Hoopz_New-York_flavor-of-love_jpegYes, I missed Flava Flav on the 'Ellen Degeneres Show,' but luckily for us 'GroovyNoodles' did not. Mind you it was not just a case of her sitting at the front of the television, because she had to deal with kids barking, dogs crying and mommy duties to get this report for you.

Did I say kids barking?
Anyway, here's what Groovy Noodles had to say:

"Flava's segment was on for a few minutes in the second half. There was a short clip of the new season with him naming some drunk chick 'Toasty'.
He was wearing a powder blue 3-piece suit with this enormous, really shiny crown and powder blue shades. He gave Ellen a 'Flavor of Love' clock, complete with her picture.
He touched on 'Hoopz', but only said that the 'contact wasn't that strong.' Then Ellen gave Flava a huge-ass clock that covered him from waist to ankles.
And that was it. He may have said the date that 'Flavor of Love 2' will start, but if he did, I missed it."

That's interesting, although I'd rather the girl was named 'Tasty' instead of 'Toasty'. In other Flava Flav news I heard his girlfriend who lives with him in Las Vegas is expecting a daughter in the next couple of months.
It could be a son; but I think have a 50-50 chance of getting it right.

So that's it then. I know readers always ask about New York and believe me each and every time I talk to and/or email the girls from Season 1 I ask them for her surname at least; but they never tell me.
I'll keep trying though because I am persistent like that...


  1. Anonymous // 27/5/06 10:21 PM  

    Heres the FOL 2 premiere date. It will start on August 6th on Vh1. Hope ur calendar is marked.

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