Pumkin_her cousin_and friend_jpegDon't know if it's true or not, and this not being the New York Times I really don't have to fact check, but a certain anonymous reader speculates that Pumkin's relationship with her lover Courtney is no longer. Which is a fancy way to say they broke up.
The speculation is based purely on the fact that 'Pumkin' removed from her blog, pictures of Courtney (that's her lover's name, or ex-lover's name if this story is accurate). The only thing is, I checked and there still is one picture of Courtney so that makes the speculation less than credible.
But, but, it is curious that the song playing on her My Space account is Mariah Carey's 'Shake it off', which I hear is a song people play when a relationship ends.
Personally, I much prefer Sinead O'Connor's 'Nuthin Compares 2 u' as a break-up song, but that's just me.
Here is a picture of 'Pumkin' and 'Goldie' to end the thing on a positive note.

You know, Goldie is doing well as a comedian on The Los Angeles circuit but she should be promoting her diet plan. She must have had a gastric bypass or something.


  1. Anonymous // 21/5/06 4:59 PM  


    I looked again and I don't see that picture of Courtney on Pumkin's MySpace. I must be missing something...

    Courtney still has her profile set to Private, but her picture on there is solo and her Quote thing sounds to me like they're as over as 1985. (She even dropped the F-word :::gasp:::) She tends to change her quote more than I change my thong, though, so it might be gone by the time you see this comment.

    I tried Googling for more information, but I can't find anything, so maybe I just gave you some bad info. So sorry!!


  2. FOL // 21/5/06 7:27 PM  

    Anonymous. I'll check it out. For the picture of Courtney in Pumkin's blog, click on pics and it's the last picture in there.
    Ill check out Courtney's words if I can remember her web address.

    Thanks for following up

  3. Anonymous // 22/5/06 1:54 AM  

    Steups, thanks for pointing me in the right direction for that photo of Courtney. I just wasn't looking past the main page. If you're interested in Courtney's profile, it's still set to Private, but here is the URL: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=28201971

    And she did change her quote again to something more innocuous.

    BJV, I agree with you. I didn't buy the whole thing from Day One, however, it crossed my mind that maybe Pumkin was in the "relationship" for the publicity but took advantage of a true admirer. Who knows?


  4. Anonymous // 22/5/06 4:09 PM  

    i knew it wouldn't last at all.

    maybe because i'm way too familiar with these lesbian flings. extremely hot, then cold, just like that.

    pumkin's current quote: "i don't miss you. i miss who i thought you were."

    courtney's current quote; "if you want something, you gotta give it away first."

    also, did you see pumkin on Best Week Ever, being a groupie when Lindsay Lohan was trying to shop?

    funniest shit ever. she was standing there, behind and paparazzi, trying to look through the store window.

    they said something like: "maybe pumkin is practicing for when she's a real celebrity" lol.

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