Nov 30, 2006

No Reunion Special No Sale

tiffany-newyork-pattersonYet another person wrote me after discovering the Reunion Special isn't included in the Flavor of Love 2 DVD. Here's what she said...
I must say, I was really disappointed when I opened the package of The Flavor Of Love 2 videos and there was NO reunion!!! Yes, there were a lot of funny and memorable episodes, but dang! I was hoping that I would get to see what was not seen at the Reunion! I feel like I got PUNKED! Just thought I'd vent a little... Thanks Boujaa
"Punked" is an understatement. That's just straight up fuckry.
I've emailed them but they don't care to respond and until they do; with an explanation/solution, we should not buy or order any of their DVDs.
And we should boycott 'New York's' Show (I love New York).

Nahhhh, that's going too far. I wouldn't boycott New York's Show for anything.

Did I mention Tiffany Patterson sent me an email yesterday? Yeah, someone thought it was funny to open a Yahoo!® account under the name Syracuse-******. I'll put up her/his letter later in the day.

You know what, I should edit that Yahoo!® name because it just might be 'New York'.


  1. place your bets here the reunion will sale separately for 24.99

  2. I was first lol

  3. Groovy i am glad you guys are ok, any word on your friends son

  4. Buckey will be on the Wendy William's show tomorrow to talk about her "experience" on FOL2.

    Groovy, I've been praying for your friend's son. I know it must be so difficult, but miracles can and do happen everyday! I hope your friend experiences one soon!

  5. HEY BITCHES! How are y'all today? I have an announcement to make! From now on, I will be reffered to as "The Wicked Bitch of the Blogspot", not "Irresistable Deliscious". Okay so now ya know!

  6. Now that that's over.... who thinks New York's show will get even higher ratings than FLAV'S? I'm sure a lot less MEN will watch, because all the contestants are men.But @ the same time... everything New York touches is gold. This ought to be interesting.

  7. I guess I'll cross FOL2 off my Christmas Wish List. *sigh*

    Thanks, Anon, for the prayers. Jesse's family is still holding out hope for that miracle. NV, still no word on him. It's the strangest thing -- he just vanished. They haven't turned up a single clue, and there haven't been any leads phoned in. His cell hasn't been used, and there's been no activity on his credit card. His mom says he only had $127 in cash on him, so he couldn't have gone far on his own. And they've stopped reporting anything about him on the news. I was hoping they'd keep the story going to keep his picture out there, but it seems to be fizzling out.

    Thanks, you guys, for the prayers and for asking about him.

  8. Hey Irre sorry Wicked lol I posted just a second ago and Groovy I will continue to pray

    this is late revenge but its my favorite shirt because its a baby tee thats black and in gold its says this is my favorite shirt lol

  9. Irre/Wicked! How are ya darlin'?

    LOL@NV's shirt.

  10. I love that shirt too groovy

  11. My momma told me not to buy this shit, but my dumb ass went out and got it anyway. Oh yeah, Queen Bitch Jr. is back in effect hoes, so live with that shit.

  12. Ooooh I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE monogramed tees! I have one that says

    " Myspace ruined my relationship" and then I have one that says

    "B is for Bitch" (LOL!) I could go on for days with these shirts. Oh and NV I'm gonna go read what you posted now. LOVE YA MUCH!! (I was supposed to call you last night, wasn't I?)

  13. Yes you were Irre lol I made a comment abou tit onthe post below lol

  14. I asked before...can someone post links to mp3s and stuff. Specifically the P Diddy/Christina song

    It would be for my enjoyment until I BUY THE CD MYSELF

  15. :;shrugs:; dont know the song and don't knwo where to find it.

    check ur inbox, smartypants.

  16. I have the song but I have no time on my hands. Just wanted to drop in and say hi and bye before I hit the highway! Much love, Peace & God Bless, all of that good stuff. Groovy, I'm still praying for Jesse, a special hi/bye to Steups, and hey Wicked one!

  17. dont have the link sweetie

  18. Thanks for saying that Ice....nice to know you have it and don't want to send it..

    I checked my inbox

  19. ::sigh:: its good to be home.

    NV your idea about it being sold separately is actually pretty freakin good, i dont doubt it in the least but i also think i read on one of the other posts someone say that maybe delishis' baby daddy didnt want his daughter to be seen and probably blocked the reunion from being included? VH1 sux ass.

