She's bringing sexy baaaaaack
Them motherfuggas don't know how to act
You know, it's funny, I was in the Dental Office today reading In Style magazine and they had a piece devoted to women who dress down and how radically their appearance can change if they added style to their wardrobe.
It was a good read, but they should have also talked about women who simply removed their wardrobe as in this picture of Nibblz and Buckwild.
She looks great and all but she needs to mug Deelishis' derriere because I don't think she has enough back there. However if seeing that picture has excited you in any way and you really really want to get into Buckwild's pants, then you can visit her Cafepress before it debuts on the catwalks of Europe.
Clicking on the picture takes you to her Cafe Press.
That's it for now, but before I go here's the latest email from the contestant who swears Buckeey is a fake, counterfeit and a fraud evennnnn.
I'm not jealous...Shay just did me real dirty and when a opportunity presented itself to give her a taste of her own medicine, that's exactly what I did.
All I want her to do is own up and be honest to the TV world about her being a video chick on the regular and a woman who was pretending to want FLAV too.
I could have sent you the video footage days ago of her and her boyfriend getting busy but I spared her the nationwide embarrassment of having it seen on the Reunion Show. Tell her to fess up to being just like the other tramps in the house and I'll be the bigger woman and chill out from truly exposing her. I'm sure she knows by now that I'm not faking about having the video and if she's as smart as I think she is, she'll fess up; and very soon!
Hmmmmnn, she said "bigger woman", but I hope it's not an ex-boyfriend because that would be too sad. If it is I know exactly how he feels because rejection is a bitch.
Anyone else wants to see the video?
I for one am dying to see this video. Buckeey was constantly calling someone: video chick,whore,porno star, and internet stripper. How will she feel being classified in the same category? Also, her fantasy was to have sex in front of an audience; here it is!!
No matter how much makeup you put on Buckwild, she is still not a pretty woman. She's got nice, big boobs, but there is no ass in site. Looks like the same woman to me.
Video, yes. As long as BW keeps her mouth closed, she is attractive.
Oh hell to the naw. She's wack, her clothes are wack and if Buckwild is sexy then I'd rather she Lassie on the pole
Wow that doesn't even look like Nibblz. I thought it was Sweetie from Season 1 at first.
And Buckwild is ugly.
None of hte girls dig flav--- it's funny...
The latest episode- Bootz said that she doesn't give it up until marriage... I know that is just for Flav, and marriage is going ot happen NEVER....
If the black-chelor was Nick Cannon, Chuck D or even Fat Joe, David Banner, or Clive Davis (not as gross as Flav or richer), Bootz would be spreading those legs so fast...
And most of the girls would too...
It's funny becuase they are all so desperate to be famous but are disguisted at the same time...
Only girl that I think was there to have fun with Flav... BettieB Nipplz (I know its Nibblz)... And Flav is dumb as shiz for dumping her...
Too bad for Buckeey. He has to keep Krazy for ratings. If not, she would have left this time.
You were wrong about the comparison between Flav and Clive Davis. Flav is an old, ugly black man. Davis is an old, ugly, white man.
And Buckwild is ugly with makeup on or off.
Flav taking New Yorks word on anything proves how stupid he is. While I want to see the video, what I want to see more is a picture of New York without her 10 lbs of make up on. She is not cute with it, so imagine her before the 2 hour ritual of putting her war paint on.
As far as Buckwild is concerned, you can put heavy makeup on a pig, but it don't change the fact, it's still a pig.
Buckwild's pretty, but I hate the way they've airbrushed the eyes in this picture. It makes them look dead!
Also, I think it's a shame that the only way women think they can get anywhere is by taking their clothes off. But I'm just an old fashioned kind of gal that way.
Is it just me or does Buckwild's hands seem freakishly large holding that clock???
^^^ New York aint even cute with all that makeup,so seein her without it is even worse.She could pass for a less attractive Fantasia,nah you know...
Is it just me or was New York always puffin on a cigarette ? not to mention in several scenes she had to blow the smoke outta her mouth before she kissed Flav? and last but not least, she was always playin with her weave ( moving it outta her face . the girl needs to eat a sandwich or something !
This is in reference to *Bama* ... what the hell was all that neck rollin crap about when she was getting her name...WTF ! I was expecting her to start tap dancin n shyt...