lookin great as usual. Your new dime piece is hella cute, he's a keep'er.

    WFT?? (Shaking Head @ all the scrubs in here off they meds)

  145. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:03 PM  

    Oh dammit I'm late for my manni and peddi. SO not the drama, don't have time for it. Bye y'all! But this AIN'T over.

  146. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:04 PM  

    Ok, well let me give it to you proper then:

    Um, Tristeza, Trich, whatever? Um, I'm not completely sure how to tell you this, but um, your name sounds like an uncurable disease, like Irre said, and I would suggest that you move along, k dear?

    How ya love that?

  147. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:05 PM  

    Hey New York Moment. I'm just in here helpin Irre take on some bored people...

  148. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:07 PM  

    Yeah....moving on....

  149. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:08 PM  

    Apparently you need some training in the English language. Oh, did I forget to mention that you didn't capitalize that? Hmm...

  150. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:08 PM  

    Da hell going on in here I turn away 30 damn mins and all hell breaks loose HELLO everyon in their right fucking mind

  151. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:08 PM  

    Hey NV

  152. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:09 PM  

    Hey ice boo whats good with you

  153. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:09 PM  

    Glad SOMEBODY in their right mind is on now

  154. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:10 PM  

    I am really tired of these retards that are off med sand shit

  155. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:11 PM  

    I mean, I JUST started posting in this blog again and retards come on and attack....

  156. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:12 PM  

    that is because while you were gon they were still here lol I added you as a friend on myspace by the way

  157. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:13 PM  

    Hey Ice I'm with you on dat one. I would really let that trick bitch HAVE IT! but it's just gonna get erased anyway so lets all just laugh and throw rocks at her dumb azz.

  158. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:13 PM  

    dum people on this blogger get a life

  159. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:15 PM  

    LOL @ NYM and ok NV I'm about to check it

  160. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:15 PM  

    Ice I will add youlater i am off work and myspace is acting up i will be on later

  161. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:17 PM  

    steups you are not right pimp

  162. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:19 PM  

    oh ok

  163. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:25 PM  

    I need to be going as well Ice. The owner of the company will be bringing her lazy ass into the office any minute now. (sighs)

  164. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:26 PM  

    Yeah, I'm about to be out. Be back y'all!

  165. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:26 PM  

    ice are you white or black baby girl

  166. FOL // 27/11/06 6:35 PM  

    She's sexy-black

  167. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 27/11/06 6:46 PM  

    and im bored.

  168. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:46 PM  

    Thanks baby! (Baby as in Steups)

  169. FOL // 27/11/06 6:47 PM  

    well let's talk revenge

  170. FOL // 27/11/06 6:47 PM  

    You are welcome Ice, just speaking the truth

  171. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 27/11/06 6:52 PM  

    and what praytell shall we speak about?

  172. FOL // 27/11/06 6:57 PM  

    I don't know.

  173. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:58 PM  

    hehehe, praytell

  174. Anonymous // 27/11/06 6:58 PM  

    Ice does cream....oh...sorry

  175. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:01 PM  

    ice are you single

  176. FOL // 27/11/06 7:04 PM  

    Anonymous...she isn't!

  177. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:04 PM  

    ice im puerto rican

  178. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 27/11/06 7:04 PM  

    lol..oh god thats it, im done.

  179. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 27/11/06 7:05 PM  

    yeah i think praytell is a hilarious word too.

  180. FOL // 27/11/06 7:05 PM  

    I've always wondered why vanilla is the most popular flavor.
    Vanilla is boring.

    (thinks back)
    "did you just say Ice does cream?"

  181. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:05 PM  

    is she dating you steups

  182. FOL // 27/11/06 7:06 PM  

    I need another shower. I feel sticky

  183. FOL // 27/11/06 7:06 PM  

    Yes Anonymous..we are a couple

  184. FOL // 27/11/06 7:07 PM  

    we broke up, but we are trying to do the husband and wife thing again

  185. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:08 PM  

    Yes, I am with Steups

  186. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:09 PM  

    oh hell to the no im a real man steups

  187. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:12 PM  

    And yes, I did say Ice does cream lol

  188. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:13 PM  


  189. FOL // 27/11/06 7:14 PM  

    so what do you like about Ice, anon?
    Because you haven't really talked to her.

  190. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:15 PM  

    Yeah, I kind of want to know that. Anon could like the way I look, anyone can click on my name and see my Myspace

  191. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:17 PM  

    ice you need a pimp in your life steups is not a real pimp

  192. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:18 PM  

    I don't wanna be pimped! lol

  193. FOL // 27/11/06 7:19 PM  

    I don't know if I like someone just chatting you up right in front of me.

    Where is revenge?

  194. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:21 PM  

    then you should talk to me instead of feeding me to the sharks darling

  195. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 27/11/06 7:22 PM  

    playin the cut and watching the dudes that michael richards screamed those horrible things to GET PAID.

  196. FOL // 27/11/06 7:23 PM  

    How? Are they on Current Affair or something?

    I didn't know he was a shark, lol.

  197. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 27/11/06 7:23 PM  

    and im going to play call of duty 3 on xbox live cuz im a gamer-loser.

  198. revenge aka O-ren Ishii // 27/11/06 7:24 PM

    check it out.

  199. Anonymous // 27/11/06 7:27 PM  

    *sigh* I'm gone now

  200. FOL // 27/11/06 7:28 PM  

    You're a gamer too?
    Then again you are a girl, y'all always love to play games.

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