Nov 28, 2006

New York minute

flav-seriousWe can stay away from New York (Catty bit) for a minute and talk about other people. Can't we?

My girl 'Serious' launched her 2007 calendar and it's hot because the pictures are hot, and they are hot because she is hot. So go buy it please.
It costs just $18.95 inclusive of shipping and handling. That's a bargain because a lot of guys, and women, would pay a lot more than that for handling.
Visit Seriously Cristal for more details or you can reacquaint yourself with Serious' My Space.
On her My Space you can find pictures for each month of her calendar so get yourself a preview before you part with your hard-earned dollars.

'January' has my favorite picture.


She's not the only ex Flavor-girl doing it big. 'Beautuful' is doing it larger-than-life. That's a great picture to Photoshop, no? Hopefully it's authentic because I can't recall ever seeing it.


Groovy got a new Ipod today so don't expect her to be about but I should be around for the next hour or so. Catch y'all in a comments box somewhere, laterz.


  1. Sad that Serious didn't win. It is obvious she was in it because she really liked Flav.

  2. You really think so Bubo?
    She grew on me after the show...I always liked New York and Smiley

  3. That's HOT

  4. See that's what its all about. Beauty and Brains.

  5. So it's a Photoshop in your opinion?

  6. Paris Hilton, bitch. Get yo fake, fucking skinny ass off the motherfucking blog.

  7. dam serious is fucking sexy wow

  8. Okay...go drink some coffee for that headache. Someone gave me that tip and it helped

  9. steups dont you think serious was the hottest one on the show

  10. that looks like the wall on broadway and houston in the city all you have to do is go look.

  11. I think so now...I didn't then.
    Revenge, we need to hook up

  12. haven't figured that out yet, lmao

  13. well...i did get my scholarhsip to the new school univeristy for creative writing but you would never know it by the way i talk. and i worked as a english and writing compostion college tutor. so if you need any editors, lol, let me know.

  14. I'll need more details to let you know

  15. what details? blah blah might as well email me...or im me or something bcuz this sux and im cranky.

  16. why don't you im me (playing hard to get)

  17. and you are always cranky, Revenge.

  18. blahz im not in the mood for games...whats your aim name?

  19. who has aim?...I yahoo.
    And if you're gonna be this cranky then why bother...grrrr.
    I wanna talk music.

  20. yo they call me blacksavage please no comment

  21. im doing well but please no comment

  22. what the hell is wrong with y'all tonight?
    First Revenge is cranky and now you are telling me to hush (storms off)

  23. setups do you think that flav will be a guest on new york show

  24. that is horrible news about the baby but that would be funny if flav would be a contestants and got diss by new york

  25. yeah i read about that microwave horror earlier and was so upset that i had leave work for a cigarette beak...the world is a digusting place...what comforts us the billion and one distractions, healthy or not that we choose to indulge in...for example the blogspot, lol.

  26. I had a comment to write. But for some reason I got caught up in the Steups/Revenge flirtation. Could you all stop's messing with my concentration.

  27. I wonder who really did that heinous act the mother or the babysitter?

    This world is really evil. The heart of man has really waxed cold. Hmmmm these are signs that we are living in the last days.

  28. no flirtation quanda, all apologies my dear but i am a kept woman...and very married.

    plus as far as i know our madame electra has dibs, lol.

  29. No flirtation?
    Speak for you have, lol.

    Actually I wasn't quite sure that you were you so I tried something to find out if you were indeed you and it seems that you are actually the you whom I read on My Space.

    I sent you a message by the way.

  30. an i dont mean to be so snippy but every era people claim is the last one....humanity has been proclaiming the last days from the beginning of bored already wth apocolpse and revelations and can blame it on the instant gratification culture of new york.

  31. Girl that threat of the apocalypse keeps the world sane.
    People blame religion but that shit will always be a counterweight to the 'bogusness'.

    Electra said bye to y'all; she couldn't access the page to say it herself.

  32. Wow that girl got it going on. I love her site. Serious is a hottie. It seem like she under the same modeling agency that dee is under. I love the pics.

    And beautiful I love the poster but seriously if someone can blow it up and look at the name at the bottom you be able to see if it fake or now. If it's photoshop they did a damn good job with it.

  33. And I still don't remember my comment...oh to hell with it.

    Revenge does Electra have dibs? I am out of the loop!

  34. Everyone's in the Loop. I am not a supermodel so I can't be picky.

  35. Out of the loop of information...Steups. Now as far as not being a supermodel... You can still be picky.

    Would you date Like Dat?

    Would you date Wire?

    Would you still date Somethin? Or better yet lick the crack of her behind?

  36. Girl I would sleep with Somethin right now if she materialized before me.

    Like Dat? I'd date her but she talks too much.

    Wire? No; but she looks a lot better than you might recall.

  37. The microwave baby story is incredibly depressing.

  38. You tickle the hell out of me Steups.

    Somethin and Like Dat are a yes.

    Wire is a no.

    So see even non supermodels pick and choose. And that is what picky is about.

