I just burnt my lip with a sip of steaming hot coffee. I hate that!
Anyways, Flavor Flav and Deelishis made a splashy entrance at the BET Hip-Hop awards in a crayola sort of way and we have two pilfered pictures to share with you and links from where they came (we aren't the cleverest of theives).
So, without further ado here are two pictures of the hottest celebrity couple in the world (apologies to Tom and Katie).

Thanksgiving turkeys: Tangy and AngelSoulnme for the links
Cranberry Sauces: D-Listed and Concrete Loop
Are u sure that's delicious? She looks so "refined" and beautiful.
Has she lost some weight?
I'll send you an email in a minute E.
Just replying to those that came before yours.
OK, no scene.
Town Flood out. City Gate flood.
Dont know how I am getting home later.
Idea: call u know who to come get me or mop a drop.
at least she's not wearing that baby blue dress again
I will comment on that dress later after lunch.
But here is a pic of bootz which is very nice.
It seems that she likes the colour blue.
She looks like a man in these pictures, not cute at all. flav is so ugly.
I think she looks really pretty, and I agree, it looks like she has lost weight.
Deelishis looks really beautiful unlike me, I need to have my penis removed surgically so I can live a normal life as a woman!
Electra, if you let me stay the night I can come get you.
Why are you changing my words around.
Because you are toxic
I should be able to say whatever the hell I want about anybody on that damn show
Guess what, you can't!
At least I wasn't talking about anyone in this motherfucker!
Do you think I care!
Hey Setups here is a video where krazy is dancing. I guess she did learn how to do the booty clap from DEE and Bootz.
New York, New York is my favorite song
Steups, please, stop playing with my heart.
I just came out of one of those waste all my damn time meetings again.
Let's see if she could get that dress off with her crazy wardrobe malfuntion.
What's this talk about staying the night with STEUPS? Ummmmmm HELL-to-the-NO! Not on MY watch, you won't. I'm not trying to start drama, either, by the way. I just think it was rather DIRTY to post that in the comments box when you could have just said it over the phone. Electra, your heart isn't the ONLY one being played with. *rolls eyes at Steups*
Deelishis does look kind of like a man in this picture. Nevertheless, it's a great pic and her ass definitely stands out most. I bet Flav's riding that ass all day long. Down boy!
Flav could have had it worst than this if he was stuck with a skeletor with a flat ass, looking like a sheet of a cardboard.
I wish I were as fine as NV
Flav looks like Steups they both are black and crispy
Ohhhh, say can you seeeee;
by the dawn's early light
what so proudly we hail'd
at the twilight's last gleaming
Oh Irre Del, I now know how u feel. He keeps turning it on and off. One minute he's all into me, the next, he's ignoring my fine ass.
It all started when I refused to pass this fine ass to him. U c, I am not that type of Electra, I dont pass ass easily. A man have to prove to me he deserves it.
It doesn't matter how deeply I feel for him. Electra aint no fool.(sobbing)
Baby girl don't you CRY! I actually do believe you're a beautiful woman. And it takes a VERY classy woman to refuse a fine chunk of meat like Steups. (LOL as if I would KNOW.) Regardless, if he truly loves you, then he'll understand. And better than that, he'll WAIT FOR YOU!!!! God am I in a paralled universe or something? Picture me, the Great Irresistable Deliscious giving you, Electra the Wanted, love advice that is in regard to Steups. I need a drink. But guess what? I want you to be happy Electra, but at the same time I still care about him, too. So If he does decide to stick around with u, or even if he chooses not to wait, I win EITHER WAY! *runs away cackling like New York*
Thanks Irre Del u are really good folks.
No, I wouldn't say I'm all that GOOD. But I am really REAL folks. I keeps it real no matter what I say. You know Electra, it takes a tough chick to take all the B/S I dish out on a regular basis. So you know what? You're pretty good folks yourself. I have to admit that all those times I flew off the handle and "told it like it was", you did at least maintain a lady like demeanor, and great poise. You're one ELEGANT bitch. And I commend you for that.
Why Thank You Irre Del. I too have always admired your strength and your intelligence. You are really top notch. Keep walking tall.
Wow Electra you got Props from Irre you must be doing something good * waving * hey all
Uh not to break this Good Times J.J and Michael moment but This needs to be said becuase somebody tried to get at me last post.
queen bitch, and fake queen bitch and Dragon cause 2 of yall are the same person. go sit down, both of you. I mean just both of you go home, sit your ass down.
Neither one of you are welcome on this end becuase the real Enter the Dragon and OR queen bitch came on here under some bullshit anyway so both of you skat skoot skidaddle get the fuck outta dodge.
Im tired of comin on this mug and seein my name in some shit. Im too damn tired, I just got off work I dont feel like cussin nobody out right now.
keep my name out cha fuckin mouf.
All right with that said yall can go back to the love fest. I know I was negative but dammit it needed to be said.
Hey Hutche here is a hug boo and no feeling on my booty *HUGZ*
HEY NV! Make sure you post tonight. The story is gettin juicy
Queen, as usual, is writing nonsense.
Any suggestions on what to say as I rewrite her comment?
hey Irre I already posted go check it out
what up ya, how ehbody doin. NV I make no promises.
Wow...Deelishis does look smaller. When did the hip-hop awards take place? There are so many rumors going around that they aren't together anymore. GAH im confused, lol
Steups you know for a min I thought I was going crazy till I realized you were changing the comments
Hutche I am doing good how are you? and you touch my booty and .... I might like it lol
Miss Boogz believe none of what you hear and half of what you see
NV, you were there; or thereabouts.
I heard Busta kissed Deelishis on stage and pissed Flavor off.
True, or false.
Deelishis always had a manly look to me. When the show first started I was trin to figure out why they had her in there. I thought she was a transgender all jokes aside.
Personally wise though, I must say that she seems like a level headed well grounded sweetheart.
Steupz sorry Hon I was not inside I was standing on the red carpet with a friend of mine who works for the newspaper here I had to sneak and do that but me and him were not able to go in he could have but instead we went and had dinner and hit some after parties but his coworker who went in said it happened too so.... does two rumors make a truth?
what did you wear NV?
anything tight?
posh, I don't think she's manly at all. She's just a ripe, sexy woman to me.
you know I was cute I had on a black form fitting dress with black 3 inch stiletto pumps with Rhinestones and diamond accessories to accent nothing to fancy but cute enough lol I have some pics I will send them once my friend emails them to me
New York is my favorite character
I am jealous of Somethin
Actually I'm the real Bootz and I am not jealous of Sumthin, I am jealous of Buckeey
steups edited what I had to say
Hi everyone. I am not Buckeey but someone wishes they were me
all of you guys are a little pathetic....you have QB pretending to be ten different people and this Enter The Snake person is just completely fake....you guys should honestly get lives because right now you don't have one. That's all I'm going to say because you guys give me a headache everytime I visit the blog. Now, if you guys disagree with ne, please let me know because I'll address you without hesistation. Okay!
aww thanks for the shout out steups! why I gotta be a turkey though? lol I miss r chats :{
those pictures confirm my theory that VH1 gives them clothes because both of their outfits are busted. Flav had on much better suits on the show. Deelishis' hair and makeup are gorgeous however, but the dress makes her look like a rent-a-skank and she deserves better.