In the article below I wrote about Flava Flav being featured in Entertainment Weekly magazine. It's a pretty good write up and an easy read but the main news we extracted from the article is the following revelation from Flava Flav
Season 2 of Flavor wrapped in June, and Flav is pleased with the results. "I got a new girl," he says. "We're tighter than me and Hoopz was."
She's more like "I wasn't there for your tv show I was here for you Flav"
He also says why he kept "Somethin" after she shat on the floor, attributing it to showing that anyone can make a mistake and should be forgiven.
Yeah right!
I attribute it to his not owning the mansion because we damn well know if that was Flava Flav's house he would have thrown her out right quick.
Here's the article for you to read for yourself. Credit to "Concrete Loop" and "Oh Know They Didn't"

If Flava Flav is dating the winner of Flavor of Love 2 I'll find out soon enough but until then here are pictures of "Like Dat" and "Beautuful"
Hey "Like Dat" I read your comment a couple days ago, don't worry about it you are a hella pretty but maybe the braless look isn't for you right now. Maybe in the bedroom that can work but you need to restrain those EEE cups before you hurt your back or something.

That's "Beautuful" right? Because someone says it looks like "Krazy". You don't need to know who someone is.
The first one is Beatuful
...the second one is not.
Find the one girl who there's no current picture of and you have your winner.....Krazy.
Good point. I keep hearing that it's Tiger. Are there any pictures of her around?
That was a really nice article up there.
Yes, that is "Beautuful". Here are more pictures of her.
Hey STEUPS Duce Duce Boo! Duce Duce! EEE is ONLY for bonds! Thanks for the Love!!!!
Kisses! the hell did deleelish or whatever get a fucking modeling contract she looks like a man with a huge ass.
The person above me is a hater. For all we know you probably look like a damn (whatever you prefer here) God ya'll need to hop of Deelishis and hope you looked as good.