  20. I insulted someone on this blog and I feel really bad about it

  21. but revenge the world saw her from the clips and her mother consented to her appearance they suck

    and Steups who did you offend

  22. LOL I went through all my monogramed tees, and I can't decide which one is my favorite. It's a tie between

    "Tell your boyfriend I said thanks"


    "Taste the Rainbow"

  23. lol Irre

    *still staring at phone*

  24. But in other, unrelated (and totally kinky news), I had the most terribly great dream about Steups during my 3rd period nap. Who has a strong enough stomach to hear about it?

  25. Me Me Me I knwo you are a great writer and your dreams are off the chain wait NAP? werent you supposed to be in class listening lol

  26. LOL NV I'm not at HOME. (LOL) I can call whoever I want, but where I am now (it's a secret location) I can't even call out of this zip code. Isn't that gross. I'm so embarassed to say where I am.


    Just know that I feel like a total nerd.

  27. Who LISTENS in class? Ewww. School is for socializing, tormenting the unpopular kids, making important personal connections, TAKING NAPS, flirting, meeting boys, and un-interrupted text messaging. As IF I would go there to "listen" and "learn things". Gag me.

  28. you are tooo funny, and I went to school and Le ok I cant even lie say I went to learn but my 3.98 GPA from high school says I did, i faked it good enough so I feel your point but what happened with this dream

  29. My favorite tees that I have are

    "I love black People" and "Tell your boyfriend to stop staring at me" lol

  30. *watching the snow fall*

    I love the snow. :)

  31. Oh gosh... I wouldn't dare post this unless I was sure no-one would be upset by it... including Steups. But I will tell you this. The soundtrack to this entire dream was to this song:
    Oh gosh, okay I won't get graphic, but him and I totally "did it" in this dream. And can I ask y'all a question? Have I said this before, because I'm having CRAZY De-ja-vu right now. Weird.

  32. Hey groovy you sexxi bitch! I am totally jamming out to this goofy ass Gwen Stefani song. (Yummy)

  33. Hey Wicked!

    I am beside myself and totally flattered to be called a sexxi bitch by THE sexxiest bitch on the entire 'net. Which Gwen Stefani song are you jamming to? I have the Christmas music station on.

  34. LOL Christmas music, you are so cute! The song is called "yummy". It one of those songs that make you feel incredibly sexxi. Here's the link (again)

    And ummm.... you DO know who this REALLY is, right?

  35. How could I not know who the sexxiest bitch on the 'net is Irre my love?

    Yeah, I'm rockin' to Christmas music, but I'm glad Julie Andrews singing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas is over.

  36. WOW
    I think you need to email me Irre

  37. LOL HAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE You NV. I know he's reading, and me saying that was my way of trying to coax him out of hiding. I have a theory that Steups is ALWAYS on here. Hell, I go to the caramels cream like 3 times a day @ least. So just to make him mad, I'll tell you what i did. I did a trick I seldom use. Listen up bitches, Wicked is about to give y'all a very valuable secret. I like to call this move the STRADDLE. What you do is, perform a split while on top of your man, and pop up-and-dowm with as much rythm as you can. I promise if you can do this, you'll keep any man. But yea that's what I did to him. NV do you think you're a bad enough bitch to pull that trick off? And YOU, Groovy? LOL!!

  38. Wellllllll Irre, back in the day I used to be able to pull off some pretty incredible moves, and I was a cheerleader in 8th grade. But now? Good lord. I'd probably break a hip or some shit. Looks like I need to live vicariously through you, darlin'.

  39. Irre been there done that before momma and damnit feels good

  40. NO, you don't! If you let ME do your living for you, you'd be exhausted! Haven't you ever seen "Fried Green Tomatoes"? Well, the moment you start to THINK you're old is the moment you become OLD. Honey I think you're *FABULOUS* and you shouldn't be giving up on your fun hot-mama partying days. As a matter of fact, can you do me a favor? Tonight, put on your slinkiest red dress and play the song that plays in your head when you think about your husband. After that, put it on him something awful. I mean screw him like he's Orlando Bloom... Screw him like you won't be SORE the next day! And I BET it'll put a lil spark in your life.

  41. Nv you whorebucket! Here I am thinking I was telling YOU something new. (LOL)

  42. Sweetie, the song that pops into my head when I think of my husband is Taps. LOL We don't have much of a sex life anymore, to say the least. After almost 9 years of marriage and 3 kids, it's pretty much a done deal. ;)

  43. lol Irre Sex is my pleasure Zone that blog (Caramels Cream) hasnt seen my best yet

    and you just gave me an idea for a second Blog Collabo mmmmmmm.*thinking*

  44. yall talking sex?
    I am like an expert

  45. hello steups im gay do you have a big thing

  46. steups go to my website extreme my name is elisau love me steups

  47. shut your damn mouth about that website, bitch ass hoe. You look like a motherfucking slut.
