May 16, 2006

Hoopz pictures and readers pictures and whatever else I want to write about

hoopz_weird_face_jpegNo, you don't need lasik eye surgery or anything, and you don't have to adjust your flat-screen monitor, that's actually how Hoopz contorted her face for that particular photo. Don't ask me why.

I got that picture from a Radio Station that posted pictures of her at a night-club but I forgot to record the name so all credit due to all who deserve credit.
Here are a few more pictures of the venerable eye-candy that is Nikki Hoopz Alexander.

That's better.
You know, I really amaze myself that I can post something every day on a show that aired its final season episode more than a month ago. But people keep returning so I guess I owe them something.
I have a lot of time on my hand for the next few weeks so it's not a problem to spend a couple hours chatting to the readers on MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger.
And it helps when they are as gorgeous as Glittery girl.

Or as pretty as Deanna B and her dog Petal

Or America's Next Top Model, Ice Diamond

These girls are only a few years younger than I am so please, don't be adding them on Messenger to harass them. If any reader wants their picture shown let me know, especially if the reader looks exactly like the person below.

Write to you tomorrow.


  1. Now I know why you write on the blog if those ladies are the fringe benefits

  2. How old is Ice Diamond? I want to hit her up

  3. Seems like only beautiful women read this blog, like me :)

  4. I need to get me a blog if girls like that are talking to you

  5. Ice and Dee you look like nice girls, but you can't be 18 Ice. You look like 15

  6. You look pretty Ice Diamond

  7. Deanna whats your age.
    Steups if you are just a few years older would that make you 21?

  8. Ice looks a little bit like New York

  9. Oh my God, New York? lol get outta here. and yes I can be 18, that's how long I've been around here lol.

  10. Oh hell. I have messed up the blog in FireFox

  11. Steups said that y'all can't look at me anymore b/c I'm his lol

  12. Steups is selfish. Glitter and Deanna are more than enough for him, and I am 18 like you he is twenty. Thats too old for you

  13. you want me and ice diamond. u cant be pimping me like that lol. i might as well sign in and make me a name, huh? im just too lazy.

  14. Oh my......

  15. ladies keep sending in those pictures you are batting 3 for 3 so far

  16. Ice Diamond you are pretty

  17. Thank you very much! :D