    Whilst I am B.Sing was Wire the blonde. And who in the hell was Smiley?

  39. Smiley

    I guess you proved your point, lol. Wire was a NO because of her ditzy personality. but who knows, outside of tv she might be alright

  40. dang, sorry I took so long to reply

  41. Off to bed peeps..catch y'all tomorrow

  42. Wow, I had really forgot who she was.... thanks for the link and sweet dreams.

  43. FROM VH1:

    On the Wendy Williams Experience... Blah, blah blah . . . Plus Buckeey shares her experience on Flavor of Love 2.

    Airs Friday, December 1st.

  44. Whatever happen to the chick name HOOD? Do anyone know where you can get a pic of all the girls that was on the show. It would be nice to see pics with their names.

  45. I don't even remember the person Hood, let alone the nickname.

    Keeping up with these nicknames and faces is harder than naming all of Santa's reindeer

    Pluto (please tell me there is a Pluto), Donner, Blitzen,Rudolph,...
    huh,huh,....that's as far as I could go....wait Dancer, Prancer...I am stuck again

  46. Hi SteUps! Huge fan of the blogg...just wanted to know where I could find those I LOVE NEWYORK Teeshirts from?? You had a pic of one on your blogg a while back ago, and I was just wondering if you could give some help......Thanks

  47. Morning everyone. What did I miss?

    I've noticed that there is a day crowd and a night crowd. Then ther's a very early in the morning

  48. Hey setups when does the Flavor of love 2 DVD come out??

  49. Good Morning everyone

    and Anon the dvd is already out I thikn Steupz made a post aboutthe reunion not being on the DVD

  50. Hello all,

    I thought I'd jump up here...the little person decided to fall asleep on me and now Im bored...

    Hey NV !!!!...whats been up?

  51. hey Mz. D just been chilling, how are you ? what the link to the forum you been on?

  52. Can you say schitzo?

  53. If I remember my television ads well the DVD was released on the 28th

  54. Massive apologies to anyone who had to read what I just erased.
    There are grimy people about as usual

  55. @Groovy

    You didn't ask but I will share the kidnap situation. My daughter was 3 playing outside. The phone rang, so I went to get it. I could see her in the driveway and yard playing away from my living room window. I could see the street from my opened front door. A car slowed down and then stopped in the middle of the street. A male got out with engine running. My mind said, "What the hell!" I walked to my front door and said, "Excuse me sir." He didn't acknowledge me and kept casually walking towards her. I yelled moving forward, " Excuse me sir, can I help you?" He looked at me and then kept going towards her. Then I said, " What the fuck do you want bitch? Stop don't another step. Today you will die if you take another step motherfucker." Now I am running towards him and he turns, walks to his car and drives off.

    Moral of the story, never leave your child unattended or out of sight. The phone, chores, restroom run, etc...could cost you your most precious children. I was fortunate that I kept my eyes on her. My mistake was that there was too much distance between us. And had he seen I was watching he would've kept going on his way. But he thought she was an unattended child. He decided to snatch her and even when made aware of my presence, he thought he had a chance. Pedophiles are more common than are society wants to admit. WATCH YOUR CHILDREN

    I had to re-comment this story from Quanda (a regular) That shit is frightening

  56. That IS some scary shit. And speaking of scary shit, AIN'T NO WAY I'd pay $18.95 for her calendar.

  57. Dang...why not Anonymous?
    How much would you pay? I'll let her know.

  58. oh sorry it took me so long to respond...but the page is NV...its great and a real positive forum.

  59. oh god, thinking about quanda's story makes me so crazy. i swear this world is so twisted.

    befor eihad my son i seriously considered not bring any children into a world full of strife and pain and unbelievable horror. he was my miracle baby and im so grateful to have him but im still very paranoid! (crazy mommy)

  60. Yeah that's messed up; but the truth is there will always be moments when you slip.

    You just have to pray you aren't the unlucky one

  61. It's even more scary when you have a little girl

  62. Damn, I can't even imagine. Being a mother for the past hundred years or so, I cannot fathom having one of my children taken from me.

    Quanda, I'm so glad things turned out the way they did. Thank God.

  63. Anon, having boys and girls both is scary. I'm no more afraid for my girls than I am my son. But I'm one of those moms that constantly worry.

  64. Yes, God was with us. And I know first hand the fear involved. But what was more involved with me was ANGER, RAGE. He had taken maybe 5 steps before I went sailor on him. If I had gotten to him (not saying I am Tyson), but there would've been some damage done.

    She is 19 years old now and a hot mess. I have a 3 yr old son and 2 yr old daughter and I watch them like hawks w/ note pad and pen. Anytime a car slows, I wave and write down license, make, color, model.....I know my neighbors think I am crazy. But if any of those who are slowing down have bad intentions... I know they are nervous.

    The Serious calendar would be a nice X-mas gift. I am actually thinking about sending it to my husband in Iraq. Got to gets the good wife points when I can.

  65. She is not playin with that calander. Thats my dream woman rght there. her and kelly rowland are like my yin and yang bad girl good girl.
